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Erro no script czarquery

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baixei esse script do site porem quando vou executalo ele ta me retornando um erro

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in C:\Arquivos de programas\VertrigoServ\www\texte\czarquery.php on line 405

a função desse script é verificar se o servidore counter strike e outros jogos estao onlines

nas primeiras linhas do script pede pra coloca o ip na variavel "$server_ip" mais nao da continua com o erro

O codigo esta aqui

### CzarQuery v1.00
### Made by: Czaries  []
### for more scripts and updates.
/* #

CzarQuery is made to retrieve information from a Half-Life
server about who is playing, what mod it is running, and
what map the server is currently playing.

This script has been tested with and includes map pictures
for the following mods:
- Counter-Strike
- Day of Defeat
- Natural Selection
- Team Fortress Classic
- Action Half-Life

CzarQuery is based on code by madCoder called madQuery,
and merely provides a way to display the reults given from
his script.  I take no credit for his coding for retrieving the
information from the Half-Life server, but only the credit for
the work done displaying the information.

*/ #

// Enter your server IP address and port number below
$server_ip = "";
$server_port = "27015"; // If you do not know the port number, enter '27015'

Display type - Tells script to display as a full page by itself, or as
an included file, without all the HTML formatting

Accepted values are:
$page = "full"; - Displays as full page, automatically linking CSS file
											and generating proper HTML formatting
$page = "include"; - Displays as a lighter version that only displays
														the server information, and requires you to include
														the CSS file in the <head> tags of your header file,
														or to make your own CSS formatting.  Instructions
														on including the CSS file in your own <head> tags
														can be found in the readme.txt in the ZIP package,
														or you may simply place the line:
														<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="czarquery.css">
														in between your <head> tags
$page = "full";

if($page != "include") {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<title>Counter-Strike Server Information</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="czarquery.css">


### Include madQuery.php (not made by me)

 * madQuery																								*
 * Copyright (C) 2002 madCoder                     *
 *              *
 * COMMENTS (NO support requests)may be sent to:   *
 *                *
 * Use of this class assumes agreement to all      *
 * of the following terms of use:                  *
 * 1) This class is provided as-is, with no        *
 *    offering of technical support, or help       *
 *    in any way with setting up this class.       *
 * 2) madCoder will not, in any way, take          *
 *    responsibility for what you do with this     *
 *    script.                                      *
 * 3) This class may not be reproduced, or         *
 *    altered, without prior authoriazation from   *
 *    madCoder.                                    *
 * 4) ALL Copyright and credit notices MUST remain *
 *    intact, as released.                         *

define("ERROR_NOERROR" ,0);

function get_float32($fourchars) {
	for($loop = 0; $loop <= 3; $loop++) { 
		$bin = str_pad(decbin(ord(substr($fourchars, $loop, 1))), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).$bin; 
	$exponent = bindec(substr($bin, 1, 8)); 
	$exponent = ($exponent)? $exponent - 127 : $exponent; 
	if($exponent) { 
		$int = bindec('1'.substr($bin, 9, $exponent)); 
		$dec = bindec(substr($bin, 9 + $exponent)); 
		$time = "$int.$dec"; 	
		return number_format($time / 60, 2); 
	} else { 
		return 0.0; 

 * getmicrotime()
 * as provided in the PHP manual
function getmicrotime(){ 
	list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); 
	return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); 
function dodebug($dbgstr="") {
	if(defined('DEBUG')) echo "<!-- [DEBUG] " . $dbgstr . " -->\n";
 * madQuery Class
class madQuery {
	var $_arr=array();
	var $_ip="";
	var $_port=0;
	var $_isconnected=0;
	var $_players=array();
	var $_rules=array();
	var $_errorcode=ERROR_NOERROR;
	var $_seed="madQuery for server (%s:%d)";
	var $_sk; //socket
	function madQuery($serverip, $serverport=27015) 
		$this->_arr=array_pad($this->_arr, 21, 0);
		$this->_sk = fsockopen("udp://" . $this->_ip, $this->_port, $errno, $errstr, 3);
		socket_set_timeout($this->_sk, 2,0);
		if($tmp=$this->_sockstate()) {
			//echo $tmp;
				echo "ERROR #" .$errno.": ".$errstr;
	//	$this->_brand_seed();
		return !(!$this->_sk);

	//Sets error code
	function seterror($code) {
		dodebug("[Setting Error Code (".$code.")]<BR>\n");
	//Obtains ping cqvalue to server
	function _ping() 
		dodebug("[Getting Ping]");
			//echo $tmp;
			dodebug("[Error in Socket]");
			return -1; //Error in socket
		} else {
			$start = getmicrotime()*1000;
			while(strlen($tmp)<4 && (getmicrotime()*1000-$start)<1000) {
			if(strlen($tmp)>=4 && substr($tmp,4,1)=='j') {
				if($end<$start) echo $end .'\n'.$start;
				return ($end-$start); //($end-$start)>=0 ? ($end-$start) : -1; //Will be numeric ping
			} else {
				//echo "Server didn't respond!";
				dodebug("[ERROR: No pong from server]");
				return -1; //Server isn't responding...
		return 0;
	//Populates details array
	function getdetails() 
		dodebug("[Getting Details]");
		if($tmp=$this->_sockstate()) {
			//echo $tmp;
			return -1;
		} else { 
			/*echo $buffer;
			for ($i=0; $i < strlen($buffer); $i++)  {
				echo '['.ord(substr($buffer,$i)).'] '; 
			do { 
				if (!ord($tmp)) { $this->_arr[$count++]=$text; $text=""; }
				else { $text.=$tmp; }
			} while ($count<5);
			for($i=0;$i<=6;$i++, $count++) {
				if($count==8 || $count==9)
			} //count = 12
			if($this->_arr[$count-1]) { //if ismod
				do {
					if (ord($tmp)!=0)
						$this->_arr[$count].=$tmp; // mod website [12]
				} while(ord($tmp)!=0);
				do {
					if (ord($tmp)!=0)
						$this->_arr[$count].=$tmp; // mod FTP [13]
				} while(ord($tmp)!=0);
				$count++; //[14]==Not Used
				$this->_arr[$count++]=ord(substr($buffer,0,1)); $buffer=substr($buffer,1);
				for($j=0;$j<4;$j++) {
					$this->_arr[$count]+=(pow(256,$j) * ord(substr($tmp,$j,1))); //Ver [15]
				} $count++;				
				for($j=0;$j<4;$j++) {
					$this->_arr[$count]+=(pow(256,$j) * ord(substr($tmp,$j,1))); //Size [16]
				} $count++;
				$this->_arr[$count++]=ord(substr($buffer,0,1));$buffer=substr($buffer,1); //server-only [17]
				$this->_arr[$count++]=ord(substr($buffer,0,1));$buffer=substr($buffer,1); //custom client.dll [18]
				$this->_arr[$count++]=ord(substr($buffer,0,1));$buffer=substr($buffer,1); //Secure! [19]
			} else {
		return 0;

	// Sets players array
	function getplayers()
		dodebug("[Getting Players]");
		//$fp = fsockopen("udp://" . $this->_ip, $this->_port); 
		if($tmp=$this->_sockstate()) {
			//echo $tmp;
			return -1;
		} else { 
			$count=ord(substr($buffer,0,1)); //Num active players
				do {
					if(ord($tmp)!=0) $tname.=$tmp;
				for($j=0;$j<4;$j++) {
					$rfrags+=(pow(256,$j) * ord(substr($tfrags,$j,1)));
				if($rfrags > 2147483648) {
				$arr[$i]=array("Index" => $tind,"Name" => $tname,"Frags" => $rfrags, "Time" => $rtime);
		return 0;
	function getrules() {
		dodebug("[Getting Rules]");
		if($tmp=$this->_sockstate()) {
			return -1;
		if(strlen($buffer)==0) $buffer=$this->_getmore();
		if(substr($tmp,0,4)==chr(254).chr(255).chr(255).chr(255)) {
			//Now, 5 more bytes to look at..
			for($ti=0;$ti<4;$ti++) {
			$tmp=substr($buffer,0,5); //yyyyE = Rules Response
		$count=ord(substr($buffer,0,1));$buffer=substr($buffer,2); //Num rules
		while($i<$count) {
			if(strlen($buffer)==0 && $multi==1) {
				$tmp=substr($buffer,0,5); //pyyy_
		for($i=0;$i<(int)(count($vars))-1;$i+=2) {
		if(sizeof($cvars)>0) ksort($cvars);
		return 0;
	function _sockstate() {
			return 8;
		$ret=0;		if($stat["timed_out"]) {
			//echo "ERROR: Socket timed out.<BR>\n";
		if($stat["eof"]) {
			//echo "ERROR: Socket closed by remote host.<BR>\n";
		if($stat["blocked"]) {
			//echo "PORT BLOCKED!";
		return $ret;
		//return (!$stat["timed_out"] && !$stat["eof"] && !(!$this->_sk));
	function _send($outstr) {
		if(!$this->_sockstate()) {
    		} else
    			return "\0";
	function _getmore() {
		if(!$this->_sockstate()) {
    			$tmp.=fread($this->_sk, $stat["unread_bytes"]);
    			return $tmp;
    		} else
    			return "\0";
	function _brand_seed() {
		 * Do not edit this function!*//*print(* /$this->_seed/*//*);//*print($this->_seed/*);*//**/print(/**/$this->_seed /**/);/*
		// print($this->_seed);
	//Returns current errorcode
	function geterror() {
		return $this->_errorcode;

	function isup()
	 * int isup(char * ip, long port);
	 * Return values:
	 *   0 = No response - probably down
	 *   1 = HL Responded - Server is up
	 *  -1 = Error in socket
		if($ret=$this->_sockstate()) {
			//echo $ret;
			return -1;
		} else {
			if($ret & 2) {
				return 0;
				return $myping;
				return 0;

        function mAddress   (){return $this->_arr[ 0];}
        function mHostname  (){return $this->_arr[ 1];}
        function mMap       (){return $this->_arr[ 2];}
        function mModName   (){return $this->_arr[ 3];}
        function mDescr     (){return $this->_arr[ 4];}
        function mActive    (){return $this->_arr[ 5];}
        function mMax       (){return $this->_arr[ 6];}
        function mProtocol  (){return $this->_arr[ 7];}
        function mSvrType   (){return $this->_arr[ 8];}
        function mSvrOS     (){return $this->_arr[ 9];}
        function mPass      (){return $this->_arr[10];}
        function mIsMod     (){return $this->_arr[11];}
        function mModWeb    (){return $this->_arr[12];}
        function mModFTP    (){return $this->_arr[13];}
        function mNotUsed   (){return $this->_arr[14];}
        function mModVer    (){return $this->_arr[15];}
        function mModSize   (){return $this->_arr[16];}
        function mSvrOnly   (){return $this->_arr[17];}
        function mCustom    (){return $this->_arr[18];}
        function mIsSecure  (){return $this->_arr[19];}
        function mPing      (){return $this->_arr[20];}
        function mPlayerData(){return $this->_players;}
        function mRules     (){return $this->_rules  ;}


### End madQuery.php

### Start Display of Server Information

$myserver=new madQuery($server_ip,$server_port);

$tmod = $myserver->mModName();
$tmap = $myserver->mMap();

<font class="cqtitle"><? echo $myserver->mHostname(); ?></font>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top">

<table class="cqall">
<td valign="top">
<table class="cqsubtable">
<tr><td class="cqvalue">IP: <? echo $myserver->mAddress(); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="cqvalue">Game: Half-Life</td></tr>
<tr><td class="cqvalue">Mod: <? echo $myserver->mModName(); ?></td></tr>


<table class="cqsubtable">
<tr><td class="cqvalue">Map:<? echo $myserver->mMap(); ?></td><td class="cqvalue">Players: <? echo $myserver->mActive()." / ".$myserver->mMax(); ?></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<? if(file_exists("mapimg/" . $myserver->mModName() . "/" . $myserver->mMap() . ".jpg")) { ?>
<img src="mapimg/<? echo $myserver->mModName(); ?>/<? echo $myserver->mMap(); ?>.jpg" border ="0"><br>
<? } else { ?>
<img src="mapimg/NoImage.jpg" border ="0"><br>
<? }  ?>

<td valign="top">
<table class="cqall">
<td valign="top">
<table class="cqsubtable">
$player_data = $myserver->mPlayerData();
$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);

while (list($num, $playerarr) = each($player_data)) {
print "<tr>"; 
while (list($k, $v) = each($playerarr)) {
$v = strtr($v, $trans);
if($k != "Index") {
echo "<td class=\"cqvalue\">$v</td>"; 
print "</tr>\n";

<tr><td> </td><td align="right"><a href="">CzarQuery v1.00</a></td></tr>

if($page != "include") {
<? } ?>

o download se encontra nesse link


estou montando uma clan e gostaria de por isso no site da clan

vlw galera aguardo respostas abrs

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Então amigo esse erro provavelmente ocorre por que você esta usando um servidor "bem configurado"(ou seja php.ini), este código esta bem desatualizado, usa funções de maneira errada, não usa isset, no php4 rodava legal mas no php5 dificilmente vai rodar amigo recomendo buscar uma alternativa.


O problema é nesta linha:



$tmp.=fread($this->_sk, $stat["unread_bytes"]);


fread([paramentro 1],[parametro 2]);

provavelmente a variavel $stat["unread_bytes"] esta retornando 0, null ou false e o valor do segundo parametro na função fread não pode ser menor que "1" =/


talvez a função socket_get_status esteja desabilitada, tente fazer isto para ver o que ocorre com ela:

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

echo 'stat["unread_bytes"]: ('.$stat["unread_bytes"].')<br>';/*deve retornar 1 ou um numero maior*/
$tmp.=fread($this->_sk, $stat["unread_bytes"]);

coloque o que o teste imprimiu aqui no seu tópico para analizarmos ;)

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