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Este tópico foi arquivado e está fechado para novas respostas.

João Batista Neto

Consulta Whois

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Para usar:

* Coloque todos os domínios que você quer ter um checkbox
* @var array
$sufixos = array(

* Recebendo a variável $_POST[ 'dominio' ] do formulário se tiver sido enviada
* @var string
$dominio =& $_POST[ 'dominio' ];

* Recebendo a variável $_POST[ 'extencao' ] do formulário se tiver sido enviada
* @var string
$extencao =& $_POST[ 'extencao' ];

* Como precisamos que $extencao seja uma matriz, criamos uma vazia caso não seja.
if ( !is_array( $extencao ) ) $extencao = array();

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http-~~-//">
<html xml:lang="pt_br" lang="pt_br" xmlns="http-~~-//">
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]; ?>" method="post">
			<label for="d1">
				<span>www.</span><input id="d1" type="text" name="dominio" value="<?php echo $dominio; ?>" />
			 * Aqui montamos os checkbox para cada um dos sufixos definidos na matriz $sufixos
			for ( $i = 0 , $t = count( $sufixos ) ; $i < $t ; ++$i ){
				printf( '<label for="c%d">' , $i );
				printf( '<input id="c%d" type="checkbox" name="extencao[]" value="%s" %s/>' , $i , $sufixos[ $i ] , in_array( $sufixos[ $i ] , $extencao ) ? 'checked="checked"' : null );
				printf( '<span>.%s</span>' , $sufixos[ $i ] );
				print( '</label>' );
			<input id="Enviar" type="submit" value="Enviar" />
		if ( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' ){
			if ( !empty( $dominio ) ){
				if ( count( $extencao ) ){
					require 'lib/remote/Whois/Whois.php';

					$socket = new Socket();

					print( '<table>' );
					print( '<thead><tr><th>Domínio</th><th>Informação</th><th>Criação</th><th>Expira</th></tr></thead>' );
					print( '<tbody>' );

					 * Aqui montamos a tabela com os dados do domínio
					foreach ( $extencao as $item ){
						print( '<tr>' );
						printf( '<td>www.%s.%s</td>' , $dominio , $item );

						$whois = new Whois( $dominio , $item );

						try {
							if ( $whois->check( $socket , $response = new WhoisResponse() ) ){
								if ( $response->valid() ){
									printf( '<td>%s<br />%s</td>' , $response->get( 'owner' ) , $response->get( 'person' ) );
									printf( '<td>%s</td>' , $response->get( 'created' ) );
									printf( '<td>%s</td>' , $response->get( 'expires' ) );
							} else {
								printf( '<td colspan="3">O domínio %s.%s está disponível para registro.</td>' , $whois->getDomain() , $whois->getSufix() );
						} catch ( Exception $e ){
							print( '<td colspan="3">Não foi possível fazer a consulta</td>' );

						print( '</tr>' );

					print( '</tbody>' );
					print( '</table>' );
				} else {
					echo '<p><strong>Nenhuma extenção especificada.</strong></p>';
			} else {
				echo '<p><strong>Domínio não especificado.</strong></p>';


Hierarquia de diretórios:








Os arquivos:




* Base para implementação de uma resposta à uma requisição remota
* @abstract
* @author	João Neto
* @package remote
abstract class AbstractResponse implements IRemoteResponse , IteratorAggregate {
 * @var string
protected $raw;

 * @var ArrayObject
protected $storage;

 * Cria o objeto de resposta e instancia as propriedades
public function __construct(){
	$this->storage = new ArrayObject();

 * Interpreta a resposta
 * @abstract
abstract protected function parse();

 * Recupera uma determinada informação da resposta
 * @param string $key
public function get( $key ){
	$ret = null;

	if ( $this->storage->offsetExists( $key ) ){
		$ret = $this->storage[ $key ];

	return $ret;

 * Recupera a lista de cabeçalhos de resposta
 * @return ArrayObject
public function getHeaders(){
	return new ArrayObject();

 * Implementa o método getIterator
 * @return ArrayIterator
 * @see IteratorAggregate::getIterator()
public function getIterator(){
	return new ArrayIterator( $this->storage );

 * Recupera a resposta sem tratamento
 * @return string
public function getRaw(){
	return $this->raw;

 * Define a resposta da requisição
 * @param string $raw
public function setRaw( $raw ){
	if ( is_string( $raw ) ){
		$this->raw =& $raw;
		$this->storage = new ArrayObject();
	} else throw new InvalidArgumentException( '%s expects a string.' , __METHOD__ );

 * Verifica se o retorno é válido
 * @return boolean
public function valid(){
	return !empty( $this->raw );






* Interface para uma conexão remota
* @author	João Neto
* @package remote
interface IRemoteConnection {
 * Timeout padrão

 * Fecha a conexão
public function close();

 * Verifica se o ponteiro chegou ao fim
 * @return boolean
public function eof();

 * Abre uma conexão socket
 * @param string $uri O servidor que será conectado
 * @param string $port A porta que será utilizada na conexão
 * @param integer $timeout Tempo em segundos que será aguardado por uma resposta
 * @return boolean
public function open( $uri , $port = 43 , $timeout = self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT );

 * Lê uma informação do servidor
 * @param integer $length Número de bytes que serão lidos
 * @return string|boolean A string lida ou FALSE se não tive sido possível ler
public function read( $length );

 * Escreve uma informação no servidor
 * @param string $data A informação que será escrita
 * @param integer $length Tamanho da string que será escrita
 * @return integer Número de bytes escrito
public function write( $data , $length = null );





* Resposta de uma requisição
* @author 	João Neto
* @package remote
interface IRemoteResponse {
 * Recupera a resposta sem tratamento
 * @return string
public function getRaw();

 * Recupera uma determinada informação da resposta
 * @param string $key
public function get( $key );

 * Recupera a lista de cabeçalhos de resposta
 * @return ArrayObject
public function getHeaders();

 * Define a resposta da requisição
 * @param string $raw
public function setRaw( $raw );

 * Verifica se o retorno é válido
 * @return boolean
public function valid();





* Efetua uma conexão via socket
* @author	João Neto
* @package	remote
class Socket implements IRemoteConnection {
 * @var resource
private $fh;

 * Destroi o objeto e fecha a conexão se ainda estiver aberta
public function __destruct(){
	if ( is_resource( $this->fh ) ){
		fclose( $this->fh );

 * Fecha a conexão
public function close(){
	fclose( $this->fh );
	$this->fh = null;

 * Verifica se o ponteiro chegou ao fim
 * @return boolean
public function eof(){
	return feof( $this->fh );

 * Abre uma conexão socket
 * @param string $uri O servidor que será conectado
 * @param string $port A porta que será utilizada na conexão
 * @param integer $timeout Tempo em segundos que será aguardado por uma resposta
 * @return boolean
 * @throws RuntimeException Se não for possível conectar
public function open( $uri , $port = 43 , $timeout = self::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ){
	$error = null;
	$errno = 0;

	if ( is_resource( $this->fh ) ) $this->close();

	if ( !is_resource( $this->fh = @fsockopen( $uri , $port , $errno , $error , $timeout ) ) ){
		throw new RuntimeException( $error , $errno );

	return $errno == 0;

 * Lê uma informação do servidor
 * @param integer $length Número de bytes que serão lidos
 * @return string|boolean A string lida ou FALSE se não tive sido possível ler
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException Se o parâmetro $length não for um inteiro
public function read( $length ){
	if ( is_int( $length ) ){
		return fread( $this->fh , $length );
	} else throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( '%s expects an integer.' , __METHOD__ ) );

 * Verifica se existe um recurso de conexão
private function testResource(){
	if ( !is_resource( $this->fh ) ){
		throw new BadMethodCallException( 'Not connected.' );

 * Escreve uma informação no servidor
 * @param string $data A informação que será escrita
 * @param integer $length Tamanho da string que será escrita
 * @return integer Número de bytes escrito
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException Se o parâmetro $data não for uma string
public function write( $data , $length = null ){
	$ret = 0;

	if ( is_string( $data ) || ( is_object( $data ) && is_callable( array( $data , '__toString' ) ) ) ){

		$ret = fwrite( $this->fh , $data , is_int( $length ) ? $length : strlen( $data ) );
	} else throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( '%s expects a string.' , __METHOD__ ) );

	return $ret;





require 'lib/remote/connector/interface/IRemoteResponse.php';
require 'lib/remote/connector/interface/AbstractResponse.php';
require 'lib/remote/connector/interface/IRemoteConnection.php';
require 'lib/remote/connector/Socket.php';
require 'WhoisResponse.php';

* Faz uma consulta Whois para um domínio
* @author	João Neto
* @package Whois
class Whois {
 * XML namespace
const XML_NAMESPACE = 'urn:neto/whois';

 * XML file name
const XML_FILE = 'whois.xml';

 * XML Schema file name
const XML_SCHEMA = 'whois.xsd';

 * Prefixo do XML
const XML_PREFIX = 'tns';

 * Regular expression for URI validation
const URI_REGEXP = '/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?$/';

 * @var DOMDocument
private static $dom;

 * @var DOMXPath
private static $xpath;

 * @var string
private $domain;

 * @var string
private $suffix;

 * @var string
private $whois;

 * @var string
private $noMatch;

 * @param string $domain O domínio que será consultado
 * @param string $suffix O sufixo do domínio (, com, net, org, etc)
public function __construct( $domain , $suffix ){
	$this->setDomain( $domain );
	$this->setSuffix( $suffix );

 * Efetua a consulta Whois
 * @param IRemoteConnection $connector Instância de IRemoteConnection que será utilizada para a conexão
 * @param string $responseClass Classe que será utilizada para o retorno
 * @return boolean FALSE se não for possível recuperar a resposta
public function check( IRemoteConnection $connector , IRemoteResponse $response ){
	$ret = false;
	$raw = null;

	$connector->open( $this->whois );
	$connector->write( sprintf( "%s.%s\n" , $this->domain , $this->suffix ) );

	while ( !$connector->eof() ){
		$raw .= $connector->read( 2048 );


	if ( !preg_match( sprintf( '`%s`' , preg_quote( $this->noMatch ) ) , $raw ) ){
		$ret = true;
		$response->setRaw( $raw );

	return $ret;

 * Carrega e verifica o XML que contém as informações dos servidores Whois
 * @throws RuntimeException Se o XML for inválido
private function checkXML(){
	if ( !( self::$dom instanceOf DOMDocument ) ){
		$dir = dirname( __FILE__ );
		self::$dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0' , 'utf-8' );
		self::$dom->load( sprintf( '%s/%s' , $dir , self::XML_FILE ) );

		if ( !@self::$dom->schemaValidate( sprintf( '%s/%s' , $dir , self::XML_SCHEMA ) ) ){
			throw new RuntimeException( 'Invalid XML' );

		self::$xpath = new DOMXPath( self::$dom );
		self::$xpath->registerNamespace( self::XML_PREFIX , self::XML_NAMESPACE );

 * Recupera o domínio
 * @return string
public function getDomain(){
	return $this->domain;

 * Recupera o sufixo
 * @return string
public function getSufix(){
	return $this->suffix;

 * Define o domínio que será consultado
 * @param string $domain
public function setDomain( $domain ){
	$this->domain =& $domain;

 * Define o sufixo do domínio que será consultado
 * @param string $suffix
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException Se não existir um servidor whois para o sufixo especificado
public function setSuffix( $suffix ){
	$found = false;

	foreach ( self::$xpath->query( sprintf( './/%s:server[@suffix="%s"]' , self::XML_PREFIX , $suffix ) ) as $server ){
		$this->suffix =& $suffix;
		$this->noMatch =& $server->nodeValue;
		$this->whois = $server->getAttribute( 'uri' );
		$found = true;

	if ( !$found ) throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Unknown suffix %s.' , $suffix ) );





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:neto/whois whois.xsd ">

<server uri="" suffix="ac">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">no matching record</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No such domain</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ag">Not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="al">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="am">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="at">nothing found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="au">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="as">Domain Not Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="az">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ba">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="be">No such domain</server>
<server uri="" suffix="bg">does not exist</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="biz">Not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="br">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="by">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ca">Status: AVAIL</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cc">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cd">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ch">We do not have an entry</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ck">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cl">no existe</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cn">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="com">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Nombre del Dominio</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">NO MATCH TIP</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">nothing found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cx">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cy">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="cz">No data found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="de">not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="dk">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="dz">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ee">NOT FOUND</server>
<server uri="" suffix="edu">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="eg">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="es">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="eu">Status: 	FREE</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="fi">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="fj"></server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="fo">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="fr">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="gb">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ge">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="gl">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="gr">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="gs">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Nombre del Dominio</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="hm">(null)</server>
<server uri="" suffix="hk">No Match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="hu">MAXCHARS:500</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ie">no match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="info">Not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="it">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">NO MATCH TIP</server>
<server uri="" suffix="int">not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="is">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="il">No data was found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="jp">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ke">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="kr">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="la">NO MATCH</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="li">We do not have an entry</server>
<server uri="" suffix="lk">No domain registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="lt">No matches found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="lu">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="lv">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ma">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mc">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="md">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mil">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mk">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mn">Domain not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ms">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mt">No Entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="mx">Nombre del Dominio</server>
<server uri="" suffix="name">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="net">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Nombre del Dominio</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for </server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">NO MATCH TIP</server>
<server uri="" suffix="nl">is not a registered domain</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="no">no matches</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="nu">NO MATCH for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="nz">Not Listed</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">nothing found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="org">NOT FOUND</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">NO MATCH TIP</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="pk">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="pl">No information about</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="pt">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ro">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ru">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="se">No data found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="sg">NO entry found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="sh">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="si">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="sk">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="sm">no entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="st">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="su">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="tc">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="th">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="tm">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="tn">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="to">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="tv">MAXCHARS:75</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="tw">NO MATCH TIP</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ua">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="uk">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="us">Not found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="va">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="vg">is not registered</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No Data Found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">Not found in database</server>
<server uri="" suffix="ws">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="yu">No entries found</server>
<server uri="" suffix="za">No match for</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No match</server>
<server uri="" suffix="">No entries found</server>





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsd:element name="whois" type="whoisType" />

<xsd:complexType name="whoisType">
		<xsd:element name="server" type="serverType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

<xsd:complexType name="serverType">
		<xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
			<xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required" />
			<xsd:attribute name="suffix" type="xsd:string" use="required" />





* Resposta de uma consulta Whois
* @author	João Neto
* @package Whois
class WhoisResponse extends AbstractResponse {
 * Interpreta a resposta
protected function parse(){
	$total = preg_match_all( '/^(\w*):\s*(.+)/mi' , $this->raw , $matches );
	$count = -1;

	for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $total ; ++$i ){
		$prop	= $matches[ 1 ][ $i ];
		$value	= preg_replace( "/(\r\n|\r|\n)/" , '' , $matches[ 2 ][ $i ] );

		switch ( $prop ){
			case "nsstat":
			case "nslastaa":
			case "nserver":
				$this->storage[ sprintf( 'nserver %d' , ++$count ) ] = $value;
			case 'created':
			case 'expires':
			case 'changed':
				$value = vsprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d' , sscanf( $value , '%4d%2d%2d' ) );
				$this->storage[ $prop ] = $value;


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Funciona certinho!

E ainda tem as informações do domínio caso ele seja registrado!


Aqui eu tive problema com acentuação porém resolvi inserindo isso:

<?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1",true) ?>
Caso alguém mais precise :P



Obrigado João Batista Neto

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Testei a função e achei o maximo.

Porem não está retornando os domínios .com, .net e .org, o que pode estar ocorrendo?


Desde já agradeço pela atenção.

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Porem não está retornando os domínios .com, .net e .org, o que pode estar ocorrendo?


No whois.xml contém a lista dos servidores WHOOIS, substitua a linha:

<server uri="" suffix="com">No match</server>




<server uri="" suffix="com">No match</server>


Deve resolver.

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Funciona certinho!

E ainda tem as informações do domínio caso ele seja registrado!


Aqui eu tive problema com acentuação porém resolvi inserindo isso:

<?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1",true) ?>
Caso alguém mais precise :P



Obrigado João Batista Neto


Olá João,

Inseri o código informado, mas deu erro: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent ...

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