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[Resolvido] Inclui mas nao volta para a index

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Pessoal ja estou loko aqui pra fazer isso funcionar

esse codigo ele inclui tudo certinho, porem quando

clico no OK ele inclui no banco mas continua na mesma

tela com todos os dados preenchidos.

Eu queria que ele incluise e voltase para a index.php

onde posso enta errando?






<?php session_start();
 /*                        Copyright 2005 Fl?vio Ribeiro

         This file is part of OCOMON.

         OCOMON is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
         it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
         the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
         (at your option) any later version.
         OCOMON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
         but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
         GNU General Public License for more details.

         You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
         along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
         Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

	include ("../../includes/");
	include ("../../includes/");

	$_SESSION['s_page_ocomon'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

	$imgsPath = "../../includes/imgs/";
	//$hoje = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

	$auth = new auth;

	$qry_config = "SELECT * FROM config ";
	$exec_config = mysql_query($qry_config) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
	$row_config = mysql_fetch_array($exec_config);

	$qry = $QRY["useropencall_custom"];
		$qry.= " AND  c.conf_cod = '".$_SESSION['s_screen']."'";
	$execqry = mysql_query($qry);
	$rowconf = mysql_fetch_array($execqry);
	$qryconfglobal = $QRY["useropencall"];
	$execqryglobal = mysql_query($qryconfglobal);
	$rowconf_global = mysql_fetch_array($execqryglobal);

	$qryarea = "SELECT * FROM sistemas where sis_id = ".$_SESSION['s_area']."";
	$execarea = mysql_query($qryarea);
	$rowarea = mysql_fetch_array($execarea);

	print "<HTML>";
	print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'/>";
	print "<BODY bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR." onLoad=\"";//onLoad=\"Habilitar();

	//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_prob'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
	if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_prob']) || empty($rowconf)) {
		print "ajaxFunction('Problema', 'showSelProbs.php', 'idLoad', 'prob=idProblema', 'area_cod=idArea', 'radio_prob=idRadioProb');";
		print "ajaxFunction('divProblema', 'showProbs.php', 'idLoad', 'prob=idProblema', 'area_cod=idArea', 'radio_prob=idRadioProb'); ";

	//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_local'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
	if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_local']) || empty($rowconf)) {

		if (((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_unit']) || empty($rowconf))  && ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_tag']) || empty($rowconf))) { 
			print "ajaxFunction('idDivSelLocal', 'showSelLocais.php', 'idLoad', 'unidade=idUnidade', 'etiqueta=idEtiqueta'); ";
		} else
			print "ajaxFunction('idDivSelLocal', 'showSelLocais.php', 'idLoad'); ";

	print "\">";

	//if (!$rowconf['conf_user_opencall'] and !$rowarea['sis_atende']){ //VER
	if ((!empty($rowconf) && !$rowconf['conf_user_opencall'])) {
			print "<script>mensagem('".TRANS('MSG_DISABLED_OPENCALL','A abertura de chamados está desabilitada no sistema',0)."!'); redirect('abertura.php');</script>";

	if (isset($_REQUEST['pai'])) {

		$sql = "select o.*, s.* from ocorrencias o, `status` s where o.`status` = s.stat_id and s.stat_painel not in (3) and o.numero = ".$_REQUEST['pai']."";
		$execSql = mysql_query($sql) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
		$ocoOK = mysql_num_rows ($execSql);
		if ($ocoOK != 0) {
			$subCallMsg = "<font color='red'>".TRANS('MSG_OCCO_SUBTICKET')." ".$_REQUEST['pai']."</font>";
		} else {
			//$subCallMsg = "<font color='red'>A ocorrencia ".$_REQUEST['pai']." n?o pode possuir subchamados pois n?o est? aberta no sistema!</font>";
			print "<script>mensagem('A ocorrencia ".$_REQUEST['pai']." nao pode possuir subchamados pois nao esta aberta no sistema!'); window.close();</script>";

	} else $subCallMsg = "";

print "<BR><B>".TRANS('OCO_TTL_OPENCALL','Abertura de Ocorr?ncias').": ".$subCallMsg."</B><BR>";
print "<FORM name='form1' method='POST' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."'  ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data'  onSubmit=\"return valida()\">";
	print "<input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='".$row_config['conf_upld_size']."' />";
print "<TABLE border='0'  align='center' width='100%' bgcolor='".BODY_COLOR."'>";

	if (isset($_POST['carrega'])){

		$sqlTag = "select c.*, l.* from equipamentos c, localizacao l where c.comp_local=l.loc_id and c.comp_inv=".$_POST['equipamento']." and c.comp_inst=".$_POST['instituicao']."";
		$execTag = mysql_query($sqlTag);
		$rowTag = mysql_fetch_array($execTag);

		//$invTag = $rowTag['comp_inv'];
		$invTag = $_POST['equipamento'];
		$invInst = $rowTag['comp_inst'];
		$invLoc = $rowTag['comp_local'];
		$contato = $_POST['contato'];
		$telefone = $_POST['telefone'];

		if (isset($_POST['radio_prob'])){
			$radio_prob = $_POST['radio_prob'];
		} else $radio_prob = -1;

		if (isset($_POST['problema'])) 	{
			$problema = $_POST['problema'];
		}else {
			$problema = -1;

	} else {

		$invTag = "";
		$invInst = "";
		$invLoc = "";
		$contato = "";
		$telefone = "";
		if (isset($_POST['problema'])) 	{
			$radio_prob = $_POST['problema'];
			$problema = $_POST['problema'];
		}else {
			$radio_prob = -1;
			$problema = -1;

		print "<TR>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_area'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_area']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_AREA').":</TD>";
        		print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";
			print "<SELECT class='select' name='sistema' id='idArea' size='1' onChange=\" "; //onChange=\"Habilitar();

			//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_prob'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
			if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_prob']) || empty($rowconf)) {
				//print "fillSelectFromArray(this.form.problema, ((this.selectedIndex == -1) ? null : team[this.selectedIndex-1])); ";
				print "ajaxFunction('Problema', 'showSelProbs.php', 'idLoad', 'prob=idProblema', 'area_cod=idArea');";
				print "ajaxFunction('divProblema', 'showProbs.php', 'idLoad', 'prob=idProblema', 'area_cod=idArea');";
			print "\">";

            		$query = "SELECT * from sistemas where sis_status NOT in (0) and sis_atende = 1 order by sistema"; //NOT in (0) = INATIVO
			$resultado = mysql_query($query);
            		print "<option value=-1 selected>".TRANS('OCO_SEL_AREA')."</option>";

			if (isset($_POST['sistema'])) {
				$sistema= $_POST['sistema'];
			} else
				$sistema = "-1";

			while ($rowArea=mysql_fetch_array($resultado)){
				print "<option value='".$rowArea['sis_id']."'";
					if ($rowArea['sis_id']==$sistema) print " selected";
				print ">".$rowArea['sistema']."</option>";
			print "</select>";
			print "</td>";
		} else  {
			$sistema = $rowconf['conf_opentoarea'];  //$sistema = -1;
			print "<input type='hidden' name='sistema' id='idArea' value='".$sistema."'>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_prob'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_prob']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_PROB','Problema').":";

			print "</TD>";
			print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";
				print "<div id='Problema'>";
					print "<input type='hidden' name='problema' id='idProblema' value='".$problema."'>";
					//print "<input type='hidden' name='problema' id='idProblema' value='-1'>";
				print "</div>";
            		print "</TD>";

		} else {
			$problema = -1;
			//print "<input type='hidden' name='problema' id='idProblema' value='".$problema."'>";

		print "</TR>";


			print "<tr><td colspan='6' ><div id='divProblema'>"; //style='{display:none}'
				print "<input type='hidden' name='radio_prob' id='idRadioProb' value='".$radio_prob."'>"; //id='idRadioProb'
			print "</div></td></tr>";


		print "<div id='idLoad' class='loading' style='{display:none}'><img src='../../includes/imgs/loading.gif'></div>";

		print "<TR>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_desc'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_desc']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR." valign='top'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DESC').":</TD>";
			print "<TD colspan='3' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";

			if (isset($_POST['descricao'])) {
				$descricao = $_POST['descricao'];
			} else
				$descricao = "";

			if (!$_SESSION['s_formatBarOco']) {
				print "<TEXTAREA class='textarea' name='descricao' id='idDescricao'  >".noHtml($descricao)."</textarea>"; //onChange=\"Habilitar();\"
			} else
				print "<script type='text/javascript' src='../../includes/fckeditor/fckeditor.js'></script>";
			<script type="text/javascript">
				var bar = '<?php print $_SESSION['s_formatBarOco'];?>'
				if (bar ==1) {
					var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'descricao' ) ;
					oFCKeditor.BasePath = '../../includes/fckeditor/';
					oFCKeditor.Value = '<?php print $descricao;?>';
					oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = 'ocomon';
					//oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = 'Default';
					oFCKeditor.Width = '570px';
					oFCKeditor.Height = '100px';
					oFCKeditor.Create() ;

			print "</td>";

		} else {
			$descricao = TRANS('OCO_NO_DESC');
			print "<input type='hidden' name='descricao' value='".$descricao."'>";
		print "</tr>";

		print "<TR>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_unit'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_unit']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT','Unidade').":</TD>";
            		print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";
			print "<SELECT class='select' name='instituicao' id='idUnidade' size='1' >"; //onChange=\"Habilitar();\"
			print "<option value=null selected>".TRANS('OCO_SEL_UNIT','Selecione a unidade')."</option>";

			$query2 = "SELECT * from instituicao WHERE inst_status not in (0) order by inst_cod";
			$resultado2 = mysql_query($query2);
			$linhas = mysql_numrows($resultado2);

			if (isset($_GET['invInst'])){
				$invInst = $_GET['invInst'];
			} else
			if (isset($_POST['instituicao'])){
				$invInst = $_POST['instituicao'];

			while ($rowInst = mysql_fetch_array($resultado2))
				print "<option value=".$rowInst['inst_cod']."";
					if ($rowInst['inst_cod']== $invInst) print " selected";
				print ">".$rowInst['inst_nome']."</option>";

            		print "</SELECT>";
			print "</td>";
		} else {
			$instituicao = -1;
			print "<input type='hidden' name='instituicao' value='-1'>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_tag'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_tag']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">";
			print "".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_TAG','Etiqueta')."";
			//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_chktag'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
			if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_chktag']) || empty($rowconf)) {
				print "</font></a></b>";
			print " ".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OF_EQUIP','do equipamento').":</TD>";

            		if (isset($_GET['invTag'])) {
            			$invTag = $_GET['invTag'];
            		} //else $invTag = "";
            		if (isset($_POST['equipamento'])) {
            			$invTag = $_POST['equipamento'];

            		print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor='".BODY_COLOR."'><INPUT type='text' class='text2' name='equipamento' id='idEtiqueta' value='".$invTag."' >";//onChange=\"Habilitar();\"

			//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_chktag'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
			if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_chktag']) || empty($rowconf)) {
				print "<a class='likebutton' onClick=\"checa_etiqueta()\" title='".TRANS('CONS_CONFIG_EQUIP')."'><font color='#5E515B'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_CONFIG','Configura??o')."</font></a>";
			//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_chkhist'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
			if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_chkhist']) || empty($rowconf)) {
				//print "<a class='likebutton' onClick=\"checa_etiqueta()\" title='Consulta a configura??o do equipamento!'><font color='#5E515B'>Configura??o</font></a>";
				print "<a class='likebutton' onClick=\"checa_chamados()\" title='".TRANS('CONS_CALL_EQUIP')."'><font color='#5E515B'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_HIST','Hist?rico')."</font></a>";
			print "</TD>";
		} else {
			$equipamento = null;
			print "<input type='hidden' name='equipamento' value=".NULL.">";

		print "</tr>";

        	print "<TR>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_contact'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_contact']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_CONTACT','Contato').":</TD>";

			if (isset($_GET['contato'])) {
				$contato = $_GET['contato'];
			} //else $contato = "";
			if (isset($_POST['contato'])) {
				$contato = $_POST['contato'];

			print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><INPUT type='text' class='text' name='contato' id='idContato' value='".$contato."' ></TD>";//onChange=\"Habilitar();\"  onBlur=\"Habilitar();\"
		} else {
			$qry = "select nome from usuarios where user_id = ".$_SESSION['s_uid']."";
			$exec = mysql_query($qry);
			$r_user = mysql_fetch_array($exec);
			$contato = $r_user['nome'];
			print "<input type='hidden' name='contato' value='".$contato."'>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_fone'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_fone']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_PHONE','Ramal').":</TD>";

			if (isset($_GET['telefone'])) {
				$telefone = $_GET['telefone'];
			} //else $telefone = "";
			if (isset($_POST['telefone'])) {
				$telefone = $_POST['telefone'];
	            	print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><INPUT type='text' class='text2' name='telefone' id='idTelefone' value='".$telefone."' ></TD>";//onChange=\"Habilitar();\"
        	} else {
        		$telefone = null;
        		print "<input type='hidden' name='telefone' value=".NULL.">";
		print "</TR>";

		print "<TR>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_local'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_local']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_LOCAL','Local').": ";
				//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_btloadlocal'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
				if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_btloadlocal']) || empty($rowconf)) {
 					//print "<input type='submit' class='btPadrao' id='idBtCarrega' title='".TRANS('LOAD_EQUIP_LOCAL')."'onClick=\"LOAD=1;\"".
 						//"style=\"{align:center; valign:middle; width:19px; height:19px; background-image: url('../../includes/icons/kmenu-hack.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat;}\" value='' name='carrega'>";

 					print "<input type='button' class='btPadrao' id='idBtCarrega' title='".TRANS('LOAD_EQUIP_LOCAL')."' ".
 							"onClick=\"ajaxFunction('idDivSelLocal', 'showSelLocais.php', 'idLoad', 'unidade=idUnidade', 'etiqueta=idEtiqueta');\"".
 							"style=\"{align:center; valign:middle; width:19px; height:19px; background-image: url('../../includes/icons/kmenu-hack.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat;}\" value='' name='carrega'>";

			print "</TD>";

				//<!--{ background-image: url('/images/css.gif');} -->
			print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";

			if (isset($_GET['invLoc'])){
				$invLoc = $_GET['invLoc'];
			} else
			if (!isset($_POST['carrega'])){
				if (isset($_POST['local'])){
					$invLoc = $_POST['local'];

				print "<div id='idDivSelLocal'>";
				print "</div>";

				//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_searchbylocal'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
				if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_searchbylocal']) || empty($rowconf)) {
					print "<a onClick=\"checa_por_local()\"><img title='".TRANS('CONS_EQUIP_LOCAL')."' width='15' height='15' src='".$imgsPath."consulta.gif' border='0'></a>";
			print "</td>";

		} else {
			$local = -1;
			print "<input type='hidden' name='local' value='-1'>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_operator'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_operator']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OPERATOR','Operador').":</TD>";
			print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><input class='disable' value='".$_SESSION['s_usuario']."' readonly></TD>";
		} else {
			$operador = $_SESSION['s_usuario'];
			print "<input type='hidden' name='operador' value='".$operador."'>";
        	print "</TR>";

        	print "<TR>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_date'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_date']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DATE_OPEN','Data de abertura').":</TD>";
                	print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><input name='data_abertura' class='disable' value='".date("d/m/Y H:i:s")."' readonly></TD>";//datab($hoje)
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_status'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_status']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_STATUS','Status').":</TD>";
                	print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_WAITING_STATUS','Aguardando atendimento')."</TD>";
        	print "</TR>";

        	print "<TR>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_upload'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_upload']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_ATTACH_FILE','Anexar arquivo').":</TD>";
			print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><INPUT type='file' class='text' name='img' id='idImg'></TD>";

		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_replicate'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_replicate']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_REPLICATE','Replicar este chamado mais')."</TD>";
		print "<TD  bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><INPUT type='text' class='mini' name='replicar' id='idReplicar' value='0' maxlength='2'> ".TRANS('TIMES','vezes').".</TD> ";
		} else $replicar = 0;

        	print "</TR>";

		print "<tr>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_schedule'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_schedule']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_SCHEDULE').": <input type='checkbox' value='ok' name='chk_squedule' onChange=\"checarSchedule();\"></TD>";
                	print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR."><input type='text' name='date_schedule' id='idDate_schedule' class='text' value='".formatDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."' disabled></TD>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_foward'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_foward']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<TD width='20%' align='left' bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_FOWARD').":</TD>";
                	print "<TD width='30%' align='left' bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR.">";

				print "<SELECT class='select' name='foward' id='idFoward' onChange=\"checkMailOper();\">";
                    	    		print "<option value='-1' selected>".TRANS('OCO_SEL_OPERATOR')."</option>";
                    	    	$query = "SELECT u.*, a.* from usuarios u, sistemas a where u.AREA = a.sis_id and a.sis_atende='1' and u.nivel not in (3,4,5) order by login";
                        	$exec_oper = mysql_query($query);
        	                while ($row_oper = mysql_fetch_array($exec_oper))
					print "<option value=".$row_oper['user_id'].">".$row_oper['nome']."</option>";
                	        print "</SELECT>";
                	print "</TD>";

		print "</tr>";

		print "<tr>";
		//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_mail'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
		if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_mail']) || empty($rowconf)) {
			print "<td bgcolor='".TD_COLOR."'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_SEND_MAIL_TO','Enviar e-mail para').":</td>".
				"<td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' value='ok' name='mailAR' checked>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_AREA','')."  ".
								"<input type='checkbox' value='ok' name='mailOP' disabled title='".TRANS('HNT_SENDMAIL_OPERATOR_SEL_CALL')."'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OPERATOR')."  ".
								"<input type='checkbox' value='ok' name='mailUS' disabled>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_USER','Usu?rio')."</td>";
		print "</tr>";

		if (!empty($invTag)){
			$saida = "javascript:window.close()";
		} else
			$saida = "javascript:location.href='abertura.php'";

		print "<TR>";
	        print "<BR>";

		if (isset($_REQUEST['pai'])) {
			print "<input type='hidden' name='pai' value='".$_REQUEST['pai']."'>";

			print "<input type='hidden' name='data_gravada' value='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'>";

		print "<TD colspan='2' align='center' width='50%' bgcolor='".BODY_COLOR."'><input type='submit' id='idSubmit' class='button' value='".TRANS('BT_OK','OK', 0)."' name='OK' onClick=LOAD=0;>";
		print "</TD>";

		print "<TD colspan='2' align='center' width='50%' bgcolor='".BODY_COLOR."'><INPUT type='button' class='button' value='".TRANS('BT_CANCEL','Cancelar',0)."' name='desloca' OnClick=".$saida."></TD>";
		print "</TR>";

		if (isset($_POST['OK'])==TRANS('BT_OK')) {

			$queryB = "SELECT sis_id,sistema, sis_email FROM sistemas WHERE sis_id = ".$sistema."";
			$sis_idB = mysql_query($queryB);
			$rowSis = mysql_fetch_array($sis_idB);

			//if ($rowconf['conf_scr_local'] || !isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
			if ((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_local']) || empty($rowconf)) {
				$queryC = "SELECT local from localizacao where loc_id = ".$_POST['local']."";
				$loc_idC = mysql_query($queryC);
				$setor = mysql_result($loc_idC,0);

			$queryD = "SELECT u.*,a.* from usuarios u, sistemas a where u.AREA = a.sis_id and user_id=".$_SESSION['s_uid']."";
			$loginD = mysql_query($queryD);
			$rowqryD = mysql_fetch_array($loginD);
			$nome = $rowqryD['nome'];

			$gravaImg = false;
			if (isset($_FILES['img']) and $_FILES['img']['name']!="") {
				$qryConf = "SELECT * FROM config";
				$execConf = mysql_query($qryConf) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY').", A TABELA CONF FOI CRIADA?");
				$rowConf = mysql_fetch_array($execConf);
				$arrayConf = array();
				$arrayConf = montaArray($execConf,$rowConf);

				$upld = upload('img',$arrayConf,$rowConf['conf_upld_file_types']);
				if ($upld =="OK") {
					$gravaImg = true;
				} else {
					$upld.="<br><a align='center' onClick=\"exibeEscondeImg('idAlerta');\"><img src='".ICONS_PATH."/stop.png' width='16px' height='16px'> ".TRANS('BT_CLOSE','Fechar')."</a>";
					print "</table>";
					print "<div class='alerta' id='idAlerta'><table bgcolor='#999999'><tr><td colspan='2' bgcolor='yellow'>".$upld."</td></tr></table></div>";

			//$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
			$i = 0;

			if (!isset($_POST['replicar'])){
				$replicate = 0;
			} else {
				$replicate = $_POST['replicar'];

			$date_schedule = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

			while ($i<=$replicate) //'".noHtml($descricao)."'
					$operator = $_SESSION['s_uid'];

					if (isset($_POST['chk_squedule']) && $_POST['chk_squedule']!=""){
						$schedule = 1;
						$date_schedule = FDate($_POST['date_schedule']);
						$oStatus = $row_config['conf_schedule_status'];
						$first_queued = false;
					} else {
						$schedule = 0;
						$date_schedule = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

						if (isset($_POST['foward']) && $_POST['foward']!=-1){
							$oStatus = $row_config['conf_foward_when_open'];
							$operator = $_POST['foward'];
						} else
							$oStatus = 1; //Aguardando atendimento
						$first_queued = true;//date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

					//dump($_POST,'POSTS'); exit;
					if (!isset($_POST['radio_prob'])){
						$catProb = $problema;
					} else {
						$catProb = $_POST['radio_prob'];

					$query = "";
					$query = "INSERT INTO ocorrencias (problema, descricao, instituicao, equipamento, sistema, contato, telefone, local, operador, ".
						"data_abertura, data_fechamento, status, data_atendimento, aberto_por, oco_scheduled, oco_real_open_date, date_first_queued )".
						" values ".
						//"(".$problema.",  ";
						"(".$catProb.",  ";

					if ($_SESSION['s_formatBarOco']) {
						$query.= " '".$descricao."',";
					} else {
						$query.= " '".noHtml($descricao)."',";

					if (!$schedule){
						" '".$date_schedule."',NULL,".$oStatus.",NULL,".$_SESSION['s_uid'].",".$schedule.", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
					} else {
						" '".$date_schedule."',NULL,".$oStatus.",NULL,".$_SESSION['s_uid'].",".$schedule.", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', NULL)";					

					$resultado = mysql_query($query) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));

					$numero = mysql_insert_id();
					$globalID = random();
					$qryGlobal = "INSERT INTO global_tickets (gt_ticket, gt_id) values (".$numero.", ".$globalID.")";
					$execGlobal = mysql_query($qryGlobal) or die($qryGlobal);

					$sql = " insert into tempo_status (ts_ocorrencia, ts_status, ts_tempo, ts_data) values (".$numero.", ".$oStatus.", 0, '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')  ";
					$exec_sql = mysql_query($sql);
					if ($exec_sql == 0) $error = " erro na tabela TEMPO_STATUS ";


			if ($resultado == 0) {
				$aviso.= "ERRO na inclusao dos dados.".$query;
			} else {
				//$numero = mysql_insert_id();

				$sqlDoc = "insert into doc_time (doc_oco, doc_open, doc_edit, doc_close, doc_user) values (".$numero.",".diff_em_segundos($_POST['data_gravada'],date("Y-m-d H:i:s")).", 0, 0, ".$_SESSION['s_uid'].")";
				$execDoc = mysql_query($sqlDoc) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY').'br>').$sqlDoc;

				if (isset($_POST['pai'])) {
					$sqlDep = "insert into ocodeps (dep_pai, dep_filho) values (".$_POST['pai'].", ".$numero.")";
					$execDep = mysql_query($sqlDep) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY').'<br>'.$sqlDep);
					if ($execDep == 0) $aviso.= TRANS('MSG_NOT_TO_TIE_OCCOR');

				if ($gravaImg) {
					$tamanho = getimagesize($fileinput);
					$tamanho2 = filesize($fileinput);

						// $fileinput should point to a temp file on the server
						// which contains the uploaded image. so we will prepare
						// the file for upload with addslashes and form an sql
						// statement to do the load into the database.
						$image = addslashes(fread(fopen($fileinput,"r"), 1000000));
						$SQL = "Insert Into imagens (img_nome, img_oco, img_tipo, img_bin, img_largura, img_altura, img_size) values ".
								"('".noSpace($_FILES['img']['name'])."',".$numero.", '".$_FILES['img']['type']."', ".
								"'".$image."', '".$tamanho[0]."', '".$tamanho[1]."', '".$tamanho2."')";
						// now we can delete the temp file
					} /*else {
						echo "".TRANS('MSG_NOT_IMAGE_SELECT')."";
					$exec = mysql_query($SQL); //or die ("N?O FOI POSS?VEL GRAVAR O ARQUIVO NO BANCO DE DADOS! ");
					if ($exec == 0) $aviso.= TRANS('MSG_ATTACH_IMAGE')."<br>";


				$qryfull = $QRY["ocorrencias_full_ini"]." WHERE o.numero = ".$numero."";
				$execfull = mysql_query($qryfull) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY').$qryfull);
				$rowfull = mysql_fetch_array($execfull);

				$VARS = array();
				$VARS['%numero%'] = $rowfull['numero'];
				$VARS['%linkglobal%'] = "<a href='".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."/ocomon/geral/mostra_consulta.php?numero=".$numero."&id=".$globalID."'>".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."</a>";
				$VARS['%usuario%'] = $rowfull['contato'];
				$VARS['%contato%'] = $rowfull['contato'];
				$VARS['%descricao%'] = $rowfull['descricao'];
				$VARS['%setor%'] = $rowfull['setor'];
				$VARS['%ramal%'] = $rowfull['telefone'];
				$VARS['%assentamento%'] = $rowfull['descricao'];
				$VARS['%site%'] = "<a href='".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."'>".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."</a>";
				$VARS['%area%'] = $rowfull['area'];
				$VARS['%operador%'] = $rowfull['nome'];
				$VARS['%editor%'] = $rowfull['nome'];
				$VARS['%aberto_por%'] = $rowfull['aberto_por'];
				$VARS['%problema%'] = $rowfull['problema'];
				$VARS['%solucao%'] = '';
				$VARS['%versao%'] = VERSAO;

				$qryconfmail = "SELECT * FROM mailconfig";
				$execconfmail = mysql_query($qryconfmail) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
				$rowconfmail = mysql_fetch_array($execconfmail);

				//((!empty($rowconf) && $rowconf['conf_scr_status']) || empty($rowconf))
				//if (isset($_POST['mailAR']) || isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
				if (isset($_POST['mailAR']) || (!empty($rowconf) && !$rowconf['conf_scr_mail'])) {
					$event = 'abertura-para-area';
					$qrymsg = "SELECT * FROM msgconfig WHERE msg_event like ('".$event."')";
					$execmsg = mysql_query($qrymsg) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
					$rowmsg = mysql_fetch_array($execmsg);

					send_mail($event, $rowSis['sis_email'], $rowconfmail, $rowmsg, $VARS);

				//if (isset($_POST['mailOP']) || isIn($_SESSION['s_area'],$rowconf['conf_custom_areas'])) {
				if (isset($_POST['mailOP'])) {
					$event = 'abertura-para-operador';
					$qrymsg = "SELECT * FROM msgconfig WHERE msg_event like ('".$event."')";
					$execmsg = mysql_query($qrymsg) or die(TRANS('MSG_ERR_MSCONFIG'));
					$rowmsg = mysql_fetch_array($execmsg);

					$sqlMailOper = "select * from usuarios where user_id =".$_POST['foward']."";
					$execMailOper = mysql_query($sqlMailOper);
					$rowMailOper = mysql_fetch_array($execMailOper);

					$VARS['%operador%'] = $rowMailOper['nome'];
					send_mail($event, $rowMailOper['email'], $rowconf, $rowmsg, $VARS);

				$aviso.= "".TRANS('MSG_SUCCESS_OPENCALL','Ocorrencia registrada com sucesso!')."! ".
							"".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_NUMBER').": <font color=red>".$numero."</font><BR><br>".
							"<a href='atender.php?numero=".$numero."'>".TRANS('OCO_ACT_ASWER','Atender')."</a><br><br>".
							"<a href='encaminhar.php?numero=".$numero."'>".TRANS('OCO_ACT_EDIT_REDIR','Encaminhar/Editar')."</a><br><br>".
							"<a href='encerramento.php?numero=".$numero."'>".TRANS('OCO_ACT_CLOSE','Encerrar')."</a><br><br>";

				$i = 0;

			if ($rowqryD['sis_atende']==1){

				$_SESSION['aviso'] = $aviso;
				$_SESSION['origem'] = "abertura.php";

				if (isset($_POST['pai'])) {
					print "<script>mensagem('".TRANS('MSG_OPEN_CALL_OK').$numero."'); window.opener.location.href=\"mostra_consulta.php?numero=".$numero."\"; window.close();</script>";
				} else {
					//print "<script>redirect('mensagem.php')</script>";
					print "<script>redirect('mostra_consulta.php?numero=".$numero."&justOpened=true');</script>";

			} else {
				$qrymail = "SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE user_id = ".$_SESSION['s_uid']."";
				$execmail = mysql_query($qrymail) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
				$rowmail = mysql_fetch_array($execmail);

				//$flag = mail_user($rowmail['email'],$rowconf['sis_email'],$rowmail['nome'],$numero,OCOMON_SITE);
				$event = 'abertura-para-usuario';
				$qrymsg = "SELECT * FROM msgconfig WHERE msg_event like ('".$event."')";
				$execmsg = mysql_query($qrymsg) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
				$rowmsg = mysql_fetch_array($execmsg);

				//send_mail($event, $rowSis['sis_email'], $rowconfmail, $rowmsg, $VARS);
				send_mail($event, $rowmail['email'], $rowconfmail, $rowmsg, $VARS);

				if (!empty($rowconf['conf_scr_msg'])){
					$mensagem = str_replace("%numero%",$numero,$rowconf['conf_scr_msg']);
				} else 
					$mensagem = str_replace("%numero%",$numero,$rowconf_global['conf_scr_msg']);
				print "<script>mensagem('".$mensagem."'); redirect('abertura_user.php');</script>";

		$qrylogado = "SELECT sis_atende FROM sistemas where sis_id = ".$_SESSION['s_area']."";
		$execlogado = mysql_query($qrylogado) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));
		$rowlogado = mysql_fetch_array($execlogado);

<script type="text/javascript">

	function valida(){
		var ok = true;
		if (!LOAD) {
			//var ok = false;

			var operador = <?php print $rowlogado['sis_atende']?>;
			var unit = document.getElementById('idUnidade');
			var tag = document.getElementById('idEtiqueta');

			var sel_area = document.getElementById('idArea');
			var sel_problema = document.getElementById('idProblema');
			var descricao = document.getElementById('idDescricao');
			var contato = document.getElementById('idContato');

			//var carreg = '<?php //print $carrega?>';

			if (ok) {
				if (sel_area != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idArea','COMBO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_AREA')?>',1);
				} //else ok = true;

			if (ok) {
				if (sel_problema != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idProblema','COMBO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_PROB')?>',1);
				} //else ok = true;

			if (ok) {
				if (descricao != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idDescricao','','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DESC')?>',1);
				} //else ok = true;

			if (ok) {
				if (unit != null){
					if (operador == 0){
						var ok = validaForm('idUnidade','COMBO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT')?>',1);
					} else ok = true;
				} else ok = true;

			if (ok) {
				if (tag != null){
					if (operador == 1){
						var ok = validaForm('idEtiqueta','INTEIRO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_TAG')?>',0);
					} else {
						var ok = validaForm('idEtiqueta','INTEIRO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_TAG')?>',1);
				} else ok = true;

			if (ok) {
				if (contato != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idContato','','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_CONTACT')?>',1);
				} else ok = true;

			if (ok){
				var fone = document.getElementById('idTelefone');
				//if (carreg){
				if (fone != null){
					//var ok = validaForm('idTelefone','INTEIRO','ramal',1);
					var ok = validaForm('idTelefone','FONE','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_PHONE')?>',1);
				} else ok = true;
			if (ok){
				var local = document.getElementById('idLocal');
				//if (carreg){
				if (local != null){
					//var ok = validaForm('idTelefone','INTEIRO','ramal',1);
					var ok = validaForm('idLocal','COMBO','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_LOCAL')?>',1);
				} else ok = true;
			if (ok){
				var replicate = document.getElementById('idReplicar');
				if (replicate != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idReplicar','INTEIROFULL','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_REPLICATE')?>',0);
				} else ok = true;
			if (ok){
				var schedule = document.getElementById('idDate_schedule');
				if (schedule != null){
					var ok = validaForm('idDate_schedule','DATAHORA','<?php print TRANS('OCO_FIELD_SCHEDULE')?>',0);
				} else ok = true;
		return ok;


	function popup_alerta(pagina)	{ //Exibe uma janela popUP
      		x =,'Alerta','dependent=yes,width=700,height=470,scrollbars=yes,statusbar=no,resizable=yes');
		x.moveTo(window.parent.screenX+50, window.parent.screenY+50);
		return false

	function checa_etiqueta(){
	 	var inst = document.getElementById('idUnidade');
		var inv = document.getElementById('idEtiqueta');
		if (inst != null && inv != null){
			if (inst.value=='null' || !inv.value){
				var msg = '<?php print TRANS('MSG_UNIT_TAG');?>!'
			} else
		return false;

	function checa_chamados(){
	 	var inst = document.getElementById('idUnidade');
		var inv = document.getElementById('idEtiqueta');
		if (inst != null && inv != null){
			if (inst.value=='null' || !inv.value){
				window.alert('<?php print TRANS('FILL_UNIT_TAG');?>');
			} else
		return false;

	function checa_por_local(){
	 	//var local = document.form1.local.value;
		var local = document.getElementById('idLocal');
		if (local != null) {
			if (local.value==-1){
				window.alert('<?php print TRANS('FILL_LOCATION');?>');
			} else
		return false;

	function desabilita(v)


 	function desabilitaCarrega(v){
		var btLoad = document.getElementById('idBtCarrega');
		if (btLoad != null){
			btLoad.disabled = v;

	function Habilitar(){
		var descricao = document.getElementById('idDescricao');
		var ramal = document.getElementById('idTelefone');
		var contato = document.getElementById('idContato');
		var sel_area = document.getElementById('idArea');
		var sel_problema = document.getElementById('idProblema');
		var sel_local = document.getElementById('idLocal');
		var botao = document.getElementById('idSubmit');

		var ok = false;
		var ok2 = true;

		if (descricao != null){
			if (descricao.value == "" ) {ok = true;}
		if (sel_area != null){
			if (sel_area.value ==-1) { ok = true;}
		if (sel_problema != null){
			if (sel_problema.value ==-1) { ok = true;}
		//if (sel_local != null){
			//if (sel_local.value ==-1) { ok = true;}
		if (ramal != null){
			if (ramal.value =="") { ok = true;}
		if (contato != null){
			if (contato.value =="") {ok = true;}
		if (!ok2)
			botao.className= "button-disabled";
		} else {
			botao.className= "button";

	function HabilitarCarrega(){
		var sel_inst = document.getElementById('idUnidade');
		var etiqueta = document.getElementById('idEtiqueta');

		if (sel_inst != null && etiqueta != null){
			if ((sel_inst.value=="null")||(etiqueta.value=="")) {
			} else{

	function checarSchedule() {
		var checado = false;
		if (document.form1.chk_squedule.checked){
			checado = true;

		} else {
			checado = false;
		return checado;

	function checkMailOper(){
		if (document.form1.foward.value!=-1){
		} else {

	function disable_schedule(v) {
		document.form1.date_schedule.disabled = v;


print "</TABLE>";

print "</FORM>";

print "</body>";
print "</html>";

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print "<TD colspan='2' align='center' width='50%' bgcolor='".BODY_COLOR."'><input type='submit' id='idSubmit' class='button' value='".TRANS('BT_OK','OK', 0)."' name='OK' OnClick=\"LOAD=0;\">";

print "</TD>";


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Não é isso.

É o trecho do código onde faz o redirecionamento, depois dos Inserts que você falou.

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Esse é o problema Dee, esse negocio caiu na minha mao agora

é um helpDesk, com esse pau, ja olhei depois dos inserts enao tem nada

que direcioanda pra lugar algum por isso estou apanhando assim desse sistema.

os inserts são esses:

$query = "";
					$query = "INSERT INTO ocorrencias (problema, descricao, instituicao, equipamento, sistema, contato, telefone, local, operador, ".
						"data_abertura, data_fechamento, status, data_atendimento, aberto_por, oco_scheduled, oco_real_open_date, date_first_queued )".
						" values ".
						//"(".$problema.",  ";
						"(".$catProb.",  ";

					if ($_SESSION['s_formatBarOco']) {
						$query.= " '".$descricao."',";
					} else {
						$query.= " '".noHtml($descricao)."',";

					if (!$schedule){
						" '".$date_schedule."',NULL,".$oStatus.",NULL,".$_SESSION['s_uid'].",".$schedule.", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')";
					} else {
						" '".$date_schedule."',NULL,".$oStatus.",NULL,".$_SESSION['s_uid'].",".$schedule.", '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', NULL)";					

					$resultado = mysql_query($query) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY'));

					$numero = mysql_insert_id();
					$globalID = random();
					$qryGlobal = "INSERT INTO global_tickets (gt_ticket, gt_id) values (".$numero.", ".$globalID.")";
					$execGlobal = mysql_query($qryGlobal) or die($qryGlobal);

					$sql = " insert into tempo_status (ts_ocorrencia, ts_status, ts_tempo, ts_data) values (".$numero.", ".$oStatus.", 0, '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."')  ";
					$exec_sql = mysql_query($sql);
					if ($exec_sql == 0) $error = " erro na tabela TEMPO_STATUS ";


			if ($resultado == 0) {
				$aviso.= "ERRO na inclusao dos dados.".$query;
			} else {
				//$numero = mysql_insert_id();

				$sqlDoc = "insert into doc_time (doc_oco, doc_open, doc_edit, doc_close, doc_user) values (".$numero.",".diff_em_segundos($_POST['data_gravada'],date("Y-m-d H:i:s")).", 0, 0, ".$_SESSION['s_uid'].")";
				$execDoc = mysql_query($sqlDoc) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY').'br>').$sqlDoc;

				if (isset($_POST['pai'])) {
					$sqlDep = "insert into ocodeps (dep_pai, dep_filho) values (".$_POST['pai'].", ".$numero.")";
					$execDep = mysql_query($sqlDep) or die (TRANS('ERR_QUERY').'<br>'.$sqlDep);
					if ($execDep == 0) $aviso.= TRANS('MSG_NOT_TO_TIE_OCCOR');

				if ($gravaImg) {
					$tamanho = getimagesize($fileinput);
					$tamanho2 = filesize($fileinput);

						// $fileinput should point to a temp file on the server
						// which contains the uploaded image. so we will prepare
						// the file for upload with addslashes and form an sql
						// statement to do the load into the database.
						$image = addslashes(fread(fopen($fileinput,"r"), 1000000));
						$SQL = "Insert Into imagens (img_nome, img_oco, img_tipo, img_bin, img_largura, img_altura, img_size) values ".
								"('".noSpace($_FILES['img']['name'])."',".$numero.", '".$_FILES['img']['type']."', ".
								"'".$image."', '".$tamanho[0]."', '".$tamanho[1]."', '".$tamanho2."')";
						// now we can delete the temp file
					} /*else {
						echo "".TRANS('MSG_NOT_IMAGE_SELECT')."";
					$exec = mysql_query($SQL); //or die ("N?O FOI POSS?VEL GRAVAR O ARQUIVO NO BANCO DE DADOS! ");
					if ($exec == 0) $aviso.= TRANS('MSG_ATTACH_IMAGE')."<br>";


				$qryfull = $QRY["ocorrencias_full_ini"]." WHERE o.numero = ".$numero."";
				$execfull = mysql_query($qryfull) or die(TRANS('ERR_QUERY').$qryfull);
				$rowfull = mysql_fetch_array($execfull);

				$VARS = array();
				$VARS['%numero%'] = $rowfull['numero'];
				$VARS['%linkglobal%'] = "<a href='".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."/ocomon/geral/mostra_consulta.php?numero=".$numero."&id=".$globalID."'>".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."</a>";
				$VARS['%usuario%'] = $rowfull['contato'];
				$VARS['%contato%'] = $rowfull['contato'];
				$VARS['%descricao%'] = $rowfull['descricao'];
				$VARS['%setor%'] = $rowfull['setor'];
				$VARS['%ramal%'] = $rowfull['telefone'];
				$VARS['%assentamento%'] = $rowfull['descricao'];
				$VARS['%site%'] = "<a href='".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."'>".$row_config['conf_ocomon_site']."</a>";
				$VARS['%area%'] = $rowfull['area'];
				$VARS['%operador%'] = $rowfull['nome'];
				$VARS['%editor%'] = $rowfull['nome'];
				$VARS['%aberto_por%'] = $rowfull['aberto_por'];
				$VARS['%problema%'] = $rowfull['problema'];
				$VARS['%solucao%'] = '';
				$VARS['%versao%'] = VERSAO;

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Você tem que achar qual é.




Procurer por redirect, location.href ou só location (é javascript). E veja qual que você quer e troca a página.

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Opa, não sei se entendi, mas coloca algo assim no final do seu script e ve se te ajuda:


   <script language="JavaScript">

Pode não ser o mais correto, mas pode resolver o seu problema, mas tente ver melhor o código, estude-o, pois tbm peguei um sistema no meio do caminho e estou lutando para ver o código, pois esta a maior bagunça, mas estamos aqui para resolver e não só criticar o outro que saiu.


Boa sorte!

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