jocamo 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 27, 2010 Comprei um template da ActiveDen e há uma galeria de imagens, onde a informação da foto só aparece quando o mouse está sobre a imagem, quando o mouse sai de cima da imagem a informação(texto em xml) desaparece. O que altero nesta AS para que ao surgir a imagem na galeria, o texto já seja visivel e assim fique até que se clique na seta ou thumbnail seguinte? Não estou conseguindo de jeito nenhum. Code: // // INITIAL SETTINGS // slideShow = false; if (slideShow) { bttnAutoPlay.gotoAndStop(2); } import mx.transitions.Tween; import mx.transitions.easing.*; menu_all._visible = false; holder._alpha = 0; destWidth = holder._width+border; destHeight = holder._height+border; // Set first gallery displayed by default galleryID = 0; // Set first image displayed by default ID = 0; // Set your document stage width and height here stageW = 800; stageH = 600; // Set spacing amount between thumbnail images thumbSpace = 1; // Set the maximum amount of thumbs to be displayed here. Scrolling will be enabled if total of thumbs is greater than default_maxThumbs default_maxThumbs = 8; // Set border amount here border = 15; menu_mc.bgX =; // Set initial size of white bg here destWidth =; destHeight =; // Alignment varibles fullscreen_mcY = fullscreen_mc._y; bgX = bg._x; bgY = bg._y; menu_mcX = menu_mc._x; menu_mcY = menu_mc._y; // Hides these movieclips initially hover_mc._visible = false; info_mc._alpha = 0; info_mc.destAlpha = 0; bttnNext._visible = false; bttnPrev._visible = false; // // CSS STYLESHEET // var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet(); // Set hyperlink colour and decoration here styles.setStyle("a:link", {color:'#00FFFF', textDecoration:'none'}); styles.setStyle("a:hover", {color:'#00FFFF', textDecoration:'underline'}); info_mc.txt.html = true; info_mc.txt.styleSheet = styles; // // LARGE IMAGE TRANSITION // // You can use custom easing types such as: Back, Bounce, Elastic, Regular, Strong, None var tweenAlpha:Tween = new Tween(holder, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true); tweenAlpha.stop(); var tweenAlphaPreloader:Tween = new Tween(preloader, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 100, 0, 1, true); tweenAlphaPreloader.stop(); imageLoaded = function () { holder._alpha = 0; tweenAlpha.rewind(); tweenAlpha.stop(); currWidth =; currHeight =; destWidth = holder._width+border; destHeight = holder._height+border; // You can use custom easing types such as: Back, Bounce, Elastic, Regular, Strong, None var tweenWidth:Tween = new Tween(, "_width", Bounce.easeOut, currWidth, destWidth, 1, true); var tweenHeight:Tween = new Tween(, "_height", Bounce.easeOut, currHeight, destHeight, 1, true); tweenAlphaPreloader.start(); tweenWidth["onMotionFinished"] = function () { if (tweenWidth.position == destWidth && tweenAlpha.position == 0) { tweenAlpha.start(); } }; // Check if autoplay is enabled if (slideShow) { clearInterval(_global.timeInterval); _global.timeInterval = setInterval(slideTimer, 3000); } else { clearInterval(_global.timeInterval); } }; // // AUTOPLAY FUNCTION // slideTimer = function () { trace('slideTimer'); clearInterval(_global.timeInterval); if (slideShow) { ID += 1; if (ID == total) { ID = 0; galleryID += 1; if (galleryID == galleryTotal) { galleryID = 0; } buildGallery(); } menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+ID].selectThumb(); loadID(); } }; // // ON STAGE RESIZE // stageListener = new Object(); Stage.addListener(stageListener); alignObjects = function () { // Align menu menu_mc._x = menu_mcX-(Stage.width-stageW)/2+(Stage.width-stageW)/2; menu_mc._y = menu_mcY+(Stage.height-stageH)/2; = menu_mc.bgX-(Stage.width-stageW)/2; = Stage.width; menu_all._y = Math.round(-(Stage.height-stageH)/2); menu_all._x = Math.round(-(Stage.width-stageW)/2+(Stage.width-menu_all._width)/2); // Align autoplay bttnAutoPlay._y = -(Stage.height-stageH)/2+Stage.height-26; bttnAutoPlay._x = -(Stage.width-stageW)/2+Stage.width/2-bttnAutoPlay._width/2; }; stageListener.onResize = function() { alignObjects(); }; alignObjects(); // // BUTTON FUNCTIONS // = function() { nextID(); menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+ID].selectThumb(); }; = function() { bttnNext._visible = true; }; = () { bttnNext._visible = false; }; = function() { prevID(); menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+ID].selectThumb(); }; = function() { bttnPrev._visible = true; }; = () { bttnPrev._visible = false; }; info_bttn.bttn.onRollOver = function() { info_mc.destAlpha = 100; }; info_bttn.bttn.onRollOut = info_bttn.bttn.onDragOut=function () { info_mc.destAlpha = 0; }; // // AUTOPLAY BUTTON // bttnAutoPlay.bttn.onPress = function() { if (this._parent._currentframe == 1) { slideShow = true; this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); slideTimer(); } else { slideShow = false; this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(_global.timeInterval); } }; // // LOAD ID FUNCTIONS // nextID = function () { if (ID<(total-1)) { ID++; loadID(); } }; prevID = function () { if (ID>0) { ID--; loadID(); } }; loadID = function () { tweenAlphaPreloader.stop(); tweenAlphaPreloader.rewind(); preloader._alpha = 100; tweenAlpha.rewind(); tweenAlpha.stop(); destAlpha = 0; holder._alpha = 0; info_mc._alpha = 0; info_mc.destAlpha = 0; menu_mc.hover.txt.text = Caption[iD]; loadMovie(Large[iD], holder); }; _global.thumbClick = function() { loadID(); }; // // DISPLAY INFO TEXT // setText = function () { = holder._width; info_mc.txt.htmlText = Copy[iD]; info_mc.txt._width =; info_mc.txt._x =; info_mc.txt._height = info_mc.txt.textHeight+10; = info_mc.txt._height+10; info_mc._x = holder._x; info_mc._y = holder._y+holder._height-info_mc._height; }; // // ON IMAGE LOAD // alignPic = function () { holder._x = (stageW-holder._width)/2; holder._y = (stageH-holder._height-menu_mc._height)/2; = holder._x; = holder._y; bg_mc._x = holder._width/2; bg_mc._y = holder._height/2; bttnNext._y = holder._y+(holder._height-bttnNext._height)/2; bttnNext._x = bg_mc._width+(stageW-bg_mc._width)/2-bttnNext._width-border/2; bttnPrev._y = holder._y+(holder._height-bttnPrev._height)/2; bttnPrev._x = (stageW-bg_mc._width)/2+bttnPrev._width+border/2; preloader._x = holder._x+holder._width/2; preloader._y = holder._y+holder._height/2; }; alignPic(); // // BUILD GALLERY FUNCTION // buildGallery = function () { menu_all.destX = menu_all.header_mc._width+1+(menu_all.menu_mc._width+1)*galleryID; menu_all.doTween(); ID = 0; destWidth = 0; destHeight = 0; //Remove previously created photos and thumbs for (j=0; j<currentTotal; j++) { menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+j].removeMovieClip(); } total = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.length; maxThumbs = default_maxThumbs; //Disable scrolling if too few thumbs if (maxThumbs>total) { maxThumbs = total; } // Sets destination width and height for each image for (i=0; i<total; i++) { Thumb = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.attributes.Thumb; Large = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.attributes.Large; Caption = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.attributes.Caption; Colour = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.attributes.Colour; Copy = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryID].childNodes.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue; //Build thumb menu menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc.thumb.duplicateMovieClip("thumb"+i, i); menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i]._x = (menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i]._width+thumbSpace)*i; loadMovie(Thumb, menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i].holder); menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i].ID = i; menu_mc.scroll_mc.mask_mc._width = ((menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc.thumb._width+thumbSpace)*maxThumbs)-thumbSpace; menu_mc.scroll_mc._x = Math.round(-(Stage.width-stageW)/2+Stage.width/2-menu_mc.scroll_mc.mask_mc._width/2); //Reset scroll menu to first image on gallery load menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc._x = 0; menu_mc.scroll_mc.destX = 0; } loadID(); currentTotal = total; }; // // THUMBNAIL MENU AND PRELOADER SCRIPT // this.menu_mc.thumb_menu.destX = this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x; onEnterFrame = function () { // Align large image alignPic(); this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x += (this.menu_mc.thumb_menu.destX-this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x)/3; //Info show and hide info_mc._alpha += (info_mc.destAlpha-info_mc._alpha)/3; header_mc._alpha = info_mc._alpha; loaded = holder.getBytesLoaded(); filesize = holder.getBytesTotal(); percentage = Math.round((loaded/filesize)*100); // Preloader script if (filesize == loaded && filesize>100) { preloader.left.half._rotation = 180; preloader.right.half._rotation = 180; if (bg_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && holder._alpha>=100) { if (!bttnNext.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && !bttnPrev.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { setText(); info_mc.destAlpha = 100; } else { info_mc.destAlpha = 0; } } else { info_mc.destAlpha = 0; } } else { info_mc._alpha = 0; info_mc.destAlpha = 0; if (isNaN(percentage) or percentage == 0) { percentage = 0; preloader.left.half._rotation = 0; preloader.right.half._rotation = 0; } else if (percentage<=50 && percentage>0) { preloader.left.half._rotation = 0; preloader.right.half._rotation = (360/100)*percentage; } else if (percentage>50 && percentage<100) { preloader.left.half._rotation = (360/100)*(percentage-50); preloader.right.half._rotation = 180; } } preloader.percentageTxt = percentage; }; // // LOAD XML DATA // loadXML = function (loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; Name = []; Thumb = []; Large = []; Caption = []; Copy = []; galleryTotal = xmlNode.childNodes.length; menu_all.header_mc.headerName.text = xmlNode.attributes.Name; for (n=0; n<galleryTotal; n++) { menu_all.menu_mc.duplicateMovieClip("menu_mc"+n, n); menu_all["menu_mc"+n]._x = menu_all.header_mc._width+1+(menu_all.menu_mc._width+1)*n; menu_all["menu_mc"+n].txt_mc.categoryName.text = xmlNode.childNodes[n].attributes.Name; menu_all["menu_mc"+n].ID = n; alignObjects(); } menu_all._visible = true; menu_all.menu_mc._visible = false; } else { trace("Error loading XML"); } }; xmlData = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite = true; xmlData.onLoad = loadXML; xmlData.load("imagegallery/content.xml"); stop(); Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Public2004 79 Denunciar post Postado Março 30, 2010 Você tem que entender um pouco de AS... Procure no seu filme a caixa de texto que traz a informação e verifique sua instância, depois no cód procure por esta instância... Só uma dica, verifique no cód a função "setText" e suas chamadas. Att. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites