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Olá, primeiramente pesso desculpas caso tenha postado no local errado, uma vez que se trata de uma mistura de php com javascript creio eu...

oque acontece é que apos o upload da imagem da o seguinte erro:

PHP Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in E:\home\buffetghir\Web\wp-content\plugins\wp-photo-album\wppa.php on line 609
Quanto as premiçoes estao corretas uma vez que os thumbnails sao criados corretamente e as fotos ampliadas também.


Codigo do wppa.php


global $wpdb;
define('ALBUM_TABLE', $wpdb->prefix . 'wppa_albums');
define('PHOTO_TABLE', $wpdb->prefix . 'wppa_photos');
define('PLUGIN_PATH', 'wp-photo-album');

if ( !function_exists('wp_nonce_field') ) {
        function wppa_nonce_field($action = -1) { return; }
        $wppa_nonce = -1;
} else {
		function wppa_nonce_field($action = -1,$name = 'wppa-update-check') { return wp_nonce_field($action,$name); }
		define('WPPA_NONCE' , 'wppa-update-check');

/* SETUP */
// calls the setup function on activation
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'wppa_setup' );

// does the initial setup
function wppa_setup() {
	global $wpdb;
	$create_albums = "CREATE TABLE " . ALBUM_TABLE . " (id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, name text NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, a_order smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, main_photo bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id) )";
	$create_photos = "CREATE TABLE " . PHOTO_TABLE . " (id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, album bigint(20) NOT NULL, ext tinytext NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, description longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id) )";

$fp = fopen("/leon.log","a+");

fwrite($fp, "ALBUM_TABLE='" . ALBUM_TABLE . "\n");
fwrite($fp, "PHOTO_TABLE='" . PHOTO_TABLE . "\n");
fwrite($fp, "wpdb->prefix='" . $wpdb->prefix . "\n");
echo "<br />";


	if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . ALBUM_TABLE . "'") != ALBUM_TABLE) {
		require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php');

	if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . PHOTO_TABLE . "'") != PHOTO_TABLE) {
		require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php');
	update_option('wppa_thumbsize', '130');


function wppa_add_admin() {
	$level = get_option('wppa-accesslevel');
	if (empty($level)) { $level = 'level_10'; }
	add_menu_page('WP Photo Album', 'Portfolio', $level, __FILE__, 'wppa_admin');
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'Enviar Fotos', 'Enviar Fotos', $level, 'upload_photos', 'wppa_page_upload');
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'Opções', 'Opções', $level, 'options', 'wppa_page_options');
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'Ajuda', 'Ajuda', $level, 'wppa_help', 'wppa_page_help');

add_action('admin_menu', 'wppa_add_admin');

function wppa_admin() {
	global $wpdb;
	// warn if the uploads directory is no writable
	if (!is_writable(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads')) { echo '<div id="error" class="error"><p><strong>Warning:</strong> The uploads directory does not exist or is not writable by the server. Please make sure that <tt>wp-content/uploads/</tt> is writeable by the server</p></div>'; }

	// album edit page
	 if ($_GET['tab'] == 'edit'){
		// updates the details
		if (isset($_POST['wppa-ea-submit'])) {
			check_admin_referer( '$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE );
		// deletes the image
		if (isset($_GET['photo_del'])) {
			$ext = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ext FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id={$_GET['photo_del']}");
			unlink(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/' . $_GET['photo_del'] . '.' . $ext);
			unlink(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/' . $_GET['photo_del'] . '.' . $ext);
			$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id={$_GET['photo_del']} LIMIT 1");
			echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Photo Deleted.</strong></p></div>';
		$albuminfo = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE . " WHERE id={$_GET['edit_id']} ", 'ARRAY_A');

		echo '<div class="wrap">';
		echo '<h2>Edit Ablum Information</h2>';
		echo '<form action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php&tab=edit&edit_id=' . $_GET['edit_id'] . '" method="post">';
		wppa_nonce_field('$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE);
		echo '<p>
				<label for="wppa-name">Name: </label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-name" id="wppa-name" value="' . $albuminfo['name'] .'" />
				<label for="wppa-description">Descrição: </label><br />
				<textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="wppa-desc" id="wppa-desc">' . $albuminfo['description'] . '</textarea>
				<label for="wppa-order">Posição (1 para primeiro,2 para segundo,...): </label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-order" id="wppa-order" value="' . $albuminfo['a_order'] .'" />
				<label for="wppa-main">Main Photo: </label><br />
				' . wppa_main_photo($albuminfo['main_photo']) . '
				<input type="submit" name="wppa-ea-submit" value="Salvar" />
		echo '<br />';
		echo '<h2>Manage Photos</h2>';
		echo '<p>
				<input type="submit" name="wppa-ea-submit" value="Salvar" />
		echo wppa_album_photos($_GET['edit_id']);
		echo '<p>
				<input type="submit" name="wppa-ea-submit" value="Salvar" />
		echo '</form>';
		echo '</div>';
	// styles page

	// help page
	// album delete confirm page
	} else if ($_GET['tab'] == 'del'){
		echo '<div class="wrap">
			<h2>Delete Album</h2>
			<p>Are you sure you want to delete the album "' . wppa_album_name($_GET['id'], TRUE) . '" ?<br />
			Press Delete to continue, and Cancel to go back.</p>';
		echo '<form name="wppa-del-form" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php" method="post">';
		wppa_nonce_field('$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE);

		echo '<p>
				What would you like to do with photos currently in the album?<br />
				<input type="radio" name="wppa-del-photos" value="delete" checked="checked" /> Delete <br />
				<input type="radio" name="wppa-del-photos" value="move" /> Move to: 
				<select name="wppa-move-album">' . wppa_album_select($_GET['id']) . '</select>
			<input type="hidden" name="wppa-del-id" value="' . $_GET['id'] . '" />
			<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="window.location = \'' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php\'" />
			<input type="submit" name="wppa-del-confirm" value="Delete" />

		echo '</div>';

	// default, album manage page.
	} else {
		// if add form has been submitted
		if (isset($_POST['wppa-na-submit'])) {
			check_admin_referer( '$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE );
		// if album deleted
		if (isset($_POST['wppa-del-confirm'])) {
			check_admin_referer( '$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE );

			if ($_POST['wppa-del-photos'] == 'move') {
				$move = $_POST['wppa-move-album'];
			} else {
				$move = '';
			wppa_del_album($_POST['wppa-del-id'], $move);

		echo '<div class="wrap">';
		echo "<h2>Administrador de &Aaculte;lbuns</h2><br />";
		echo '<br /><h2>Criar Novo Album</h2>';
		echo '<form action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php" method="post">';

		wppa_nonce_field('$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE);

		echo '<p>
				<label for="wppa-name">Nome: </label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-name" id="wppa-name" />
				<label for="wppa-description">Descrição: </label><br />
				<textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="wppa-desc" id="wppa-desc"></textarea>
				<label for="wppa-name">Posição (1 para primeiro,2 para segundo,...):  </label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-order" id="wppa-order" />
				<input type="submit" name="wppa-na-submit" value="Criar Album!" />
		echo '</div>';

function wppa_page_upload() {
		// upload images
		if (isset($_POST['wppa-upload'])) {
			check_admin_referer( '$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE );

		echo '<div class="wrap">';
		echo "<h2>Enviar Fotos</h2><br />";
		// chek if albums exist before allowing upload
		if(wppa_has_albums()) {

			echo '
			<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=upload_photos" method="post">
			wppa_nonce_field('$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE);
			echo '
			<input id="my_file_element" type="file" name="file_1" />
			<div id="files_list">
				<h3>Arquivos Selecionados: <small>Pode-se enviar 10 fotos por vez</small></h3>
			echo '<p>
			<label for="wppa-album">Album: </label>
			<select name="wppa-album" id="wppa-album">';
			echo wppa_album_select();
			echo '</select></p>';

			echo '<input type="submit" name="wppa-upload" value="Enviar Fotos" />
		<br />
		<script type="text/javascript">
			<!-- Create an instance of the multiSelector class, pass it the output target and the max number of files -->
			var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById( \'files_list\' ), 10 );
			<!-- Pass in the file element -->
			multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( \'my_file_element\' ) );
		} else {
			echo '<p>No albums exist. You must <a href="admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php">create one</a> beofre you can upload your photos.</p>';
		echo '</div>';

function wppa_page_options() {
		if (isset($_POST['wppa-set-submit'])) {
			check_admin_referer( '$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE );

			if (($_POST['wppa-thumbsize'] != get_option('wppa_thumbsize')) && is_numeric($_POST['wppa-thumbsize'])) {
				update_option('wppa_thumbsize', $_POST['wppa-thumbsize']);
			update_option('wppa_fullsize', $_POST['wppa-fullsize']);
			update_option('wppa-accesslevel', $_POST['wppa-accesslevel']);
			echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Mudanças Salvas</strong></p></div>';


		echo '<div class="wrap">';
		echo '<h2>Opções do Portfolio</h2>';
		echo '<form action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=options" method="post">';
		wppa_nonce_field('$wppa_nonce', WPPA_NONCE);

		echo '<p>
				<label for="wppa-thumbsize">Largura da miniatura: <small>Alterar o tamanho da miniatura irá resultar em todas as miniaturas sendo regeneradas. Isso pode demorar um pouco.</small></label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-thumbsize" id="wppa-tumbsize" value="' . get_option('wppa_thumbsize') .'" />
		echo '<p>
				<label for="wppa-fullsize">Largura Foto Ampliada: <small>Indica-se não passar de 800, pois pode gerar quebra do layout.</small></label><br />
				<input type="text" name="wppa-fullsize" id="wppa-fullsize" value="' . get_option('wppa_fullsize') .'" />
		$level = get_option('wppa-accesslevel');

		switch ($level) {
			case "level_10":
				$l10 = ' selected="selected"';
			case "level_7":
				$l7 = ' selected="selected"';
			case "level_2":
				$l2 = ' selected="selected"';
			case "level_1":
				$l1 = ' selected="selected"';
		echo '<p>
			<label for="wppa-accesslevel">Nivel de Acesso <small>Access Level: Os níveis de usuários que podem acessar o administrador do álbum de fotos</small></label><br />
			<select name="wppa-accesslevel">
				<option value="level_10"' . $l10 . '>Webmaster</option> 
				<option value="level_7"' . $l7 . '>Editor</option>
		echo '<p>
				<input type="submit" name="wppa-set-submit" value="Salvar" />
		echo '</form>';
		echo '</div>';

function wppa_page_help() {

		echo '<div class="wrap">
		<h3>Descrição da Ferramenta</h3>
		<p>Este plugin é projetado para gerenciar e exibir seus álbuns de fotos no seu site. Para usa-lo basta seguir os links do menu a sua esquerda. <br />
        Indo direto ao Portfolio você poderá tanto criar um novo &Aaculte;lbum quanto editar os ja existentes. <br />
        Seguindo para o Enviar Fotos, você poderá enviar suas fotos para o &Aaculte;lbum desejado.
        Nas opções, você poderá configurar as dimenções.</p>


/* get the albums */

function wppa_admin_albums() {
	global $wpdb;
	$albums = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE, 'ARRAY_A');
	if (!empty($albums)) {
		echo '<table class="widefat">
				<th scope="col">ID</th>
				<th scope="col">Nome</th>
				<th scope="col">Descrição</th>
				<th scope="col">Editar</th>
				<th scope="col">Delete</th>				
			$alt = ' class="alternate" ';
			foreach ($albums as $album) {
				echo '<tr' . $alt . '><td>' . $album['id'] . '</td><td>' . $album['name'] . '</td><td><small>' . $album['description'] . '</small></td><td><a href="admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php&tab=edit&edit_id=' . $album['id'] . '" class="edit">Edit</a></td><td><a href="admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php&tab=del&id=' . $album['id'] . '" class="delete">Delete</a></td></tr>';			
				if ($alt == '') { $alt = ' class="alternate" '; } else { $alt = '';}
		echo '</table>';
	} else { 
		echo "No albums yet."; 


// get photo edit list for albums
function wppa_album_photos($id) {
	global $wpdb;
	$photos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album=$id", 'ARRAY_A');
	if (empty($photos)) {
		return "<p>No photos yet in this album.</p>";
	} else {
		foreach ($photos as $photo) {
			echo '<div class="photoitem">';
			echo '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/' . $photo['id'] . '.' . $photo['ext'] . '" alt="' . $photo['name'] . '" />';
			echo '<div class="details">';
				echo '<p>Name: <input type="text" name="photos[' . $photo['id'] . '][name]" value="' . $photo['name'] . '" /></p>';
				echo '<p>Album: <select name="photos[' . $photo['id'] . '][album]">' . wppa_album_select('', $id) . '</select></p>';
				echo '<input type="hidden" name="photos[' . $photo['id'] . '][id]" value="' . $photo['id'] . '" />';
				echo '<p><a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php&tab=edit&edit_id=' . $_GET['edit_id'] . '&photo_del=' . $photo['id'] . '" class="deletelink" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this photo?\')">Delete</a></p>';
			echo '</div>';
			echo '<div class="desc">Descrição:<br /><textarea cols="40" rows="4" name="photos[' . $photo['id'] . '][description]">' . $photo['description'] . '</textarea></div>';
			echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
			echo '</div>';


// check if albums exist

function wppa_has_albums() {
	global $wpdb;	
	$albums = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE, 'ARRAY_A');
	if (empty($albums)) {
		return FALSE;
	} else {
		return TRUE;

// get select form element listing albums 

function wppa_album_select($exc = '', $sel = '') {
	global $wpdb;
	$albums = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE, 'ARRAY_A');
	foreach ($albums as $album) {
		if ($sel == $album['id']) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; } else { $selected = ''; }
		if ($album['id'] != $exc) {
			$result .= '<option value="' . $album['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $album['name'] . '</option>';
	return $result;

// add an album 
function wppa_add_album() {
	global $wpdb;
	$name = $_POST['wppa-name'];
	$desc = $_POST['wppa-desc'];
	if (is_numeric($_POST['wppa-order'])) {
		$order =  $_POST['wppa-order'];
	} else {
		$order = '';
	if (!empty($name)) {
		$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . ALBUM_TABLE . " (id, name, description, a_order) VALUES (0, '$name', '$desc', '$order')");
		echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Album Added.</strong></p></div>';
	} else {
		echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Album Name cannot be empty.</strong></p></div>';

// edit an album 
function wppa_edit_album() {
	global $wpdb;
	$name = $_POST['wppa-name'];
	$desc = $_POST['wppa-desc'];
	if (is_numeric($_POST['wppa-order'])) {
		$order = ', a_order=' . $_POST['wppa-order'];
	} else {
		$order = '';
	$main = $_POST['wppa-main'];
	// update the photo information
	foreach ($_POST['photos'] as $photo) {
		$query = "UPDATE " . PHOTO_TABLE . " SET name='{$photo['name']}', album={$photo['album']}, description='{$photo['description']}' WHERE id={$photo['id']} LIMIT 1";
	// update the album information
	if (!empty($name)) {
		$wpdb->query("UPDATE " . ALBUM_TABLE . " SET name='$name', description='$desc', main_photo='$main' $order WHERE id={$_GET['edit_id']}");
		echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Album information edited. <a href="admin.php?page=wp-photo-album/wppa.php">Back to album management</a></strong></p></div>';
	} else {
		echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Album Name cannot be empty.</strong></p></div>';

// delete an album 
function wppa_del_album($id, $move = '') {
	global $wpdb;
	$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id LIMIT 1");
	if (empty($move)) { // will delete all the album's photos
		$photos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album=$id", 'ARRAY_A');
		if (is_array($photos)) {
			foreach ($photos as $photo) {
				// remove the photos and thumbs
				unlink(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/' . $photo['id'] . '.' . $photo['ext']);
				unlink(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/' . $photo['id'] . '.' . $photo['ext']);
		// remove the database entries
		$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album=$id");
	} else {
		$wpdb->query("UPDATE " . PHOTO_TABLE . " SET album=$move WHERE album=$id");
	echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Album Deleted.</strong></p></div>';

// select main photo
function wppa_main_photo($cur = '') {
	global $wpdb;
	$photos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album={$_GET['edit_id']}", 'ARRAY_A');
	if (!empty($photos)) {
		$output .= '<select name="wppa-main">';
		$output .= '<option value="">- None -</option>';

		foreach($photos as $photo) {
			if ($cur == $photo['id']) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = ''; }
			$output .= '<option value="' . $photo['id'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $photo['name'] . '</option>
		$output .= '</select>';
	} else {
		$output = '<p>Nenhuma Foto</p>';
	return $output;


// Upload Photos 
function wppa_upload_photos() {
	global $wpdb;
	$wppa_dir = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa';
	// check if wppa dir exists
	if (!is_dir($wppa_dir)) {
	// check if thumbs dir exists 
	if (!is_dir($wppa_dir . '/thumbs')) {
		mkdir($wppa_dir . '/thumbs');
	foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
		if (getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) {
			$ext = substr(strrchr($file['name'], "."), 1);
			$query = "INSERT INTO " . PHOTO_TABLE . " (id, album, ext, name, description) VALUES (0, {$_POST['wppa-album']}, '$ext', '{$file['name']}', '')";
			//echo $query;
			$image_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
			$newimage = $wppa_dir . '/' . $image_id . '.' . $ext;
			copy($file['tmp_name'], $newimage);

			if (is_file ($newimage)) {
				$uploaded_a_file = TRUE;
				if (is_numeric(get_option('wppa_thumbsize'))) {
					$thumbsize = get_option('wppa_thumbsize');
				} else {
					$thumbsize = 130;
				wppa_create_thumbnail($newimage, $thumbsize, '' );
	if ($uploaded_a_file) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Photos Uploaded.</strong></p></div>'; }


/* Add Javascript to page head */
add_action('admin_head', 'wppa_admin_head');

function wppa_admin_head() {
 	echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') .'/wp-content/plugins/' . PLUGIN_PATH . '/multifile_compressed.js"></script>
 	<link rel="stylesheet" href="' .  get_bloginfo('wpurl') .'/wp-content/plugins/' . PLUGIN_PATH . '/admin_styles.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

// update all thumbs 
function wppa_regenerate_thumbs() {
	global $wpdb;
	$thumbsize = get_option('wppa_thumbsize');
	$wppa_dir = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/';

	$photos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE , 'ARRAY_A');
	if (!empty($photos)) {
		foreach ($photos as $photo) {
			$newimage = $wppa_dir . $photo['id'] . '.' . $photo['ext'];
			wppa_create_thumbnail($newimage, $thumbsize, '' );


/* create thubmnail - slightly modified  and renamed wordpress core function */
function wppa_create_thumbnail( $file, $max_side, $effect = '' ) {

		// 1 = GIF, 2 = JPEG, 3 = PNG

	if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
		$type = getimagesize( $file );
		// if the associated function doesn't exist - then it's not
		// handle. duh. i hope.

		if (!function_exists( 'imagegif' ) && $type[2] == 1 ) {
			$error = __( 'Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.' );
		elseif (!function_exists( 'imagejpeg' ) && $type[2] == 2 ) {
			$error = __( 'Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.' );
		elseif (!function_exists( 'imagepng' ) && $type[2] == 3 ) {
			$error = __( 'Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.' );
		} else {

			// create the initial copy from the original file
			if ( $type[2] == 1 ) {
				$image = imagecreatefromgif( $file );
			elseif ( $type[2] == 2 ) {
				$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $file );
			elseif ( $type[2] == 3 ) {
				$image = imagecreatefrompng( $file );

			if ( function_exists( 'imageantialias' ))
				imageantialias( $image, TRUE );

			$image_attr = getimagesize( $file );

			// figure out the longest side

			if ( $image_attr[0] > $image_attr[1] ) {
				$image_width = $image_attr[0];
				$image_height = $image_attr[1];
				$image_new_width = $max_side;

				$image_ratio = $image_width / $image_new_width;
				$image_new_height = $image_height / $image_ratio;
				//width is > height
			} else {
				$image_width = $image_attr[0];
				$image_height = $image_attr[1];
				$image_new_height = $max_side;

				$image_ratio = $image_height / $image_new_height;
				$image_new_width = $image_width / $image_ratio;
				//height > width

			$thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor( $image_new_width, $image_new_height);
			@ imagecopyresampled( $thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_new_width, $image_new_height, $image_attr[0], $image_attr[1] );

			// If no filters change the filename, we'll do a default transformation.
			if ( basename( $file ) == $thumb = apply_filters( 'thumbnail_filename', basename( $file ) ) )
				$thumb = 'thumbs/' . basename( $file );
				//$thumb = preg_replace( '!(\.[^.]+)?$!', '.thumbnail' . '$1', basename( $file ), 1 );

			$thumbpath = str_replace( basename( $file ), $thumb, $file );

			// move the thumbnail to its final destination
			if ( $type[2] == 1 ) {
				if (!imagegif( $thumbnail, $thumbpath ) ) {
					$error = __( "Thumbnail path invalid" );
			elseif ( $type[2] == 2 ) {
				if (!imagejpeg( $thumbnail, $thumbpath ) ) {
					$error = __( "Thumbnail path invalid" );
			elseif ( $type[2] == 3 ) {
				if (!imagepng( $thumbnail, $thumbpath ) ) {
					$error = __( "Thumbnail path invalid" );

	} else {
		$error = __( 'File not found' );

	if (!empty ( $error ) ) {
		return $error;
	} else {
		return apply_filters( 'wp_create_thumbnail', $thumbpath );

// get the albums via filter
add_action('init', 'wppa_do_filter');

function wppa_do_filter() {
add_filter('the_content', 'wppa_albums_filter', 1);

function wppa_albums_filter($post) {
	if (substr_count($post, '%%wppa%%') > 0) {
		$post = str_replace('%%wppa%%', wppa_albums(), $post);
	return $post;

// get the albums
function wppa_albums() {
	global $wpdb;
	$templatefile = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/' . get_option('template') . '/wppa_theme.php';
	// check for user template before using default template
	if (is_file($templatefile)) {
	} else {
		include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/' . PLUGIN_PATH . '/theme/wppa_theme.php');

// add  styling to header
add_action('wp_head', 'wppa_add_style');

function wppa_add_style() {
	$userstyle = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/' . get_option('template') . '/wppa_style.css';
	if (is_file($userstyle)) {
		echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/themes/' . get_option('template')  . '/wppa_style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
	} else {
		echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . PLUGIN_PATH . '/theme/wppa_style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />


// shows the breadcrumb navigation
function wppa_breadcrumb($sep = '»') {
	if (!isset($_GET['album'])) {
		echo 'Todos os Álbuns';
	} else {
		echo '<a href="' . get_permalink()  . '" class="backlink">Álbuns</a> » ';
		if (!isset($_GET['photo'])) {
			echo wppa_album_name($_GET['album'], TRUE);
		} else {
			echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . wppa_sep() . 'album=' . $_GET['album'] . '" class="backlink">' . wppa_album_name($_GET['album'], TRUE) . '</a> » ';
			echo wppa_photo_name($_GET['photo']);

// get album title by id
function wppa_album_name($id = '', $return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb;
	if ($id == '') { $id = $_GET['album']; }
	$id = $wpdb->escape($id);
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id");
	if ($return) {
		return $name;
	} else {
		echo $name;

// get the seperator (& or ?, depending on permalink structure)
function wppa_sep() {
	if (get_option('permalink_structure') == '') {
		$sep = '&';
	} else {
		$sep = '?';
	return $sep;

// determine page
function wppa_page($page) {
	if (isset($_GET['album'])) {	
		if (isset($_GET['photo'])) {
			$cur_page = 'single';
		} else {
			$cur_page = 'thumbs';	
	} else {
		$cur_page = 'albums';
	if ($cur_page == $page) { return TRUE; }


// get url of current album image
function wppa_image_url($return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb, $album;
	// cehck if a main photo is set
	if (empty($album['main_photo'])) {
		$image = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album={$album['id']} ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1", 'ARRAY_A');
	} else {
		$image = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id={$album['main_photo']} LIMIT 0,1", 'ARRAY_A');
	$imgurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/' . $image['id'] . '.' . $image['ext'];
	if ($return) {
		return $imgurl;
	} else {
		echo $imgurl;

// loop album
function wppa_get_albums() {
	global $wpdb;
	$albums = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . ALBUM_TABLE . " ORDER BY a_order",'ARRAY_A');
	return $albums;

// get link to album (in loop)
function wppa_album_url($return = FALSE) {
	global $album;
	$link = get_permalink() . wppa_sep() . 'album=' . $album['id'];
	if ($return) {
		return $link;
	} else {
		echo $link;

// get album name
function wppa_the_album_name($return = FALSE) {
	global $album;
	if ($return) {
		return $album['name'];
	} else {
		echo $album['name'];

// get album decription
function wppa_the_album_desc($return = FALSE) {
	global $album;
	if ($return) {
		return $album['description'];
	} else {
		echo $album['description'];

// loop thumbs
function wppa_get_thumbs() {
	global $wpdb;
	$album = $wpdb->escape($_GET['album']);
	if (is_numeric($album)) {
		$thumbs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album=$album", 'ARRAY_A'); 
	return $thumbs;

// get link to photo
function wppa_photo_page_url($return = FALSE) {
	global $thumb;
	$url = get_permalink()  . wppa_sep() . 'album=' . $_GET['album'] . '&photo=' . $thumb['id'];
	if ($return) {
		return $url;
	} else {
		echo $url;

// get url of thumb
function wppa_thumb_url($return = FALSE) {
	global $thumb;
	$url = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/' . $thumb['id'] . '.' . $thumb['ext'];

	if ($return) {
		return $url;
	} else {
		echo $url;

// get url of a full sized image
function wppa_photo_url($return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb;
	$photo = $wpdb->escape($_GET['photo']);
	if (is_numeric($photo)) {
		$ext = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ext FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id=$photo");
	$url = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/wppa/' . $photo . '.' . $ext;
	if ($return) {
		return $url;
	} else {
		echo $url;

// get the name of a full sized image
function wppa_photo_name($id = '', $return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb;
	if ($id == '') { $id = $_GET['photo']; }
	$id = $wpdb->escape($id);
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT name FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id");
	if ($return) {
		return $name;
	} else {
		echo $name;

// get the description of a full sized image
function wppa_photo_desc($id = '', $return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb;
	if ($id == '') { $id = $_GET['photo']; }
	$id = $wpdb->escape($id);
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$desc = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT description FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id");
	if ($return) {
		return $desc;
	} else {
		echo $desc;

// prev/next links
function wppa_prev_next($prev = '«<a href="%link%">Previous Photo</a> ', $next = '<a href="%link%">Next Photo</a>»', $id='', $return = FALSE) {
	global $wpdb;

	if (empty($id)) { $id = $_GET['photo']; }
	$id = $wpdb->escape($id);
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$album = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT album FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id");
		$ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE album=$album", 'ARRAY_N');
		$tmp_pos = 0;
		foreach ($ids as $single) {
			if ($single[0] == $id) {
				$position = $tmp_pos;

	// if is not first photo 
	if ($position > 0) {
		$prev_pos = $position - 1;
		$link = get_permalink()  . wppa_sep() . 'album=' . $_GET['album'] . '&photo=' . $ids[$prev_pos][0];
		$result .= str_replace('%link%', $link, $prev);
	// if is not last photo
	if ($position < (count($ids) - 1)) {
		$next_pos = $position + 1;
		$link = get_permalink()  . wppa_sep() . 'album=' . $_GET['album'] . '&photo=' . $ids[$next_pos][0];
		$result .= str_replace('%link%', $link, $next);
	if ($return) {
		return $result;
	} else {
		echo $result;

// get height or width limit
function wppa_get_fullsize($id = '') {
	global $wpdb;
	if (empty($id)) { $id = $_GET['photo']; }
	$id = $wpdb->escape($id);
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$ext = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ext FROM " . PHOTO_TABLE . " WHERE id=$id");
	$img_path = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/wppa/' . $id . '.' . $ext;
	if(is_file($img_path)) {
		$size = getimagesize($img_path);
	$fullsize = get_option('wppa_fullsize');
	if (is_numeric($fullsize)) {
		if ($size[0] >= $size[1]) {
			echo 'width="' . $fullsize . '"';
		} else {
			echo 'height="' . $fullsize . '"';

Outro detalhe é que em localhost ele roda normalmente.

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A função getimagesize() irá determinar o tamanho de qualquer arquivo de imagem GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF, SWC, PSD, TIFF, BMP, IFF, JP2, JPX, JB2, JPC, XBM, ou WBMP e retornar as dimensões juntamente com o tipo de arquivo e a altura/largura para usar dentro de uma tag HTML IMG.


Nota: Suporte para JPC, JP2, JPX, JB2, XBM, e WBMP tornou-se disponível no PHP 4.3.2. Supporte para SWC a partir do PHP 4.3.0.


Retorna uma matriz com 4 elementos. O índice 0 contém a largura da imagem em pixels. O índice 1 contém a altura. O índice 2 é uma indicação do tipo de imagem: 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP, 7 = TIFF(intel byte order), 8 = TIFF(motorola byte order), 9 = JPC, 10 = JP2, 11 = JPX, 12 = JB2, 13 = SWC, 14 = IFF, 15 = WBMP, 16 = XBM. Estes valores correspondem as constantes IMAGETYPE que foram adicionadas no PHP 4.3. O índice 3 é uma string com o height="yyy" width="xxx" correto que pode ser usado diretamente numa tag IMG.


Se for impossível acessar a imagem filename, ou não for uma imagem válida, getimagesize() irá retornar FALSE e gerar um warning.


teu erro


Nome do arquivo não pode ser vazio:


bom se a variavel estiver vazia sempre vai dar este erro

verifica se ela exixte com isset e tenta impimi ela quando tu enviar para ver se ela aparece ok


/***verifica se a $_FILES existe**/

        if(isset ($_FILES))
        echo $_FILES;
        foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                if (getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) {
                        $ext = substr(strrchr($file['name'], "."), 1);
                        $query = "INSERT INTO " . PHOTO_TABLE . " (id, album, ext, name, description) VALUES (0, {$_POST['wppa-album']}, '$ext', '{$file['name']}', '')";
                        //echo $query;
                        $image_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
                        $newimage = $wppa_dir . '/' . $image_id . '.' . $ext;
                        copy($file['tmp_name'], $newimage);

                        if (is_file ($newimage)) {
                                $uploaded_a_file = TRUE;
                                if (is_numeric(get_option('wppa_thumbsize'))) {
                                        $thumbsize = get_option('wppa_thumbsize');
                                } else {
                                        $thumbsize = 130;
                                wppa_create_thumbnail($newimage, $thumbsize, '' );

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Obrigado, em um minuto edito aqui para editar e ver oque da...


Nome do arquivo não pode ser vazio:


bom se a variavel estiver vazia sempre vai dar este erro

verifica se ela exixte com isset e tenta impimi ela quando tu enviar para ver se ela aparece ok


/***verifica se a $_FILES existe**/

        if(isset ($_FILES))
        echo $_FILES;
        foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                if (getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) {
                        $ext = substr(strrchr($file['name'], "."), 1);
                        $query = "INSERT INTO " . PHOTO_TABLE . " (id, album, ext, name, description) VALUES (0, {$_POST['wppa-album']}, '$ext', '{$file['name']}', '')";
                        //echo $query;
                        $image_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
                        $newimage = $wppa_dir . '/' . $image_id . '.' . $ext;
                        copy($file['tmp_name'], $newimage);

                        if (is_file ($newimage)) {
                                $uploaded_a_file = TRUE;
                                if (is_numeric(get_option('wppa_thumbsize'))) {
                                        $thumbsize = get_option('wppa_thumbsize');
                                } else {
                                        $thumbsize = 130;
                                wppa_create_thumbnail($newimage, $thumbsize, '' );
Nada =/ nao imprimiu, continuou no mesmo erro, apenas mudou a linha é claro =/


OK entao, a variavel é nula?

Ta, em termos de gambiarra eu soh teria que fazer esse erro maldito sumir, mas...em termos de que não é pra mim eu deveria arrumar...oq me dizem?

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