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[Resolvido!] Virus no pc!

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Cara vlw pela ajuda mais tipo assim, meu problema era que meu anti virus sumiu e continua sumido, já tentei instalar várias vezes novamente e nada, ele simplesmente não aparece, então o que você recomenda? Devo formatar? Da ideia ai!

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Você refere que usava o Avast.


Use o desinstalador do mesmo.


Caso seu Avast era 5:


Caso ele era 4.8:



*Baixe o Automatic System Cleaner e salve-o no desktop


*Extraia o conteúdo para o desktop

*Execute o AutoClean e clique em [Agree]


*Na primeira janela, clique em [uncheck All]

*Selecione as opções:


[] Create a Restore Point

[] Backup the Registry

[] Reboot When Completed

*Na aba [Perfomance], selecione:


[] Optimize Registry

*Na aba [Maintenance], selecione:


[] Schedule System File Defragementation (next boot)

[] Defragment the Hard Drive (Defraggler)

[] Schedule Checkdisk to run next boot

*Na aba [Win Fixes], selecione:


[] Fix Windows Installer

[] Empty Recycle Bin

*Na aba [Win Fixes 2], selecione:


[] Fix Windows Associations

*Clique em [Execute]

*Após o término do programa...pode demorar

*O PC será reiniciado e será feito um CheckDisk.


Surgirão várias pastas no desktop. Não se preocupe...


*Execute novamente o programa Automatic System Cleaner e clique em [Delete Files]

*Feche o programa, delete o arquivo de configuração settings.ini e o programa Automatic System Cleaner.


*Cole o relatório AutoCleanAAAAMMDDHH.txt onde AAAA= ano, MM= mês, DD= dia e HH= hora, localizado dentro da pasta Logs que está no desktop.


*Em seguida, delete a pasta Logs

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Starting Processes...


#---Action Begin: SystemRestore --------

Creating a System Restore Point

Restore Point Created Successfully

#---Action End: SystemRestore ----------


#---Action Begin: ERUNT ----------------

Downloading NT Registry Backup From:

Initializing Download

Download Complete


#---Action End: ERUNT ------------------


#---Action Begin: ExeAss ---------------

Win Fixes - Fixing EXE Association...


Win Fixes - Fixing SCR Associations...


Win Fixes - Fixing MSI Associations...


Win Fixes - Fixing LNK Associations...


Win Fixes - Fixing MSC Associations...


Win Fixes - Fixing DIR Associations...


Win Fixes - Fixing REG Associations...


#---Action End: ExeAss -----------------


#---Action Begin: Installer ------------

Stopping Service

Changed Start Mode of MSIServer to Manual

Changed Start Mode of MSIServer to Manual

Started MSIServer

Un-Registering Service

Re-Registering DLLs

Registering: msi.dll Result=Success

Re-Registering Service

Failed to Stop MSIServer

Updating Per-User System Parameters

#---Action End: Installer --------------


#---Action Begin: Bin ------------------

Emptying Recycle Bin

#---Action End: Bin --------------------


#---Action Begin: PageDefrag -----------

Downloading Page Defragmenter From:

Initializing Download

Download Complete

#---Action End: PageDefrag -------------


#---Action Begin: Defrag ---------------

Downloading Defraggler From:

Initializing Download

Download Complete

#---Action End: Defrag -----------------


#---Action Begin: CheckDisk ------------

#---Action End: CheckDisk --------------


#---Action Begin: NTREGOPT -------------

Downloading NT Registry Optimizer From:

Initializing Download

Download Complete


#---Action End: NTREGOPT ---------------

Finished Processes


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Conseguir não..aparece uma mensagem dizendo que h.ouve erro na instalaçãoda uma olhada no log ai.


23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Started: 23.08.2010, 18:22:43

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Running setup_ais-252 (594)

23.08.2010 18:22:43 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [service Pack 3]

23.08.2010 18:22:43 system: Memory: 84% load. Phys:79944/506604K free, Page:902360/1185144K free, Virt:2067864/2097024K free

23.08.2010 18:22:43 system: Computer WinName: TINHO

23.08.2010 18:22:43 system: Windows Net User: TINHO\Uelinton

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage "C:\DOCUME~1\Uelinton\CONFIG~1\Temp\" /srcpath "E:\MEUSDO~1\APLICA~1" /sfxname "setup_av_free"

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: DldSrc set to sfx

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0

23.08.2010 18:22:43 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=6.0.2900.5512

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: GUID: ff74f4cd-22e5-4631-abf9-beb3ba1423c0

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: SelectCurrent: selected server 'tmp sfx storage' from 'sfx'

23.08.2010 18:22:43 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings

23.08.2010 18:22:43 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Changed Edition=1

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Entered SetupProcessAIS::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

23.08.2010 18:22:43 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\Uelinton\CONFIG~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10071200 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\Uelinton\CONFIG~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: Part prg_ais-252 was set to be installed

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: Part vps_win32-10071200 was set to be installed

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: Part setup_ais-252 was set to be installed

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: Part jrog-a7 was set to be installed

23.08.2010 18:22:55 package: Part jrog2-0 was set to be installed

23.08.2010 18:23:36 general: progress thread start

23.08.2010 18:23:40 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/5.00 (ais-594;p)

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\Uelinton\CONFIG~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10071200 returned 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:40 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\Uelinton\CONFIG~1\Temp\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: Uninstalling aswTdi.sys

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: Stopping service aswTdi

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: OpenSCManager

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: OpenService

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: OpenService, errcode: 0x00000424

23.08.2010 18:23:46 system: Service aswTdi stopped, errcode: 0x00000424

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: Cannot open reg. key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AvastUI.exe

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-18, C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\NtUser.dat)

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegUnloadKey

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-19, C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NtUser.dat)

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-20, C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NtUser.dat)

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-1060284298-152049171-682003330-1003, C:\Documents and Settings\Uelinton\NtUser.dat)

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-1060284298-152049171-682003330-500, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\NtUser.dat)

23.08.2010 18:23:46 registry: RegUnloadKey

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:!bSuccess

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:bOnReboot

23.08.2010 18:23:47 system: Delete on reboot(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\defs)

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:!bSuccess

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:bOnReboot

23.08.2010 18:23:47 system: Delete on reboot(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\flash)

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:!bSuccess

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:bOnReboot

23.08.2010 18:23:47 system: Delete on reboot(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\Setup)

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:!bSuccess

23.08.2010 18:23:47 file: filRenameOnReboot:bOnReboot

23.08.2010 18:23:47 system: Delete on reboot(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5)

23.08.2010 18:23:47 package: Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms

23.08.2010 18:23:47 package: Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 1

23.08.2010 18:23:47 general: GetLicNumber: LoadLibrary( C:\Arquivos de programas\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashBase.dll ) return value: 0x00000000

23.08.2010 18:23:47 general: DldSrc set to inet

23.08.2010 18:23:51 general: Server definition(s) loaded for 'main': 374 (maintenance:0)

23.08.2010 18:23:51 general: SelectCurrent: selected server 'Download803 AVAST5 Server' from 'main'

23.08.2010 18:23:51 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings

23.08.2010 18:23:51 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet

23.08.2010 18:23:53 internet: Sending stats '': 00000000 204

23.08.2010 18:23:53 file: NeedReboot=true

23.08.2010 18:23:53 file: MoveFileEx(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\defs, NULL)

23.08.2010 18:23:53 file: MoveFileEx(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\flash, NULL)

23.08.2010 18:23:53 file: MoveFileEx(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5\Setup, NULL)

23.08.2010 18:23:53 file: MoveFileEx(C:\ARQUIV~1\ALWILS~1\Avast5, NULL)

23.08.2010 18:23:53 general: Return code: 0x00000005 [Acesso negado.]

23.08.2010 18:23:53 general: Stopped: 23.08.2010, 18:23:53

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