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Daniel Costa da Silva

[Resolvido] Zipar pasta com arquivos

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um Salve a todos,

tenho algumas duvidas sobre zipar uma pasta com arquivos.

tem um exemplo interessante no site da zend.

// só queria que ela add todos os arquivos de dentro da pasta, para serem zipados.

classe zipfile



Zip file creation class 
makes zip files on the fly...

use the functions add_dir() and add_file() to build the zip file;
see example code below 

by Eric Mueller 

v1.1 9-20-01
  - added comments to example

v1.0 2-5-01

initial version with:
  - class appearance
  - add_file() and file() methods
  - gzcompress() output hacking
by Denis O.Philippov,,


// official ZIP file format: 

class zipfile  

    var $datasec = array(); // array to store compressed data 
    var $ctrl_dir = array(); // central directory   
    var $eof_ctrl_dir = "x50x4bx05x06x00x00x00x00"; //end of Central directory record 
    var $old_offset = 0; 

    function add_dir($name)   

    // adds "directory" to archive - do this before putting any files in directory! 
    // $name - name of directory... like this: "path/" 
    // ...then you can add files using add_file with names like "path/file.txt" 
        $name = str_replace("\", "/", $name);  

        $fr = "x50x4bx03x04"; 
        $fr .= "x0ax00";    // ver needed to extract 
        $fr .= "x00x00";    // gen purpose bit flag 
        $fr .= "x00x00";    // compression method 
        $fr .= "x00x00x00x00"; // last mod time and date 

        $fr .= pack("V",0); // crc32 
        $fr .= pack("V",0); //compressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("V",0); //uncompressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("v", strlen($name) ); //length of pathname 
        $fr .= pack("v", 0 ); //extra field length 
        $fr .= $name;  
        // end of "local file header" segment 

        // no "file data" segment for path 

        // "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not served as file) 
        $fr .= pack("V",$crc); //crc32 
        $fr .= pack("V",$c_len); //compressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("V",$unc_len); //uncompressed filesize 

        // add this entry to array 
        $this -> datasec[] = $fr; 

        $new_offset = strlen(implode("", $this->datasec)); 

        // ext. file attributes mirrors MS-DOS directory attr byte, detailed 
        // at 

        // now add to central record 
        $cdrec = "x50x4bx01x02"; 
        $cdrec .="x00x00";    // version made by 
        $cdrec .="x0ax00";    // version needed to extract 
        $cdrec .="x00x00";    // gen purpose bit flag 
        $cdrec .="x00x00";    // compression method 
        $cdrec .="x00x00x00x00"; // last mod time & date 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",0); // crc32 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",0); //compressed filesize 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",0); //uncompressed filesize 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", strlen($name) ); //length of filename 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //extra field length   
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //file comment length 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //disk number start 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //internal file attributes 
        $ext = "x00x00x10x00"; 
        $ext = "xffxffxffxff";  
        $cdrec .= pack("V", 16 ); //external file attributes  - 'directory' bit set 

        $cdrec .= pack("V", $this -> old_offset ); //relative offset of local header 
        $this -> old_offset = $new_offset; 

        $cdrec .= $name;  
        // optional extra field, file comment goes here 
        // save to array 
        $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;  


    function add_file($data, $name)   

    // adds "file" to archive   
    // $data - file contents 
    // $name - name of file in archive. Add path if your want 

        $name = str_replace("", "/", $name);  
        //$name = str_replace("", "", $name); 

        $fr = "x50x4bx03x04"; 
        $fr .= "x14x00";    // ver needed to extract 
        $fr .= "x00x00";    // gen purpose bit flag 
        $fr .= "x08x00";    // compression method 
        $fr .= "x00x00x00x00"; // last mod time and date 

        $unc_len = strlen($data);  
        $crc = crc32($data);  
        $zdata = gzcompress($data);  
        $zdata = substr( substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug 
        $c_len = strlen($zdata);  
        $fr .= pack("V",$crc); // crc32 
        $fr .= pack("V",$c_len); //compressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("V",$unc_len); //uncompressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("v", strlen($name) ); //length of filename 
        $fr .= pack("v", 0 ); //extra field length 
        $fr .= $name;  
        // end of "local file header" segment 
        // "file data" segment 
        $fr .= $zdata;  

        // "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not served as file) 
        $fr .= pack("V",$crc); //crc32 
        $fr .= pack("V",$c_len); //compressed filesize 
        $fr .= pack("V",$unc_len); //uncompressed filesize 

        // add this entry to array 
        $this -> datasec[] = $fr; 

        $new_offset = strlen(implode("", $this->datasec)); 

        // now add to central directory record 
        $cdrec = "x50x4bx01x02"; 
        $cdrec .="x00x00";    // version made by 
        $cdrec .="x14x00";    // version needed to extract 
        $cdrec .="x00x00";    // gen purpose bit flag 
        $cdrec .="x08x00";    // compression method 
        $cdrec .="x00x00x00x00"; // last mod time & date 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",$crc); // crc32 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",$c_len); //compressed filesize 
        $cdrec .= pack("V",$unc_len); //uncompressed filesize 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", strlen($name) ); //length of filename 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //extra field length   
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //file comment length 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //disk number start 
        $cdrec .= pack("v", 0 ); //internal file attributes 
        $cdrec .= pack("V", 32 ); //external file attributes - 'archive' bit set 

        $cdrec .= pack("V", $this -> old_offset ); //relative offset of local header 
//        echo "old offset is ".$this->old_offset.", new offset is $new_offset<br>"; 
        $this -> old_offset = $new_offset; 

        $cdrec .= $name;  
        // optional extra field, file comment goes here 
        // save to central directory 
        $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;  

    function file() { // dump out file   
        $data = implode("", $this -> datasec);  
        $ctrldir = implode("", $this -> ctrl_dir);  

            $this -> eof_ctrl_dir.  
            pack("v", sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)).     // total # of entries "on this disk" 
            pack("v", sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)).     // total # of entries overall 
            pack("V", strlen($ctrldir)).             // size of central dir 
            pack("V", strlen($data)).                 // offset to start of central dir 
            "x00x00";                             // .zip file comment length 


/// ------- zip.php

/// ta funcionando..

/// mas quero que ela zip a pasta e todos os arquivos dentro dela.

/// isso que ela não ta fazendo.


$zipfile = new zipfile();  

// add the subdirectory ... important!
$zipfile -> add_dir("dir/"); 

// add the binary data stored in the string 'filedata'
$filedata = "(read your file into $filedata)";  
$zipfile -> add_file($filedata, "dir/file.txt");  

// the next three lines force an immediate download of the zip file:
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");  
header("Content-disposition: attachment;");  
echo $zipfile -> file();  

E ae galera?

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$zipfile -> add_file($filedata, "dir/file.txt");

Você precisa adicionar todos os arquivos do zip com esse comando. Para automatizar o processo, leia a pasta, e com loop, faça a adição dos arquivos.

Lendo pasta:


Ao invés de dar echo, você usa o comando ali em cima.


Até mais.

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$zipfile -> add_file($filedata, "dir/file.txt");

Você precisa adicionar todos os arquivos do zip com esse comando. Para automatizar o processo, leia a pasta, e com loop, faça a adição dos arquivos.

Lendo pasta:


Ao invés de dar echo, você usa o comando ali em cima.


Até mais.



vlw é isso

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