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[Resolvido] Detectar Navegador

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Código de detecção do navegador do usuário, dando assim nome aos bois, este código esta atualmente atualizado, sendo assim identificara os mais recentes browsers existentes.


Private Function BrowserType()

	Dim strUserAgent
	Dim strBrowserUserType

	'Pega a informação do agente de navegação do usuário
	strUserAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

	'Opera Mini
	If InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera Mini", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera Mini"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 5", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 5"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 6", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 6"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 7", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 7"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 8", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 8"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 9", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 9"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera 10", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera 10"
	ElseIf InStr(1, strUserAgent, "Opera", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Opera"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "AOL", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "AOL"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Konqueror", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Konqueror"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "EudoraWeb", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "EudoraWeb"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Dreamcast", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Dreamcast"
	'Google Chrome
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Chrome", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Google Chrome"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Safari", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Version/1", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Safari 1"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Safari", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Version/2", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Safari 2"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Safari", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Version/3", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Safari 3"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Safari", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Version/4", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Safari 4"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Safari", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Safari"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Lynx", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Lynx"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "iCab", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "iCab"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Sun", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Mozilla/3", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "HotJava"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Galeon", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Galeon"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Epiphany", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Epiphany"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "DocZilla", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "DocZilla"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Chimera", 1) OR inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Camino", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Camino"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Dillo", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Dillo"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "amaya", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Amaya"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "NetCaptor", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "NetCaptor"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Twiceler", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Twiceler"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "ICE", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "ICE"

	'LookSmart search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "ZyBorg", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "LookSmart"

	'Googlebot search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Googlebot", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Google"

	 'Google/AdSense search engine robot
    	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Mediapartners-Google", 1) Then
        	strBrowserUserType = "Google/AdSense"

	'MSN  search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "msnbot", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "MSN"

	'inktomi search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "slurp", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Yahoo"

	'AltaVista search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Scooter", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "AltaVista"

	'DMOZ search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Robozilla", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "DMOZ"

	'Ask Jeeves search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Ask Jeeves", 1) OR inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Ask+Jeeves", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Ask Jeeves"

	'Lycos search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "lycos", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Lycos"

	'Excite search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "ArchitextSpider", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Excite"

	'Northernlight search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Gulliver", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Northernlight"

	'AllTheWeb search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "crawler@fast", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "AllTheWeb"

	'Turnitin search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "TurnitinBot", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Turnitin"

	'InternetSeer search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "internetseer", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "InternetSeer"

	'NameProtect Inc. search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "nameprotect", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "NameProtect"

	'PhpDig search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "PhpDig", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "PhpDig"

	'Rambler search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "StackRambler", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Rambler"

	'UbiCrawler search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "UbiCrawler", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "UbiCrawler"

	'entireweb search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Speedy+Spider", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "entireweb"

	' search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "ia_archiver", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Alexa"

	'Arianna/Libero search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Arianna/Libero"

	'y2bot/1.0 (+ search engine robot
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "y2bot", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "y2bot"
	'Amazon robot verificação de seus sites afiliados 
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "aranhabot", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = ""

	'Internet Explorer
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 9", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 9"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 8", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 8"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 7", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 7"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 6", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 6"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 5", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 5"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE 4", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE 4"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSIE", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "IE"

	'Pocket Internet Explorer
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "MSPIE", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Pocket IE"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox/1", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox 1"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox/2", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox 2"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox/3", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox 3"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox/4", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox 4"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox/5", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox 5"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Firefox", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Firefox"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Netscape/9", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Netscape 9"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Netscape/8", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Netscape 8"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Netscape/7", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Netscape 7"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Netscape6", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Netscape 6"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Mozilla/4", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Netscape 4"

	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Gecko", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "rv:2", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Mozilla 2"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Gecko", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "rv:1", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Mozilla 1"
	ElseIf inStr(1, strUserAgent, "Gecko", 1) AND inStr(1, strUserAgent, "rv:0", 1) Then
		strBrowserUserType = "Mozilla"

	'Else desconhecido ou robot
		strBrowserUserType = "Desconhecido"
	End If

	'Retorno da Função
	BrowserType = strBrowserUserType
End Function

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