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[Resolvido] API Flickr

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Como exibir imagens do Flickr em um site externo. Aqui está um exemplo de código de uma sub-rotina utilizada nesta página para obter imagens em miniatura do Flickr de um conjunto de imagens.


Veja a página de documentaçãodo flickr para outros métodos da API.

Veja a API do Flickr Explorer página para obter informações úteis sobre a identificação do n º.


'place in body of page
'replace XXXXXXXX with YOUR API key
'replace YYYYYYYY with the photoset ID

getphotosetlist  ""


'Place in include file or after </html> tag
Sub getphotosetlist(xmlFile)

Dim objXML, objRoot, objItems, c
c = 0
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXML.Async = False
objXML.SetProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True
objXML.ResolveExternals = True
objXML.ValidateOnParse = True

If (objXML.parseError.errorCode = 0) Then
Set objRoot = objXML.documentElement
If IsObject(objRoot) = False Then
response.Write "<h2>No Root Found in XML/Rss File </h2>"
End If

'code to start & end table rows
response.write "<table>"
Set objItems = objRoot.getElementsByTagName("photo")
Set objItemsx = objRoot.getElementsByTagName("photoset")

If IsObject(objItems) = True Then

Dim objItem, objitemx

'Get the userID
for each objitemx in objitemsx
StrUserID = objItemx.attributes(2).value

For Each objItem in objItems
if cellcount=0 then
response.write tbrow
end if
StrPhotoID = objItem.attributes(0).value
On Error Resume Next
StrSecret = objItem.attributes(1).value
On Error Resume Next
StrServer = objItem.attributes(2).value
On Error Resume Next
StrFarm = objItem.attributes(3).value
On Error Resume Next
Strtitle = objItem.attributes(4).value
On Error Resume Next

<td align="center">
<%'build the image URL here see flickr documentation for deails of which size image to display - _t.jpg = thumbnails%>
<a href="<%=StruserID%>/<%=StrPhotoID%>/" target="_blank" border="0"><img src="http://farm<%=StrFarm%><%=StrServer%>/<%=StrPhotoID%>_<%=StrSecret%>_t.jpg"></a><span class="style1"><br>

'set the number of cells wide you want the table to be here
if cellcount=3 then
response.write tbrowend
end if

response.write "</table>"
response.Write "<h2>No Root Found in Rss File </h2>"
exit sub 
End If
Set objRoot = Nothing
Set objItems = Nothing
End If

Set objXML = Nothing 
end sub 


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