hinom 5 Denunciar post Postado Outubro 26, 2010 Which version do I choose? If you are using PHP with Apache 1 or Apache2 from apache.org you need to use the VC6 versions of PHP If you are using PHP with IIS you should use the VC9 versions of PHP VC6 Versions are compiled with the legacy Visual Studio 6 compiler VC9 Versions are compiled with the Visual Studio 2008 compiler and have improvements in performance and stability. The VC9 versions require you to have the Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x86) or the Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x64) installed Do NOT use VC9 version with apache.org binaries Site oficial da distribuição dos pacotes PHP:http://windows.php.net/ website oficial de suporte da Microsoft http://php.iis.net/ Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
tomgomes 0 Denunciar post Postado Outubro 26, 2010 Hallo Hinon I am just using the PHP with IIS whith the binarie VC9 versions of PHP. But you says that if I use it on the OS of 64 bits I have to use too the 2008 C++ Runtime x64 installed? Where can I get the Runtime x64? The 2008 C++ Runtime x86 is istalled on my machine. Thank you. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
hinom 5 Denunciar post Postado Outubro 26, 2010 take it http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=bd2a6171-e2d6-4230-b809-9a8d7548c1b6&displaylang=en Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
tomgomes 0 Denunciar post Postado Outubro 26, 2010 Hi I received your link, below. There are one windows installer to PHP that is in the microsoft site. I will used it. At last week it was beta and now is finihed (web plataform) www.microsoft.com/web web cast https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032439694&EventCategory=4&culture=pt-BR&CountryCode=BR Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites