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FaceBook + ASp

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Um cliente me solicitou trazer as últimas novidades/atualizações/status do facebook no site, porém fiz uma procura no google e não achei nada a respeito, minha dúvida então é, isso é possível? Se sim alguém sabe aonde posso ver a API ou algum exemplo para estudar e tentar fazer a integração? Pois o vendedor vende e o programador Se FU como sempre né....


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olha este exemplo:

    CONST FB_PARAM_PREFIX = "fb_sig"
    Class FaceBook
        Public SecretKey
        Public ApiKey
        Public SessionKey
        Public Property Get InCanvas
         InCanvas = (Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_in_canvas") = "1")
        End Property
        Public Property Get ApplicationInstalled
         ApplicationInstalled = (Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_added") = "1")
        End Property
        Public Property Get UserID
         UserID = Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_user")
        End Property
        Public Function CallApiMethod(strMethod, oParams)
            oParams("method") = strMethod
            Dim oXMLHTTP
            Set oXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
            oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", GenerateRequestURI(oParams), False
            Set CallApiMethod = oXMLHTTP.ResponseXml
        End Function
        Public Sub Redirect(strURI)
<fb:redirect url="<%= strURI %>" />
        End Sub
        Public Function ErrorMessage(strMsg)
            ErrorMessage = "<fb:error message=""" & strMsg & """ />"
        End Function
        Public Function SuccessMessage(strMsg)
            SuccessMessage = "<fb:success message=""" & strMsg & """ />"
        End Function
        Public Function RequireInstall()
            If (Request.Form("fb_sig_added") = "0") Then
                    <fb:redirect url="<%= ApiKey %>" />
            End If
        End Function
        Public Function SetRefHandle(handle, fbml)
            Dim oParams
            Set oParams = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            oParams.Add "handle", handle
            oParams.Add "fbml", fbml
            Set SetRefHandle = CallApiMethod("facebook.fbml.setRefHandle", oParams)
        End Function
        Public Function SetProfileFBML(uid, fbml)
            Dim oParams
            Set oParams = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            oParams.Add "markup", fbml
            If (Not IsNull(uid)) Then oParams.Add "uid", uid
            Set SetProfileFBML = CallApiMethod("facebook.profile.setFBML", oParams)
        End Function
        Function FQLQuery(query)
            Dim oParams
            Set oParams = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            oParams.Add "query", query
            Set FQLQuery = CallApiMethod("facebook.fql.query", oParams)
        End Function
        Public Sub IncludeCSS(strPath)
            Dim oFSO
            Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            If (oFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(strPath))) Then
                Dim oFile
                Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(strPath))
                    <style type="text/css">
                        <%= oFile.ReadAll() %>
                Call oFile.Close()
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Property Get RequestIsValid
            Dim strItem, oRequestParams
            Set oRequestParams = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            For Each strItem In Request.Form
                If (Left(strItem, Len(FB_PARAM_PREFIX)) = FB_PARAM_PREFIX And Not strItem = FB_PARAM_PREFIX) Then
                    oRequestParams(Mid(strItem, Len(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_") + 1)) = Request.Form(strItem)
                End If
            RequestIsValid = (GenerateSig(oRequestParams) = Request.Form("fb_sig"))
        End Property
        Public Function Form(strKey)
            If (Len(Request.Form(strKey)) > 0) Then
                Form = Request.Form(strKey)
                If (Len(Request.Form(strKey & "[0]")) > 0) Then
                    Dim arrKey()
                    Redim arrKey(0)
                    Do While Len(Request.Form(strKey & "[" & Ubound(arrKey) & "]")) > 0
                        arrKey(Ubound(arrKey)) = Request.Form(strKey & "[" & Ubound(arrKey) & "]")
                        Redim Preserve arrKey(Ubound(arrKey) + 1)
                    Redim Preserve arrKey(Ubound(arrKey) - 1)
                    Form = arrKey
                End If
            End If
        End Function
        Public Function SendNotificationRequest(to_ids, req_type, content, image, boolInvite)
            Dim oParams
            Set oParams = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            oParams.Add "to_ids", to_ids
            oParams.Add "type", req_type
            oParams.Add "content", content
            oParams.Add "image", image
            oParams.Add "invite", LCase(boolInvite)
            Set SendNotificationRequest = CallApiMethod("facebook.notifications.sendRequest", oParams)
        End Function
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            If (Len(Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_api_key")) > 0) Then ApiKey = Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_api_key")
            If (Len(Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_session_key")) > 0) Then SessionKey = Request(FB_PARAM_PREFIX & "_session_key")
        End Sub
        Private Function GenerateRequestURI(oParams)
            If (Len(SessionKey) > 0) Then oParams("session_key") = SessionKey
            If (Len(ApiKey) > 0) Then oParams("api_key") = ApiKey
            If (Len(GetUniqueCallID()) > 0) Then oParams("call_id") = GetUniqueCallID()
            oParams("v") = FB_API_VERSION
            GenerateRequestURI = REST_URI & "?"
            Dim strItem
            For Each strItem In oParams.Keys
                GenerateRequestURI = GenerateRequestURI & strItem & "=" & Server.UrlEncode(oParams(strItem)) & "&"
            GenerateRequestURI = GenerateRequestURI & "sig=" & GenerateSig(oParams)
        End Function
        Private Function GenerateSig(oParams)
            Set oParams = SortDictionary(oParams)
            Dim strSig, strItem
            For Each strItem In oParams
                strSig = strSig & strItem & "=" & oParams(strItem)
            strSig = strSig & SecretKey
            Dim oMD5
            Set oMD5 = New MD5
            oMD5.Text = strSig
            GenerateSig = oMD5.HexMD5
        End Function
        Private Function SortDictionary(objDict)
            Dim strDict()
            Dim objKey
            Dim strKey,strItem
            Dim X,Y,Z
            Z = objDict.Count
            If Z > 1 Then
                ReDim strDict(Z,2)
                X = 0
                For Each objKey In objDict
                    strDict(X,1)  = CStr(objKey)
                    strDict(X,2) = CStr(objDict(objKey))
                    X = X + 1
                For X = 0 to (Z - 2)
                    For Y = X to (Z - 1)
                        If StrComp(strDict(X,1),strDict(Y,1),vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                            strKey  = strDict(X,1)
                            strItem = strDict(X,2)
                            strDict(X,1)  = strDict(Y,1)
                            strDict(X,2) = strDict(Y,2)
                            strDict(Y,1)  = strKey
                            strDict(Y,2) = strItem
                        End If
                For X = 0 to (Z - 1)
                    objDict.Add strDict(X,1), strDict(X,2)
            End If
            Set SortDictionary = objDict
        End Function
        Private Function GetUniqueCallID()
         If (Len(Application("FB_CallID")) = 0) Then Application("FB_CallID") = 1
         GetUniqueCallID = TimeStamp() & Application("FB_CallID")
         Application("FB_CallID") = Application("FB_CallID") + 1
        End Function
        Private Function TimeStamp()
         TimeStamp = Year(Now()) & Month(Now()) & Day(Now()) & Hour(Now()) & Minute(Now()) & Second(Now())
        End Function
    End Class

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