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[Resolvido] Erro no caminho do banco de dados

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Ola amigos estou novamente com erro no caminho do banco de dados


Estou usando assim


Application("DBType") = 3

	'============ SQL SETTINGS ==============
	Application("SQLServer") = "SQLSERVER"	' Server name (don't put the leading \\)
	Application("SQLDBase") = "HelpDesk"	' Database name
	Application("SQLUser") = "sa"			' Account to log into the SQL server with
	Application("SQLPass") = "sapass"		' Password for account
	' =======================================

	'=========== ACCESS SETTINGS ============
	'Physical path to database file
	Application("AccessPath") = [color="#FF0000"][font="Verdana"]"[b]e:\home\shopcolina1\Web\public_html\helpdesk\db\helpdesk2000.mdb"[/b][/font][/color]	                                     

	'============= DSN SETTINGS =============
	Application("DSN_Name") = "HelpDeskDSN"

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Este é o erro


'e:\home\shopcolina1\Web\public+html\helpdesk\dados\helpdesk2000.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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por exemplo, se vce estiver na pasta c:/inetpub/wwwroot/projeto e o seu banco de dados estiver em c:/inetpub/wwwroot/projeto/dados, vce pode usar server.mappath("dados/banco.mdb") que o resultado será c:/inetpub/wwwroot/projeto/dados/banco.mdb

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Application("SQLUser") = "sa"			' Account to log into the SQL server with
	Application("SQLPass") = "sapass"		' Password for account
	' =======================================

	'=========== ACCESS SETTINGS ============
	'Physical path to database file
	Application("AccessPath") = "("dados/helpdesk2000.mdb")"

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Usando o que o augustoclaro disse, deve ficar mais ou menos assim:


'=========== ACCESS SETTINGS ============        
'Physical path to database file        
Application("AccessPath") = server.mappath("dados/helpdesk2000.mdb")

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Vou postar o codigo inteiro


<script LANGUAGE = "VBScript" RUNAT="Server">

'	Liberum Help Desk, Copyright (C) 2000 Doug Luxem
'	Liberum Help Desk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
'	Please veiw the license.html file for the full GNU
'	General Public License
' --------
' Loads the appplication variables.
' --------

' SetAppVariables:
' The procedure runs when the application is started or the file is changed
' Primary ojbectives are to set variables/constants used throughout the
' application.
Sub SetAppVariables

	' Database Information

		' Database Type
		' 1 - SQL Server with SQL security (set SQLUser/SQLPass)
		' 2 - SQL Server with integrated security
		' 3 - Access Database (set AccessPath)
		' 4 - DSN (An ODBC DataSource) (set DSN_Name)

	Application("DBType") = 3

	'============ SQL SETTINGS ==============
	Application("SQLServer") = "SQLSERVER"	' Server name (don't put the leading \\)
	Application("SQLDBase") = "HelpDesk"	' Database name
	Application("SQLUser") = "sa"			' Account to log into the SQL server with
	Application("SQLPass") = "sapass"		' Password for account
	' =======================================

	'=========== ACCESS SETTINGS ============
	'Physical path to database file
	Application("AccessPath") = "c:\web\noritmo\htdocs\helpdesk\db\helpdesk2000.mdb"

	'============= DSN SETTINGS =============
	Application("DSN_Name") = "HelpDeskDSN"

	' Enable Debugging:
	' Set to true to view full MS errors and other debug information
	' printed.  (This will disable most On Error Resume Next statements.)
	Application("Debug") = False

End Sub


Agora esta aparecendo assim


Numero: -2147467259 (0x80004005)
codigo: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Descrição: 'c:\web\noritmo\htdocs\helpdesk\db\helpdesk2000.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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faz assim, coloca seu bd dentro de uma pasta chamada bd dentro de C:\inetpub\wwwroot\db

e cria um arquivo de conexao com esse conteudo:



sub abreconexao
constring="provider=microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("db/seu banco.mdb")
Set conexao=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") constring
end sub

sub fechaconexao
set conexao=nothing
end sub

deixa ele dentro de uma pasta conexao, e quando for usar

no codigo da pagina você chama ele atraves de um include

<!--#include file="conn/conexao1.asp"-->
		<%'abro a conexao
		call abreconexao

ou mude no caminho seu


Server.MapPath("db/seu banco.mdb")


e nao esqueça de adaptar para suas pastas

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cria um arquivo chamado conexao.asp com esse codigo, onde , nele faremos duas funções uma para conectar e outra para desconetar do banco:



sub abreconexao
constring="provider=microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("db/seu banco.mdb")
Set conexao=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") constring
end sub

sub fechaconexao
set conexao=nothing
end sub

imagine seu bd dentro pasta chamada bd dentro de C:\inetpub\wwwroot\db

e o arquivo conexao.asp dentro de C:\inetpub\wwwroot\conn


e para usar , por exemplo na pagina onde fará a conexao você chama ele atraves de um include


<!--#include file="conn/conexao.asp"-->
                <%'abro a conexao
                call abreconexao

conclusao, você nao precisa ficar toda vez que for fazer uma conexao ao banco digitar todo aquele codigo para conectar, apenas inclui aquele arquivo de include com o codigo de conexao, entendeu ?!?!?

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beleza amigo...


+ 1 resolvido...

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