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Lord Warlock

Relatório Crystal + Asp

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Boa Noite, Pessoal

Estou com o seguinte problema ao gerar o relatório com crystal reports + asp clássico ele exibe corretamente 3 colunas da tabela.

quando eu coloco a 4ª coluna ou mais, o relatório não é mais exibido.


alguém sabe o que pode estar acontecendo?




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Segue o código.





'Option Explicit
dim strReportName,strTitle,CRTable,strDBase
dim strPath,iLen,indx,idx,strSessionID,arySession
Dim RsCliente, conntemp

' Instructions for use:
'	Load Variables below
'	Setup any Parameters to be passed in
'	Setup DB Logins for each table used.

'Variables to be loaded

'****Note Changes****
'change to your  specified information.
'strTitle="Title of Report To Display on HTML Page Caption"
'strPath="Absolute Path to Report File (eg. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\reportfiles\)"
'strReportName="Crystal Report Name here.. only the name of the .rpt file (eg. recordsbydate.rpt)"
'****End Note Changes****

Set RsCliente=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

       sString = "Select * from tb_entidade "

	retorna_recordset sString, RsCliente

	 If RsCliente.EOF then
 Response.Write "Cliente não encontrado, selecione uma cliente válida e retorne a solicitar o susbstalecimento"
       End if 

strPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web\relatorio\"
If Not IsObject(Session("oApp")) Then                              
Set Session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application")
End If
if trim(strPath)="" then
strPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")                     
While (Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" And Len(strPath) <> 0)                      
	iLen = Len(strPath) - 1                                                  
	strPath = Left(strPath, iLen)                                               

end if
If IsObject(Session("oRpt")) then
Set Session("oRpt") = nothing
End if
on error resume next
Set Session("oRpt") = Session("oApp").OpenReport("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web\relatorio\Cliente.rpt",1)'strPath & strReportName, 1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
 Response.Write "Error Occurred creating Report Object: " & Err.Description
 Set Session("oRpt") = nothing
 Set Session("oApp") = nothing
End If
Session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = FALSE
Session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = FALSE

'*********** Place Table Logins HERE!!! ********************
set crTable =  Session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(1)

'****Note Changes****
'change to your sql server name, database, sqlserverid, & password
crTable.SetLogonInfo "PC\SQLSERVER2008","db","sa","cyber"

'****End Note Changes****

'set crTable = Session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(1)
'set crTable =  Session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(2)
'set crTable =  Session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(3)
'crTable.SetLogonInfo "PC\SQLSERVER2008","db","sa","cyber"

'****Note Changes****
'change to your sql server name, database, sqlserverid, & password
'crTable.SetLogonInfo "PC\SQLSERVER2008","db","sa","cyber"
'****End Note Changes****

'*********** End Place Table Logins HERE!!! ********************

'*********** Place Parameters HERE!!! ********************

'****Note Changes****
'this is where you'd set the parameters that the .rpt file is expecting.

'|||||||||||||PARAMETROS UTILIZADO NO RELATÓRIO|||||||||||||||||||

'****End Note Changes****

'*********** End Place Parameters HERE!!! ********************

'now include appropriate viewer...
'I really like the active x viewer.
<!-- #include file="ActiveXViewer.asp"-->

fecha_recordset RsCliente




'	This script assumes that the Session contains the following Crystal Report Engine
'	Objects:
'	"oApp" - Crystal Report Engine Application Object
'	"oRpt" - Crystal Report Engine Report Object
'	"oPageEngine - Crystal Report Engine Page Engine Object
'	HTML_FRAME viewer only
'	"tabArray" -  Array used to keep drilldown tab information
'	"CurrentPageNumber" - Current Page Number requested.
'	"lastknownpage" - Previous page number requested.
'	"LastPageNumber" - Last known page number requested.
'	Note:  Before creating the PageEngine object, call ReadRecords on the 
'	report object to that all the database records have been read.
'	Modifications
' 05/02/98
' Added the following features:
' Tab Query String Parameter
'	- This is the selected HTML_FRAME viewer tab's tabArray index value.  
' Page Expiry Time
'	-  The page will expire when downloaded by browser so that user is insured that all data
' will be current.
' DrillDown Tabs
'	- Added in the session("tabArray") object to keep track of the HTML_FRAME drill down tabs.
' RFSH Query String Parameter
'	- Database is refreshed and ErrorValue 0 is sent to Java and active X viewers on success.
'This causes viewers to NOT refresh browser window.
' SRCH Query String Parameter and HTML_FRAME Viewer
'	-  Added javascript window.alert function call to indicate when text is not found in rpt view.

' 09/08/98
' Added the following features:
'	- cmd handling for map_dd(Map Drill Down) and export(Exporting reports from viewers).
'	- PageGenerator object creation for Out of Place Subreports.  Modification was made to RetrieveObjects procedure.
'	- Modified the get_ttl handling to call the PageGenerator object's RenderTotallerETF method 
'		instead of the PageEngine's method.  This was done to support the group by feature.
' 08/03/99
' Added the following features
'	- cmd/rfsh handling for pages with and without place holders.
'	- cmd/rfsh handling for pages requiring and not requiring total page count.
' 08/08/00
' Added the following features
'   - Export to excel 7.0 and portable document format(.pdf).
'	- Removal of WCS dependency.  We are now using emfgen to send images to browser.

On Error Resume Next

'  The oEMF object is a helper object to create EMFs (Ecapsulated Messages) for the viewers.
'  The viewers use EMFs to display errors and navigate to specific pages of the report.

If Not IsObject(session("oEMF")) then
Set session("oEMF") = Server.CreateObject("CREmfgen.CREmfgen.1")
Call CheckForError
End if

'	Initialize all Global variables
'	These will contain the page generator and page collection

Dim goPageGenerator		' page generator object
Dim goPageCollection	' page collection object
Dim goPageGeneratorDrill' page generator object in Drill Down Context
Dim goPage				' the page object
Dim gvGroupPathDD		' drill down group path, this is an array.
Dim gvGroupPath			' this is branch, aka Group Path converted from string passed on the QS, it is an Array
Dim gvGroupLevel		' this is the Group level, converted from the string passed on the QS, it is an Array
Dim gvMaxNode			' this represents the number of nodes to retrieve for the totaller, it is set to an empty array
Dim gvTotallerInfo		' this represents the group path of the requested totaller.
Dim glX					' this is the X Coordinate for a drill down on a graph or Map
Dim glY					' this is the Y Coordinate for a drill down on a graph or Map
Dim gvPageNumber		' holds the requested page number
Dim gvURL				' URL to redirect to
Dim gsErrorText			' holds the error text to be sent to the viewer.
Dim ExportOptions		' Export Options Object 
Dim slX					' this is the X Coordinate for a selection of Out of Place subreport
Dim slY					' this is the Y Coordinate for a selection of Out of Place subreport
Dim sessionError		' this is the variable that will contain the error text sent to the viewer when the session has expired.

' Vaiables that represent what was passed on the Query String
Dim CMD					' This determines the main function to perform
Dim PAGE				' the page to return
Dim BRCH				' the branch is a mechanism to determine the drill down level.
						' A drill down level is like a view of the report, a new tab
						' is created to indicate that it is a new view
Dim VIEWER				' This is the viewer that is calling the server
Dim VFMT				' the format that the viewer understands
Dim NODE				' Currently not used??
Dim GRP					' this is a way of specifing the actual group
Dim COORD				' these are the coordinates on the graph to process
Dim DIR					' this is the search direction
Dim CSE					' indicates if the search is case sensitive
Dim TEXT				' this is the text to search for.
Dim INIT				' used to build the frames for the html viewer
Dim NEWBRCH				' used to keep track of when a new branch is to be viewed.
Dim EXPORT_FMT			' used to hold the export format and type
Dim SUBRPT				' used to hold the Out Of Place Subreport page, number,
						' and coordinates on the main report.
Dim INCOMPLETE_PAGE		' used to indicate whether the page generated should contain placeholders.
Dim INCOMPLETE_PAGE_COUNT ' used to indicate whether the page should contain the total page count if not yet generated.
Dim PVERSION			' used to indicate the protocol version of the viewer.
Dim TTL_INFO			' used to indicate the group path of the totaller request.
Dim IMAGE				' used to specify the name of the image file for html viewers.
Dim DEL					' used to specify whether to delete image file after it has been sent to client.

' Constant Values 
crAllowPlaceHolders = 2
crDelayTotalPageCountCalc = 1
EMFMIMETYPe = "application/x-emf"
EPFMIMETYPE = "application/x-epf"
ETFMIMETYPE = "application/x-etf"
'	Initialize Arrays
gvGroupPath = Array()
gvGroupLevel = Array()
gvMaxNode = Array() ' reteive all nodes
gvTotallerInfo = Array()
NEWBRCH	 = "0"
sessionError = "The oPageEngine object was not created or is not in scope.  Please check that the Viewer is referencing rptserver.asp in the correct virtual directory.  It is also possible that the ReadRecords method failed.  Ensure that you are logging on to the datasource correctly and have provided values for Parameter Fields."

'  To ensure that the browser does not cache the html pages for the group trees.
Response.Expires = 0
' Parse Query String for paramaters
Call ParseQS()

' If the request is for a image, we do not process the remainder of the page. Rather, we simply return 
' the image file.
if	IMAGE <> "" then
Call session("oEMF").StreamImage(IMAGE, DEL)
end if 

' INIT is a special QS case, we only care about HTML viewer, if it is then save send page and branch info
' to the frame page

if INIT = "HTML_FRAME" then
' build URL and send the QS
if BRCH <> ""  and NEWBRCH	= "1" then
	' htmstart is the base page that creates the frames for the HTML viewer
	' if there is branch information it needs to be passed along.
		tmpArray = session("tabArray")
		if tmpArray(0) <> "EMPTY" then
			val = UBound(tmpArray, 1) + 1
			redim preserve tmpArray(val + 4)
			val = 0
		end if
		tmpArray(val) = CStr(val)
		tmpArray(val + 1) = session("lastBrch")
		session("lastBrch") = BRCH
		tmpArray(val + 2) = session("CurrentPageNumber")
		tmpArray(val + 3) = session("lastknownpage")
		tmpArray(val + 4) = session("LastPageNumber") 
		session("tabArray") = tmpArray
	gvURL = "htmstart.asp?brch=" & BRCH & "&"
	if BRCH <> "" then
		gvURL = "htmstart.asp?brch=" & BRCH
		gvURL = "htmstart.asp"
	end if
end if
response.redirect gvURL
end if

' If there is a BRCH then create the gvGroupPath array that represents it.

if BRCH <> "" then
gvGroupPath = CreateArray(BRCH)
end if 

' If there is a GRP then create the gvGroupLevel array that represents it.

if GRP <> "" then
gvGroupLevel = CreateArray(GRP)
end if

' If there is a TTL_INFO then create the gvTotallerInfo array that represents it.

if TTL_INFO <> "" then
gvTotallerInfo = CreateArray(TTL_INFO)
end if

' If there are COORDs, then get them
if COORD <> "" then
Call GetDrillDownCoordinates(COORD, glX, glY)
end if

' This case statement determines what action to perform based on CMD
' there are sub cases for each viewer type

Select Case CMD

Case "GET_PG"

Call RetrieveObjects

' create the actual page
Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
' check for an exception on the page number 
Call ValidatePageNumber

' 0 is for epf, 8209 is a SafeArray
Select Case VFMT

	Case "ENCP"
		session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = 0
		if(PVERSION > 2)then
			if INCOMPLETE_PAGE > 0 then
				session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = crAllowPlaceHolders
			end if
				session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions + crDelayTotalPageCountCalc
			end if
		end if 				
		session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
		temp = goPage.Renderepf(8209)
		Response.AddHeader "CONTENT-LENGTH", lenb(temp)
		Response.ContentType = EPFMIMETYPE
		response.binarywrite temp

		session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
		response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,2,1,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
		' Need to know if it is the last page to construct the toolbar correctly
		if goPage.IsLastPage then
			session("LastPageNumber") = goPage.pagenumber
			session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")
		end if	
		session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
		response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,3,3,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)

	end select

Case "GET_TTL"

Call RetrieveObjects

Select Case VFMT

	Case "ENCP"
		Response.ContentType = ETFMIMETYPE
		if(PVERSION > 2)then
			temp = goPageGenerator.RenderTotallerETF(gvTotallerInfo, 0, 1, gvMaxNode, 8209)
			temp = goPageGenerator.RenderTotallerETF(gvGroupPath, 0, 0, gvMaxNode, 8209)
		end if
		Response.AddHeader "CONTENT-LENGTH", lenb(temp)
		response.binarywrite temp

		response.binarywrite goPageGenerator.RenderTotallerHTML(gvGroupPath, 1, 0, gvMaxNode, gvGroupLevel, 1, request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"), 8209)

end select

Case "RFSH"

' This command forces the database to be read again.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
	Call CheckForError
	session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False
	Set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
End If
Call RetrieveObjects
Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
Call ValidatePageNumber
session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
Select Case VFMT
Case "ENCP"
' Java and Active X Viewers will make a get page command when receiving 0 error msg value
	if VIEWER = "JAVA" then
		session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = 0
		if(PVERSION > 2)then
			if INCOMPLETE_PAGE > 0 then
				session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = crAllowPlaceHolders
			end if
				session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions = session("oPageEngine").PlaceHolderOptions + crDelayTotalPageCountCalc
			end if
		end if 
		temp = goPage.Renderepf(8209)
		Response.AddHeader "CONTENT-LENGTH", lenb(temp)
		Response.ContentType = EPFMIMETYPE
		response.binarywrite temp
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 0,""
	end if 

	gvURL = "htmstart.asp"
	response.redirect gvURL

session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,3,1,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)

end select

Case "NAV"
Call RetrieveObjects
Call CheckForError
' Get the page number that the group in on, for this particular branch
gvPageNumber = goPageGenerator.GetPageNumberForGroup(gvGroupLevel)

Select Case VFMT
' 0 is for epf, 8209 is a SafeArray, 8 is a BSTR
Case "ENCP"
	' Create a byte array for the EMF, which will contain the page number
	Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE

	' for html browser send back the page
	dim appendQuery
	appendQuery = "?"
	session("CurrentPageNumber") = gvPageNumber
	if BRCH <> "" then
		appendQuery = appendQuery & "BRCH=" & BRCH & "&"
	end if
	if GRP <> "" then
			appendQuery = appendQuery & "GRP=" & GRP
	end if
	response.redirect "framepage.asp" & appendQuery

end select

Case "CHRT_DD"
' only supported in java and active X smart viewers
Select Case VFMT

Case "ENCP"

	'  Get page collection
	Call RetrieveObjects
	Call CheckForError
	' Pass the coordinates to the report engine to determine what
	' branch the drill down goes to.
	Set goPageGeneratorDrill = goPageGenerator.DrillOnGraph(PAGE, glX, glY)
	' Check for an exception because of coordinates
	if err.number <> 0 then
		gsErrorText = "Not part of the Graph "
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 40, gsErrorText
	end if
	' pass the group level and group path to helper function to create 
	' the EMF message, this tells the viewer where to get the page.

	gvGroupPathDD = goPageGeneratorDrill.grouppath
	gvGroupNameDD = goPageGeneratorDrill.groupname
	Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
	session("oEMF").GroupName = gvGroupNameDD		

end select

Case "GET_LPG"

' only support in smart viewers
Select Case VFMT

Case "ENCP"
	' this command returns the page number of the last page
	' Get page collection
	Call RetrieveObjects
	Call CheckForError
	' Get the count from the Pages collection
	gvPageNumber = goPageCollection.Count

	' Send the EMF representing the page number
	Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
end select

Case "SRCH"
Call RetrieveObjects
Call CheckForError
' create page variable
gvPageNumber = CInt(PAGE)

Select Case VFMT
Case "ENCP"
	if goPageGenerator.FindText(TEXT, 0, gvPageNumber) then
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		gsErrorText = "The specified text, '" & TEXT & "' was not found in the report"
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 33, gsErrorText
	end if

	' We are being called by HTML viewer
	' need to get the text from the form post
	dim searchFound
	TEXT = request.form("text")
	' Now find out what page the text is on
	tempNumber = gvPageNumber + 1
	If(CBool(goPageGenerator.FindText(TEXT, 0, tempNumber))) then
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = tempNumber
		searchFound = 1
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = gvPageNumber
		searchFound = 0
	End If
	if BRCH <> "" then
		gvURL = "framepage.asp?brch=" & BRCH & "&SEARCHFOUND=" & searchFound
		gvURL = "framepage.asp?SEARCHFOUND=" & searchFound
	end if
	response.redirect gvURL

	' We are being called by HTML viewer
	' need to get the text from the form post
	TEXT = request.form("text")
	' Now find out what page the text is on
	tempNumber = gvPageNumber
	If(CBool(goPageGenerator.FindText(TEXT, 0, tempNumber))) then
		gvPageNumber = tempNumber
		Set goPage = goPageCollection(gvPageNumber)
		session("oPageEngine").ImageOptions = 1
		response.binarywrite goPage.Renderhtml(1,3,3,request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),8209)
	' Send back an html page indicating the text was not found.
		Response.Write "<html><title>Seagate ASP Reports Server</title><body bgcolor='white'><center><h1>The text cannot be found in this report.</h1></center></body></html>"
	End If

end select


' Redirect to the framepage, need to know if we are 
' on the last page.

if session("LastPageNumber") <> "" then
	if CInt(PAGE) > CInt(session("LastPageNumber")) then
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
	end if
	Call RetrieveObjects
	Call CheckForError
	' create the actual page
	Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
	' check for an exception on the page number 
	Call ValidatePageNumber
	if goPage.IsLastPage then
		session("LastPageNumber") = goPage.pagenumber
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = session("LastPageNumber")	
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
	end if	
end if
if BRCH <> "" then
	gvURL = "framepage.asp?brch=" & BRCH
	gvURL = "framepage.asp"
end if

response.redirect gvURL

Set ExportOptions = Session("oRpt").ExportOptions
Session("oRpt").DisplayProgressDialog = FALSE
if(FillExportOptionsObject( EXPORT_FMT)) Then
	Call RetrieveObjects
	response.binarywrite goPageGenerator.Export(8209)
	Call CheckForError
	Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
	session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 1, "Invalid Export Type Specified"
end if

Case "MAP_DD"
' only supported in java and active X smart viewers
Select Case VFMT

Case "ENCP"

	'  Get page collection
	Call RetrieveObjects
	Call CheckForError
	' Pass the coordinates to the report engine to determine what
	' branch the drill down goes to.
	Set goPageGeneratorDrillonMap = goPageGenerator.DrillOnMap(PAGE, glX, glY)
	' Check for an exception because of coordinates
	if err.number <> 0 then
		gsErrorText = "No Values Exist for Selected Region of Map"
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 40, gsErrorText		
	end if
	' pass the group level and group path to helper function to create 
	' the EMF message, this tells the viewer where to get the page.

	gvGroupPathDD = goPageGeneratorDrillonMap.grouppath
	gvGroupNameDD = goPageGeneratorDrillonMap.groupname
	session("oEMF").GroupName = gvGroupNameDD	
	Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE	

end select

end select

SUB RetrieveObjects() 
' This procedure simply retrieves the session objects into global variables.
' In the case of Out of Place Subreports, the SUBRPT parameter must be parsed and the
' Subreport page generator object must be created.
Dim oRptOptions 'Report Options 
Dim charIndexVal,tmpCharIndexVal
Dim tmpStr
Dim tmpPageGenerator
Dim subPageGenerator 
Dim OOPSSeqNo	'holds the page's OOPS sequence number
Dim OOPSSubName	'holds the OOPS's name
Dim subCoords 'holds the coordinates of the OOPS in the main report
Dim subgvGroupPath 'holds the group path for the main report in subrpt parameter
Dim mainRptPageNumber 'holds the page number for the main report in the subrpt parameter

subgvGroupPath = Array()
if IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) then
	' make sure dialogs have been disabled
	if SUBRPT <> "" Then
	' Obtain the subreport sequence number
		charIndexVal = findChar(SUBRPT, ":")
		if charIndexVal > 1 then
			OOPSSeqNo = Mid(SUBRPT,1,charIndexVal - 1)
		end if
	' Obtain the subreport's name
		tmpStr = Mid(SUBRPT,charIndexVal + 1)
		charIndexVal = findChar(tmpStr, ":")
		if charIndexVal > 1 then
			OOPSSubName = Mid(tmpStr,1,charIndexVal - 1)
		end if
		tmpStr = Mid(tmpStr,charIndexVal + 1)
		charIndexVal = findChar(tmpStr, ":")
	' Obtain the group path for the Out of Place Subreport
		if charIndexVal > 1 then
			subgvGroupPath = CreateArray(Mid(tmpStr, 1, charIndexVal - 1))
		end if
	'Obtain the main report page number after the fourth : character
		tmpStr = Mid(tmpStr,charIndexVal + 1)
	'Get the location of the fourth : seperator
		charIndexVal = findChar(tmpStr, ":")
		mainRptPageNumber = Mid(tmpStr, 1, charIndexVal - 1)
	'Get the coordinates portion of the SUBRPT parameter
		subCoords = Mid(tmpStr, charIndexVal + 1)
		Call GetDrillDownCoordinates(subCoords, slX, slY)
		' Get the main reports page generator for the view
		Set tmpPageGenerator = session("oPageEngine").CreatePageGenerator(subgvGroupPath)
		Set subPageGenerator = tmpPageGenerator.DrillOnSubreport(mainRptPageNumber, slX, slY)
		Set goPageGenerator = subPageGenerator.CreateSubreportPageGenerator(gvGroupPath)
		Set goPageGenerator = session("oPageEngine").CreatePageGenerator(gvGroupPath)
		end if
	Set goPageCollection = goPageGenerator.Pages
	' must have timed out return an error, you may wan to Append to the
	' IIS log here.
	if VFMT = "ENCP" then 
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 1, sessionError
		response.write sessionError

	end if
end if


SUB ParseQS()
DIM UTF8STR									' this is the string in UTF-8 format returned from the viewer
' Parse the Query String 
CMD = UCase(request.querystring("cmd"))		' This determines the main function to perform
PAGE = UCase(request.querystring("page"))	' the page to return
BRCH = UCase(request.querystring("BRCH"))	' the branch is a mechanism to determine the drill down level.
											' A drill down level is like a view of the report, a new tab
											' is created to indicate that it is a new view
VIEWER = UCase(request.querystring("VIEWER"))	' This is the viewer that is calling the server
VFMT = UCase(request.querystring("VFMT"))	' the format that the viewer understands
NODE = UCase(request.querystring("NODE"))
GRP = UCase(request.querystring("GRP"))		' this is a way of specifing the actual group
COORD = UCase(request.querystring("COORD"))	' these are the coordinates on the graph to process
DIR = UCase(request.querystring("DIR"))		' this is the search direction
CSE = UCase(request.querystring("CASE"))	' indicates if the search is case sensitive
UTF8STR = request.querystring("TEXT")		' this is the text to search for.
TEXT = session("oEMF").DecodeUTF8String(UTF8STR) ' Convert to Unicode.
INIT = UCase(request.querystring("INIT"))	' used to build the frames for the html viewer
TAB = UCase(request.querystring("TAB"))		' used to keep track of TABS on drill down.
EXPORT_FMT = UCase(request.querystring("EXPORT_FMT")) ' Used to specify export format and type.	
UTF8STR = request.querystring("SUBRPT") ' The Out of Place Subreport coordinates.
SUBRPT = UCase(session("oEMF").DecodeUTF8String(UTF8STR)) ' Convert to Unicode.
INCOMPLETE_PAGE = CInt(request.querystring("INCOMPLETE_PAGE"))' Used to specify whether the page is to contain placeholders.
INCOMPLETE_PAGE_COUNT = CInt(request.querystring("INCOMPLETE_PAGE_COUNT"))' Used to specify whether the page has to contain a total page count.
PVERSION = CInt(request.querystring("PVERSION"))' Used to indicate the protocol version the viewer is utilizing.
TTL_INFO = UCase(request.querystring("TTL_INFO"))'Used to indicate the group path of the totaller request.
IMAGE = UCase(request.querystring("IMAGE"))
DEL = Cint(request.querystring("DEL"))
' Initialize variables to a default if they are not provided on the query string.
' Check for Parameter Values that are passed by the HTTP Post Command.
if CMD = "" then
	CMD = UCase(request.form("cmd"))	
	if CMD = "" then
		CMD = "GET_PG"
	end if
end if

if INIT = "" then
	INIT = UCase(request.form("INIT"))
end if

if BRCH = "" then
	BRCH = UCase(request.form("BRCH"))
end if

if BRCH = "" and INIT = "HTML_FRAME" then 
	Call InitializeFrameArray
end if

if BRCH <> "" and INIT = "HTML_FRAME"  then
	if session("lastBrch") <> BRCH then
		NEWBRCH	 = "1"
	end if
end if 

if VIEWER = "" then
	VIEWER = UCase(request.form("VIEWER"))
	if VIEWER = "" then
	end if
end if

if VFMT = "" then 
	VFMT = UCase(request.form("VFMT"))
	if VFMT = "" then 
	end if
end if

if GRP = "" then
	GRP = UCase(request.form("GRP"))	
end if

if TTL_INFO = "" then
	TTL_INFO = UCase(request.form("TTL_INFO"))
end if

if COORD = "" then
	COORD = UCase(request.form("COORD"))
end if

if NODE = "" then
	NODE = UCase(request.form("NODE"))
end if

if DIR = "" then
	DIR = UCase(request.form("DIR"))
	if DIR = "" then
		DIR = "FOR" ' forward
	end if
End if

if CSE = "" then
	CSE = UCase(request.form("CASE"))
	if CSE = "" then
		CSE = "0" ' case insensitive
	end if
end if

if TEXT = "" then
	UTF8STR = request.form("TEXT")
	TEXT = session("oEMF").DecodeUTF8String(UTF8STR) ' Convert to Unicode.
end if

if EXPORT_FMT = "" then
	EXPORT_FMT = UCase(request.form("EXPORT_FMT"))
end if

if SUBRPT = "" then
	UTF8STR = request.form("SUBRPT")
	SUBRPT = UCase(session("oEMF").DecodeUTF8String(UTF8STR)) ' Convert to Unicode.
end if

if request.form("INCOMPLETE_PAGE") <> "" then
end if

if request.form("INCOMPLETE_PAGE_COUNT") <> "" then
end if

if PVERSION = 0 then
	PVERSION = CInt(request.form("PVERSION"))
end if

if IMAGE = "" then
	IMAGE = request.form("IMAGE")
end if

if DEL = 0 then
	DEL = Cint(request.form("DEL"))
end if

' Check to make sure there is a page requested, if not use 1 as a default
if PAGE = "" then
	PAGE = UCase(request.form("page"))
	if PAGE = "" then
		PAGE = "1"
	end if
end if

if PAGE <> "" and NOT IsNumeric(PAGE) then
	PAGE = "1"
end if


Function CreateArray(ByVal vsStringArray)
' this function takes an string like 0-1-1-0 and converts
' it into an array of integers

   Dim lvArray
   Dim lvNewArray
   Dim liCount
   Dim liCurrentPos
   Dim lsBuf
   lvArray = Array()
   lvNewArray = Array()
   ReDim lvArray(256)

   liStringLength = Len(vsStringArray)
   liCount = 0
   liCurrentPos = 1
   lsBuf = ""

   While liCurrentPos <= liStringLength

        'ignore this character
       If Mid(vsStringArray, liCurrentPos, 1) <> "-" Then
           lsBuf = lsBuf & Mid(vsStringArray, liCurrentPos, 1)
           If liCurrentPos = liStringLength Then
               lvArray(liCount) = CInt(lsBuf)
               lsBuf = ""
               liCount = liCount + 1
           End If

           lvArray(liCount) = CInt(lsBuf)
           lsBuf = ""
           liCount = liCount + 1
       End If
       liCurrentPos = liCurrentPos + 1

   ReDim lvNewArray(liCount - 1)

   For x = 0 To (liCount - 1)
       lvNewArray(x) = lvArray(x)

   CreateArray = lvNewArray

End Function

' Helper function to parse coordinates passed by viewers and place into independent variables.
SUB GetDrillDownCoordinates(ByVal strParam, ByRef xCoord, ByRef yCoord)
Dim liStringLength
Dim lbDone
Dim lsBuf

liStringLength = Len(strParam)
lbDone = FALSE
lsBuf = ""
xCoord = ""
yCoord = ""
For x = 1 To liStringLength
	lsBuf = Mid(strParam, x, 1)

	'ignore this character
	If lsBuf = "-" Then
		lsBuf = ""
		lbDone = TRUE
	End if

	if lbDone then
		yCoord = yCoord + lsBuf
		xCoord = xCoord + lsBuf
	end if



' This helper procedure will check if the requested page number exists.
' If it does not, it will set it to the last available page.
SUB ValidatePageNumber()
if err.number <> 0 then
	if err.number = 9 then 
		' just return the last page
		PAGE = goPageCollection.count
		Set goPage = goPageCollection(PAGE)
		' these session variables are used for the HTML Frame viewer
		session("LastPageNumber") = PAGE
		session("CurrentPageNumber") = PAGE
		' A more serious error has occurred. Error message sent to browser.
		Call CheckForError
	end if
end if

'  This helper procedure will send an error msg to the browser based on what viewer is being used.
SUB CheckForError()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
	if VFMT = "ENCP" then
		Response.ContentType = EMFMIMETYPE
		session("oEMF").SendErrorMsg 1, "CRAXDRT Error Occured on Server. " & Err.Number  & " : " & Err.Description
		Response.Write "CRAXDRT Error Occured on Server. Error Number: " & Err.Number & " Error Description: " & Err.Description
	end if
End if

SUB InitializeFrameArray()
'initialize the html_frame array
set session("tabArray") = Nothing
session("lastBrch") = ""
dim tmpArray
tmpArray = Array(4)
redim tmpArray(4)
'Initialize the sequence number
tmpArray(0) = "EMPTY"
session("tabArray") = tmpArray

' Helper function to parse the EXPORT_FMT parameter and fill in the properties of the 
' Export object.
FUNCTION FillExportOptionsObject(export_fmt_options)
dim charIndex 
dim exportType
dim exportDLLName
charIndex = findChar(export_fmt_options,":")
'Set session("ExportOptions") = Session("oRpt").ExportOptions
if(charIndex > 0) Then
'Get the export format type value
	exportType = Mid(export_fmt_options, charIndex + 1)
	exportDLLName = UCase(Mid(export_fmt_options, 1, charIndex - 1))
	Select Case exportDLLName
		Case "U2FWORDW"
			ExportOptions.FormatType = 	CREFTWORDFORWINDOWS + CInt(exportType)
			Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
		Case "U2FRTF"
			ExportOptions.FormatType = 	CREFTRICHTEXT	+ CInt(exportType)
			Response.ContentType = "application/rtf"
		Case "U2FXLS"
			if ((CREFTEXCEL21	+ CInt(exportType)) <= 22 ) then
				ExportOptions.FormatType = CREFTEXCEL21	+ CInt(exportType)
				ExportOptions.FormatType = CREFTEXCEL70	+ (CInt(exportType) - 5)
			end if
			Response.ContentType = "application/"
		Case "U2FCR"
			if exportType = 0 then
				ExportOptions.FormatType = CREFTCRYSTALREPORT + CInt(exportType)
				ExportOptions.FormatType = CREFTCRYSTALREPORT7
			end if
			Response.ContentType = "application/x-rpt"
		Case "U2FPDF"
			ExportOptions.FormatType = CREFTPORTABLEDOCFORMAT
			ExportOptions.PDFExportAllPages = TRUE
			Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
		Case Else
			FillExportOptionsObject = False
			Exit Function
	End Select
	ExportOptions.DestinationType = CREDTDISKFILE
	FillExportOptionsObject = True
	FillExportOptionsObject = False
end if


'  Helper function that returns the index of the character in the given string.
Function findChar(findStr, charToFind)
dim lenStr 
dim result 
lenStr = len(findStr)
result = -1
if(lenStr > 0) Then
	charCounter = 1
	do While(charCounter <= lenStr)
		tmpChar = Mid(findStr,charCounter,1)
		if(tmpChar = charToFind) Then
			result = charCounter
			Exit Do
		end if
		charCounter = charCounter + 1
end if

findChar = result
End Function	



On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number <> 0 Then                                               
 Response.Write "Error Occurred Reading Records: " & Err.Description
 Set Session("oRpt") = nothing
 Set Session("oApp") = nothing
 If IsObject(Session("oPageEngine")) Then                              
 	set Session("oPageEngine") = nothing
 End If
 set Session("oPageEngine") = Session("oRpt").PageEngine
End If

'This file contains the HTML code to instantiate the Smart Viewer ActiveX.      
'You will notice that the Report Name parameter references the rptserver.asp file.
'This is because the report pages are actually created by rptserver.asp.
'Rptserver.asp accesses session("oApp"), session("oRpt") and session("oPageEngine")
'to create the report pages that will be rendered by the ActiveX Smart Viewer.
<TITLE>Seagate ActiveX Viewer</TITLE>
<BODY onUnload="CallDestroy();">

<OBJECT ID="CRViewer" CLASSID="CLSID:C4847596-972C-11D0-9567-00A0C9273C2A" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"
<PARAM NAME="EnableRefreshButton" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableGroupTree" VALUE="<%=Tree%>">
<PARAM NAME="DisplayGroupTree" VALUE="<%=Tree%>">
<PARAM NAME="EnablePrintButton" VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="EnableExportButton" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableDrillDown" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableSearchControl" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableAnimationControl" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableZoomControl" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnablePopupMenu" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableToolbar" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="DisplayTabs" VALUE=1>

<script LANGUAGE="VBScript">
Sub Window_onload
       On Error Resume Next
       Dim webBroker
       Set webBroker = CreateObject("WebReportBroker.WebReportBroker")
       if ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 2 then
 window.alert "IE 3.02 users on NT4 need to get the latest version of VBScript or install IE 4.01 SP1. IE 3.02 users on Win95 need DCOM95 and latest version of VBScript, or install IE 4.01 SP1. These files are available at Microsoft's web site."
 CRViewer.ReportName = Location.Protocol + "//" + Location.Host + "/scrsamples/Web Component Server/rptserver.asp"
 Dim webSource
 Set webSource = CreateObject("WebReportSource.WebReportSource")
 webSource.ReportSource = webBroker
 webSource.URL = "Rptserver.asp"
 'Msgbox webSource.URL
 webSource.PromptOnRefresh = True
 CRViewer.ReportSource = webSource
       end if
End Sub

<script language="javascript">
function CallDestroy()


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