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[Resolvido] Boleto Caixa Economica

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Olá Pessoal


Eu estou emitindo boletos da caixa economica para um cliente, entretanto, ele pediu pra emitir 3 por folha (estilo carnê).

Alguem tem o layout disso?





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e mexe com o boleto.tpl.php até ficar do jeito que você quiser.


com alguns simples recorta e cola deve dar certo




eu mexendo rapidamente deixei ele assim e ficou acho que similar ao q você quer:





* This code is released under the GNU General Public License.
* See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt.
* This library is built based on Boletophp v0.17
* Many thanks to the mantainers and collaborators of Boletophp project at
* @file Html template that renders the Boleto output.
* @link
* @copyright 2011
* @author Francisco Luz <franciscoferreiraluz at yahoo dot com dot au>
* @package Boleto
* @version 1.0 Beta
*  --------------------------------C O N T R A T A C A O ---------------------------------------------------
* - Estou disponível para trabalhos freelance, contrato temporario ou permanente. (falo ingles fluente)
* - Aberto para propostas de parcerias. Nao quer dizer necessariamente que vou aceita-las :)
* - Tambem presto serviços de treinamento em Drupal para empresas e profissionais da área de
*   desenvolvimento web ou para empresas / pessoas usuarias da plataforma Drupal que queiram capacitar
*   sua equipe interna para tirar o maximo proveito do poder do Drupal.
* - Trabalho com soluções como o Open Public (, ideal para prefeituras e
*   autarquias publicas.
* - Trabalho ainda com o Open Publish (, uma solucao completa de websites
*   para canais de tv, jornais, revistas, notícias, etc...
*   Acesse o meu website para me contactar.
*   Francisco Luz
*   Junho / 2011 

//convert array into string variables
foreach($this->output as $key => $value){
 ${$key} = $value;

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <TITLE><?php echo $title; ?></TITLE>
     <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html charset=ISO-8859-1>
     <meta name="Generator" content="Projeto BoletoPHP - - Licença GPL" />
     <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?php echo $style; ?>" /> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=cp width=150><span class="campo"><IMG src="<?php echo $bank_logo_path; ?>" width="150" height="40" border=0></span></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=cpt width=58 valign=bottom><div align=center><font class=bc><?php echo $codigo_banco_com_dv; ?></font></div></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=ld align=right width=453 valign=bottom><span class=ld><span class="campotitulo"><?php echo $linha_digitavel; ?></span></span></td>
<td colspan=5><img height=2 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Local de pagamento</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12>Pagável em qualquer Banco até o vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_vencimento; ?></span>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Cedente</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Agência/Código cedente</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $cedente; ?></span></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $agencia_codigo_cedente; ?></span></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=113 height=13>Data do documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=133 height=13>N<u>o</u> documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=62 height=13>Espécie doc.</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=34 height=13>Aceite</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Data processamento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Nosso número</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=113 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $data_documento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=133 height=12>
   <span class="campo"><?php echo $numero_documento; ?></span></td>
       <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=62 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie_doc; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=34 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $aceite; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102 height=12><div align=left>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_processamento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $nosso_numero; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=113 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=113 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=133 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=133 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=62 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=62 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=34 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=34 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top COLSPAN="3" height=13>Uso do banco</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=83 height=13>Carteira</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=43 height=13>Espécie</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=103 height=13>Quantidade</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Valor Documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor documento</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top class=cp height=12 COLSPAN="3"><div align=left> </div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=83><div align=left> <span class="campo"><?php echo $carteira; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=43><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie; ?></span> 
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=103><span class="campo"><?php echo $quantidade; ?></span> 
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_unitario; ?></span></td>
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_boleto; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=75 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=31 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=31 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=83 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=83 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=43 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=43 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=103 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=103 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
   <tr>       <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=468 rowspan=5>
       <font class=ct>Instruções (Texto de responsabilidade do cedente)</font>
       <span class=cp><FONT class=campo><?php echo $instrucoes1; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes2; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes3; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes4; ?>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Desconto / Abatimentos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $desconto_abatimento; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Outras deduções</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outras_deducoes; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Mora / Multa</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $mora_multa; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Outros acréscimos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outros_acrescimos; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor cobrado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $valor_cobrado; ?></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td valign=top width=666 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=659 height=13>Sacado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $sacado; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco1; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=13><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco2; ?></span></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Cód. baixa</td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=7 height=12></TD>
     <td class=ct width=409>Sacador/Avalista</TD>
     <td class=ct width=250><div align=right>Autenticação mecânica - <b class=cp>Ficha de Compensação</b></div></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3><?php echo $avalista; ?></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td vAlign=bottom align=left height=50><?php echo $codigo_barras; ?></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=666></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><div align=right>Corte na linha pontilhada</div></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/6.png" width=665 border=0></TD>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=cp width=150><span class="campo"><IMG src="<?php echo $bank_logo_path; ?>" width="150" height="40" border=0></span></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=cpt width=58 valign=bottom><div align=center><font class=bc><?php echo $codigo_banco_com_dv; ?></font></div></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=ld align=right width=453 valign=bottom><span class=ld><span class="campotitulo"><?php echo $linha_digitavel; ?></span></span></td>
<td colspan=5><img height=2 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Local de pagamento</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12>Pagável em qualquer Banco até o vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_vencimento; ?></span>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Cedente</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Agência/Código cedente</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $cedente; ?></span></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $agencia_codigo_cedente; ?></span></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=113 height=13>Data do documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=133 height=13>N<u>o</u> documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=62 height=13>Espécie doc.</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=34 height=13>Aceite</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Data processamento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Nosso número</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=113 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $data_documento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=133 height=12>
   <span class="campo"><?php echo $numero_documento; ?></span></td>
       <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=62 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie_doc; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=34 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $aceite; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102 height=12><div align=left>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_processamento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $nosso_numero; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=113 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=113 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=133 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=133 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=62 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=62 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=34 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=34 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top COLSPAN="3" height=13>Uso do banco</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=83 height=13>Carteira</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=43 height=13>Espécie</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=103 height=13>Quantidade</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Valor Documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor documento</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top class=cp height=12 COLSPAN="3"><div align=left> </div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=83><div align=left> <span class="campo"><?php echo $carteira; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=43><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie; ?></span> 
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=103><span class="campo"><?php echo $quantidade; ?></span> 
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_unitario; ?></span></td>
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_boleto; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=75 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=31 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=31 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=83 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=83 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=43 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=43 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=103 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=103 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
   <tr>       <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=468 rowspan=5>
       <font class=ct>Instruções (Texto de responsabilidade do cedente)</font>
       <span class=cp><FONT class=campo><?php echo $instrucoes1; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes2; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes3; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes4; ?>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Desconto / Abatimentos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $desconto_abatimento; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Outras deduções</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outras_deducoes; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Mora / Multa</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $mora_multa; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Outros acréscimos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outros_acrescimos; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor cobrado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $valor_cobrado; ?></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td valign=top width=666 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=659 height=13>Sacado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $sacado; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco1; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=13><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco2; ?></span></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Cód. baixa</td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=7 height=12></TD>
     <td class=ct width=409>Sacador/Avalista</TD>
     <td class=ct width=250><div align=right>Autenticação mecânica - <b class=cp>Ficha de Compensação</b></div></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3><?php echo $avalista; ?></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td vAlign=bottom align=left height=50><?php echo $codigo_barras; ?></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=666></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><div align=right>Corte na linha pontilhada</div></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/6.png" width=665 border=0></TD>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=cp width=150><span class="campo"><IMG src="<?php echo $bank_logo_path; ?>" width="150" height="40" border=0></span></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=cpt width=58 valign=bottom><div align=center><font class=bc><?php echo $codigo_banco_com_dv; ?></font></div></td>
     <td width=3 valign=bottom><img height=22 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/3.png" width=2 border=0></td>
     <td class=ld align=right width=453 valign=bottom><span class=ld><span class="campotitulo"><?php echo $linha_digitavel; ?></span></span></td>
<td colspan=5><img height=2 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Local de pagamento</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12>Pagável em qualquer Banco até o vencimento</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_vencimento; ?></span>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=472 height=13>Cedente</td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Agência/Código cedente</td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $cedente; ?></span></td>
<td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
<td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $agencia_codigo_cedente; ?></span></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
<td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=113 height=13>Data do documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=133 height=13>N<u>o</u> documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=62 height=13>Espécie doc.</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=34 height=13>Aceite</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Data processamento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Nosso número</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=113 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $data_documento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=133 height=12>
   <span class="campo"><?php echo $numero_documento; ?></span></td>
       <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=62 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie_doc; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=34 height=12><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $aceite; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102 height=12><div align=left>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $data_processamento; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $nosso_numero; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=113 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=113 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=133 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=133 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=62 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=62 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=34 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=34 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top COLSPAN="3" height=13>Uso do banco</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7> <img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=83 height=13>Carteira</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=43 height=13>Espécie</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=103 height=13>Quantidade</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=7><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=102 height=13>Valor Documento</td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor documento</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top class=cp height=12 COLSPAN="3"><div align=left> </div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=83><div align=left> <span class="campo"><?php echo $carteira; ?></span></div></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=43><div align=left><span class="campo"><?php echo $especie; ?></span> 
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=103><span class="campo"><?php echo $quantidade; ?></span> 
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=102>
  <span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_unitario; ?></span></td>
      <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $valor_boleto; ?></span></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=75 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=31 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=31 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=83 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=83 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=43 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=43 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=103 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=103 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=102 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=102 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
   <tr>       <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=468 rowspan=5>
       <font class=ct>Instruções (Texto de responsabilidade do cedente)</font>
       <span class=cp><FONT class=campo><?php echo $instrucoes1; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes2; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes3; ?>
       <br><?php echo $instrucoes4; ?>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Desconto / Abatimentos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $desconto_abatimento; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(-) Outras deduções</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> <img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outras_deducoes; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10> 
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Mora / Multa</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $mora_multa; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1> <img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188> 

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(+) Outros acréscimos</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $outros_acrescimos; ?></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=10>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td align=right width=188>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>(=) Valor cobrado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=180 height=12><?php echo $valor_cobrado; ?></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td valign=top width=666 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=666 border=0></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=659 height=13>Sacado</td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $sacado; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img height=12 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=659 height=12><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco1; ?></span></td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=cp valign=top width=472 height=13><span class="campo"><?php echo $endereco2; ?></span></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img height=13 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/1.png" width=1 border=0></td>
     <td class=ct valign=top width=180 height=13>Cód. baixa</td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=472 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=472 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=7 border=0></td>
     <td valign=top width=180 height=1><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/2.png" width=180 border=0></td>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=7 height=12></TD>
     <td class=ct width=409>Sacador/Avalista</TD>
     <td class=ct width=250><div align=right>Autenticação mecânica - <b class=cp>Ficha de Compensação</b></div></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3><?php echo $avalista; ?></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
     <td class=ct  colspan=3></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td vAlign=bottom align=left height=50><?php echo $codigo_barras; ?></TD>
<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=666>
     <td class=ct width=666></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><div align=right>Corte na linha pontilhada</div></TD>
     <td class=ct width=666><img height=1 src="<?php echo $images; ?>/6.png" width=665 border=0></TD>



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ficou ótimo.

só assim

estava dando esse erro:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /.../boleto_novo/boleto-lib/Boleto.class.php on line 349


daí, sempre onde tinha>



eu tirei o $



e deu!



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tenho uma sugestão

pega o

e mexe com o boleto.tpl.php até ficar do jeito que você quiser.


com alguns simples recorta e cola deve dar certo




eu mexendo rapidamente deixei ele assim e ficou acho que similar ao q você quer:


Olá Pessoal,

Eu sou o author do Boletophp API em questão e gostaria de dizer que não é uma boa prática alterar diretamente os arquivos da biblioteca. Essa regra vale para qualquer tipo de biblioteca e não somente esta.


A razão para isso é para facilitar a manutenção do código do seu próprio projeto, ou seja, toda vez que a biblioteca sofrer uma atualização no futuro você terá uma dor de cabeça tremenda tentando descobrir o que você mudou e porque mudou.


Neste caso específico onde o coleca merlinus sugere que o arquivo Boleto.tpl.php seja modificado, o correto seria criar o seu próprio template fora da biblioteca. Assim:


//Instancia-se o objeto normalmente
$meuBoleto = new Boleto($meusArgumentos);

//Indique onde o seu template customizado encontra-se
$meuBoleto->settings['template'] = 'meu_diretorio/meu_template.tpl.php';

//imprimir o boleto


O arquivo meu_template.tpl.php seria a sua cópia alterada do Boleto.tpl.php que deverá está fora do diretório da biblioteca. Procedendo desta forma, toda vez que a biblioteca sofrer um upgrade o seu trabalho não será desmanchado.


Grande abraço,

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Informação importante

Ao usar o fórum, você concorda com nossos Termos e condições.