junaooaks 3 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 9, 2012 ola pessoal eu nao sei como funciona a geração do arquivo estou seguindo um post Clique aqui so que esta aparecendo umas letras muito doida como se eu estivesse tentando abrir o aquivo pdf dentro do word %PDF-1.3 3 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <> stream xœ…WMoÛF¼çW¼K€PÖüþèMq š8©¾¬È•´É•—¤\ä×4è!HŸÚ^‚žÊ?Öy¤hË´ÁØÒòr93oÞ¼•GoŸ8"ŒéúÉ‹ :}í’ëÇ¡‹5½ºà|W¸)%Ž/‚.rzv¡›¶0”ZÚFoÌ ]|:¬ ‚TDîñâmÓì~9=½¾¾µjkÝ(‘™R¬ìø”—?¤8M…Sè'"L¨`ýF#¦äR ' 8ñ„Q¸"Ié¹7æGÖ„'’X$1ű'’¤G±¤å¦û^eZÒ;™iSÉ‚rE˽–Ý×îOCgz¯ º|¶¬dvyBºZ[švA•ªIµÚ´U.Ÿ¯•¶Ë¼Ë“]µŠöRcñ‹ôFZ¬#YîdµÕ¸í¾(«pmºïåÈø@ JX×Ya"b§'µÅNÒN¦&ÙXYãª(“U¦ YªªÁßVmtÿå¸Ï[+«F‘¡µ.™jJYI1ÁÂñæ1ýõ?ï ÕÝ—Þ|‡…0f3€hY÷ÝߦWJ©kþ¤-%m ¤Ãý?ÛªiIR.¼§‚7ÎM©« oìþ÷ƒw–M÷uÓï,&àýT$Á‰/ÜpžOì‹hðU£,vê¹t߬‚—è=UÝ/%uÕê½,ð:ò˜œ3³1À èC+-:¨À¡g•™BnTU¢´½£—Ïâ…ÿôòDL€"AÒdh˜Š =òÐ{xÿ1 1ª iUõ]'J☸ †>ªL¯P¿BT*^ö5ÏÏœgøÝ,éLît3$¹²•,Wm†BݘÞ]^0áƒ4Jæ{" Böó|YJ›õ'ï¼;€–V÷ó‘åCËÛBôPͨIA™â²Ôj„‰½vƒŽïMf¬íõbA&ðGDþ<|¾Çå¸{3cìËv(u7U®³^áûQ¿6šúî=knôŠ‰d2/±wl'4øˆÙI<³$÷ýÔb&^$‚hž ò/{&ëdá>bO×ÞO쉈Kœ#=–(aêÚXÝÏŠ±}Yö*ÀzH=ìªû÷0àÙ øw…´²ÕàØû3~muó`ðεšKÂc*å&‰ˆKZukG8ÉØÝ ŽxùÝ÷fðማ4˜EŒÇ©A¦ó>™ûsXÙ\ë\ñ¸Ïoeq&É9Qé©ÑgÒòùÍ8ÌŽ-Ù}+{7a“O-Ìv›œ™Õ|šáPƒd¯ ŽŠj+ûV±i£Ê (ñ¼iÂÈaG0A¨¾Æ/PÊî¦@å¢}„`Ý5ÅÛ[Ýú‘7L1Cr¯™zÝý5ØíÂËÓ-Ân‚) E˜Îc 0ÈïYp§}@ÜšhA üs oÓ0”> endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <> stream qual a forma correta para gerar um relatorio de teste com fpdf ? galera eu ainda nao conseguir gerar arquivo em pdf. alguem pode postar uma classe que funcione obrigado Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
shini 318 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2012 da uma olhada nesses tutoriais http://www.fpdf.org/. tem o mpdf q tmb faz o mesmo serviço. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
lusigmas 0 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2012 Olá junaooaks, utilizo a classe fpdf e funciona muito bem. Poste o seu código para podermos identificar o erro. Abs. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Cyberoma 5 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2012 Brother eu uso esse codigo e é facil de manutenção: <?php ############ GERAR PDF ################################### // Caminho para o arquivo fpdf.php require_once("fpdf16/fpdf.php"); // New - Novo documento PDF com orientação P - Retrato (Picture) que pode ser também L - Paisagem (Landscape) $pdf= new FPDF('P'); $pdf-> Open(); // Definindo Fonte $pdf->SetFont('arial','',10); //posicao vertical no caso -1 e o limite da margem $pdf->SetY("-2"); //::::::::::::::::::Cabecalho:::::::::::::::::::: $pdf->Cell(0,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1','Nome qualquer:'),0,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(0,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1','Nome qualquer'),0,1,'R'); $pdf->Cell(0,0,'',1,1,'L'); $pdf->Ln(8); $pdf-> SetFont('arial','B',10); $pdf->SetFillColor(122,122,122); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','B',9); $pdf->Cell(18,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1','Nome qualquer:'),0,0); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','',9); $pdf->Cell(75,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1',"$Nome qualquer"),0,1); $pdf-> Ln(3); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','B',9); $pdf->Cell(24,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1','Nome qualquer:'),0,0); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','',9); $pdf->Cell(75,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1',"$Nome qualquer"),0,1); $pdf-> Ln(3); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','B',9); $pdf->Cell(30,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1','Nome qualquer:'),0,1); $pdf-> SetFont('Times','',9); $pdf->MultiCell(75,5,iconv('utf-8','iso-8859-1',"$Nome qualquer"),0,1); $pdf-> Output("arquivo_pdf.pdf"); ?> Aqui você coloca um link ou um botão pra chamar o arquivo gerado: <a href='arquivo_pdf.pdf'></a> Espero ter ajudado Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
junaooaks 3 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 23, 2012 consegui fazer gerar o arquivo em pdf só que o conteúdo esta todo embolado na mesma linha <?php //incluindo o arquivo do fpdf require_once("fpdf/fpdf.php"); //defininfo a fonte ! define('FPDF_FONTPATH','fpdf/font/'); //instancia a classe.. P=Retrato, mm =tipo de medida utilizada no casso milimetros, tipo de folha =A4 $pdf= new FPDF("P","mm","A4"); //define a fonte a ser usada $pdf->SetFont('arial','',10); //define o titulo $pdf->SetTitle("BOLETO PDF"); //assunto $pdf->SetSubject("Boletos"); // posicao vertical no caso -1.. e o limite da margem $pdf->SetY("-1"); $titulo="Boleto Sicoob ". date('d/m/Y'); //escreve no pdf largura,altura,conteudo,borda,quebra de linha,alinhamento $pdf->Cell(0,5,$titulo,0,0,'L'); $pdf->Cell(0,5,'Brsite Internet LTDA',0,1,'R'); $pdf->Cell(0,0,'',1,1,'L'); $pdf->Ln(8); //hora do conteudo do artigo $pdf->SetFont('arial','',8); $boleto=" <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN'> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>".$dadosboleto['identificacao']."</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html charset=UTF-8> <style type=text/css> <!--.cp { font: bold 10px Arial; color: black} <!--.ti { font: 9px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} <!--.ld { font: bold 15px Arial; color: #000000} <!--.ct { 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class=cpt></td> </tr> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=2></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 height='1'><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=137 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Vencimento</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['data_vencimento']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Coop. contratante / Código cedente</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['agencia_codigo']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Nosso número</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['nosso_numero']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(=) Valor documento</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=13><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['valor_boleto']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(-) Outras deduções</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top height=13 width=130>(+) Mora / Multa</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=129 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(+) Outros acréscimos</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(=) Valor cobrado</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table width='137' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=13></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Sacado</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=130 height=12><span class='campo' style='font-size:10px;'>".$dadosboleto['sacado']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> <td width='600' align='center'><table width='543' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td class=cp width=109><img src='imagens/sicooblogo.gif'></td> <td width=2 valign=bottom><img src=imagens/3.png alt='' width=2 height=22 border=0></td> <td class=cpt width=35 valign=bottom style='font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial; font-weight:bold;'><div align=center>".$dadosboleto['codigobanco']."</div></td> <td width=2 valign=bottom><img src=imagens/3.png alt='' width=2 height=22 border=0></td> <td width='500' align=right valign=bottom class=ld style='font-size:13px; font-family:Arial; '>".$dadosboleto['linha_digitavel']."</td> </tr> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan=5><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=543 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table width='400' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=400 height=13>Local de pagamento</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Vencimento</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> <td class=cp valign=top width=400 height=12>Pagável em qualquer Banco até o vencimento</td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12><span class='campo'> ".$dadosboleto['data_vencimento']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=400 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=400 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> <td class=ct valign=top width=400 height=13>Cedente</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>Coop. contratante / Código cedente</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> <td class=cp valign=top width=400 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['cedente']."</span></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['agencia_codigo']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=400 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=400 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width='400'> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> <td width='113' height=13 valign=top class=ct>Data do documento</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width='153'height=13>Nº documento</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='62' height=13 valign=top class=ct>Espécie doc.</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='34' height=13 valign=top class=ct>Aceite</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='82' height=13 valign=top class=ct>Data processamento</td> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='61' height=13 valign=top class=ct>Nosso número</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> <td class=cp valign=top height=12><div align=left> <span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['data_documento']."</span></div></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top width='153' height=12><span class='campo'> ".$dadosboleto['numero_documento']."</span></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top height=12><div align=left><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['especie_doc']."</span> </div></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top height=12><div align=left><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['aceite']."</span> </div></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top height=12><div align=left> <span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['data_processamento']."</span></div></td> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td height=12 align=right valign=top class=cp><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['nosso_numero']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=113 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=81 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=62 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=34 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=82 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width='543'> <tbody> <tr> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct> </td> <td class=ct valign=top COLSPAN='3'>Nº da conta / Respons.</td> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='83' valign=top class=ct>Carteira</td> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='53' valign=top class=ct>Espécie</td> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='60' valign=top class=ct>Quantidade</td> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='63' valign=top class=ct> Valor Documento</td> <td width='7' valign=top class=ct><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td width='129' valign=top class=ct>(=) Valor doc.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top> </td> <td valign=top class=cp COLSPAN='3'><div align=left> </div></td> <td class=cp valign=top><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top ><div align=left> <span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['carteira']."</span></div></td> <td class=cp valign=top><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top ><div align=left><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['especie']."</span> </div></td> <td class=cp valign=top><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top ><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['quantidade']."</span></td> <td class=cp valign=top><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top ><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['valor_unitario']."</span></td> <td class=cp valign=top><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['valor_boleto']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td width='75' valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=75 height=1 border=0></td> <td width='7' valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td width='31' valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=31 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=83 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=53 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=60 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=63 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td align=right width=10><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> <td valign=top width=397 rowspan=4><font class=ct>Instruções (Texto de responsabilidade do cedente)</font><br> <span class=cp> <FONT class=campo>".$dadosboleto['instrucoes1']."<br> ".$dadosboleto['instrucoes2']."<br> ".$dadosboleto['instrucoes3']."<br> ".$dadosboleto['instrucoes4']."</FONT><br> <br> </span></td> <td align=right width=130><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(-) Outras deduções</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right width=10><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> <td align=right width=130><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(+) Mora / Multa</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right width=10><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> <td align=right width=130><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(+) Outros acréscimos</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right width=10><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 align=left> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> <td align=right width=130><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=13><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=13 border=0></td> <td class=ct valign=top width=130 height=13>(=) Valor cobrado</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12><img src=imagens/1.png alt='' width=1 height=12 border=0></td> <td class=cp valign=top align=right width=130 height=12></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=400 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=400 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=7 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top width=130 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=130 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table width='547' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> <td class=ct valign=top width=400 height=12>Sacado</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=7 height=12> </td> <td class=cp valign=top width=400 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['sacado'] ."-". $dadosboleto['cpf']."</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table width='547' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tbody> <tr> <td class=cp valign=top width=9 height=12> </td> <td class=cp valign=top width=400 height=12><span class='campo'>".$dadosboleto['endereco1']." / ".$dadosboleto['endereco2']."</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=ct valign=top width=7 height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=9 height=1 border=0></td> <td valign=top height=1><img src=imagens/2.png alt='' width=538 height=1 border=0></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <TABLE width='547' border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width='292' height=2 align=left vAlign=bottom></TD> <TD width='255' height='2' align=right vAlign=top></TD> </tr> <TR> <TD height=50 colspan='2' vAlign=bottom> "/*. fbarcode($dadosboleto['codigo_barras'])*/."</TD> </tr> </tbody> </table></td> </tr> </table> <TABLE border=0 align='center' cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0> <TR> <TD class=ct ></TD> </TR> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=ct ><img height=1 src=imagens/6.png width=690 border=0></TD> </tr> </tbody> </table> </BODY></HTML> "; //posiciona verticalmente 41mm $pdf->SetY("20"); //posiciona horizontalmente 10mm $pdf->SetX("5"); //escreve o conteudo de novo.. parametros posicao inicial,altura,conteudo(*texto),borda,quebra de linha,alinhamento $pdf->MultiCell(0,0,$boleto,3,1,'J'); //endereco da imagem,posicao X(horizontal),posicao Y(vertical), tamanho altura, tamanho largura //$pdf->Image("../imagem/logosicoob.jpg", 8,20,20,20); /*******definindo o rodapé*************************/ //posiciona verticalmente 270mm $pdf->SetY("270"); //data atual $data=date("d/m/Y"); $conteudo=$data; $texto="SISGEW - SISTEMA GESTAO WEB"; //imprime uma celula... largura,altura, texto,borda,quebra de linha, alinhamento $pdf->Cell(0,0,'',1,1,'L'); //imprime uma celula... largura,altura, texto,borda,quebra de linha, alinhamento $pdf->Cell(0,5,$texto,0,0,'L'); //imprime uma celula... largura,altura, texto,borda,quebra de linha, alinhamento $pdf->Cell(0,5,$conteudo,0,1,'R'); //imprime a saida do arquivo.. $pdf->Output("CarneBoleto.pdf","I"); ?> como resolver isto. 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junaooaks 3 Denunciar post Postado Janeiro 24, 2012 pessoal apos muita luta consegui mudei de biblioteca estou usando dompdf so que nao consigo fazer o layout ficar certo fica tudo misturado alguem que ja gerou boleto no formato em pdf usando a lib boletophp poderia da umas dicas? Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites