Eduiagami 1 Denunciar post Postado Fevereiro 6, 2012 Olá Galera, - Recentemente voltei a me aventurar na nova receita do Cakephp a versão 2.0. Estou desenvolvendo um novo sistema e precisei de um upload rápido e fácil. Pensando nisso resolvi baixar o component MeioUpload que há havia usado em outros projetos com versões anteriores. O problema é que para utilizar o MeioUpload na nova versão do cakephp é necessário algumas modificações no componente, segue abaixo as modificações iniciais que tive que fazer, caso eu acho mais alguma edito este post com as novas. abraços galera! #linha 63 => troque por isto App::uses('Folder','Utility'); #linha 370 => a Class Folder não mais implementa o metodo mkdir, agora utilize: create if(!$this->Folder->create($options['dir'])) { Espero que tenha ajudado. Qualquer erro ou feedback comentem galera. \o Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Yasminie 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 1, 2012 Olá, comigo ocorreu um erro não sei se é por que eu não estou utilizando o componente thumb, mas quando tento fazer o upload de uma imagem aparece a mensagem "o arquivo não pode ser vazio", sendo que eu seleciono um arquivo .png Se alguém puder ajudar, eu agradeço. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Cláudio Z Santos 0 Denunciar post Postado Junho 6, 2012 Olá Eduiagami. Eu configurei para a versão 2.1, e tive sucesso. Precisei mudar os links para o javascript também ficou assim: <?php /** * MeioUpload Behavior * This behavior is based on Tane Piper's improved uplaod behavior ( * @author Vinicius Mendes ( * @link * @filesource * @version 1.0.1 * @lastmodified 2008-10-04 * * Usage: * 1) Download this behaviour and place it in your models/behaviours/upload.php * 2) If you require thumbnails for image generation, download Nate's phpThumb Component ( * 3) Insert the following SQL into your database. This is a basic model you can expand on: * CREATE TABLE `images` ( * `id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, * `filename` varchar() default NULL, * `dir` varchar(255) default NULL, * `mimetype` varchar(255) NULL, * `filesize` int(11) unsigned default NULL, * `created` datetime default NULL, * `modified` datetime default NULL, * PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; * 4) In your model that you want to have the upload behavior work, place the below code. This example is for an Image model: * * var $actsAs = array('Upload' => array( * 'filename' => array( * 'dir' => 'files/images', * 'create_directory' => false, * 'allowed_mime' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png'), * 'allowed_ext' => array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif'), * 'thumbsizes' => array( * 'small' => array('width'=>100, 'height'=>100), * 'medium' => array('width'=>220, 'height'=>220), * 'large' => array('width'=>800, 'height'=>600) * ) * ) * ) * ); * The above code will save the uploaded file's name in the 'filename' field in database, * it will not overwrite existing files, instead it will create a new filename based on the original * plus a counter. * Allowed Mimetypes and extentions should be pretty explanitory. * For thumbnails, when the file is uploaded, it will create 3 thumbnail sizes and prepend the name * to the thumbfiles (i.e. image_001.jpg will produced thumb.small.image_001.jpg, thumb.medium.image_001.jpg, etc) * * 5) Create your upload view, make sure it's a multipart/form-data form, and the filename field is of type $form->file * 6) Make sure your directory is at least CHMOD 775, also check your php.ini MAX_FILE_SIZE is enough to support the filesizes you are uploading * * Version Details * * 1.0.1 * + Fixed a bug in the create folder method * + Now you can use the $validate var of the model to apply the changes to default validation rules; * + Changed the my_array_merge function, now it's part of the behavior, name arrayMerge; * + Allow use of {DS}, {model} and {field} constants in directory name and fields names; * + Fixed a bug with the replacement of the default names. * * 1.0 * + Initial release. * MODIFIED TO WORK IN CAKEPHP VERSION 2.1, BY CLAUDIO ZANA DOS SANTOS * EARLIER CREDITS MUST BE KEPT. */ App::uses('Folder','Utility'); class MeioUploadBehavior extends ModelBehavior { /** * The default options for the behavior */ public $default_options = array( 'dir' => '', 'allowed_mime' => array(), 'allowed_ext' => array(), 'create_directory' => true, 'max_size' => 200097152, 'fields' => array( 'dir' => 'dir', 'filesize' => 'filesize', 'mimetype' => 'mimetype' ), 'validations' => array( 'FieldName' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckFieldName'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Este campo não foi definido entre os parâmetros do MeioUploadBehavior.' ), 'Dir' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckDir'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'O diretório onde este arquivo seria colocado não existe ou é protegido contra escrita.' ), 'Empty' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckEmpty'), 'check' => true, 'on' => 'create', 'message' => 'O arquivo não pode ser vazio' ), 'UploadError' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckUploadError'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Ocorreram problemas no upload do arquivo.' ), 'MaxSize' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckMaxSize'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'O tamanho máximo de arquivo foi excedido.' ), 'InvalidMime' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckInvalidMime'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Tipo de arquivo inválido.' ), 'InvalidExt' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckInvalidExt'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Extensão de arquivo inválida.' ) ) ); public $default_validations = array( 'FieldName' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckFieldName'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Este campo não foi definido entre os parâmetros do MeioUploadBehavior.' ), 'Dir' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckDir'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'O diretório onde este arquivo seria colocado não existe ou é protegido contra escrita.' ), 'Empty' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckEmpty'), 'check' => true, 'on' => 'create', 'message' => 'O arquivo não pode ser vazio' ), 'UploadError' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckUploadError'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Ocorreram problemas no upload do arquivo.' ), 'MaxSize' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckMaxSize'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'O tamanho máximo de arquivo foi excedido.' ), 'InvalidMime' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckInvalidMime'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Tipo de arquivo inválido.' ), 'InvalidExt' => array( 'rule' => array('uploadCheckInvalidExt'), 'check' => true, 'message' => 'Extensão de arquivo inválida.' ) ); /** * The message for move error. */ public $moveErrorMsg = 'Ocorreram problemas na cópia do arquivo.'; /** * The array that saves the $options for the behavior */ public $__fields = array(); /** * Patterns of reserved words */ public $patterns = array( "thumb", "default" ); /** * Words to replace the patterns of reserved words */ public $replacements = array( "t_umb", "d_fault" ); /** * Array of files to be removed on the afterSave callback */ public $__filesToRemove = array(); /** * Setup the behavior. It stores a reference to the model, merges the default options with the options for each field, and setup the validation rules. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return null * @param $model Object * @param $config Array[optional] */ function setup(&$model, $config=array()) { $this->Folder = &new Folder; $this->__model = $model; $this->__fields = array(); foreach($config as $field => $options) { // Check if given field exists if(!$model->hasField($field)) { trigger_error('MeioUploadBehavior Error: The field "'.$field.'" doesn\'t exists in the model "'.$model->name.'".', E_USER_WARNING); } // Merge given options with defaults $options = $this->arrayMerge($this->default_options, $options); // Including the default name to the replacements // Process the max_size if it is not numeric $options['max_size'] = $this->sizeToBytes($options['max_size']); $this->__fields[$field] = $options; // Generate temporary directory if none provided if(empty($options['dir'])) { $this->__fields[$field]['dir'] = 'uploads' . DS . $model->name; // Else replace the tokens of the dir. } else { $this->__fields[$field]['dir'] = $this->replaceTokens($options['dir'],$field); } // Replace tokens in the fields names. foreach($this->__fields[$field]['fields'] as $fieldToken => $fieldName){ $this->__fields[$field]['fields'][$fieldToken] = $this->replaceTokens($fieldName,$field); } // Check that the given directory does not have a DS on the end if($options['dir'][strlen($options['dir'])-1] == DS) { $options['dir'] = substr($options['dir'],0,strlen($options['dir'])-2); } } } /** * Merges two arrays recursively * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return Array * @param $arr Array * @param $ins Array */ function arrayMerge($arr, $ins) { if (is_array($arr)) { if (is_array($ins)) { foreach ($ins as $k=>$v) { if (isset($arr[$k])&&is_array($v)&&is_array($arr[$k])) { $arr[$k] = $this->arrayMerge($arr[$k],$v); } else $arr[$k] = $v; } } } elseif (!is_array($arr)&&(strlen($arr)==0||$arr==0)) { $arr=$ins; } return($arr); } /** * Replaces some tokens. {model} to the underscore version of the model name, {field} to the field name, {DS}. / or \ to DS constant value. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return String * @param $string String * @param $fieldName String */ function replaceTokens($string,$fieldName){ return str_replace(array('{model}', '{field}', '{DS}','/','\\'),array(Inflector::underscore($this->__model->name),$fieldName,DS,DS,DS),$string); } /** * Convert a size value to bytes. For example: 2 MB to 2097152. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return int * @param $size String */ function sizeToBytes($size){ if(is_numeric($size)) return $size; if(!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]* (kb|mb|gb|tb)$/i', $size)){ trigger_error('MeioUploadBehavior Error: The max_size option format is invalid.', E_USER_ERROR); return 0; } list($size, $unit) = explode(' ',$size); if(strtolower($unit) == 'kb') return $size*1024; if(strtolower($unit) == 'mb') return $size*1048576; if(strtolower($unit) == 'gb') return $size*1073741824; if(strtolower($unit) == 'tb') return $size*1099511627776; trigger_error('MeioUploadBehavior Error: The max_size unit is invalid.', E_USER_ERROR); return 0; } /** * Sets the validation for each field, based on the options. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return null * @param $fieldName String * @param $options Array */ function setupValidation($fieldName, $options){ $options = $this->__fields[$fieldName]; if(isset($this->__model->validate[$fieldName])){ if(isset($this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['rule'])){ $this->__model->validate[$fieldName] = array( 'oldValidation' => $this->__model->validates[$fieldName] ); } } else { $this->__model->validate[$fieldName] = array(); } $this->__model->validate[$fieldName] = $this->arrayMerge($this->default_validations,$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]); $this->__model->validate[$fieldName] = $this->arrayMerge($options['validations'],$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]); } /** * Checks if the field was declared in the MeioUpload Behavior setup * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckFieldName(&$model, $data,$other){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['FieldName']['check']) return true; if(isset($this->__fields[$fieldName])){ return true; } else { $this->log('UploadBehavior Error: The field "'.$fieldName.'" wasn\'t declared as part of the UploadBehavior in model "'.$model->name.'".'); return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the folder exists or can be created or writable. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckDir(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['Dir']['check']) return true; $options = $this->__fields[$fieldName]; if(empty($field['remove']) || empty($field['name'])){ // Check if directory exists and create it if required if(!is_dir($options['dir'])) { if($options['create_directory']){ if(!$this->Folder->mkdir($options['dir'])) { trigger_error('UploadBehavior Error: The directory '.$options['dir'].' does not exist and cannot be created.', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } else { trigger_error('UploadBehavior Error: The directory'.$options['dir'].' does not exist.', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } // Check if directory is writable if(!is_writable($options['dir'])) { trigger_error('UploadBehavior Error: The directory '.$options['dir'].' isn\'t writable.', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks if the filename is not empty. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckEmpty(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['Empty']['check']) return true; if(empty($field['remove'])){ if(!is_array($field) || empty($field['name'])){ return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks if ocurred erros in the upload. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckUploadError(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['UploadError']['check']) return true; if(!empty($field['name']) && $field['error'] > 0){ return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the file isn't bigger then the max file size option. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckMaxSize(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['MaxSize']['check']) return true; $options = $this->__fields[$fieldName]; if(!empty($field['name']) && $field['size'] > $options['max_size']) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the file is of an allowed mime-type. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckInvalidMime(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['InvalidMime']['check']) return true; $options = $this->__fields[$fieldName]; if(!empty($field['name']) && count($options['allowed_mime']) > 0 && !in_array($field['type'], $options['allowed_mime'])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the file has an allowed extension. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $model Object * @param $data Array */ function uploadCheckInvalidExt(&$model, $data){ foreach($data as $fieldName => $field){ if(!$this->__model->validate[$fieldName]['InvalidExt']['check']) return true; $options = $this->__fields[$fieldName]; if(!empty($field['name'])){ if(count($options['allowed_ext']) > 0) { $matches = 0; foreach($options['allowed_ext'] as $extension) { if(substr($field['name'],-strlen($extension)) == $extension) { $matches++; } } if($matches == 0) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Set a file to be removed in afterSave callback * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return null * @param $fieldName String */ function setFileToRemove($fieldName){ $filename = $this->__model->field($fieldName); if(!empty($filename) && $filename != $this->__fields[$fieldName]['default']){ $this->__filesToRemove[] = array( 'dir' => $this->__fields[$fieldName]['dir'], 'name' => $filename ); } } /** * Include a pattern of reserved word based on a filename, and it's replacement. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return null * @param $default String */ function _includeDefaultReplacement($default){ $replacements = $this->replacements; list($newPattern, $ext) = $this->splitFilenameAndExt($default); if(!in_array($newPattern, $this->patterns)){ $this->patterns[] = $newPattern; $newReplacement = $newPattern; if(isset($newReplacement[1])){ if($newReplacement[1] != '_'){ $newReplacement[1] = '_'; } else { $newReplacement[1] = 'a'; } } elseif($newReplacement != '_') { $newReplacement = '_'; } else { $newReplacement = 'a'; } $this->replacements[] = $newReplacement; } } /** * Removes the bad characters from the $filename and replace reserved words. It updates the $model->data. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return null * @param $fieldName String */ function fixName($fieldName){ // updates the filename removing the keywords thumb and default name for the field. list($filename, $ext) = $this->splitFilenameAndExt($this->__model->data[$this->__model->name][$fieldName]['name']); $filename = str_replace($this->patterns,$this->replacements,$filename); $filename = Inflector::slug($filename); $i = 0; $newFilename = $filename; while(file_exists($this->__fields[$fieldName]['dir'].DS.$newFilename.'.'.$ext)){ $newFilename = $filename.$i; $i++; } $this->__model->data[$this->__model->name][$fieldName]['name'] = $newFilename.'.'.$ext; } /** * Splits a filename in two parts: the name and the extension. Returns an array with it respectively. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return Array * @param $filename String */ function splitFilenameAndExt($filename){ $parts = explode('.',$filename); $ext = $parts[count($parts)-1]; unset($parts[count($parts)-1]); $filename = implode('.',$parts); return array($filename,$ext); } /** * Sets the validation rules for each field. * * @return true * @param $model Object */ function beforeValidate(&$model) { foreach($this->__fields as $fieldName=>$options){ $this->setupValidation($fieldName, $options); } return true; } /** * Uploads the files before saving the record. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @param $model Object */ function beforeSave(&$model) { foreach($this->__fields as $fieldName=>$options){ // if the file is marked to be deleted, use the default or set the field to null if(!empty($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['remove'])){ if($options['default']){ $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName] = $options['default']; } else { $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName] = null; } //if the record is already saved in the database, set the existing file to be removed after the save is sucessfull if(!empty($model->data[$model->name][$model->primaryKey])){ $this->setFileToRemove($fieldName); } continue; } //Se nenhum arquivo foi atualizado, então tira o registro o campo do campo para evitar sobreescrever o arquivo existente // If no file has been upload, then unset the field to avoid overwriting existant file if(!isset($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]) || !is_array($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]) || empty($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['name'])){ if(!empty($model->data[$model->name][$model->primaryKey]) || !$options['default']){ unset($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]); } else { $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName] = $options['default']; } continue; } //Se o registro ja foi salvo no banco, seta um arquivo existente para ser removido depois de salvo com sucesso. //if the record is already saved in the database, set the existing file to be removed after the save is sucessfull if(!empty($model->data[$model->name][$model->primaryKey])){ $this->setFileToRemove($fieldName); } // Fix the filename, removing bad characters and avoiding from overwriting existing ones $this->_includeDefaultReplacement($options['default']); $this->fixName($fieldName); $saveAs = $options['dir'].DS.$model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['name']; // Attempt to move uploaded file if(!move_uploaded_file($model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['tmp_name'], $saveAs)){ $model->validationErrors[$field] = $moveErrorMsg; return false; } // Update model data $model->data[$model->name][$options['fields']['dir']] = $options['dir']; $model->data[$model->name][$options['fields']['mimetype']] = $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['type']; $model->data[$model->name][$options['fields']['filesize']] = $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['size']; $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName] = $model->data[$model->name][$fieldName]['name']; } return true; } /** * Deletes the files marked to be deleted in the save method. A file can be marked to be deleted if it is overwriten by another or if the user mark it to be deleted. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @param $model Object */ function afterSave(&$model) { foreach($this->__filesToRemove as $file){ if($file['name']) $this->_deleteFiles($file['name'], $file['dir']); } // Reset the filesToRemove array $this->__filesToRemove = array(); } /** * Deletes all files associated with the record beforing delete it. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @param $model Object */ function beforeDelete(&$model) { $model->read(null, $model->id); if(isset($model->data)) { foreach($this->__fields as $field=>$options) { $file = $model->data[$model->name][$field]; if($file && $file != $options['default']) $this->_deleteFiles($file, $options['dir']); } } return true; } /** * Delete the $filename inside the $dir and the thumbnails. * Returns true if the file is deleted and false otherwise. * * @author Vinicius Mendes * @return boolean * @param $filename Object * @param $dir Object */ function _deleteFiles($filename, $dir){ $saveAs = $dir . DS . $filename; if(is_file($saveAs) && !unlink($saveAs)) { return false; } $folder = &new Folder($dir); //$files = $folder->find('thumb\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.'.$filename); foreach($files as $f) unlink($dir.DS.$f); return true; } } ?> Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites