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Pedro Amaral

Formulário de Contato, como preencher?

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Duvida: Não sei preencher esse formulário, ja pesquisei no FAQ do UOL HOST mas é tudo muito complicado.

Provedor: UOL HOST

Tipo do site: XML + FLASH


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 	Please read this information to learn how to set up the contact form integrated
 	into the template.

 	This readme file explains in details the meaning of the settings that can be
 	done in the fcContactFormConfiguration.xml configuration file.

 	It is recommended for you to use an XML editor to make changes to this file
  	because it’s less possible to make an error in the markup which can cause to
 	a not working contact form.

  	An e-mail address which will be used to receive messages from your contact form.
  	You can specify several e-mail addresses separating them with a comma.
  	For example:,,

  	A server script type which will process sending e-mails. It depends on your
  	hosting and in the current version of the contact form it is allowed to use
  	two types:  php (Apache, PHP Hosting); asp (IIS web server, ASP).

  	A name of the script file which process sending e-mails on your server (without
  	extension). The name contact is used by default.

  	Text showing to the user when the form is submitted without any errors.

	<email>Hey! Escreva seu e-mail corretamente</email>
	<empty>Preencha todos os campos, per favore</empty>
	<ntext>Esse texto não é válido! Você escreveu alguma coisa !?</ntext>
	<digits>Caracteres inválidos !</digits>

<exitFullScreenMsg>Você terá que sair do modo fullscreen para usar o formulário de contato</exitFullScreenMsg>

  	Text showing in case the form is not submitted because of a server error.
<messageSentFailedText>O SERVIDOR EXPLODIU! TENTE NOVAMENTE</messageSentFailedText>

  	Text your visitor will see while waiting till the processing is over.
<formProcessingText>UNICÓRNIOS TRABALHANDO...</formProcessingText>

  	Your SMTP server (for ASP only).

  	Your SMTP port (for ASP only).

  	Set whether to send the message as a plain text (true) or as HTML (false).

  	ID of the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “from: ”
  	or “sender: ” label in your e-mail client.

  	Subject of the e-mails that will be sent through this contact form or ID of
 	the input field (in the structure XML file) to use for the “subject: ” label
  	in your e-mail client.
<subjectSource>Contact Form from your site</subjectSource>


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Explica direito isso, você está imcorporando esse XML no Dreamweaver, ou o DW é só o editor de script apra você?


E como assim "não sei preecher", esse XML está locado a qual script que você está usando que tem algo haver com a UOL Host?

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Ao usar o fórum, você concorda com nossos Termos e condições.