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Problema em alterar nome ficheiro no upload

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Olá a todos!

Eu coloquei 1 plugin no meu wordpress chamado Upload+ que altera o nome do ficheiro e salva consoante a opção que escolher nas opções do plugin.

Estou a tentar fazer 1 nova opção em que o nome do ficheiro será alterado para o que se escrever, quando se cria 1 novo tópico, no titulo.

Ao fazer o upload do ficheiro, quando mostrar o ficheiro, o seu nome aparecerá diferente.

O meu problema é que não consigo obter o ID do tópico.


Já tentei usar:



[color="#2e3436"]global $post;

$post = get_post($post);

$title = $post->post_title;

Mas se fizer assim, sabendo o numero do post:


$post = 151;

$post = get_post($post);

$title = $post->post_title;


Já consigo obter o que foi escrito no titulo e mudar o nome do ficheiro para ex: titulo.jpg

Será que tenho que mandar como parametro de uma função ou o que será que estou a fazer mal?

Aqui vai o código para poderem ver.





Plugin Name: Upload+

Plugin URI:'>

Description: Security and sanity in file names while uploading. Once activate, please <a href="options-general.php?page=uploadplus">define your settings</a>.

Author: Pixline

Version: 2.7

Author URI:


Copyright © 2007+ Paolo Tresso aka Pixline (


Includes hints and code by:

Francesco Terenzani (

Jennifer Hodgdon (


Make use of UTF8 PHP classes by


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.



require_once 'utf8/utf8.php';

require_once 'utf8/str_ireplace.php';

require_once UTF8 . '/utils/validation.php';

require_once UTF8 . '/utils/ascii.php';

require_once 'utf8_to_ascii/utf8_to_ascii.php';


$version = get_option('uploadplus_version');

if(isset($version) && $version < 4):

$style = get_option('uploadplus_style');

$cleanlevel = ($style!="") ? $style[0] : array(0=>3);

$lc = get_option('uploadplus_lettercase');

$case = ($lc!="") ? $lc[0] : array(0=>1);


update_option('uploadplus_version', 4);

update_option('uploadplus_cleanlevel', $cleanlevel );

update_option('uploadplus_case', $case );

update_option('uploadplus_prefix', 3);










// adds 'settings' link alongside the plugin activation link

$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);

add_filter("plugin_action_links_$plugin", 'upp_plugin_setting_links' );

function upp_plugin_setting_links( $links ) {

// Add a link to this plugin's settings page

$settings_link = '<a href="options-misc.php">'.__('Options').'</a>';

array_unshift( $links, $settings_link );

return $links;






/* find extension */

function upp_findexts ($filename) {

$exts = split("[/\\.]", $filename) ;

$n = count($exts)-1;

$exts = $exts[$n];

return $exts;



/* find full filename */

function upp_find_filename ($filename) {

$explode = explode("/",$filename);

$explode = array_reverse($explode);

return $explode[0];



/* sanitize uploaded file name */

function upp_mangle_filename($file_name){

$post = 151;

$post = get_post($post);

$title = $post->post_title;

/* remove internal dots (cosmetical, it would be done by WP, but we need to display it :)*/

$ext = upp_findexts($file_name);

$file_name = str_replace(".".$ext,"",$file_name);

$file_name = str_replace(".","",$file_name);


// initial cleaning

$file_name = str_replace("(","",$file_name);

$file_name = str_replace(")","",$file_name);

$file_name = str_replace("'","",$file_name);

$file_name = str_replace('"',"",$file_name);

$file_name = str_replace(',',"",$file_name);


// some language-based prefilter. props denis.

$de_from = array('ä','ö','ü','ß','Ä','Ö','Ü');

$de_to = array('ae','oe','ue','ss','Ae','Oe','Ue');

$file_name = str_replace($de_from, $de_to, $file_name);


$utf8ornot = get_option('uploadplus_utf8toascii');

if($utf8ornot[0]==1) $file_name = utf8_to_ascii($file_name);


$file_name = $file_name.".".$ext;


$lettercase = get_option('uploadplus_case');


case "1":

$file_name = utf8_strtolower($file_name);


case "2":

$file_name = utf8_strtoupper($file_name);




$y = get_option('uploadplus_cleanlevel');


case "1":

$file_name = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9._]", "-", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("_", "-", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace(" ", "-", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("%20", "-", $file_name);


case "2":

$file_name = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9._]", "", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("_", "", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("-", "", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("%20", "", $file_name);


case "3":

$file_name = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9._]", "_", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("-", "_", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace(" ", "_", $file_name);

$file_name = utf8_ireplace("%20", "_", $file_name);




$sep = ($y[0]=='1') ? "-" : "";

if(!$sep) $sep = ($y[0]=='3') ? "_" : "";


$standard = get_option('uploadplus_prefix');


case "0": $file_name = date('d').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "1": $file_name = date('md').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "2": $file_name = date('ymd').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "3": $file_name = date('Ymd').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "4": $file_name = date('YmdHi').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "5": $file_name = date('YmdHis').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "6": $file_name = date('U').$sep.$file_name; break;

case "7": $file_name = mt_rand().$sep.$file_name; break;

case "8": $file_name = md5(mt_rand()).$sep.$file_name; break;

case "9": $file_name = str_replace( array(".","_","-"," ") ,$sep, utf8_to_ascii(get_bloginfo('name'))).$sep.$file_name; break;

//Aqui é a opção em que atribui o titulo "$title" como nome ao ficheiro

case "A": $file_name = str_replace( array(".","_","-"," ") ,"", utf8_to_ascii($title)).'.'.$ext; break;


return $file_name;



/* apply out changes to the real file while it's being moved to its destination */

// $array( 'file' => $new_file, 'url' => $url, 'type' => $type );

function upp_rename($array){

global $action;

global $post;

$post_id = $post->ID;

$current_name = upp_find_filename($array['file']);

$current_name = urldecode($current_name);

$new_name = upp_mangle_filename($current_name);

$lpath = str_replace($current_name, "", urldecode($array['file']));

$wpath = str_replace($current_name, "", urldecode($array['url']));

$lpath_new = $lpath . $new_name;

$wpath_new = $wpath . $new_name;

if( @rename($array['file'], $lpath_new) )

return array(

'file' => $lpath_new,

'url' => $wpath_new,

'type' => $array['type']


return $array;



#add_action( 'admin_menu', 'upp_add_mangle_options_page' ); // add option page

add_action('wp_handle_upload', 'upp_rename'); // apply our modifications















/* init admin panel (now in options/misc) */

function upp_options_init_api() {

add_settings_section('upp_options_section', 'Upload+ Plugin', 'upp_options_intro', 'misc');


add_settings_field('uploadplus_cleanlevel', 'Cleaning options', 'upp_options_box_cleanlevel', 'misc', 'upp_options_section');

add_settings_field('uploadplus_case', 'Case options', 'upp_options_box_case', 'misc', 'upp_options_section');

add_settings_field('uploadplus_prefix', 'Prefix', 'upp_options_box_prefix', 'misc', 'upp_options_section');

add_settings_field('uploadplus_utf8toascii', 'Transcription', 'upp_options_box_utf8toascii', 'misc', 'upp_options_section');


register_setting('misc', 'uploadplus_cleanlevel');

register_setting('misc', 'uploadplus_case');

register_setting('misc', 'uploadplus_prefix');

register_setting('misc', 'uploadplus_utf8toascii');


add_action('admin_init', 'upp_options_init_api');


/* admin panel intro */

function upp_options_intro() {

$test_string1 = "WordPress Manual (for dummies, experts and pro's) 2.2nd Edition.pdf";

#$test_string1 = "نرحب بكم في الموقع الرسمي لبرنامج ووردبريس المعرب،.pdf";

$demo_string1 = upp_mangle_filename($test_string1);

echo "<blockquote><p>This plugin allows you to rename every file you upload, and in this page you can define this behaviour. ";


<p><small>You can choose to <em>convert spaces and underscores into dashes</em>, <em>strip all dashes/underscores/spaces</em>, or <em>convert every spaces into an underscore</em>. Also, you can choose to <em>lowercase</em> the file name or leave it with mixed case, and finally you can define a custom prefix to prepend, either a fixed one (like the name of your blog) or a date-based one. Feel free to play with the settings and save them, because you can check in this page what kind of transformation will be applied.</small></p><p> <code>".$test_string1."</code> » <strong><code>".$demo_string1."</code></strong> </p>






function upp_options_box_cleanlevel(){

if(get_option('uploadplus_cleanlevel')) $actual = get_option('uploadplus_cleanlevel');

$styles = array(

"1" => array('label'=>'Convert spaces and underscores into dashes', 'demo'=>'wordpress-manual.pdf'),

"2" => array('label'=>'Strip all spaces/dashes/underscores', 'demo'=>'wordpressmanual.pdf'),

"3" => array('label'=>'Convert spaces into underscores (dashes allowed)', 'demo'=>'wordpress-manual.pdf'),


foreach($styles as $key=>$info):

if($actual[0]==$key) $flag = 'checked="checked"'; else $flag = '';

echo '

<p><input type="radio" name="uploadplus_cleanlevel[]" id="uploadplus_style-'.$key.'" '.$flag.' value="'.$key.'"/>

'.$info['label'].' <small>like in:</small> <code> '.$info['demo'].' </code></p>





function upp_options_box_case(){

if(get_option('uploadplus_case')) $case = get_option('uploadplus_case');

$cases = array(

"0" => "Leave it whatever it is",

"1" => "Make all lowercase",

"2" => "Make all UPPERCASE"


foreach($cases as $ca=>$se):

if( $case[0] == $ca): $flag = 'checked="checked"'; else: $flag = ""; endif;

echo '<p><input type="radio" name="uploadplus_case[]" id="uploadplus_lettercase-'.$ca.'" value="'.$ca.'" '.$flag.'/>'.$se.'</p>';




function upp_options_box_prefix(){

$clean = get_option('uploadplus_cleanlevel');

$sep = ($clean[0]=='1') ? "-" : "";

if(!$sep) $sep = ($clean[0]=='3') ? "_" : "";


$prefix = get_option('uploadplus_prefix');


$datebased = array(

"0" => 'dd (like: '.date('d').$sep.')',

"1" => 'mmdd (like: '.date('md').$sep.')',

"2" => 'yymmdd (like: '.date('ymd').$sep.')"',

"3" => 'yyyymmdd (like: '.date('Ymd').$sep.')',

"4" => 'yyyymmddhhmm (like: '.date('YmdHi').$sep.')',

"5" => 'yyyymmddhhmmss (like: '.date('YmdHis').$sep.')',

"6" => 'unix timestamp (like: '.date('U').$sep.')',



$otherstyles = array(

"7" => '[random (mt-rand)] '.mt_rand().$sep,

"8" => '[random md5(mt-rand)] '.md5(mt_rand()).$sep,

"9" => '[blog name] '.str_replace( array(".", " ", "-", "_") ,$sep,strtolower(get_bloginfo('name'))).$sep,

"A" => ' (like: title.jpg)'



$nullval = ($prefix=="") ? 'selected="selected"' : "";

echo '

<select name="uploadplus_prefix" id="uploadplus_prefix">

<option value="" label="No Prefix" '.$nullval.'>No Prefix</option>

<optgroup label="Date Based">


$flag = $oflag = "";

foreach($datebased as $key=>$val):

$flag = ($prefix==$key && $nullval=="") ? 'selected="selected"' : "";

echo '<option value="'.$key.'" label="'.$val.'" '.$flag.'>'.$val.'</option>





<optgroup label="Other Styles">


foreach($otherstyles as $okey=>$oval):

$oflag = ($prefix==$okey && $nullval=="") ? 'selected="selected"' : "";

echo '<option value="'.$okey.'" label="'.$oval.'" '.$oflag.'>'.$oval.'</option>




echo '




<small>Prefix will follow the other rules, so if you choose dashes, it will use dashes.</small>





function upp_options_box_utf8toascii(){

if(get_option('uploadplus_utf8toascii')) $utf8ornot = get_option('uploadplus_utf8toascii');

$options = array(

"0" => "Don't convert <code>(safe mode)</code>",

"1" => "Yes, please, convert utf8 characters into ASCII"


foreach($options as $uk=>$uv):

if( $utf8ornot[0] == $uk): $flag = 'checked="checked"'; else: $flag = ""; endif;

echo '<input type="radio" name="uploadplus_utf8toascii[]" id="uploadplus_utf8toascii-'.$uk.'" value="'.$uk.'" '.$flag.'/>'.$uv.'   ';


echo "<br/><small>(Learn more about transcription on <a href='://'>Wikipedia</a>).</small>";





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