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vivian s.

acao para preenchar campos de um frame

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imaginem 2 frames:


<frameset rows="90,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0" cols="*"> 
 <frame name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize src="superior.htm" >
 <frame name="mainFrame" src="">



e na pagina superior.htm tem o codigo de preenchimento abaixo, mas ao clicar o botao os campos nao sao preenchidos...

onde esta o erro?


<script type="text/javascript">

var auto ={
ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_Login_3_LoginView1_CadastroLogin1_UserName: "",
ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_ContentPlaceHolderDefault_Login_3_LoginView1_CadastroLogin1_Password: "senha",

   fillerup: function() {

       var all_inputs    = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
       var all_selects   = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
       var all_textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

       // selects
       for (var i = 0, max = all_selects.length; i < max; i++) {
           var sel = all_selects[i]; // current element
           if (sel.selectedIndex != -1
               && sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value) {
               continue; // has a default value, skip it
           var howmany = 1; // how many options we'll select
           if (sel.type == 'select-multiple') { // multiple selects
               // random number of options will be selected
               var howmany = 1 + this.getRand(sel.options.length - 1);
           for (var j = 0; j < howmany; j++) {
               var index = this.getRand(sel.options.length - 1);
               sel.options[index].selected = 'selected';
               // @todo - Check if the selected index actually
               //         has a value otherwise try again

       // textareas
       for (var i = 0, max = all_textareas.length; i < max; i++) {
           var ta = all_textareas[i];
           if (!ta.value) {
               ta.value = this.getRandomString(10)
                          + '\n\n'
                          + this.getRandomString(10);

       // inputs
       for (var i = 0, max = all_inputs.length; i < max; i++) {
           var inp = all_inputs[i];
           var type = inp.getAttribute('type');
           if (!type) {
               type = 'text'; // default is 'text''
           if (type == 'checkbox') {
               // check'em all
               // who knows which ones are required
               inp.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
               /* ... ooor random check-off
               if (!inp.getAttribute('checked')) {
                   if (Math.round(Math.random())) { // 0 or 1
                       inp.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');

           if (type == 'radio') {

               var to_update = true;
               // we assume this radio needs to be checked
               // but in any event we'll check first

               var name =;
               var input_array = inp.form.elements[];
               for (var j = 0; j < input_array.length; j++) {
                   if (input_array[j].checked) {
                       // match! already has a value
                       to_update = false;

               if (to_update) {
                   // ok, ok, checking the radio
                   // only ... randomly
                   var index = this.getRand(input_array.length - 1);
                   input_array[index].setAttribute('checked', 'checked');

           if (type == 'password') {
               if (!inp.value) {
                   inp.value = this.getPassword();
           if (type == 'text') {
               if (!inp.value) {
                   // try to be smart about some stuff
                   // like email and name
                   if ('name') != -1) { // name
                       inp.value = this.getRandomName() + ' ' + this.getRandomName();
                   } else if ('email') != -1) { // email address
                       inp.value = this.getRandomString(1) + '';
                   } else {
                       inp.value = this.getRandomString(1);

   getRandomString: function (how_many_words) {
       if (!how_many_words) {
           how_many_words = 5;
       if (!this.words) {
           this.words = this.blurb.split(' ');
       var retval = '';
       for (var i = 0; i < how_many_words; i++) {
           retval += this.words[this.getRand(this.words.length) - 1];
           retval += (i < how_many_words - 1) ? ' ' : '';
       return retval;
   getRandomName: function () {
       if (!this.split_names) {
           this.split_names = this.names.split(' ');
       return this.split_names[this.getRand(this.split_names.length) - 1];
   getPassword: function () {
       // always use the same password
       // in case there is a password confirmation
       if (!this.password) {
           this.password = 'secret';
       return this.password;
   getRand: function (count) {
       return Math.round(count * Math.random());

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">



<form action="" onsubmit="return false;">
<button onclick="auto.fillerup()">


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Você precisa mesmo usar frames? Acho que nenhum site atualmente em desenvolvimento utiliza.


Enfim... Veja se este link te ajuda.

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uso frame pois o 2o. frame é um site de terceiros, entendeu?


e como depois que clicar enviar, o frame superior diminui de tamanho?



testei mas nao funcionou

tem alguma ideia?

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