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Pesquisa dentro de XML

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Galera, não manjo nada de ASP, porém estou precisando realizar uma pesquisa dentro de um XML, e este tem que ser feito em ASP.

Assim como pesquisa no Mysql... o Usuário manda as palavras, e se faz uma pesquisa dentro do banco.

Como posso fazer isso só que pesquisando o XML?

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olha este exemplo, você pode alterá-lo para sua necessidade também



Dim strPesq, objXML, rootNode, childNode, match
TimerDaLoja = Timer
Session.LCID = 1046
Session.Timeout = 40
'On Error Resume Next
response.Buffer = True
response.Expires = 0
response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"

TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<html><title>Exemplo de busca na base da HardVision usando API XML</title>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<style type=""text/css""><!--"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".10px {font-family:Tahoma; font-size: 10px }"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".11px {font-family:Tahoma; font-size: 11px }"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".frmjob {font-family:Tahoma; font-size: 10px; color:#9c9c9c }"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "input.FundoCinzaPop {border: 1px solid #9c9c9c;font-family: Tahoma;font-size: 10px;color: #000000;margin : 0px;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "select.FundoCinzaPop {border: 1px solid #9c9c9c;font-family: Tahoma;font-size: 10px;color: #000000;margin : 0px;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".caixa {font-family:Tahoma; font-size: 11px; border: 1px #9c9c9c solid;;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".topo:link { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".topo:visited { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".topo:hover { color:#9c9c9c; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu:link { color:#02594d; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu:visited { color:#02594d; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu:hover { color:#ff9900; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu2:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu2:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu2:hover { color:#000000; text-decoration:underline;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu3:link { color:#ff9900; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu3:visited { color:#ff9900; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".menu3:hover { color:#ff9900; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".produtos:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".produtos:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".produtos:hover { color:#02594d; text-decoration:underline;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".barra_dep:link { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".barra_dep:visited { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".barra_dep:hover { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:bold;}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ".estiloh1 { font-family: Tahoma, ""Gill Sans"", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1px;  line-height: 1px COLOR: #FFFFFE; width: 120; border:2px #ffffff solid; position:absolute; top:-400; left:-400}"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "//--></style>"

TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table width=100% class=10px><tr><form action=""busca.asp"" name=frmPesquisa method=post><td>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " Encontre o que você procura:<table><tr><td></td></tr></table>"

TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<Table celspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=10px><tr><td><input type=text name=pesq value=""" & Request.form("pesq") & """ style=width:160 class=10px> de <select name=v1 class=10px><option value=0 selected"
if request("v1") = "0" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 0,00<option value=10"
if request("v1") = "10" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 10,00<option value=30"
if request("v1") = "30" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 30,00<option value=50"
if request("v1") = "50" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 50,00<option value=80"
if request("v1") = "80" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 80,00<option value=100"
if request("v1") = "100" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 100,00<option value=300"
if request("v1") = "300" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 300,00<option value=500"
if request("v1") = "500" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 500,00<option value=800"
if request("v1") = "800" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 800,00<option value=1000"
if request("v1") = "1000" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 1000,00</select> até <select name=v2 class=10px><option value=10"
if request("v2") = "10" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 10,00<option value=30"
if request("v2") = "30" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 30,00<option value=50"
if request("v2") = "50" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 50,00<option value=80"
if request("v2") = "80" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 80,00<option value=100"
if request("v2") = "100" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 100,00<option value=300"
if request("v2") = "300" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 300,00<option value=500"
if request("v2") = "500" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 500,00<option value=800"
if request("v2") = "800" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 800,00<option value=1000"
if request("v2") = "1000" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">R$ 1000,00<option value=99999"
if request("v2") = "99999" OR request("v2") = "" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & " selected"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & ">+ de R$ 1000,00</select></td><td width=1></td><td><input type=image src="""" alt="""" width=""23"" height=""19"" border=""0""></td></tr></table> (Ex.:
Dvds, Câmera Digital, ...)<table><tr><td></td></tr></table><hr size=1 color=#cccccc><table><tr><td></td></tr></table>
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td height=8></td></tr></table></div>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<TABLE><tr><td height=6></td></tr></TABLE></td></tr></table>
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=0></td></form></tr></table>"


if Request.form("pesq") <> "" then
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM")
Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("microsoft.XMLHTTP") "post",""
& Request.form("pesq"),false 
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

objXML.async = False

Set xmlhttp = nothing
strValorDe = Request.form("v1")
strValorAte = Request.form("v2")
Set objQtd = objXML.getElementsByTagName("quantidade")
Set objLst = objXML.getElementsByTagName("item")
intNoOfHeadlines = objLst.length

TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=575 class=10px border=0 align=left>"
ict = 0
i = 0
VarCateg = ""
for i = 0 to intNoOfHeadlines-1
Set objHdl = objLst.item(i)

for x=1 to len(objHdl.childNodes(4).text)
if ch = "," OR ch = "0" OR ch = "1" OR ch = "2" OR ch = "3" OR ch = "4" OR ch = "5" OR ch = "6" OR ch = "7" OR ch = "8" OR ch = "9" OR ch = "0" then
s=s & ch
end if
numero = s

if clng(strValorDe) <= clng(numero) AND clng(strValorAte) => clng(numero) then
if not Cstr(VarCateg) = Cstr(objHdl.childNodes(10).text & "/" & objHdl.childNodes(12).text & "/" & objHdl.childNodes(14).text) then
ict = ict + 1
if ict <> 1 then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<tr><td height=22></td></tr>"
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<tr><td colspan=4 height=26 valign=middle class=10px>    Em  <strong><a href=""" & objHdl.childNodes(11).text & """ target=_parent class=produtos><u>" & ucase(objHdl.childNodes(10).text) & "</u></a> > <a href=""" & objHdl.childNodes(13).text & """ target=_parent class=produtos><u>" & ucase(objHdl.childNodes(12).text) & "</u></a> > <a href=""" & objHdl.childNodes(15).text & """ target=_parent class=produtos><u>" & ucase(objHdl.childNodes(14).text) & "</u></a></strong></td></tr><tr><td height=8></td></tr>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<tr><td colspan=4 height=26 valign=middle><font class=11px color=#cccccc>    --------------------------------------
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<tr><td width=15></td><td valign=top align=center>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<a href=""" & objHdl.childNodes(2).text & """ target=_parent class=produtos><img src=""" & objHdl.childNodes(3).text & """ width=""40"" height=""35"" border=""0""></a></td>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<td width=0></td><td valign=top align=left><a href=""" & objHdl.childNodes(2).text & """ target=_parent class=produtos>" & objHdl.childNodes(1).text & "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td height=0></td></tr></table><strong><font color=#000000 style=text-decoration:none>" &  objHdl.childNodes(9).text & "</font></strong>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table><tr><Td></TD></tr></table>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<font style=font-size:10px;color:red;text-decoration:none;>À Vista<strong> <font class=10px>" & objHdl.childNodes(4).text & "</font></strong>"
if objHdl.childNodes(7).text <> "à Vista" then
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "<table><tr><Td></TD></tr></table>Ou em até " & objHdl.childNodes(7).text
end if
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "</td></tr>"
VarCateg = objHdl.childNodes(10).text & "/" & objHdl.childNodes(12).text & "/" & objHdl.childNodes(14).text
end if

if ict = 0 then
response.write "<script language=""javascript"">" & VbNewLine & "alert('Nenhum produto encontrado!');" & VbNewLine & "document.location.href = ""busca.asp"";</script>"
TextoSaidaHtml = TextoSaidaHtml & "</table>"
response.write TextoSaidaHtml
response.write "<font class=10px>Produtos encontrados: <strong>" & objQtd.item(0).childNodes(0).text & "</strong><br>Pesquisa realizada em: <strong>" & FormatNumber((timer - TimerDaLoja),2) & "</strong> segundo(s)</font>"
end if
response.write TextoSaidaHtml
end if

'Função p/ leitura de acentos p/ PT-BR
Function BinaryToString(strBinary)
For intCount = 1 to LenB(strBinary)
BinaryToString = BinaryToString & theChar
End Function


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