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Pessoal tinha este codigo a funcionar noutro server agora que passei para o meu server principal ele da o seguinte erro,


CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'


The transport failed to connect to the server.


/corc/email.asp, line 76


ja dei permissoes para a porta 25 e nada, sera que é alguma coisa no codigo?


mes = ""
IsSuccess = false
Dim actnow 
actnow = request.querystring("actnow")

if Request.querystring("var_mal")="pass" then
if session("e")="" then
response.redirect ("recpass1.asp?erro=Fields mark with * are mandatory") 

sTo = trim(session("e"))
sSubject = "New password"
shtmlBody = "<html><head><title></title><body>Your new password Website is " & vbCrLf & session("pass") & vbCrLf & "Please login and change it." &vbCrLf &vbCrLf &" thanks"&vbCrLf &"  good bye"
end if
end if 

if Request.querystring("var_mal")="new_user" then

Dim ppp
Dim n

sSubject = "Registration"
shtmlBody = "Hello " & Trim(Request.querystring("n")) &", you are now registered in Website please login and update your profile."  & vbCrLf & "Your password is " & Trim(Request.querystring("ppp")) & vbCrLf &vbCrLf &  "Best Regards"&  vbCrLf &  "Corc Suport" &  vbCrLf & "good bye"
end if

if Request.querystring("var_mal")="contac" then
if Request.Form("nome")="" or Request.Form("email")="" or Request.Form("assunto")="" or Request.Form("mensagem")="" then
response.redirect ("contacts.asp?erro=Fields mark with * are mandatory") 
	sTo = ""
	sSubject = Trim(Request.Form("assunto"))
	shtmlBody =  Trim(Request.Form("nome")) &" with the email: " & Trim(Request.Form("email"))&vbCrLf&"From: " & Trim(Request.Form("centro"))  & vbCrLf & "With the phone number: " & Trim(Request.Form("telefone")) & vbCrLf & "Leave you the following message:  " & vbCrLf &  Trim(Request.Form("mensagem"))
end if 
end if

if Request.querystring("var_mal")="ficheir" then
sTo = ""
sSubject = "New File Uploaded to Platform"
shtmlBody =  "A new file was uploaded!"&vbCrLf&"Please check it"
end if

if Request.querystring("var_mal")="cert" then
sTo = ""
sSubject = "New Certification File in Platform"
shtmlBody =  "A new Certification File was just Uploaded to Platform!"&vbCrLf&"Please check it" 
end if

if Request.querystring("actnow")="gonow" then

sch = "" 

Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 

cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpusessl") = True
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserverport") = 25
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "" 
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusername") = "" 
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendpassword") = "1234" 

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") 
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig 

cdoMessage.From = ""
cdoMessage.To = sTo
cdoMessage.Subject = sSubject 
cdoMessage.TextBody = stxtBody
cdoMessage.HTMLBody = shtmlBody 
x = cdoMessage.Send 

if x > 0 then
       Response.Write x
end if

End if
set session("e")= Nothing
Set cdoMessage = Nothing 
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

response.Write("<script>alert('Action Successfully!');location.href='index.asp'</script>")

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verifique se seu encereço SMTP é válido.

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Sim o endereço é valido, é o que tenho no outlook.


O servidor de email esta num server diferente do serv web, eu ja dei permissoes na firewall do server web para a porta 25, podera ser de outra configuração mal feita do server web?

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tente a porta 587, muitas eles bloqueam a porta 25

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mas este servidor é meu, eu e que estou a configurar e na firewal dei permisoes a porta 25.

tentei na porta 587 e nada continua na mesma :(

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