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Arthur Nunes

Erro no db

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Bom dia pessoal, primeiramente queria pedir desculpas se estou postando algo errado, é minha primeira postagem aqui.


Bom, uso o WampServer 2.2 mas também tive o mesmo erro com o XAMP e como sou bem leigo em programação, não faço a minima ideia do que possa ser :c



Para evitar que a postagem fique grande, coloquei o erro dentro do Spoiler abaixo.


Desde já, grato pela atenção.



* --> **********************************************/ define("database",""); class database { // mysql link identifier var $link_ident = NULL; // debug mode var $debug = true; // query counter var $query_count = 0; var $login = array(); var $last_id = NULL; var $default_error_message = 'Sorry, a internal error occured. Please go back an try it again.


Back'; /* ** database ** database constructor */ function database(){ // parameter count: $args = func_num_args(); if ($args == 4) { /* set login data: host, username, password, database */ $this->login = func_get_args(); } } /* ** set_login ** set login data (host, username, password, database) */ function set_login(){ // parameter count: $args = func_num_args(); if ($args >= 3) { /* set login data: host, username, password, database */ $this->login = func_get_args(); } } /* ** set_database ** */ function set_database($database){ $this->login[3] = $database; } /* ** is_connected ** */ function is_connected(){ return ($this->link_ident !== NULL); } /* ** error ** */ function error($msg){ $error = @mysql_error($this->link_ident); $errno = @mysql_errno($this->link_ident); if ($this->debug){ print '

'; print 'MySQL Database Error:

'; print $msg; print '


MySQL Error: ' . $errno . ' ( ' . $error . ')

\n'; print '

'; } else { print $this->default_error_message; } exit; } /* ** connect ** Connect to the database server. */ function connect(){ if ($this->is_connected()) { // Connection is alread etablished return true; } if (count($this->login) != 4) { $this->error('Did not found the login settings.'); return false; } $this->link_ident = mysql_connect($this->login[0], $this->login[1], $this->login[2]); if (!$this->link_ident) { $this->error('Could not connect to the database.'); return false; } if (!@mysql_select_db($this->login[3], $this->link_ident)) { $this->error('Could not select the database.'); return false; } return true; } /* ** get_query_cout ** */ function get_query_cout(){ return $this->query_count; } /* ** simple_escape ** */ function simple_escape($str) { if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) { return @mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->link_ident); } else { return @mysql_escape_string($str); } } /* ** insert_array ** */ function insert_array($table, $data_array){ $row_keys = array(); $row_vals = array(); // go trough all keys: while (list($key, $val) = each($data_array)){ // add key $row_keys[] = "`$key`"; // prepare and add value if ($val == 'NOW()'){ $val = 'NOW()'; } else if (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = '"'.$this->simple_escape($val).'"'; } $row_vals[] = $val; } // generate query string $query_str = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table; $query_str .= ' ('.implode(',', $row_keys).') '; $query_str .= 'VALUES ('.implode(',', $row_vals).');'; // exec. query: return $this->query($query_str); } /* ** prepare_query ** */ function prepare_query(){ // parameter count: $args = func_num_args(); if ($args >= 1) { $args = func_get_args(); $sql = $args[0]; unset($args[0]); return vsprintf($sql, $args); } return ''; } /* ** close ** Close the database connection. */ function close(){ if ($this->is_connected()) { $r = @mysql_close($this->link_ident); $this->link_ident = NULL; return $r; } } /* ** print_query ** Print query */ function print_query($query_string) { print '



print '

'; } /* ** get_insert_id ** */ function get_insert_id(){ return mysql_insert_id($this->link_ident); } /* ** debug_query ** */ function debug_query($query_string) { $r = $this->query($query_string); print ''; print ''; print '

SQL Query:

'; print htmlentities($query_string); print '


'; print ''; $first_row = $this->fetch_array($r); if ($first_row){ $keys = array_keys($first_row); print ''; for ($x=0; $x < count($keys); $x++){ print ''; } print ''; $x = 0; while ($row = $this->fetch_array($r)){ print ''; while(list($name, $value) = each($row)){ print ($value != '') ? '' : ''; } print "\n"; $x++; } print '



'; } else { print 'No rows found!'; } } /* ** query ** */ function query($query_string) { // Connect to the database if we are // not already connected $this->connect(); $query_string = trim($query_string); if (empty($query_string) or $query_string == '') { return false; } // Check if we are connected to the database if (!$this->is_connected()) { $this->error('No database connection found.'); return false; } // Execute the query: $q_id = @mysql_query($query_string, $this->link_ident); // Update query count $this->query_count++; // If a empty result is given if (!$q_id) { $this->error('The database returned a invalid result.'); return false; } return $q_id; } /* ** query_fetch ** */ function &query_fetch($query_string){ $query_handle = $this->query($query_string); if ($this->num_rows($query_handle) == 0){ return array(); } else { return $this->fetch_array($query_handle); } } /* ** query_single_result ** */ function query_single_result($query_string){ $query_handle = $this->query($query_string); if ($this->num_rows($query_handle) == 0){ return ''; } else { $result = $this->fetch_array($query_handle, 'num'); return isset($result[0]) ? $result[0] : ''; } } /* ** count_rows ** */ function count_rows($query_string){ $query_handle = $this->query($query_string); if (!$this->num_rows($query_handle)){ return 0; } else { $row = $this->fetch_array($query_handle); return isset($row[0]) ? $row[0] : 0; } } /* ** num_rows ** */ function num_rows($r){ return @mysql_num_rows($r); } /* ** num_cols ** */ function num_cols($r){ return @mysql_num_fields($r); } /* ** table_size ** returns something like: 484.2 KB */ function table_size($table_name, $database=NULL) { if ($database === NULL){ $database = isset($this->login[3]) ? $this->login[3] : ''; } if ($database == ''){ $this->error('No database given.'); } $this->connect(); $r = $this->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ".$database." LIKE '".$table_name."'", $this->link_ident); $size = intval($this->result($r, 0, 'Index_length')) + intval($this->result($r, 0, 'Data_length')); return $this->nice_date($size); } /* ** nice_date ** returns something like: 484.2 KB */ function nice_date($size){ $units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB'); for ($i = 0; $size > 1024; $i++) { $size /= 1024; } return round($size, 2).$units[$i]; } /* ** database_size ** returns something like: 484.2 KB */ function database_size($database) { $this->connect(); $tables = mysql_list_tables($database, $this->link_ident); if (!$tables) { return -1; } $table_count = mysql_num_rows($tables); $size = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $table_count; $i++) { $table_name = mysql_tablename($tables, $i); $r = $this->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ".$database." LIKE '".$table_name."'", $this->link_ident); $size += intval($this->result($r, 0, 'Index_length')) + intval($this->result($r, 0, 'Data_length')); } return $this->nice_date($size); } /* ** affected_rows ** */ function &affected_rows(){ return @mysql_affected_rows($this->link_ident); } /* ** fetch_object ** */ function &fetch_object($handle) { return @mysql_fetch_object($handle); } /* ** fetch_array ** */ function &fetch_array($handle, $type = 'assoc') { if ($type == 'assoc'){ $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC; } else if ($type == 'num'){ $result_type = MYSQL_NUM; } else if ($type == 'row'){ $result_type = MYSQL_ROW; } else { $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH; } //I hate this :) $return = @mysql_fetch_array($handle, $result_type); return $return; } function &fetch_row($handle) { $return = @mysql_fetch_row($handle); return $return; } /* ** free ** Deletes the results and frees the memory */ function free($result){ return @mysql_free_result($result); } /* ** result ** */ function &result($handle, $row, $col) { $return = @mysql_result($handle, $row, $col); return $return; } function getUserWins($username) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gameplayers LEFT JOIN games ON LEFT JOIN dotaplayers ON AND dotaplayers.colour=gameplayers.colour LEFT JOIN dotagames ON WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('$username') AND ((winner=1 AND dotaplayers.newcolour>=1 AND dotaplayers.newcolour<=5) OR (winner=2 AND dotaplayers.newcolour>=7 AND dotaplayers.newcolour<=11)) AND gameplayers.`left`/games.duration >= 0.8 LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $inwins=$row["COUNT(*)"]; //mysql_free_result($result); return $inwins; } function getUserLosses($username) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gameplayers LEFT JOIN games ON LEFT JOIN dotaplayers ON AND dotaplayers.colour=gameplayers.colour LEFT JOIN dotagames ON WHERE name='$username' AND ((winner=2 AND dotaplayers.newcolour>=1 AND dotaplayers.newcolour<=5) OR (winner=1 AND dotaplayers.newcolour>=7 AND dotaplayers.newcolour<=11)) AND gameplayers.`left`/games.duration >= 0.8 LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $inlosses=$row["COUNT(*)"]; //mysql_free_result($result); return $inlosses; } // end of class } ?>

( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'database' not found in C:\wamp\www\inc\db_connect.php on line 51

Call Stack

# Time Memory Function Location

1 0.0009 139560 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0

2 0.0015 143224 include( 'C:\wamp\www\load_os.php' ) ..\index.php:2

3 0.0116 334032 require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\inc\db_connect.php' ) ..\load_os.php:14



Esqueci de um detalhe, peguei os mesmos arquivos e coloquei na minha hospedagem, fiz o mesmo processo que fiz aqui em casa, criei db, instalei e etc. E rodou certinho, só aqui que não roda, ou seja, o problema é aqui e não nos arquivos.

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Você chegou a criar uma base de dados local utilizando o phpmyadmin (localhost/phpmyadmin)? Se sim, as informações para a conexão do banco estão corretas?


Cheguei sim, e fiz umas três tentativas de instalação com dbs diferentes, o estranho mesmo é que fiz o mesmo procedimento na minha hospedagem e deu certo.

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