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Boas pessoal, eu tenho um ficheiro excel com uma macro que ao abrir tem um botao que me permite escolher um ficheiro xml e converte-lo para xls com as formatações necessarias.


Alguma hipotese de eu atravez do ASP correr essa macro e fazer a conversao automaticamente?




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Aqui vai, obrigado.


Private Sub DeleteData_Click()
   Application.StatusBar = True
   ' delete Macula exams
   Application.StatusBar = "... deleting"
   Do While Not IsEmpty(Worksheets("mac").Range("A5"))
       Worksheets("mac").Range("A5").EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
   ' delete ONH exams
   Application.StatusBar = "... deleting results"
   Do While Not IsEmpty(Worksheets("oh").Range("A5"))
       Worksheets("oh").Range("A5").EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
   Application.StatusBar = ""
   Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Private Sub LoadData_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim q As Integer
Dim Pct As Double
Dim Rcnt As Integer
Dim Ccnt As Integer
Dim Ptr As Range
Dim Quelle As Worksheet
Dim Quelle_NumRow As Integer
Dim Quelle_NumCol As Integer
Dim Macula As Worksheet
Dim Macula_Row As Integer
Dim Macula_Col As Integer
Dim ONH As Worksheet
Dim ONH_Row As Integer
Dim ONH_Col As Integer
Dim Astr As String
Dim Bstr As String
Dim FName As String
Dim PName As String
Dim Fnum As Integer
Dim FnumSel As Integer
Dim Fcnt As Integer
Dim Fptr As Integer
Dim WB As String
Dim MyWB As String
Dim PFNames As Variant
Dim PFcopy As Variant
Dim bln As Boolean
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Application.StatusBar = True
   MyWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
   ' detect XML files
   Application.StatusBar = " 0% ... finding XML file(s)"
   Bstr = Worksheets("Load").Range("I1").Value
   PFNames = Application.GetOpenFilename("XML-files, *.xml", , Bstr, , True)
   Astr = TypeName(PFNames)
   If (Astr <> "Boolean") Then
       q = InStrRev(PFNames(1), Application.PathSeparator)
       If q = 0 Then
           PName = ""
           PName = Left(PFNames(1), q - 1)
           ChDir PName
           For i = 1 To UBound(PFNames)
               PFNames(i) = Mid(PFNames(i), q + 1)
       End If
       ' How many valid files selected ?
       FnumSel = 0
       For i = 1 To UBound(PFNames)
           Astr = PFNames(i)
           Fcnt = 0
           Do Until Astr = ""
               q = InStr(Astr, "^")
               If q = 0 Then
                   Astr = ""
                   Fcnt = Fcnt + 1
                   Astr = Mid(Astr, q + 1)
               End If
           If Fcnt <> 5 Then
               PFNames(i) = ""
               FnumSel = FnumSel + 1
           End If

       ' How many valid files available ?
       Pct = 0
       Fnum = 0
       ' FName = Dir(PName & Application.PathSeparator & "*^*^*^*^*^*.xml")
       FName = Dir("*^*^*^*^*^*.xml")
       Do Until FName = ""
           Fnum = Fnum + 1
           FName = Dir()
       If Fnum = FnumSel Then
           If Fnum = 0 Then
               q = MsgBox("No valid xml-file found", 48, "Warning")
               Worksheets("Load").Range("A1").Value = 0    ' cancel
               Worksheets("Load").Range("A1").Value = 2    ' load all available
           End If
           LoadOption.Cancel.Caption = Worksheets("Load").Range("K1").Value
           LoadOption.LoadAll.Caption = Worksheets("Load").Range("L1").Value
           LoadOption.LoadSelected.Caption = Worksheets("Load").Range("M1").Value
           Astr = Worksheets("Load").Range("N1").Value & FnumSel & Worksheets("Load").Range("O1").Value
           Astr = Astr & Fnum & Worksheets("Load").Range("P1").Value  ' & FnumSel
           'Astr = Astr & Worksheets("Load").Range("Q1").Value & Fnum & Worksheets("Load").Range("R1").Value
           LoadOption.Label1.Caption = Astr
       End If
       If Worksheets("Load").Range("A1") > 0 Then
           Set Macula = Worksheets("Macula")
           Set ONH = Worksheets("ONH")
           Fcnt = 0
           If Worksheets("Load").Range("A1") = 2 Then
               ' FName = Dir(PName & Application.PathSeparator & "*^*^*^*^*^*.xml")
               FName = Dir("*^*^*^*^*^*.xml")
               Fnum = FnumSel
               Fptr = 1
               FName = PFNames(Fptr)
               If FName = "" Then
                   Do Until (FName <> "") Or (Fptr = UBound(PFNames))
                       Fptr = Fptr + 1
                       FName = PFNames(Fptr)
               End If
           End If
           Do Until FName = ""
               Fcnt = Fcnt + 1
               ' Astr = extract patient name
               Application.StatusBar = Int((1 + Pct) * 100 / (Fnum + 1)) & "% ... loading XML file"
               Pct = Pct + 0.5
               Workbooks.OpenXML Filename:=FName, LoadOption:=xlXmlLoadImportToList
               WB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

               ' load new file into worksheet
               Set Quelle = Workbooks(WB).Worksheets(1)
               Quelle_NumRow = Quelle.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
               Quelle_NumCol = Quelle.UsedRange.Columns.Count
               Application.StatusBar = Int((1 + Pct) * 100 / (Fnum + 1)) & "% ... copying Macula-Scan data"
               Pct = Pct + 0.3
               Ccnt = 0
               Do Until IsEmpty(Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt))
                   Astr = Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt).Value
                   Select Case Astr
                       i = 1
                       q = 2
                       Do Until IsEmpty(Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt + i))
                           Bstr = Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt + i).Value
                           If InStr(Bstr, Astr) > 0 Then
                               Bstr = Right(Bstr, Len(Bstr) - Len(Astr))
                               If IsNumeric(Bstr) Then
                                   Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt + i).Value = Astr & q
                                   q = q + 1
                               End If
                           End If
                           i = i + 1
                   End Select
                   Ccnt = Ccnt + 1
               ' search for columns in Macula
               Macula_Row = Macula.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 3
               Macula_Col = Macula.UsedRange.Columns.Count
               For Each Ptr In Macula.Range("A4", Range("A4").Offset(0, Macula_Col - 1).Address)
                   Astr = Ptr.Value
                   If Not IsEmpty(Astr) Then
                       For Ccnt = 0 To (Quelle_NumCol - 1)
                           Bstr = Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt).Value
                           If Astr = Bstr Then
                               For Rcnt = 0 To (Quelle_NumRow - 1)
                                   Ptr.Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt, 0).Value = Quelle.Range("A2").Offset(Rcnt, Ccnt).Value
                               Exit For
                           End If
                   End If
               ' delete ONH exams in Macula list
               Rcnt = 0
               Do While Not IsEmpty(Macula.Range("K4").Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt, 0))
                   If InStr(Macula.Range("K4").Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt, 0).Value, "Macular Cube") = 0 Then
                       ' delete line
                       Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt, 0).EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
                       ' keep line
                       Rcnt = Rcnt + 1
                   End If
               Rcnt = 0
               Do While Not IsEmpty(Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt, 0))
                   Rcnt = Rcnt + 1
               If Rcnt > 0 Then
                   Astr = Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row, 0).Address
                   Bstr = Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row, Macula_Col - 2).Address
                   With Macula.Range(Astr, Bstr).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
                       .ColorIndex = 0
                       .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                   End With
               End If
               If Rcnt > 1 Then
                   Astr = Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row + 1, 0).Address
                   Bstr = Macula.Range("A4").Offset(Macula_Row + Rcnt - 1, 0).Address
                   Macula.Range(Astr, Bstr).Rows.Group
               End If
               ' search for columns in ONH
               ONH_Row = ONH.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 3
               ONH_Col = ONH.UsedRange.Columns.Count
               Application.StatusBar = Int((1 + Pct) * 100 / (Fnum + 1)) & "% ... copying ONH-Scan data"
               Pct = Pct + 0.2
               For Each Ptr In ONH.Range("A4", Range("A4").Offset(0, ONH_Col - 1).Address)
                   Astr = Ptr.Value
                   If Not IsEmpty(Astr) Then
                       For Ccnt = 0 To (Quelle_NumCol - 1)
                           Bstr = Quelle.Range("A1").Offset(0, Ccnt).Value
                           If Astr = Bstr Then
                               For Rcnt = 0 To (Quelle_NumRow - 1)
                                   Ptr.Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt, 0).Value = Quelle.Range("A2").Offset(Rcnt, Ccnt).Value
                               Exit For
                           End If
                   End If
               ' delete Macula exams in ONH list
               Rcnt = 0
               Do While Not IsEmpty(ONH.Range("K4").Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt, 0))
                   If InStr(ONH.Range("K4").Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt, 0).Value, "Optic Disc Cube") = 0 Then
                       ' delete line
                       ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt, 0).EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
                       ' keep line
                       Rcnt = Rcnt + 1                 ' keep line
                   End If
               Rcnt = 0
               Do While Not IsEmpty(ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt, 0))
                   Rcnt = Rcnt + 1
               If Rcnt > 0 Then
                   Astr = ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row, 0).Address
                   Bstr = ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row, ONH_Col - 2).Address
                   With ONH.Range(Astr, Bstr).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
                       .ColorIndex = 0
                       .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                   End With
               End If
               If Rcnt > 1 Then
                   Astr = ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row + 1, 0).Address
                   Bstr = ONH.Range("A4").Offset(ONH_Row + Rcnt - 1, 0).Address
                   ONH.Range(Astr, Bstr).Rows.Group
               End If
               ' close the XML file again
               Application.DisplayAlerts = False
               Application.DisplayAlerts = True
               If Worksheets("Load").Range("A1") = 2 Then
                   FName = Dir()
                   If Fcnt = Fnum Then     ' DONE
                       FName = ""
                       Fptr = Fptr + 1
                       FName = PFNames(Fptr)
                       Do Until (FName <> "") Or (Fptr = UBound(PFNames))
                           Fptr = Fptr + 1
                           FName = PFNames(Fptr)
                   End If
               End If
           ActiveWindow.DisplayOutline = True
           Macula.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
           ONH.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1, ColumnLevels:=1
       End If
   End If
   Application.StatusBar = ""
   Application.StatusBar = False
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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