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Eu tinha um mito sobre o uso de Cursores do tipo

For <> Select eram menos eficientes apesar da "limpeza" da Syntax.


Artigo da Oracle Magazine recente demoliu este mito.


The nice thing about the cursor FOR loop is that Oracle Database opens the cursor, declares a record by using %ROWTYPE against the cursor, fetches each row into a record, and then closes the loop when all the rows have been fetched (or the loop terminates for any other reason).

Best of all, Oracle Database automatically optimizes cursor FOR loops to perform similarly to BULK COLLECT queries (covered in “Bulk Processing with BULK COLLECT and FORALL,” in the September/October 2012 issue of Oracle Magazine). So even though your code looks as if you are fetching one row at a time, Oracle Database will actually fetch 100 rows at a time—and enable you to work with each row individually.


Fonte : Oracle Magazine

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