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carrinho com mysql

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alguem pode me ajudar, como criar um carrinho de compra usando mysql, sem usar profile como tem ai na internet usando sqlserver.

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por to com problema assim

fiz loja em com mysql sem profile direto


ele joga os produtos para essa clase quando add carrinho




using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DevMedia.ECommerce
    /// <summary>
    /// Class CartItem
    /// </summary>
    public class CartItem
        //represent each of the items in your CartItem object. 
        private int _productID;
        private string _productName;
        private string _productImageUrl;
        private int _quantity;
        private double _price;

        public CartItem()

        public CartItem(int ProductID, string ProductName, string ProductImageUrl, int Quantity, double Price)
            _productID = ProductID;
            _productName = ProductName;
            _productImageUrl = ProductImageUrl;
            _quantity = Quantity;
            _price = Price;

        public int ProductID
            get { return _productID; }
            set { _productID = value; }

        public string ProductName
            get { return _productName; }
            set { _productName = value; }

        public string ProductImageUrl
            get { return _productImageUrl; }
            set { _productImageUrl = value; }

        public int Quantity
            get { return _quantity; }
            set { _quantity = value; }

        public double Price
            get { return _price; }
            set { _price = value; }

        public double LineTotal
            get { return _quantity*_price; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Class Cart
    /// </summary>
    public class Cart
        private DateTime _dateCreated;
        private DateTime _lastUpdate;
        private List<CartItem> _items;

        public Cart()
            if (_items == null)
                _items = new List<CartItem>();
                _dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

        public List<CartItem> Items
            get { return _items; }
            set { _items = value; }

        public void Insert(int ProductID, double Price,
                           int Quantity, string ProductName,
                           string ProductImageUrl)
            int ItemIndex = ItemIndexOfID(ProductID);
            if (ItemIndex == -1)
                CartItem NewItem = new CartItem();
                NewItem.ProductID = ProductID;
                NewItem.Quantity = Quantity;
                NewItem.Price = Price;
                NewItem.ProductName = ProductName;
                NewItem.ProductImageUrl = ProductImageUrl;
                _items[ItemIndex].Quantity += 1;
            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

        public void Update(int RowID, int ProductID, int Quantity, double Price)
            CartItem Item = _items[RowID];
            Item.ProductID = ProductID;
            Item.Quantity = Quantity;
            Item.Price = Price;
            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

        public void DeleteItem(int rowID)
            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

        private int ItemIndexOfID(int ProductID)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (CartItem item in _items)
                if (item.ProductID == ProductID)
                    return index;
                index += 1;
            return -1;

        public double Total
                double t = 0;

                if (_items == null)
                    return 0;

                foreach (CartItem Item in _items)
                    t += Item.LineTotal;

                return t;

so que não estou conseguindo usar ela no carrinho para trazer os produtos novamente

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public void Insert(int ProductID, double Price,

int Quantity, string ProductName,

string ProductImageUrl)


int ItemIndex = ItemIndexOfID(ProductID);

if (ItemIndex == -1)


CartItem NewItem = new CartItem();

NewItem.ProductID = ProductID;

NewItem.Quantity = Quantity;

NewItem.Price = Price;

NewItem.ProductName = ProductName;

NewItem.ProductImageUrl = ProductImageUrl;





_items[ItemIndex].Quantity += 1;


_lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;


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sem ele recebe tudo aqui

 public Cart()
            if (_items == null)
                _items = new List<CartItem>();
                _dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

        public List<CartItem> Items
            get { return _items; }
            set { _items = value; }

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 public void Insert(int ProductID, double Price,
                           int Quantity, string ProductName,
                           string ProductImageUrl)
            int ItemIndex = ItemIndexOfID(ProductID);
            if (ItemIndex == -1)
                CartItem NewItem = new CartItem();
                NewItem.ProductID = ProductID;
                NewItem.Quantity = Quantity;
                NewItem.Price = Price;
                NewItem.ProductName = ProductName;
                NewItem.ProductImageUrl = ProductImageUrl;
                _items[ItemIndex].Quantity += 1;
            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

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entao eu to salvando aqui


//salvando em session carrinho
HttpContext.Current.Session["CarrinhoSessaoChave"] = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
HttpContext.Current.Session["CarrinhoSessaoChave"] = _items;
so que no momento de carregar ele novamente que problema.

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