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Chat - Preciso mostrar a msg com quebra de linha (trocar /n por <b

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Olá pessoa, eu estava muito empolgado com um chat que eu estava modificando para poder usar no meu site, mas tive um problema quando alterei o input text para um input textarea, pois o chat não armazena as msg com quebra de linha.


O que acontece é que eu digito a mensagem usado quebra de linha no campo textarea (onde digito as msg), mas quando a mensagem aparece no chat (local onde é exibido as msg) as palavras ficam uma após a outra e sem quebra de linha.


Esse chat tem que aparecer as mensagem da mesma forma que foi escrito no textarea.. pois a função do chat é exatamente essa dentro do meu site, mensagens simples de poucas linha não vão resolver meu problema.


aqui uma imagem do problema pra facilitar





O código foi feito para gravar as mensagens do chat em um arquivo txt no servidor...

// gets chat text and sends it to ;php via ajaxF()
function addChatS(text) {
  if (chatuserset == 1) {
    var chat = text.adchat.value.length;

// check number of characters in field that adds chat text
    if(chat < 2 || chat > 15963) {
    else {

// sends data to Ajax

      var  send_chat = "adchat="+encodeURIComponent(text.adchat.value)+"&chatuser="+text.chatuser.value;

      ajxsend = 1;         // Ajax busy now 

     ajaxF(setchat, send_chat);

      text.adchat.value = '';
  else setNameC(text);


  return false;

nessa parte do código eu já tentei fazer varias inclusões de funções replace mas todas sem sucesso, confesso que não entendi direito, e nem sei se a melhor forma de fazer isso é substituir antes de gravar ou depois quando lê no arquivo txt..



então vou add aqui o código completo do arquivo.js quem sabe fica melhor pra voces me ajudarem.

// PHP Script Chat

var chatuserset = 0;        // used to check if chat user name is set
var logoutchat = 0;          // if set 1, user leaves the chat, to remove it from Online list
var chatroom = document.getElementById('chatroom') ? document.getElementById('chatroom').value : document.getElementById('s_room').innerHTML;        // store chat room
var callphp = 0;             // number of seconds till access frequently "setchat.php"
var nrchatusers = 1;         // store number of chat users online
var setchat = 'chatfiles/setchat.php';           // file accesed when add chat, or actualise user
var getchat = function() {return 'chattxt/'+chatroom+'.txt';};        // TXT file with chat content of current room
var ajxsend = 0;                                 // to control accessing Ajax 
var lastaddedc = 1;                                // stores Timestamp of last added chat
var playbeep = 2;                                // if 1 not beep, if 2 beep
var beepfile = 'beep1.wav';                      // the name of WAV file used for beep sound
var refresh_usrs = 0;                // when its rest to 2 is 0, refreshes online users list (in setHtmlChat())

/** Functions for cookie **/

// Check cookie and return the value
function GetCookie(name) {
  var result = '0';
  var myCookie = " " + document.cookie + ";";      // all the strings for cookie start with space, end with ;
  var searchName = " " + name + "=";      // search for data between 'name' and the next '='
  var startOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(searchName);
  if (startOfCookie != -1) {      // if found data
    startOfCookie += searchName.length;      // omitte the previous cookie name
    var endOfCookie = myCookie.indexOf(";", startOfCookie);
    result = unescape(myCookie.substring(startOfCookie, endOfCookie));
  return result;

// to deleete cookie
function delCookie(name) {
  var aday = 3*24*60*60*1000;
  var expDate = new Date();
  expDate.setTime (expDate.getTime() - aday);
  document.cookie = name + "=deletes; expires=" + expDate.toGMTString();

  // hide field to add texts and shows area to add name /code, or to enter in chat
  if(document.getElementById('name_code')) document.getElementById('name_code').style.display = 'block';
  if(document.getElementById('chatadd')) document.getElementById('chatadd').style.display = 'none';

  logoutchat = 1;       // set to delete the user from list
  refresh_usrs = 0;   // sets to can refresh online users list
  chatuserset = 0;     // set not with a name in chat

// If no user added in form, calls to get chat user name from cookie
var cookie_namec = (document.getElementById('chatuser') && document.getElementById('chatuser').value.length>1) ? '0' : GetCookie('name_c');

if (cookie_namec!='0' && document.getElementById('name_code')) {
  callphp = 0;         // set "callphp" to 0 to force next ajax access to php file

  // Hides name /code, show field to add text chat
  document.getElementById('name_code').style.display = 'none';
  document.getElementById('chatadd').style.display = 'block';

  // Add cookie value in form to #chatuser
  document.getElementById('chatuser').value = cookie_namec;
  logoutchat = 0;     // set to not delete the user from list
  chatuserset = 1;

// If it is set cookie for room
var cookie_roomc = GetCookie('room_c');            // get chat room name from cookie
if (cookie_roomc!='0') {
  var chatrooms = document.getElementById('chatrooms').getElementsByTagName('span');    // Get <span> with chatroom
  // Removes "id" from <span> with chatroom, and set this ID to Span with room name from cookie
  for (var i=0; i<chatrooms.length; i++) {
    if(chatrooms[i].innerHTML == cookie_roomc) chatrooms[i].setAttribute("id", "s_room");
  if(document.getElementById('chatroom')) document.getElementById('chatroom').value = cookie_roomc;      // Change the value of form field for chatroom
  chatroom = cookie_roomc;              // set chat room in variable used for the name of TXT file for current room

    /* Function for audio beep */

// If it is set cookie for audio beep, sets playbeep with the value from cookie
var cookie_beepc = GetCookie('beep_c');
if(cookie_beepc !== '0' && document.getElementById('playbeep')) {
  playbeep = cookie_beepc;
  document.getElementById('playbeep').src = 'chatex/playbeep'+playbeep+'.png';

// Receives the text with Unix time of last added chat, get and set value for "lastaddedc"
// if "lastaddedc" changed, adds <embed> in #lastaddedc to play
function playBeep(lastchat) {
  if(lastchat != lastaddedc) {
    lastaddedc = lastchat;
    document.getElementById('chatbeep').innerHTML= '<audio autoplay="autoplay" src="chatex/'+beepfile+'" type="audio/wav"><embed src="chatex/'+beepfile+'" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false" /></audio>';

// sets sound-beep on or off (playbeep 2 or 1), change image for playBeep()
function setPlayBeep(imgset) {
  playbeep = (playbeep == 1) ? 2 : 1;
  imgset.src = 'chatex/playbeep'+playbeep+'.png';

    // Sets data in cookie
    var name_cookie = 'beep_c';
    var val_cookie = playbeep;
    var oned = 48*60*60*1000;      // Cookie expiration, two days in milliseconds
    var expDate = new Date();

    document.cookie = name_cookie + "=" + escape(val_cookie) + "; expires=" + expDate.toGMTString();     // sets cookie

/** Functions for checkings and settings **/

// Check if the name is already used
function checkNameC(name_c) {
  var nameused = 0;
  if(document.getElementById('chatusersli')) {
    var chatusersli = document.getElementById('chatusersli').getElementsByTagName('li');    // gets the list with chat users
    var nrchatusersli = chatusersli.length;

    // Traverse chat users list
    for (var i=0; i<nrchatusersli; i++) {
      if (chatusersli[i].innerHTML.match(/[^\<]+/)==name_c) {
        nameused = 1;
  return nameused;

// Changes chat room
function setChatRoom(room) {
  var chatrooms = document.getElementById('chatrooms').getElementsByTagName('span');    // Get <span> with chatroom
  // Removes "id" from <span> with chatroom
  for (var i=0; i<chatrooms.length; i++) {

  if(document.getElementById('chatroom')) document.getElementById('chatroom').value = room.innerHTML;      // Change the value of form field for chatroom
  chatroom = room.innerHTML;
  room.setAttribute("id", "s_room");      // Add id="s_room" to clicked Span
  document.getElementById('chats').innerHTML = texts.loadroom;
  callphp = 0;         // set "callphp" to 0 to force next ajax access to php file
  lastaddedc += 1      // changes this value to can update text chat

   // Set to register current room name in cookie
  var name_cookie = 'room_c';
  var val_cookie = room.innerHTML;
  var onew = 7*24*60*60*1000;      // Expiration time, one week, in milisecond
  var expDate = new Date();

  document.cookie = name_cookie + "=" + escape(val_cookie) + "; expires=" + expDate.toGMTString();   // set cookie

// return number of chat users online, from the list #chatusersli
function getNrChatUsers(){
  if(document.getElementById('chatusersli')) {
    return document.getElementById('chatusersli').getElementsByTagName('li').length;
  else return 1;

// Check name /code, set cookie, show field to add chat
function setNameC(frm) {
  var chatuser = frm.chatuser.value;
  // If name not contains only: Letters, Numbers, Space, dash, and "_", between 2 and 12 characters. Or starts /ends with space
  if (chatuser.match(/^[a-z0-9 _-]{2,12}$/ig) == null || chatuser[0] == ' ' || chatuser[chatuser.length - 1] == ' ') {
    return false;
  // If incorrect code
  else if (frm.cod.value.length<4 || frm.cod.value!=document.getElementById('code_ch').innerHTML) {
    document.getElementById('code_ch').style.color = 'red';
    return false;
  else if (checkNameC(chatuser)==1) {
  // If correct code and name
  else {
    // Sets data for cookie
    var name_cookie = 'name_c';
    var val_cookie = chatuser;
    var oned = 24*60*60*1000;      // Cookie expiration, one day in milliseconds
    var expDate = new Date();

    document.cookie = name_cookie + "=" + escape(val_cookie) + "; expires=" + expDate.toGMTString();     // sets cookie

    // Hides name /code, show field to add text chat, delete the code
    document.getElementById('name_code').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('chatadd').style.display = 'block';
    frm.cod.value = '';
    logoutchat = 0;     // set to not delete the user from list
    refresh_usrs = 0;   // sets to can refresh online users list
    return chatuserset = 1;

// function called when logged user click to enter in chat
function enterChat() {
  logoutchat = 0;     // set to not delete the user from list
  chatuserset = 1;
  document.getElementById('name_code').style.display = 'none';
  document.getElementById('chatadd').style.display = 'block';
  callphp = 0;         // set "callphp" to 0 to force next ajax access to php file

// gets chat text and sends it to ;php via ajaxF()
function addChatS(text) {
  if (chatuserset == 1) {
    var chat = text.adchat.value.length;

// check number of characters in field that adds chat text
    if(chat < 2 || chat > 15963) {
    else {

// sends data to Ajax

      var  send_chat = "adchat="+encodeURIComponent(text.adchat.value)+"&chatuser="+text.chatuser.value;

      ajxsend = 1;         // Ajax busy now 

     ajaxF(setchat, send_chat);

      text.adchat.value = '';
  else setNameC(text);


  return false;

/** Start - functions to add URL, Format text, and Smiles in textarea **/

// check and pass the URL
function setUrl(idadd) {
  var url = window.prompt(texts.addurl);    // open Prompt to add URL

  // check if a correct URL (without http://), send it to addChatBIU(), else alert
  if (url.match(/^(www.){0,1}([a-zA-z0-9_,+ -]+[.]+)/)) addChatBIU('[url=http://'+url+']','[/url]', idadd);
  else alert(texts.err_addurl);

// Adaugare font B, I, U
function addChatBIU(start, end, zona) {
  var adchat = document.getElementById(zona);
  var IE = /*@cc_on!@*/false;    // this variable is false in all browsers, except IE


  if (IE) {
    adchat.value = adchat.value + start + end;    // Add in field the initial values + received dta
    var pos = adchat.value.length - end.length;    // Sets location for cursor position

    // position the cursor through a selected area
    range = adchat.createTextRange();
    range.moveEnd('character', pos);        // start position
    range.moveStart('character', pos);        // end position;                 // selects the zone
  else if (adchat.selectionStart || adchat.selectionStart == "0") {
    var startPos = adchat.selectionStart;
    var endPos = adchat.selectionEnd;
    adchat.value = adchat.value.substring(0, startPos) + start + adchat.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + end + adchat.value.substring(endPos, adchat.value.length);

    // Place the cursor between formats in #adchat

// for clicked smile in element with ID passed in "idadd"
function addSmile(smile, idadd) {
  var tarea_com = document.getElementById(idadd);
  tarea_com.value += smile;

// object to convert BBCODE in HTML tags
var bbcodeParser={};(function(){var token_match=/{[A-Z_]+[0-9]*}|:\)|:\(|:P|:D|:S|:O|:=\)|:\|H|:X|:\-\*/ig;bbcodeParser.tokens={'URL':'((?:(?:[a-z][a-z\\d+\\-.]*:\\/{2}(?:(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+|[0-9.]+|\\[[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.]+:[a-z0-9.:]+\\])(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)|(?:www\\.(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})+(?::\\d*)?(?:\\/(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\\?(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\\-._~\\!$&\'*+,;=:@\\/?|]+|%[\\dA-F]{2})*)?)))','LOCAL_URL':'((?:[a-z0-9\-._~\!$&\'()*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*(?:\/(?:[a-z0-9\-._~\!$&\'()*+,;=:@|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)*(?:\?(?:[a-z0-9\-._~\!$&\'()*+,;=:@\/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?(?:#(?:[a-z0-9\-._~\!$&\'()*+,;=:@\/?|]+|%[\dA-F]{2})*)?)','EMAIL':'((?:[\\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*(?:[\\w\!\#$\%\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]|&)+@(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(?:\\d{1,3}\.){3}\\d{1,3}(?:\:\\d{1,5})?))','TEXT':'(.*?)','SIMPLETEXT':'([a-zA-Z0-9-+.,_ ]+)','INTTEXT':'([a-zA-Z0-9-+,_. ]+)','IDENTIFIER':'([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)','COLOR':'([a-z]+|#[0-9abcdef]+)','NUMBER':'([0-9]+)'};bbcodeParser.bbcode_matches=[];bbcodeParser.html_tpls=[];bbcodeParser._getRegEx=function(str){var matches=str.match(token_match);var i=0;var replacement='';if(matches.length<=0){return new RegExp(preg_quote(str),'g');}
for(;i<matches.length;i+=1){var token=matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g,'');if(bbcodeParser.tokens[token]){replacement+=preg_quote(str.substr(0,str.indexOf(matches[i])))+bbcodeParser.tokens[token];str=str.substr(str.indexOf(matches[i])+matches[i].length);}}
replacement+=preg_quote(str);return new RegExp(replacement,'gi');};bbcodeParser._getTpls=function(str){var matches=str.match(token_match);var i=0;var replacement='';var positions={};var next_position=0;if(matches.length<=0){return str;}
for(;i<matches.length;i+=1){var token=matches[i].replace(/[{}0-9]/g,'');var position;if(positions[matches[i]]){position=positions[matches[i]];}else{next_position+=1;position=next_position;positions[matches[i]]=position;}
replacement+=str;return replacement;};bbcodeParser.addBBCode=function(bbcode_match,bbcode_tpl){bbcodeParser.bbcode_matches.push(bbcodeParser._getRegEx(bbcode_match));bbcodeParser.html_tpls.push(bbcodeParser._getTpls(bbcode_tpl));};bbcodeParser.bbcodeToHtml=function(str){var i=0;for(;i<bbcodeParser.bbcode_matches.length;i+=1){str=str.replace(bbcodeParser.bbcode_matches[i],bbcodeParser.html_tpls[i]);}
return str;};function preg_quote(str,delimiter){return(str+'').replace(new RegExp('[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\'+(delimiter||'')+'-]','g'),'\\$&');}})();
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[b]{TEXT}[/b]', '<span class="sb">{TEXT}</span>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[u]{TEXT}[/u]', '<span class="su">{TEXT}</span>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[i]{TEXT}[/i]', '<span class="si">{TEXT}</span>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[url]{URL}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank" rel="nofallow">{URL}</a>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode('[url={URL}]{TEXT}[/url]', '<a href="{URL}" title="link" target="_blank" rel="nofallow">{TEXT}</a>');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':)', '<img src="chatex/0.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":)" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':(', '<img src="chatex/1.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":(" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':P', '<img src="chatex/2.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":P" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':D', '<img src="chatex/3.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":D" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':S', '<img src="chatex/4.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":S" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':O', '<img src="chatex/5.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":O" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':=)', '<img src="chatex/6.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":=)" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':|H', '<img src="chatex/7.gif" width="42" height="18" alt=":|H" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':X', '<img src="chatex/8.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":X" />');
bbcodeParser.addBBCode(':-*', '<img src="chatex/9.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=":-*" />');

/** Functions for Ajax **/

// Start AJAX 
function ajaxRequest(){
 var activexmodes=["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"] //activeX versions to check for in IE
 if (window.ActiveXObject){      //Test for support for ActiveXObject in IE first (as XMLHttpRequest in IE7 is broken)
  for (var i=0; i<activexmodes.length; i++){
   try {
    return new ActiveXObject(activexmodes[i])
    //suppress error
 else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest()
 else return false

// Variables for positioning scrollbar
var scrol0 = -1;
var i_scrol = 0;

var mypostrequest = new ajaxRequest();    // Create the object for AJAX
function ajaxF(file, parameters) {
  var ajxsend = 1;        // parameter to check sending (Ajax busy)

  parameters += '&chatroom='+chatroom;      // Add the "chatroom"
  // Sends data"POST", file, true);
  mypostrequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

  mypostrequest.onreadystatechange = stateChanged;

  // Function to display response
  function stateChanged() {
    var niv_scroll = document.getElementById('chats').scrollTop;    // determine where the scrollbar is positioned

  if (mypostrequest.readyState==4) {
    if (mypostrequest.status==200 && document.getElementById('chats')) {
      // get chat content to be added in page. 
      var objChat = JSON.parse(mypostrequest.responseText);

      setHtmlChat(objChat);        // set and add chat content in page

      // Make auto-scroll to scrollbar position if it was moved, or bottom of DIV #chats
      var div = document.getElementById('chats');
      var scrollHeight = Math.max(div.scrollHeight, div.clientHeight);
      if (niv_scroll!=0 && niv_scroll<scrol0) {
        div.scrollTop = niv_scroll;
      else {
        div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight;
        i_scrol = 0;
      // Sets scrollbar position
      if (i_scrol==0) {
        scrol0 = document.getElementById('chats').scrollTop;
        i_scrol = 1;

      if(playbeep == 2) playBeep(objChat.time);       // calls to check for play beep if chat added
  ajxsend = 0;      // Set Ajax sent and free

// gets the object from Ajax, returns the items in HTML format
function setHtmlChat(objChat) {
  var chatrows = '';       // stores the area with chat lines
  var chatusers = '';       // stores the area with online users
  var nrchats = objChat.chats.length;

  // if last-added-chat changed, define $chatrooms html; else gets content from #chats ttag
  if(objChat.time != lastaddedc) {
    // if chat lines, and first chat line not empty, traverses the array with chat line and sets <p> with each chat line data
    if(nrchats > 0 && objChat.chats[0].chat != '') {
      for(var i=0; i<nrchats; i++) {
        chatrows += '<p><span class="chatusr"><font size= "2%"> '+ objChat.chats[i].user + '  </span>  <font size = 1px>'+ ' ' + objChat.chats[i].date +'</font><br><br><span class="chat"> '+ bbcodeParser.bbcodeToHtml(objChat.chats[i].chat) +'</span></p></font></br></br>';
    else chatrows += '<p><span class="chatusr">'+ texts.notchat +'</p>';

    if(document.getElementById('chats')) document.getElementById('chats').innerHTML = chatrows;       // update tet chat

  // refreshes online user list every seccond access
  if((refresh_usrs % 2) == 0) {
    // adds the users from object in array, and sorts them alphabetically
    var users = [];
    var user = document.getElementById('chatuser').value;
    if(chatuserset == 1) users.push(user);
    for(var kusr in objChat.users) {
      if(user != objChat.users[kusr]) users.push(objChat.users[kusr]);

    // if the $users has items, add them in UL lists, else, return without UL
    if(users.length > 0) {
      users.sort(function(a, b) {
        var textA = a.toUpperCase();
        var textB = b.toUpperCase();
        return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;
      chatusers += '<ul id="chatusersli">'+ users.join('</li><li>') +'</ul>';
    else chatusers = texts.no1online;

    // if "logoutchat" is 1, removes the user from Online list
    if(logoutchat === 1) {
      var linethisuser = new RegExp('\<li\>'+document.getElementById('chatuser').value+'\<span\>([^\<]*)\<\/span\>\<\/li\>', 'i');
      if(chatusers.match(linethisuser)) chatusers = chatusers.replace(linethisuser, '');
    if(document.getElementById('chatusers')) document.getElementById('chatusers').innerHTML = '<h4 id="onl">'+ +'</h4>'+ chatusers;     // update chat users

// Calls Ajax function to each 2 seconds (with chatuser) to 
function apelAjax() {
  callphp -= 1.5;              // decrement callphp 1.5 seconds
  // sets file to access according to "sec", if it`s 0, accesses "setchat", else, the TXT file with chatroom name
  if(callphp <= 0) {
    callphp = 2.8 + (getNrChatUsers() * 0.3);            // sets to call "setchat" according to number of online users
    var chatfile = setchat;
  else var chatfile = getchat();
  if(callphp > 10) callphp = 10

  var chatusr = (chatuserset==1) ? (document.getElementById('chatuser').value) : '';

  // if Ajax free, sends data, else, set free for next auto-call
  if(ajxsend === 0) ajaxF(chatfile, 'chatuser='+chatusr);
  else ajxsend = 0;

  setTimeout('apelAjax()', 1900);
apelAjax();    // Calls Ajax function

já tentei até um outro arquivo php pra modificar o txt mas não dá certo, alem de demorar muito pra carregar..




Por favor se puderem me ajudar, pois estou com a corda no pescoço por causa disso.. a idéia foi boa mas eu não esperava por isso deve ser uma coisa super simples porem eu não tenho muita experiencia em todas as áreas.


Obrigado desde já.


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Olá Sean, blza!


Não li todo seu code... mas já tentou usar alguma Função para Quebra de Linhas ( JavaScript ou PHP ) ?



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sim já tentei varias manobras..


mas não consigo de jeito nenhum..

 function replaceHtml( string_to_replace ) {    var result = string_to_replace.replace(/\ /g, ' ').replace(/<br\s*\/?>/mg,"\n\r"); // or "\n", "\r", "\r\n"    return result; }   function replace(text, targetElement) {    var textWithNormalizedLineBreaks = text.replace('\r\n', '\n');    var textParts = textWithNormalizedLineBreaks.split('\n');    for (var i = 0; i < textParts.length; i++) {        targetElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textParts[i]));        if (i < textParts.length - 1) {            targetElement.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));        }    }}

acho que eu nao to entendendo onde realmente devo fazer isso, e em qual variavel devo substituir, minha área é mais hardware não é tanto software, mas estou aprendendo todo dia conforme a necessidade.




esse é o arquivo php onde ele grava o txt..

<?php// Chat Simple, from: ChatSimple {  public $maxrows = 30;  public $chatrooms = array();            // for chat rooms  public $chatroomcnt = '';               // store chat room content  protected $lsite = array();              // will contains the texts in the defined language  protected $chatdir = 'chattxt';         // directory that store TXT files for chat  protected $fileroom;                    // store the file of current chat room  protected $chatuser = '';               // store user name  protected $chatadd = 1;                 // if not 1, the user must be logged in  // constructor (receives the array with chat rooms)  public function __construct($chatrooms) {    // set properties value    $this->lsite = $GLOBALS['lsite'];    $this->chatrooms = $chatrooms;    if(defined('CHATADD')) $this->chatadd = CHATADD;    if(defined('CHATDIR')) $this->chatdir = (basename(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) == 'chatfiles') ? '../'.CHATDIR : CHATDIR;    if(defined('MAXROWS')) $this->maxrows = MAXROWS;    $this->fileusers = $this->chatdir.'/chatusers.txt';    $this->fileroom = isset($_POST['chatroom']) ? ($this->chatdir.'/'.trim(strip_tags($_POST['chatroom'].'.txt'))) : ($this->chatdir.'/'.$this->chatrooms[0].'.txt');    // sets current chat user with the name added in form, and calls the method to set $chatroomcnt    if(isset($_POST['chatuser'])) $this->chatuser = trim(htmlentities($_POST['chatuser'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'));    $this->chatroomcnt = $this->setChatRoomCnt();    // if data from the form to add chat, output chat room content    if(isset($_POST['chatuser'])) echo $this->chatroomcnt;  }  // returns the HTML code with chat rooms  public function chatRooms() {    $nrooms = count($this->chatrooms);    $chatrooms = '';    if($nrooms > 0) {      for($i=0; $i<$nrooms; $i++) {        $id = ($i==0) ? 'id="s_room"' : '';        $chatrooms .= '<span class="chatroom" '.$id.' onclick="setChatRoom(this)">'.$this->chatrooms[$i].'</span>';      }    }    else $chatrooms = '<span><b>     - Chat</span>';    return $chatrooms;  }  // include the form to add text in chat room, or messaje to Logg in (if $chatuser false, and $chatadd not 1)  public function chatForm() {    if($this->chatadd !== 1) {      if(defined('CHATUSER')) include('chat_form.php');      else echo $this->lsite['chatlogged'];    }    else include('chat_form.php');  }  // returns array with online users in chat, in last 7 sec.  protected function getChatUsers($users) {    $regtime = time();  $reusr = array();    // if users, traverses the arrsy and stores the users in last 7 sec.    if(count($users) > 0) {      foreach($users as $t=>$usr) {        if($usr == $this->chatuser) continue;        else if(intval($t) > ($regtime - 8)) $reusr[$t] = $usr;      }    }    // adds current user in list    if($this->chatuser !== '') $reusr[$regtime] = $this->chatuser;    $reusr = array_unique($reusr);    return $reusr;  }  // adds HTML code with chat text in TXT file  protected function setChatRoomCnt() {    $chatrows = array('time'=>'', 'users'=>array(), 'chats'=>array(array('user'=>'', 'date'=>'', 'chat'=>'')));       // stores chat room data    // if file for current chat room exists, gets its content, else, display 'no chat', and current user    if(file_exists($this->fileroom)) {      $getchats = file_get_contents($this->fileroom);      if(strlen($getchats) > 11) $chatrows = json_decode($getchats, true);      $chatrows['users'] = $this->getChatUsers($chatrows['users']);         // get the list with online users      // if access to add new chat text      if(isset($_POST['adchat'])) {        $adchat = trim(htmlentities($_POST['adchat'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8'));     // Transform HTML characters, and delete external whitespace        if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $adchat = stripslashes($adchat);     // Removes slashes added by get_magic_quotes_gpc        // if text added, keep the last $maxrows rows, add the new chat data        if(strlen($adchat)<1 || strlen($adchat)<963) {          if(is_array($chatrows['chats'])) $chatrows['chats'] = array_slice($chatrows['chats'], -($this->maxrows));          $chatrows['chats'][] = array('user'=>$this->chatuser, 'date'=>date('j F H:i'), 'chat'=>$adchat);          // if chat in 1st line is empty, remove 1st array with chat line data          if($chatrows['chats'][0]['chat'] == '') array_shift($chatrows['chats']);        }        // sets chat room content        $chatrows['time'] = time();      }    }    // write the chat content in TXT file, returns $chatroomcnt, or message error    $rechat = json_encode($chatrows);    if(file_put_contents($this->fileroom, $rechat)) return $rechat;    else return json_encode(array('error'=>sprintf($this->lsite['err_savechat'], $this->fileroom)));  }  // to empty chatrooms, include the form with chatrooms to empty  // if request to empty room, and "cadmpass" is correct, write 'notchat' in that room  public function emptyChatRooms() {    if(isset($_POST['emptyroom'])) {      if($_POST['cadmpass'] == CADMPASS) {        $fileroom = $this->chatdir.'/'.trim(strip_tags($_POST['emptyroom'].'.txt'));        if(file_put_contents($fileroom, ' ')) echo '<center>'. sprintf($this->lsite['emptedroom'], $_POST['emptyroom']). '</center>';        else echo '<center>'. $this->lsite['err_emptedroom']. $_POST['emptyroom']. '</center>';      }      else echo $this->lsite['err_adminpass'];    }    include('emptychat_form.php');  }}

esse é o conteudo da msg que enviei gravado no txt..



{"user":"ssss","date":"12 February 17:03","chat":"jader\nmachado\n\nteste"}]}



a msg é axibida assim:


jader machado teste



se eu edito no bloco de notas o txt manualmente para


{"user":"ssss","date":"12 February 17:03","chat":"jader<br>machado<br><br>teste"}]}


ai fica correot como eu quero








faz dois dias que eu to nessa batalha, to meio perdido aqui entre php e javascripts, já tentei de tudo, pesquisei bastante mas esta muito complicado.


agora mesmo fiz uns testes mas o que eu consegui foi apenas exibir o <br> junto na mensagem porque no arquivo de texto era gravado <br> ao inves de <br>


obs. trabalhei a semana toda dia e noite no css e design do chat, se eu tiver que fazer tudo denovo usando outro script de chat ai to lascado.



consegui fazendo fazer a quebra de linha com o esquema que citei antes, que era modificando txt através do php, e é rápido, mas só funciona quando a pagina é atualizada.



ninguem? será que eu postei minha dúvida no entrei no lugar errado?





Consegui resolver o problema, e eu queria nuito agradecer a ajuda de todos voces.

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