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Erro em script AutoIt

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Pessoal poderia me dizer o que tem de errado com este código?

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Local $iTimeout = 25

MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Trubv", "This tutorial will closed " & $iTimeout & " seconds.  If u are faster then timer click to OK button.   1 step: click right button of mouse to your nick in channel", $iTimeout)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Trubv", "This tutorial will closed " & $iTimeout & " seconds.  If u are faster then timer click to OK button.   2 step: click to change group nickname", $iTimeout)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Trubv", "This tutorial will closed " & $iTimeout & " seconds.  If u are faster then timer click to OK button.   3 step: script will be work", $iTimeout)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Trubv", "This tutorial will closed " & $iTimeout & " seconds.  If u are faster then timer click to OK button.   4 step: if u want pause script find it in system tray", $iTimeout)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Trubv", "This tutorial will closed " & $iTimeout & " seconds.  If u are faster then timer click to OK button.   P.s. u can use your computer on full, while script working", $iTimeout)
MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Trubv","Trubv")
Dim $array[79]
$array[0] = "_"
$array[1] = "_"
$array[2] = "_"
$array[3] = "_"
$array[4] = "_"
$array[5] = "_"
$array[6] = "_"
$array[7] = "_"
$array[8] = "_"
$array[9] = "_"
$array[10] = "_"
$array[11] = "_"
$array[12] = "_"
$array[13] = "_"
$array[14] = "_"
$array[15] = "_"
$array[16] = "I"
$array[17] = "t"
$array[18] = "'"
$array[19] = "s"
$array[20] = "_"
$array[21] = "r"
$array[22] = "u"
$array[23] = "n"
$array[24] = "n"
$array[25] = "i"
$array[26] = "n"
$array[27] = "g"
$array[28] = "_"
$array[29] = "n"
$array[30] = "a"
$array[31] = "m"
$array[32] = "e"
$array[33] = "_"
$array[34] = "b"
$array[35] = "y"
$array[36] = "_"
$array[37] = "K"
$array[38] = "H"
$array[39] = "A"
$array[40] = "S"
$array[41] = "T"
$array[42] = "_"
$array[43] = "["
$array[44] = "T"
$array[45] = "K"
$array[46] = "_"
$array[47] = "S"
$array[48] = "u"
$array[49] = "p"
$array[50] = "p"
$array[51] = "o"
$array[52] = "r"
$array[53] = "t"
$array[54] = "]"
$array[55] = "_"
$array[56] = "_"
$array[57] = "_"
$array[58] = "_"
$array[59] = "_"
$array[60] = "_"
$array[61] = "_"
$array[62] = "_"
$array[63] = "_"
$array[64] = "_"
$array[65] = "_"
$array[66] = "_"
$array[67] = "_"
$array[68] = "_"
$array[69] = "_"
$array[70] = "_"
$array[71] = "_"

	for  $i = 1 to 56
		$Str=$array[$i] & $array[$i+1] & $array[$i+2] & $array[$i+3] & $array[$i+4] & $array[$i+5] & $array[$i+6] & $array[$i+7] & $array[$i+8] & $array[$i+9] & $array[$i+10] & $array[$i+11] & $array[$i+12] & $array[$i+13] & $array[$i+14] & $array[$i+15]
		ControlSetText ( "Change group nickname", "", "ATL:007CCA881", $Str)
		ControlClick("Change group nickname", "Apply", "wtlButton4")
until (1>2)

Desde já obrigado.

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Transferindo p/ "Outras Linguagens" porque isso não é C/C++. Isso é do AutoIt.

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Okay _Isis_


Desculpa-me por postar na área errada, pensei que era em C/C++.

Peço que alguém possa me ajudar a encontrar o erro nesse script, desde já obrigado.



Fico muito grato!

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