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Hector Cardoso


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Como deve ser feito para que um valor da super global $_POST entre em uma classe.

Já tentei várias maneiras , mas sem sucesso. Esse valor será tratado dentro da classe.

Obrigado pela atenção !

class SearchTransactionByCode


public static function main($transaction_code)


try {


* #### Credentials #####

* Substitute the parameters below with your credentials (e-mail and token)

* You can also get your credentials from a config file. See an example:

* $credentials = PagSeguroConfig::getAccountCredentials();


$transaction_code="5307FC6ECC46401590FDE9CE0E172B15" ; // <- este valor tem q vir pelo $_POST

// $credentials = new PagSeguroAccountCredentials("",

// "68CCFF1BADBD46968030E446764E83E4");

$credentials = PagSeguroConfig::getAccountCredentials();

$transaction = PagSeguroTransactionSearchService::searchByCode($credentials, $transaction_code);


} catch (PagSeguroServiceException $e) {




public static function printTransaction(PagSeguroTransaction $transaction)


echo "<h2>Teste";

echo "<h3>Codigo: " . $transaction->getCode() . '</h3>';

echo "<h3>Status: " . $transaction->getStatus()->getTypeFromValue() . '</h3>';

echo "<h4>Referencia: " . $transaction->getReference() . "</h4>";

if ($transaction->getSender()) {

echo "<h4>Sender data:</h4>";

echo "Nome: " . $transaction->getSender()->getName() . '<br>';

echo "Email: " . $transaction->getSender()->getEmail() . '<br>';

if ($transaction->getSender()->getPhone()) {

echo "Phone: " . $transaction->getSender()->getPhone()->getAreaCode() . " - " .




if ($transaction->getItems()) {

echo "<h4>Items:</h4>";

if (is_array($transaction->getItems())) {

foreach ($transaction->getItems() as $key => $item) {

echo "Id: " . $item->getId() . '<br>'; // prints the item id, p.e. I39

echo "Desc: " . $item->getDescription() .

'<br>'; // prints the item description, p.e. Notebook prata

echo "qtda: " . $item->getQuantity() . '<br>'; // prints the item quantity, p.e. 1

echo "total: " . $item->getAmount() . '<br>'; // prints the item unit value, p.e. 3050.68

echo "<hr>";





if ($transaction->getShipping()) {

echo "<h4>Shipping information:</h4>";

if ($transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()) {

echo "Postal code: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getPostalCode() . '<br>';

echo "Street: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getStreet() . '<br>';

echo "Number: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getNumber() . '<br>';

echo "Complement: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getComplement() . '<br>';

echo "District: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getDistrict() . '<br>';

echo "City: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getCity() . '<br>';

echo "State: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getState() . '<br>';

echo "Country: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getCountry() . '<br>';


echo "Shipping type: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getType()->getTypeFromValue() . '<br>';

echo "Shipping cost: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getCost() . '<br>';


* */





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Olá Hector, o mais simples acredito que seja isso.

$transaction_code = $_POST['code'];

Pelo que vi, esse código deve ser resultado de outro methodo, você pode envia-lo via curl ou até mesmo salvá-lo em uma sessão para resgatar depois,


Espero que ajude, abraço

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Obrigado pela dica Rafael, mas já fiz isso antes. A primeira linha do código é:


$transaction_code= $_POST['code']; /// depois vem a classe. esqueci de colocar essa parte k

ele pegar e mostra mas depois do :


$transaction = PagSeguroTransactionSearchService::searchByCode($credentials, $transaction_code);

não funciona mais. Me retorna isto :



Será q as as classes ou métodos delas, é q estão restringindo de alguma forma, ou meu código é q tá mau escrito ?

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Tente assim. veja que adicionei uma função estática/dinamica getValue que vai capturar o post enviado.

$transaction_code = self::getValue('code');// Defina o nome corretamente



require_once "../PagSeguroLibrary/PagSeguroLibrary.php";
class SearchTransactionByCode
	* Get a value from $_POST / $_GET
	* if unavailable, take a default value
	* @param string $key Value key
	* @param mixed $default_value (optional)
	* @return mixed Value
	public static function getValue($key, $default_value = false)
		if (!isset($key) || empty($key) || !is_string($key))
			return false;
		$ret = (isset($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : (isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : $default_value));

		if (is_string($ret) === true)
			$ret = urldecode(preg_replace('/((\%5C0+)|(\%00+))/i', '', urlencode($ret)));
		return !is_string($ret)? $ret : stripslashes($ret);
	public static function main()
		$transaction_code = self::getValue('transaction_code');
        try {
             * #### Credentials #####
             * Replace the parameters below with your credentials
             * You can also get your credentials from a config file. See an example:
             * $credentials = PagSeguroConfig::getAccountCredentials();
            // seller authentication
            $credentials = new PagSeguroAccountCredentials("",
            // application authentication
            //$credentials = PagSeguroConfig::getApplicationCredentials();
            $transaction = PagSeguroTransactionSearchService::searchByCode($credentials, $transaction_code);
        } catch (PagSeguroServiceException $e) {
    public static function printTransaction(PagSeguroTransaction $transaction)
        echo "<h2>Transaction search by code result";
        echo "<h3>Code: " . $transaction->getCode() . '</h3>';
        echo "<h3>Status: " . $transaction->getStatus()->getTypeFromValue() . '</h3>';
        echo "<h4>Reference: " . $transaction->getReference() . "</h4>";
        echo "grossAmount: " . $transaction->getGrossAmount() . '<br>';
        echo "discountAmount: " . $transaction->getDiscountAmount() . '<br>';
        echo "installmentCount: " . $transaction->getInstallmentCount() . '<br>';
        if ($transaction->getCreditorFees()) {
            echo "<h4>CreditorFees:</h4>";
            echo "intermediationRateAmount: " . $transaction->getCreditorFees()->getIntermediationRateAmount() . '<br>';
            echo "intermediationFeeAmount: " . $transaction->getCreditorFees()->getIntermediationFeeAmount() . '<br>';
        if ($transaction->getItems()) {
            echo "<h4>Items:</h4>";
            if (is_array($transaction->getItems())) {
                foreach ($transaction->getItems() as $key => $item) {
                    echo "Id: " . $item->getId() . '<br>'; // prints the item id, e.g. I39
                    echo "Description: " . $item->getDescription() .
                        '<br>'; // prints the item description, e.g. Notebook prata
                    echo "Quantidade: " . $item->getQuantity() . '<br>'; // prints the item quantity, e.g. 1
                    echo "Amount: " . $item->getAmount() . '<br>'; // prints the item unit value, e.g. 3050.68
                    echo "<hr>";
        if ($transaction->getSender()) {
            echo "<h4>Sender data:</h4>";
            echo "Name: " . $transaction->getSender()->getName() . '<br>';
            echo "Email: " . $transaction->getSender()->getEmail() . '<br>';
            if ($transaction->getSender()->getPhone()) {
                echo "Phone: " . $transaction->getSender()->getPhone()->getAreaCode() . " - " .
        if ($transaction->getShipping()) {
            echo "<h4>Shipping information:</h4>";
            if ($transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()) {
                echo "Postal code: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getPostalCode() . '<br>';
                echo "Street: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getStreet() . '<br>';
                echo "Number: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getNumber() . '<br>';
                echo "Complement: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getComplement() . '<br>';
                echo "District: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getDistrict() . '<br>';
                echo "City: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getCity() . '<br>';
                echo "State: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getState() . '<br>';
                echo "Country: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getAddress()->getCountry() . '<br>';
            echo "Shipping type: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getType()->getTypeFromValue() . '<br>';
            echo "Shipping cost: " . $transaction->getShipping()->getCost() . '<br>';

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