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*_Charles Potter_*

Geração de números

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Estou com dificuldade em criar uma seguencia de possibilidadades.

Exempo, Tendo: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Quero gerar:


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Utilizei uma class de combinação:

class Math_Combinatorics



     * List of pointers that record the current combination.


     * @var array 

     * @access private


    private $_pointers = array();



     * Find all combinations given a set and a subset size.


     * @access public

     * @param  array $set          Parent set

     * @param  int   $subset_size  Subset size

     * @return array An array of combinations


    public function combinations(array $set, $subset_size = null)


        $set_size = count($set);


        if (is_null($subset_size)) {

            $subset_size = $set_size;



        if ($subset_size >= $set_size) {

            return array($set);

        } else if ($subset_size == 1) {

            return array_chunk($set, 1);

        } else if ($subset_size == 0) {

            return array();



        $combinations = array();

        $set_keys = array_keys($set);

        $this->_pointers = array_slice(array_keys($set_keys), 0, $subset_size);


        $combinations[] = $this->_getCombination($set);

        while ($this->_advancePointers($subset_size - 1, $set_size - 1)) {

            $combinations[] = $this->_getCombination($set);



        return $combinations;




     * Recursive function used to advance the list of 'pointers' that record the

     * current combination.


     * @access private

     * @param  int $pointer_number The ID of the pointer that is being advanced

     * @param  int $limit          Pointer limit

     * @return bool True if a pointer was advanced, false otherwise


    private function _advancePointers($pointer_number, $limit)


        if ($pointer_number < 0) {

            return false;



        if ($this->_pointers[$pointer_number] < $limit) {


            return true;

        } else {

            if ($this->_advancePointers($pointer_number - 1, $limit - 1)) {

                $this->_pointers[$pointer_number] =

                    $this->_pointers[$pointer_number - 1] + 1;

                return true;

            } else {

                return false;






     * Get the current combination.


     * @access private

     * @param  array $set The parent set

     * @return array The current combination


    private function _getCombination($set)


        $set_keys = array_keys($set);


        $combination = array();


        foreach ($this->_pointers as $pointer) {

            $combination[$set_keys[$pointer]] = $set[$set_keys[$pointer]];



        return $combination;




     * Find all permutations given a set and a subset size.


     * @access public

     * @param  array $set          Parent set

     * @param  int   $subset_size  Subset size

     * @return array An array of permutations


    public function permutations(array $set, $subset_size = null)


        $combinations = $this->combinations($set, $subset_size);

        $permutations = array();


        foreach ($combinations as $combination) {

            $permutations = array_merge($permutations,




        return $permutations;




     * Recursive function to find the permutations of the current combination.


     * @access private

     * @param array $set Current combination set

     * @return array Permutations of the current combination


    private function _findPermutations($set)


        if (count($set) <= 1) {

            return array($set);



        $permutations = array();


        list($key, $val) = $this->array_shift_assoc($set);

        $sub_permutations = $this->_findPermutations($set);


        foreach ($sub_permutations as $permutation) {

            $permutations[] = array_merge(array($key => $val), $permutation);



        $set[$key] = $val;


        $start_key = $key;


        $key = $this->_firstKey($set);

        while ($key != $start_key) {


            list($key, $val) = $this->array_shift_assoc($set);

            $sub_permutations = $this->_findPermutations($set);


            foreach ($sub_permutations as $permutation) {

                $permutations[] = array_merge(array($key => $val), $permutation);



            $set[$key] = $val;

            $key = $this->_firstKey($set);



        return $permutations;




     * Associative version of array_shift()


     * @access public

     * @param  array $array Reference to the array to shift

     * @return array Array with 1st element as the shifted key and the 2nd

     *                element as the shifted value


    public function array_shift_assoc(array &$array)


        foreach ($array as $key => $val) {




        return array($key, $val);




     * Get the first key of an associative array


     * @param  array $array Array to find the first key

     * @access private

     * @return mixed The first key of the given array


    private function _firstKey($array)


        foreach ($array as $key => $val) {



        return $key;



E chamei ela carregando os números:

$words = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
$combinatorics = new Math_Combinatorics;

foreach($combinatorics->permutations($words, 6	) as $p) 

	echo join(' / ', $p), "<br>"; 	

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