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Display email errado

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Estou tentando mostrar no Unity um e-mail registrado no mysql através do database.php

Mas só aparece o que está escrito na parte dianteira da arroba @. exemplo: ( se parece ( quando eu chamo Getemail.php a aparecer na unidade.


aqui é o Getemail.php

O que poderia estar errado, a fim de exibir o e-mail completo.



	$connection = Connect();//Attempt to Connect to MYSQL Server & DataBase
	//Get variables from unity
	$table = $_POST['table'];
	$scope = $_POST['scope'];
	$limit = $_POST['limit'];
	//Security Check
	$hash = $_POST['hash'];
	if(CheckKey($hash,$table) == 'fail'){ //Check if hash is valid
		echo 'Security Failure'; exit;
		//Make sure all input is sql injection safe
	$table = CleanInput($table);
	$scope =  CleanInput($scope);
	$limit =  CleanInput($limit);
	//Create a Query For The Right Table
	if($scope == 'AllTime'){ //Get All scores
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 0,$limit";
	}else{ //Get scores posted today
		$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")); //Today's date
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE date = '$date' LIMIT 0,$limit";
	$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
	//1.Build a string of all scores to send back
	$info = "";
	while($found = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
		$info = $info .'@'. $found['name'] .':'. $found['score'];
	echo $info;

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