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Este tópico foi arquivado e está fechado para novas respostas.


E-mail de ativação de conta não chega.

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Enviei um script para teste na hostinger. Esta tudo certo com o site, mas todas vez que um membro preenche seu dados, aparece uma mensagem no final dizendo que foi enviado um e-mail com o link de ativação da conta, porém esse e-mail nunca chega. Estou a dois dias pesquisando na internet e já tentei tudo o que eu podia saber dentro do que entendia. Já tentei o hotmail, yahoo,e outros mais nao chega. O site apenas envia um e-mail pra mim como adm avisando que ouve um cadastro no site, mas o membro nao recebe o dele para ativação. Vou postar aqui o que eu acho que sejam as paginas onde estão os scripts para envio de e-mail. Na instrução de instalação do site ele pede pra configurar as informações de e-mail em settings.php; existem tbm dois formulários de registro de membros, como modelo e member. Quem puder me ajudar eu agradeço.



//Example FMS or FCS: $connection_string="rtmp://";

$sitename="Camera Club";
//site url
//used in registration mails, payment mails...
//used for favorites announcements
//numbner of hours between giving another 300 seconds of free chat.
//default sop epercentage





//header("Cache-control: private");

	$allempty = false;
	foreach ($_POST as $p) {
		if (empty($p)) $allempty = true;
	if (!$allempty){
    include_once "../dbase.php";
	include_once "../settings.php";
	$errorMsg = "";
	$username = $_POST['UserName'];
	if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
		$username = addslashes($username);
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT user FROM chatusers WHERE user='$username'") or die(mysql_error());

	if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1) $errorMsg="Username exists, please choose another one!";
	if(md5($_POST['Password1'])!=md5($_POST['Password2'])) $errorMsg="Passwords do not match";
	if(strlen($_POST['Password1'])< 6) $errorMsg="Passwords must be at least 6 characters long";
	//if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+?\.
	if ($errorMsg == ""){
		$subject = "Your account activation at $siteurl"; 
		if ($_POST['emailtype']=="text"){
			$message = "Thank you for registering at $siteurl. \n
			In order to activate your newly created account copy and paste the link below in your browser:
			 Once you activate your membership you will recieve a mail with your login information.\n\n
			The Webmaster
			This is an automated response, please do not reply!";
		else if($_POST['emailtype']=="html"){
			$message = "Thank you for registering at $siteurl
			In order to activate your newly created account copy and paste the link below in your browser:
			<a href='$siteurl/actm.php?UID=$userId'>$siteurl/actm.php?UID=$userId</a><br><br>
			Once you activate your membership you will recieve a mail with your login information.<br><br>
			Thanks! <br>
			The Webmaster <br>
			This is an automated response, please do not reply!<br>";
		mail($_POST['Email'], $subject, $message);
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO chatusers ( id , user , password , email , name , country , state , city, phone, zip , adress , dateRegistered,lastLogIn, emailnotify ,smsnotify,status,emailtype ) VALUES ('$userId','$username', '{$_POST['Password1']}', '{$_POST['Email']}', '{$_POST['Name']}', '{$_POST['Country']}', '{$_POST['State']}','{$_POST['City']}','{$_POST['phone']}', '{$_POST['ZipCode']}', '{$_POST['Adress']}', '$dateRegistered', '$currentTime','0','0','pending','{$_POST['emailtype']}')") or die(mysql_error());
		header("Location: userregistered.php");
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
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body {
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<form method="post" name="form1">

  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">
      <td height="52"><p><span class="big_title"><br />
        Member registration form</span><span class="small_title"><br />
          <span class="error">
          <?php if ( isset($errorMsg) && $errorMsg!=""){ echo $errorMsg; } ?>
      </span> </span></p></td>
  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td class="" height="16" colspan="3"><table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


          <td class="form_header_title">Step 1: User Information </td>


    <tr align="left">

      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions">Login information. </td>


      <td width="124" align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['UserName']) && $_POST['UserName']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Username*</font>";

	 	 } else{


	  }?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="UserName"  value="<? if (isset($_POST['UserName'])){ echo $_POST['UserName']; }  ?>" type="text" id="UserName" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td width="148" class="form_informations"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['Password1']) && $_POST['Password1']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Password*</font>";

	 	 } else{


	  }?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="Password1" type="password" id="Password1" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td class="form_informations">Password must be at  least  6 characters. </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['Password2']) && $_POST['Password2']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Re-type the Password*</font>";

	 	 } else{

	 	 echo"Re-type the Password*";

	  }?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="Password2" type="password" id="Password2" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['Email']) && $_POST['Email']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>E-mail*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"E-mail*";} 

	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="Email" value="<? if (isset($_POST['Email'])){ echo $_POST['Email']; }  ?>" type="text" id="Email" size="24" maxlength="48"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right"> </td>

      <td> </td>

      <td> </td>


      <td class="" colspan="3"><table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


          <td class="form_header_title">Step 2: Personal information</td>


    <tr align="left">

      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions">Your personal information will never be seen by anyone other than the system admin.</td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions"><? if(isset($_POST['Name']) && $_POST['Name']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Full Name*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Full Name*";}

	  	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="Name" value="<? if (isset($_POST['Name'])){ echo $_POST['Name']; }  ?>" type="text" id="Name" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Country*</td>

      <td width="424">

	  <select name="Country" id="Country">


		  include ("../dbase.php");

include ("../settings.php");

		$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY id');

    	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

		echo"<option value='$row[id]'";

		if (isset($_POST['Country']) && $_POST['Country']==$row['id']){

		echo "selected";



		echo ">$row[name]</option>";




      </select>	  </td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions"><? if(isset($_POST['State']) && $_POST['State']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>State*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"State*";}

	  	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="State" value="<? if (isset($_POST['State'])){ echo $_POST['State']; } ?>" type="text" id="State" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['City']) && $_POST['City']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>City*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"City*";}

	  	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="City" value="<? if (isset($_POST['City'])){ echo $_POST['City']; } ?>" type="text" id="City" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

        <? if(isset($_POST['ZipCode']) && $_POST['ZipCode']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Zip Code*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Zip Code*";}

	  	  ?>      </td>

      <td><input name="ZipCode" value="<? if (isset($_POST['ZipCode'])){ echo $_POST['ZipCode']; }  ?>" type="text" id="ZipCode" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['phone']) && $_POST['phone']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Phone Number*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Phone Number*";}

	  	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><input name="phone" value="<? if (isset($_POST['phone'])){ echo $_POST['phone']; }  ?>" type="text" id="phone" size="24" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td class="form_informations"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">

	  <? if(isset($_POST['Adress']) && $_POST['Adress']==""){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Street Adress*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Street Adress*";}

	  	  ?>	  </td>

      <td><textarea name="Adress" cols="24" rows="5" id="Adress"><? if (isset($_POST['Adress'])){echo "$_POST[Adress]"; } ?></textarea></td>

      <td> </td>


      <td align="right"> </td>

      <td> </td>

      <td> </td>

    <tr align="left">

      <td class="" colspan="3"><table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


          <td><span class="form_header_title">Step 3: Agree to the Terms of Service </span></td>



      <td colspan="3" align="right"><div align="left"><span class="form_definitions">By checking the box below you agree to our Terms of Service  </span></div></td>


      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="center">
        <? if($_POST['checkbox']!="checkbox"){ echo "<font color=#ffdd54>You must agree with the terms:</font><br>";

        <br />
      <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <? if( isset($_POST['checkbox']) && $_POST[checkbox]=="checkbox"){echo "checked";}?>>
        I Agree with the <a href="memberterms.php" target="_blank" class="left">Terms of Service</a><br>
        Send registration emails as:: 
  <input name="emailtype" type="radio" value="text" checked>
        Plain text 
  <input name="emailtype" type="radio" value="html">


      <td align="right"> </td>

      <td><div align="center">
          <br />
          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value=" I Agree with the Terms of Service">
        <p>   </p>

      <td> </td>





header("Pragma: public");

header("Expires: 0");

header("Cache-Control: private");


if($_FILES['ImageFile']['tmp_name']!="" && isset($_POST[L1])){





		//birth date unix


		if ($day<10){$day="0".$day;}

		$currentSeconds=strtotime($day." ".$_POST[month]." ".$_POST[year]);

		//we copy the thumbail image


		if (!copy($_FILES['ImageFile']['tmp_name'],$urlThumbnail))


		$errorMsg='Thumbnail image file could not be copied, please try again.';



		//we insert the values in the database

		if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chatmodels` ( id , user , password , email , language1 , language2 , language3 , language4 , birthDate , braSize , birthSign , weight , weightMeasure , height , heightMeasure , eyeColor , ethnicity , message , position , fantasies , hobby , hairColor , hairLength , pubicHair , tImage , cpm ,epercentage, minimum , category , name , country , state , city , zip , adress , actImage , pMethod , pInfo , dateRegistered , owner , lastLogIn , phone ,fax, idtype , idmonth , idyear , idnumber , birthplace , ssnumber , msn , yahoo , icq , broadcastplace,emailtype,status,lastupdate ) 

		VALUES ('$_SESSION[userid]',




		'$_POST[L2]', '$_POST[L3]', 


















		'Thumbnail Image',



































$dt=date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $_SESSION['dateregistered']);		

$subject="New model registration ($_SESSION[username])";

$charset="Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message="$_SESSION[username] has just registered at $siteurl

To view the models details use the link below:


Date and time registered: $dt ";

		mail($registrationemail, $subject, $message,

     	"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".




    	"X-Mailer:PHP/". phpversion());

		} else {

		$errorMsg="Could not complete registration, please try again.";


		if ($errorMsg==""){

		header ("Location: modelregistered.php");


		echo $errorMsg;



else if (isset($_POST[L1]))


$errorMsg="You have not uploaded a profile picture";


<style type="text/css">
body {
	background-color: #000000;
body,td,th {
	color: #FFFFFF;
.style1 {
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;
.style2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; }

<form action="model2.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" target="_self">
  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="52"><p><span class="small_title"><br>
          </span><span class="small_title"><span class="error">
          <?php if ( isset($errorMsg) && $errorMsg!=""){ echo $errorMsg; } ?>








  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="16" colspan="3" align="center" valign="middle"><div align="left">
        <table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td class="form_header_title"><span class="style1">Step 4: Profile Information </span></td>


      <td colspan="3"><span class="form_definitions">This information will be visible to all users (members and guests) visiting the site.</span></td>


      <td width="160" align="right" class="form_definitions">Language 1</td>

      <td width="250" align="left" class="form_definitions"><select name="L1" id="L1">

	      <option value="English"  <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="English"){echo "selected";}  else if (!isset($_POST[L1])){ echo "selected"; }?>>English</option>

          <option value="Dutch" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Dutch"){echo "selected";}?>>Dutch</option>

          <option value="French" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="French"){echo "selected";}?>>French</option>

          <option value="German" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="German"){echo "selected";}?>>German</option>

		  <option value="Italian" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Italian"){echo "selected";}?>>Italian</option>

		  <option value="Japanese" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Japanese"){echo "selected";}?>>Japanese</option>

		  <option value="Korean" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Korean"){echo "selected";}?>>Korean</option>

		  <option value="Portuguese" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Portuguese"){echo "selected";}?>>Portuguese</option>

	      <option value="Spanish" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Spanish"){echo "selected";}?>>Spanish</option>	       


      <td width="286" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right"><span class="form_definitions">Language 2</span></td>

      <td align="left"><select name="L2" id="select">

          <option value="None"  <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="None"){echo "selected";}  else if (!isset($_POST[L2])){ echo "selected"; }?>>None</option>

          <option value="Dutch"  <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Dutch"){echo "selected";}?>>Dutch</option>

          <option value="English" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="English"){echo "selected";}?>>English</option>

          <option value="French" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="French"){echo "selected";}?>>French</option>

          <option value="German" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="German"){echo "selected";}?>>German</option>

          <option value="Italian" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Italian"){echo "selected";}?>>Italian</option>

          <option value="Japanese" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Japanese"){echo "selected";}?>>Japanese</option>

          <option value="Korean" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Korean"){echo "selected";}?>>Korean</option>

          <option value="Portuguese" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Portuguese"){echo "selected";}?>>Portuguese</option>

          <option value="Spanish" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Spanish"){echo "selected";}?>>Spanish</option>


      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Date of Birth</td>

      <td align="left"><select name="day" id="day">


		  for($i=01; $i<=31; $i++)


		  echo "<option value='$i'";

		  if ($_POST[day]==$i){ echo "selected";}





        <select name="month" id="month">

          <option value="January" <? if ($_POST[month]=="January"){ echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[month])){ echo "selceted";}?>>January</option>

          <option value="February" <? if ($_POST[month]=="February"){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>

          <option value="March" <? if ($_POST[month]=="March"){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>

		  <option value="April" <? if ($_POST[month]=="April"){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>

          <option value="May" <? if ($_POST[month]=="May"){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>  

          <option value="June" <? if ($_POST[month]=="June"){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>

          <option value="July" <? if ($_POST[month]=="July"){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>

          <option value="August" <? if ($_POST[month]=="August"){ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>

          <option value="September" <? if ($_POST[month]=="September"){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>

          <option value="October" <? if ($_POST[month]=="October"){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>

          <option value="November" <? if ($_POST[month]=="November"){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>

          <option value="December" <? if ($_POST[month]=="December"){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>

        <select name="year" id="year">


		  for($i=1950; $i<=date(Y)-18; $i++)


		  echo "<option value='$i'";

		   if ($_POST[year]==$i){ echo "selected";}

		  echo ">$i</option>";



        </select>	  </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Weight</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Weight" type="text" id="Weight" size="4" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Weight])){ echo $_POST[Weight]; }  ?>" maxlength="4">

        <select name="weightMeasure" id="select2">

          <option value="pd" <? if (isset($_POST[weightMeasure]) && $_POST[weightMeasure]=="pd"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[weightMeasure])){ echo "selected"; }?>>Pounds</option>

          <option value="kg" <? if (isset($_POST[weightMeasure]) && $_POST[weightMeasure]=="kg"){echo "selected";}?>>Kg</option>
        </select>      </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Height</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Height" type="text" id="Height" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Height])){ echo $_POST[Height]; }  ?>" size="4" maxlength="4">        </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Eye Color </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="eyeColor" type="text" id="eyeColor" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[eyeColor])){ echo $_POST[eyeColor]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Race</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Ethnic" type="text" id="Ethnic" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Ethnic])){ echo $_POST[Ethnic]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hair Color </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="hairColor" type="text" id="hairColor" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[hairColor])){ echo $_POST[hairColor]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hair Length </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="hairLength" type="text" id="hairLength" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[hairLength])){ echo $_POST[hairLength]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Location  </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="location" type="text" id="location" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[location])){ echo $_POST[location]; } else { echo 'My Bedroom';}  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Favorite Position</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Position" cols="24" rows="5" id="Position"><? if (isset($_POST[Position])){ echo $_POST[Position]; }  ?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Secret Fantasies</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Fantasies" cols="24" rows="5" id="Fantasies"><? if (isset($_POST[Fantasies])){ echo $_POST[Fantasies]; }?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hobbies</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Hobbies" cols="24" rows="5" id="Hobbies"><? if (isset($_POST[Hobbies])){ echo $_POST[Hobbies]; }?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions"><? if(isset($_FILES['ImageFile']['name'])){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Your Profile Picture*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Your Profile Picture*";}


      <td align="left"><input name="ImageFile" type="file" value="asdf" id="ImageFile"></td>

      <td align="left"><span class="form_informations">This is the picture users will see when they browse for models. </span></td>

  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="16" colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="left">
        <table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td> </td>



      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="center">Please enter your Payout information . Your earned funds will be sent to you on the 24th of every month.</div></td>



      <td width="160" align="right" class="form_definitions">Minimum Payment </td>

      <td width="349" align="left"><select name="PMini" id="PMini">

          <option value="100"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="100"){echo "selected";}?>>100</option>

          <option value="250"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="250"){echo "selected";}?>>250</option>

          <option value="500"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="500"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[PMini])){ echo "selected"; }?>>500</option>

          <option value="1000"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="1000"){echo "selected";}?>>1000</option>

     	 <option value="2500"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="2500"){echo "selected";}?>>2500</option>

  		 <option value="5000"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="5000"){echo "selected";}?>>5000</option>



      <td width="187"> </td>



      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Payment Method</td>

      <td align="left"><select name="PMethod" id="PMethod">

          <option value="pp"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="pp"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[PMethod])){ echo "selected"; }?>>Paypal</option>

          <option value="wu"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="wu"){echo "selected";}?>>Western Union</option>

          <option value="ck"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="ck"){echo "selected";}?>>Check</option>

          <option value="gc"  <? if ($tempPMethod=="gc"){echo "selected";}?> >Google Checkout</option>


      <td> </td>



      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Payment Information</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="PInfo" cols="24" rows="5" id="PInfo"><? if (isset($_POST[PInfo])){ echo $_POST[PInfo]; } ?></textarea></td>

      <td> </td>



      <td height="16" colspan="3"> </td>


      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="center">You will be contacted by email once your application has been reviewed by an admin. </div></td>



      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"> </td>



      <td> </td>

      <td><div align="center">
        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value=" Finish Registration ">

      <td><p> </p>
      <p> </p></td>



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A linha que faz o envio é esta:

mail($_POST['Email'], $subject, $message);


Assumindo que $_POST['Email'] esteja correto, então sobram as alternativas:

1 - O servidor não dá suporte a uso da função mail (descartado pois você disse que recebe o e-mail);

2 - Provavelmente seu domínio/ip esteja em blacklist, neste caso das empresas de e-mail irão recusá-lo.


No caso 2, recomendo o uso de SMTP autenticado, acesse:


Crie um conta gratuita, após insto baixe a biblioteca swiftmailer ( ou phpmailer ( e utilize ela para enviar o e-mail autenticado.

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Olá Edgar, obrigado por responder! Então sou leigo, mas li bastante sobre o que tu me postou de ajuda e tentei fazer o seguinte (veja se está correto):


1º - Criei uma conta no sendgrid, porém não consigo me localizar lá, não achei onde eu criou o meu usuario e senha e pego as informações do smtp, se puder me orientar eu agradeço, então para função de teste eu pesquisei e achei o smtp do gmai.


2º -Baixei a biblioteca do PHPMailer e fiz o upload pelo filezilla da pasta PHPMailer e deixei lá.


3º- Essa é a parte que estou mais perdido. Para eu poder passa tudo em phpmailer, eu tenho que reescrever ou trocar a função mail que já existe no meu script isso? Se for eu coloquei conforme abaixo. Não sei exatamente se é isso que eu teria que fazer, por favor me ajude. Obrigado..



header("Pragma: public");

header("Expires: 0");

header("Cache-Control: private");


if($_FILES['ImageFile']['tmp_name']!="" && isset($_POST[L1])){





		//birth date unix


		if ($day<10){$day="0".$day;}

		$currentSeconds=strtotime($day." ".$_POST[month]." ".$_POST[year]);

		//we copy the thumbail image


		if (!copy($_FILES['ImageFile']['tmp_name'],$urlThumbnail))


		$errorMsg='Thumbnail image file could not be copied, please try again.';



		//we insert the values in the database

		if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chatmodels` ( id , user , password , email , language1 , language2 , language3 , language4 , birthDate , braSize , birthSign , weight , weightMeasure , height , heightMeasure , eyeColor , ethnicity , message , position , fantasies , hobby , hairColor , hairLength , pubicHair , tImage , cpm ,epercentage, minimum , category , name , country , state , city , zip , adress , actImage , pMethod , pInfo , dateRegistered , owner , lastLogIn , phone ,fax, idtype , idmonth , idyear , idnumber , birthplace , ssnumber , msn , yahoo , icq , broadcastplace,emailtype,status,lastupdate ) 

		VALUES ('$_SESSION[userid]',




		'$_POST[L2]', '$_POST[L3]', 


















		'Thumbnail Image',



































$dt=date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $_SESSION['dateregistered']);		

$subject="New model registration ($_SESSION[username])";

$charset="Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message="$_SESSION[username] has just registered at $siteurl

To view the models details use the link below:


Date and time registered: $dt ";

     require ('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');
     require ("phpmailer/class.smtp.php");

		$mail = new PHPMailer();
		$mail->IsSMTP(); // envia por SMTP
        $mail->Host = ""; // SMTP servers
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Caso o servidor SMTP precise de autenticação
        $mail->Username = ""; // SMTP username
        $mail->Password = "minhasenha"; // SMTP password
        $mail->From = '$registrationemail';
        $mail->Subject = '$subject'
		$mail->Mensage = '$message'
		$send = $mail->Send();

		} else {

		$errorMsg="Could not complete registration, please try again.";


		if ($errorMsg==""){

		header ("Location: modelregistered.php");


		echo $errorMsg;



else if (isset($_POST[L1]))


$errorMsg="You have not uploaded a profile picture";


<style type="text/css">
body {
	background-color: #000000;
body,td,th {
	color: #FFFFFF;
.style1 {
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;
.style2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; }

<form action="model2.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" target="_self">
  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="52"><p><span class="small_title"><br>
          </span><span class="small_title"><span class="error">
          <?php if ( isset($errorMsg) && $errorMsg!=""){ echo $errorMsg; } ?>








  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="16" colspan="3" align="center" valign="middle"><div align="left">
        <table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td class="form_header_title"><span class="style1">Step 4: Profile Information </span></td>


      <td colspan="3"><span class="form_definitions">This information will be visible to all users (members and guests) visiting the site.</span></td>


      <td width="160" align="right" class="form_definitions">Language 1</td>

      <td width="250" align="left" class="form_definitions"><select name="L1" id="L1">

	      <option value="English"  <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="English"){echo "selected";}  else if (!isset($_POST[L1])){ echo "selected"; }?>>English</option>

          <option value="Dutch" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Dutch"){echo "selected";}?>>Dutch</option>

          <option value="French" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="French"){echo "selected";}?>>French</option>

          <option value="German" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="German"){echo "selected";}?>>German</option>

		  <option value="Italian" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Italian"){echo "selected";}?>>Italian</option>

		  <option value="Japanese" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Japanese"){echo "selected";}?>>Japanese</option>

		  <option value="Korean" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Korean"){echo "selected";}?>>Korean</option>

		  <option value="Portuguese" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Portuguese"){echo "selected";}?>>Portuguese</option>

	      <option value="Spanish" <? if (isset($_POST[L1]) && $_POST[L1]=="Spanish"){echo "selected";}?>>Spanish</option>	       


      <td width="286" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right"><span class="form_definitions">Language 2</span></td>

      <td align="left"><select name="L2" id="select">

          <option value="None"  <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="None"){echo "selected";}  else if (!isset($_POST[L2])){ echo "selected"; }?>>None</option>

          <option value="Dutch"  <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Dutch"){echo "selected";}?>>Dutch</option>

          <option value="English" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="English"){echo "selected";}?>>English</option>

          <option value="French" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="French"){echo "selected";}?>>French</option>

          <option value="German" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="German"){echo "selected";}?>>German</option>

          <option value="Italian" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Italian"){echo "selected";}?>>Italian</option>

          <option value="Japanese" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Japanese"){echo "selected";}?>>Japanese</option>

          <option value="Korean" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Korean"){echo "selected";}?>>Korean</option>

          <option value="Portuguese" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Portuguese"){echo "selected";}?>>Portuguese</option>

          <option value="Spanish" <? if (isset($_POST[L2]) && $_POST[L2]=="Spanish"){echo "selected";}?>>Spanish</option>


      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Date of Birth</td>

      <td align="left"><select name="day" id="day">


		  for($i=01; $i<=31; $i++)


		  echo "<option value='$i'";

		  if ($_POST[day]==$i){ echo "selected";}





        <select name="month" id="month">

          <option value="January" <? if ($_POST[month]=="January"){ echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[month])){ echo "selceted";}?>>January</option>

          <option value="February" <? if ($_POST[month]=="February"){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>

          <option value="March" <? if ($_POST[month]=="March"){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>

		  <option value="April" <? if ($_POST[month]=="April"){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>

          <option value="May" <? if ($_POST[month]=="May"){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>  

          <option value="June" <? if ($_POST[month]=="June"){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>

          <option value="July" <? if ($_POST[month]=="July"){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>

          <option value="August" <? if ($_POST[month]=="August"){ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>

          <option value="September" <? if ($_POST[month]=="September"){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>

          <option value="October" <? if ($_POST[month]=="October"){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>

          <option value="November" <? if ($_POST[month]=="November"){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>

          <option value="December" <? if ($_POST[month]=="December"){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>

        <select name="year" id="year">


		  for($i=1950; $i<=date(Y)-18; $i++)


		  echo "<option value='$i'";

		   if ($_POST[year]==$i){ echo "selected";}

		  echo ">$i</option>";



        </select>	  </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Weight</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Weight" type="text" id="Weight" size="4" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Weight])){ echo $_POST[Weight]; }  ?>" maxlength="4">

        <select name="weightMeasure" id="select2">

          <option value="pd" <? if (isset($_POST[weightMeasure]) && $_POST[weightMeasure]=="pd"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[weightMeasure])){ echo "selected"; }?>>Pounds</option>

          <option value="kg" <? if (isset($_POST[weightMeasure]) && $_POST[weightMeasure]=="kg"){echo "selected";}?>>Kg</option>
        </select>      </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Height</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Height" type="text" id="Height" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Height])){ echo $_POST[Height]; }  ?>" size="4" maxlength="4">        </td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Eye Color </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="eyeColor" type="text" id="eyeColor" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[eyeColor])){ echo $_POST[eyeColor]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Race</td>

      <td align="left"><input name="Ethnic" type="text" id="Ethnic" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[Ethnic])){ echo $_POST[Ethnic]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hair Color </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="hairColor" type="text" id="hairColor" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[hairColor])){ echo $_POST[hairColor]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hair Length </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="hairLength" type="text" id="hairLength" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[hairLength])){ echo $_POST[hairLength]; }  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Location  </td>

      <td align="left"><input name="location" type="text" id="location" size="24" value="<? if (isset($_POST[location])){ echo $_POST[location]; } else { echo 'My Bedroom';}  ?>" maxlength="24"></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Favorite Position</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Position" cols="24" rows="5" id="Position"><? if (isset($_POST[Position])){ echo $_POST[Position]; }  ?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Secret Fantasies</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Fantasies" cols="24" rows="5" id="Fantasies"><? if (isset($_POST[Fantasies])){ echo $_POST[Fantasies]; }?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td height="12" align="right" class="form_definitions"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>

      <td height="12" align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Hobbies</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="Hobbies" cols="24" rows="5" id="Hobbies"><? if (isset($_POST[Hobbies])){ echo $_POST[Hobbies]; }?></textarea></td>

      <td align="left"> </td>


      <td align="right" class="form_definitions"><? if(isset($_FILES['ImageFile']['name'])){

		  echo "<font color=#ffdd54>Your Profile Picture*</font>";

	 	 } else{ echo"Your Profile Picture*";}


      <td align="left"><input name="ImageFile" type="file" value="asdf" id="ImageFile"></td>

      <td align="left"><span class="form_informations">This is the picture users will see when they browse for models. </span></td>

  <table width="720" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#333333">


      <td height="16" colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="left">
        <table width="80%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td> </td>



      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="center">Please enter your Payout information . Your earned funds will be sent to you on the 24th of every month.</div></td>



      <td width="160" align="right" class="form_definitions">Minimum Payment </td>

      <td width="349" align="left"><select name="PMini" id="PMini">

          <option value="100"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="100"){echo "selected";}?>>100</option>

          <option value="250"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="250"){echo "selected";}?>>250</option>

          <option value="500"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="500"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[PMini])){ echo "selected"; }?>>500</option>

          <option value="1000"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="1000"){echo "selected";}?>>1000</option>

     	 <option value="2500"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="2500"){echo "selected";}?>>2500</option>

  		 <option value="5000"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMini]) && $_POST[PMini]=="5000"){echo "selected";}?>>5000</option>



      <td width="187"> </td>



      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Payment Method</td>

      <td align="left"><select name="PMethod" id="PMethod">

          <option value="pp"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="pp"){echo "selected";} else if (!isset($_POST[PMethod])){ echo "selected"; }?>>Paypal</option>

          <option value="wu"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="wu"){echo "selected";}?>>Western Union</option>

          <option value="ck"  <? if (isset($_POST[PMethod]) && $_POST[PMethod]=="ck"){echo "selected";}?>>Check</option>

          <option value="gc"  <? if ($tempPMethod=="gc"){echo "selected";}?> >Google Checkout</option>


      <td> </td>



      <td align="right" class="form_definitions">Payment Information</td>

      <td align="left"><textarea name="PInfo" cols="24" rows="5" id="PInfo"><? if (isset($_POST[PInfo])){ echo $_POST[PInfo]; } ?></textarea></td>

      <td> </td>



      <td height="16" colspan="3"> </td>


      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"><div align="center">You will be contacted by email once your application has been reviewed by an admin. </div></td>



      <td colspan="3" class="form_definitions"> </td>



      <td> </td>

      <td><div align="center">
        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value=" Finish Registration ">

      <td><p> </p>
      <p> </p></td>



Eu troquei a linha que era: mail($_POST['Email'], $subject, $message);


Por: require ('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');
require ("phpmailer/class.smtp.php");

$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->IsSMTP(); // envia por SMTP
$mail->Host = ""; // SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Caso o servidor SMTP precise de autenticação
$mail->Username = ""; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "minhasenha"; // SMTP password


$mail->From = '$registrationemail';
$mail->Subject = '$subject'
$mail->Mensage = '$message'

$send = $mail->Send();

} else {


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