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Boa tarde,

Estou como estagiário em uma empresa e fui colocado para instalar, configurar e administrar o sistema ocomon, fiz tudo certinho so tem uma coisa q não consigo fazer pois meu conhecimento com php e mysql ainda é baixo. Tenho que adicionar um campo da tabela assentamentos a esse relatório que ja existe, se puderem me ajudar. Postarei pagina e tabelas. O campo responsável da tabela assentamento é o user_id do usuário.


Obrigado e bom dia a todos.

`usuarios` (
  `user_id` int(4) NOT NULL,
  `login` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `nome` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `password` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `data_inc` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `data_admis` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fone` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `nivel` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AREA` char(3) DEFAULT 'ALL',
  `user_admin` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
`assentamentos` (
  `numero` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ocorrencia` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `assentamento` text NOT NULL,
  `data` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `responsavel` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `asset_privated` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

	include ("../../includes/");
	include ("../../includes/");
	print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='../../includes/css/calendar.css.php' media='screen'></LINK>";

	$_SESSION['s_page_ocomon'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

	$auth = new auth;

	print "<html>";

	if (!isset($_POST['ok'])) { //&& $_POST['ok'] != 'Pesquisar')

		print "<head><script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"../../includes/javascript/calendar.js\"></script></head>";
		print "<body>";
		print "	<BR><BR>";
		print "	<B><center>:::".TRANS('REP_GENERAL').":::</center></B><BR><BR>";
		print "		<FORM action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='post' name='form1' onSubmit=\"return valida()\" >"; //onSubmit=\"return valida()\"
		print "		<TABLE border='0' align='center' cellspacing='2'  bgcolor=".BODY_COLOR." >";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_AREA').":</td>";

		print "					<td class='line'><Select name='area' class='select' size=1 onChange=\"fillSelectFromArray(this.form.operador, ((this.selectedIndex == -1) ? null : team[this.selectedIndex-1]));\">";
		print "							<OPTION value=-1 selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL')."</OPTION>";
										$query="select * from sistemas where sis_status not in (0) order by sistema";
										$linhas = mysql_num_rows($resultado);
											print "<option value=".$row['sis_id']."";
											if ($row['sis_id']==$_SESSION['s_area']) print " selected";
											print ">".$row['sistema']."</option>";
										} // while
		print "		 				</Select>";
		print "					 </td>";
		print "				</tr>";

		print "			<TR>";
		print "				<TD bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_PROB').":</TD>";
		print "			  		<td class='line'><SELECT  class='select' NAME='problema'>";
		print "						<OPTION value=-1 selected>".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</OPTION>";
										$query = "select * from problemas order by problema";
											print "<OPTION value=".$prob_id."> $prob_name </OPTION>";
										} // while
		print "	 					</SELECT>";
		print "					 </TD>";
		print "				</TR>";

		print "				<tr>";
		print "						<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT').":</td>";
		print "						<td class='line'><Select class='select'  name='instituicao' size=1>";
		print "								<OPTION value=-1 selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</OPTION>";
										$query="select * from instituicao";
										$linhas = mysql_num_rows($resultado);
											print "<option value=$insti_id>$insti_name</option>";
										} // while
		print "			 				</Select>";
		print "						 </td>";
		print "					</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_LOCAL').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><select  class='select' name='local' size=1> ";
		print "							<option value=-1  selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</option>";
										$query="select * from localizacao order by local";
											print "<option value=".$local_id.">".$local_name."</option>";
		print "		 				</select>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OPERATOR').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><select  class='select' name='operador' size=1>";
		print "							<option value=-1 selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</option>";
										$query="select * from usuarios order by nome";
											print "<option value=$row[user_id]>$row[nome]</option>";
		print "		 				</select>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DATE_BEGIN').":</td>";
		//print "					<td class='line'><INPUT  type='text' class='data' name='d_ini'>  (Exemplo: 20/01/2004)</td>";
		print "					<td><INPUT type='text' name='d_ini' class='data' id='idD_ini' value='01-".date("m-Y")."'><a onclick=\"displayCalendar(document.forms[0].d_ini,'dd-mm-yyyy',this)\"><img height='14' width='14' src='../../includes/javascript/img/cal.gif' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='".TRANS('HNT_SEL_DATE')."'></a></td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DATE_FINISH').":</td>";
		//print "					<td class='line'><INPUT type='text'  class='data' name='d_fim'>  (Exemplo: 27/01/2004)</td>";
		print "					<td><INPUT type='text' name='d_fim' class='data' id='idD_fim' value='".date("d-m-Y")."'><a onclick=\"displayCalendar(document.forms[0].d_fim,'dd-mm-yyyy',this)\"><img height='14' width='14' src='../../includes/javascript/img/cal.gif' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='".TRANS('HNT_SEL_DATE')."'></a></td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_DATE_THIS').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><SELECT class='select'  name='tipo_data'>";
		//print "							<OPTION value=-1 selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</OPTION>";
		print "							<option value=1 selected>".TRANS('OCO_SEL_OPEN')."</option>";
		print "							<option value=2>".TRANS('OCO_SEL_CLOSE')."</option>";
		print "						</SELECT>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('MNL_STATUS').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><select  class='select' name='status_oco'>";
		print "							<option value=-1 selected".TRANS('OPT_ALL_2')."</option>";
										$query="select * from status order by status";
											print "<option value=$status_id>$status_name</option>";
		print "						</select>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('OCO_ORDER_BY').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><SELECT  class='select' name='ordem' size=1>";
		print "							<option value='numero' selected>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_NUMBER')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='problema'>".TRANS('OCO_PROB')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='sistema'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_AREA')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='instituicao'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='local'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_LOCAL')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='operador'>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OPERATOR')."</option>";
		print "							<option value='data_abertura'>".TRANS('OCO_DATE')."</option>";
		print "						</SELECT>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>";
		print "					<td bgcolor=".TD_COLOR.">".TRANS('FIELD_REPORT_TYPE').":</td>";
		print "					<td class='line'><select  class='select' name='saida' size=1>";
		print "							<option value=-1 selected>".TRANS('SEL_PRIORITY_NORMAL')."</option>";
		print "							<option value=1>".TRANS('FIELD_REPORT_ONE_LINE')."</option>";
		print "						</select>";
		print "					</td>";
		print "				</tr>";
		print "				<tr>
							<td colspan='2'><input type='checkbox' name='novaJanela' title='".TRANS('HNT_NEW_WINDOW').".'>".TRANS('OPT_NEW_WINDOW')."

		print "		</TABLE><br>";
		print "		<TABLE align='center'>";
		print "			<tr>";
		print "	            <td class='line'>";
		print "					<input type='submit' class='button' value='".TRANS('BT_SEARCH')."' name='ok' onClick=\"submitForm();\">";//onclick='ok=sim'
		print "	            </TD>";
		print "	            <td class='line'>";
		print "					<INPUT type='reset' class='button' value='".TRANS('BT_CLEAR')."' name='cancelar'>";
		print "				</TD>";
		print "			</tr>";
		print "	    </TABLE>";
		print " </form>";
	}  else {//if $ok!=Pesquisar

		print "<body>";

		$hora_inicio = ' 00:00:00';
		$hora_fim = ' 23:59:59';           // letra.campo_tab as apelido

		//$query_ini = $QRY["ocorrencias_full_ini"];

		$query_ini = $QRY["ocorrencias_full_ini"];
                $query = "";

		if (isset($_POST['problema']) && !empty($_POST['problema']) && ($_POST['problema'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.problema = '".$_POST['problema']."'";

		if (isset($_POST['area']) && !empty($_POST['area']) && ($_POST['area'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.sistema = '".$_POST['area']."'";

		if (isset($_POST['instituicao']) && !empty($_POST['instituicao']) && ($_POST['instituicao'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.instituicao = '".$_POST['instituicao']."'";

		if (isset($_POST['local']) && !empty($_POST['local']) && ($_POST['local'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.local = '".$_POST['local']."'";

		if (isset($_POST['operador']) && !empty($_POST['operador']) && ($_POST['operador'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.operador = '".$_POST['operador']."'";

		if (isset($_POST['status_oco']) && !empty($_POST['status_oco']) && ($_POST['status_oco'] != -1))
			$query .= " and o.status = '".$_POST['status_oco']."'";

                if ($_POST['tipo_data']==1)
                        if (!empty($_POST['d_ini']) )
                                $data_inicial = str_replace("-","/",$_POST['d_ini']);
				$data_inicial = substr(datam($data_inicial),0,10);
                                $data_inicial.=" 00:00:01";
                                $query.=" and o.data_abertura>='".$data_inicial."' ";

                        if (!empty($_POST['d_fim']))
                                $data_final = str_replace("-","/",$_POST['d_fim']);
				$data_final = substr(datam($data_final),0,10);
                                $data_final.=" 23:59:59";
                                $query.=" and o.data_abertura<='".$data_final."'";
                if ($_POST['tipo_data']==2)
                        if (!empty($_POST['d_ini']) )
                                $data_inicial = str_replace("-","/",$_POST['d_ini']);
				$data_inicial = substr(datam($data_inicial),0,10);
                                $data_inicial.=" 00:00:01";
                                $query.=" and o.data_fechamento>='".$data_inicial."' ";

                        if (!empty($_POST['d_fim']))
                                $data_final = str_replace("-","/",$_POST['d_fim']);
				$data_final = substr(datam($data_final),0,10);
                                $data_final.=" 23:59:59";
                                $query.=" and o.data_fechamento<='".$data_final."'";


			$query .= " order by ".$_POST['ordem'].""; //   print "<h2>$query</h2>";

			if (strlen($query)>0) {
				$query_ini.=" WHERE o.numero = o.numero ".$query;

			//print $query_ini;

			$resultado = mysql_query($query_ini) or die(''.TRANS('ERR_QUERY').'<br>'.$query_ini);    //   print "<b>Query--></b> $query<br><br>";
			$linhas = mysql_num_rows($resultado);

// 		} else { //(($d_ini < $d_fim) or ($d_ini == $d_fim))
// 			print "<script>window.alert('".TRANS('MSG_COMPARE_DATE')."'); history.back();</script>";
//   		}

		switch($linhas) {
			case 0:
				print "<script>mensagem('".TRANS('MSG_NONE_REGISTER')."); redirect('".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."');</script>";
				$frase = "";
			case 1:
				$frase= "".TRANS('MSG_REGISTER_FIND_ONLY')." <font color=red>1</font> ".TRANS('OCO_OCORRENCIA')."";
			case -1:
				$frase="".TRANS('MSG_REGISTER_FIND')." <font color=red>".$linhas."</font> ".TRANS('OCO_OCORRENCIAS').".";
		} // switch
	//print $query."<br>";
			case -1:
				print "<BR><BR><B>::: ".TRANS('TLT_REPORT_OCCOR')." :::</B><BR><BR>";
				print "<fieldset><legend><FONT FACE=Arial, sans-serif><FONT SIZE=2 STYLE=font-size: 9pt>".$frase."</font></font></legend>";
	       			print "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' align='center'>";
				print "<tr>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'> <font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_NUMBER')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_PROB')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('COL_SCRIPT_SOLUTION')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_AREA')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'> <font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_UNIT')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_LOCAL')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'> <font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_OPERATOR')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DATE_BEGIN')."</b></font></td>";
				print "<td bgcolor='".$cor1."' align=left width='12%'><font size='2'><b>".TRANS('OCO_FIELD_DATE_FINISH')."</b></font></td>";
				print "</tr>";
		       		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) {
					if ($j % 2) {
						$color =  BODY_COLOR;
					} else {
					$color = 'white';
					print "<tr>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'><a onClick=\"javascript:popup_alerta('mostra_consulta.php?popup=true&numero=".$row['numero']."')\">".$row['numero']."</a></td>"; //nome q eu dei no select name=
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'>".$row['problema']."</td>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'>".$row['script_desc']."</td>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'>".$row['area']."</td>";
					if ($row['unidade_cod']=='')
						print "<td align=center bgcolor='".$color."'> - </td>";
					else {
						print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'> " . $row['unidade'] . "</td>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'> ".$row['setor']."</td>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'> ".$row['nome']."</td>";
					print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'> ".converte_datacomhora($row['data_abertura'])."</td>";

					if ($row['data_fechamento'] == null)
						print "<td align=center bgcolor='".$color."'>  -  </td>";
			            		print "<td align=left bgcolor='".$color."'> ".converte_datacomhora($row['data_fechamento'])."</td>";
		           	 	print "</tr>";
		        	} // while
		       		print "</table>";
				print "</fieldset>";

			case 1:


				$hoje=date('d/m/Y H:m');

				gera_relatorio(1,$query_ini,$campos,$cabs,"../../includes/logos/logo_unilasalle.gif","OCOMON", $hoje, "Relatório de Ocorrências");
		} // switch
	} //if $ok==Pesquisar

	print "</BODY>";
	print "</html>";

<script type='text/javascript'>


		function checar() {
			var checado = false;
			if (document.form1.novaJanela.checked){
		      	checado = true;
				// = "_blank";

			} else {
		      	checado = false;
				// = "";
			return checado;


		function submitForm()

			if (checar() == true) { = "_blank";
			} else { = "";



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