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Quando posto novas perguntas no meu site ele não está fazendo a contagem dos pontos. Ele estava funcionando, mas do nada parou. Se desejarem, por gentileza, entrem no site e façam os testes.


As respostas estão funcionando normalmente. Toda vez que algum membro do site responde alguma pergunta, a contagem funciona normalmente.


Segue abaixo os códigos que acredito que está o problema.


Qualquer dúvida, estou a disposição para maiores esclarecimentos.


 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Robust Q&A - WPQA
 Template Name: Ask A Question

if (isset($_POST['ask_text'])) {
	$ask_text = $_POST['ask_text'];

if ( isset($_POST['question_post']) == '1') {

	$question_title = $_POST['question_title'];
	$question_content = $_POST['question_content'];
	$question_category = $_POST['cat'];
	$question_tags = $_POST['question_tags'];
	if (isset($_POST['notify_new_answers'])) {$new_answer_alerts = $_POST['notify_new_answers'];} else {$new_answer_alerts = '';}

	if (isset($_POST['username'])) {$username = $_POST['username'];} else {$username = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['password'])) {$password = $_POST['password'];} else {$password = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {$username2 = $_POST['user_login'];} else {$username2 = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['password2'])) {$password2 = $_POST['password2'];} else {$password2 = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['pass_confirm'])) {$confirm = $_POST['pass_confirm'];} else {$confirm = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['user_email'])) {$email = $_POST['user_email'];} else {$email = '';}
	if (isset($_POST['user_type'])) {$user_type = $_POST['user_type'];} else {$user_type = '';}
	$question_data = array('title' => $question_title, 'content' => $question_content, 'tags' => $question_tags, 'cat' => $question_category, 'email_alert' => $new_answer_alerts);
	$login_data = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password);
	$signup_data = array('username' => $username2, 'password' => $password2, 'confirm_pass' => $confirm, 'email' => $email);
	$message = post_new_question($question_data, $login_data, $signup_data, $user_type);

<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/translations.php'); ?>   

	<!-- Main Section -->
    <div id="main">
            <div class="mainContentTop"></div>

    	<div id="mainContent">
            <!-- Center Column -->
            <div id="centerCol" class="left">
                <!-- Top Section -->
            	<div class="topSection">
                	<div class="introBox2">
                    	<div class="greyBtn addQuestion"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_ask_a_question_permalink; ?>/"><span><?php echo $t_ask_question; ?> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/grey-add-btn-icon.jpg" alt="" /></span></a></div>
           				<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/breadcrumb.php'); ?>   


                <!-- / Top Section -->
               	<!-- Left Inner Column -->
                <div id="leftColInner" class="left">
                	<h1 class="pageTitle"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                            <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
							if (isset($message)) {
							} ?>
                            <?php the_content(); ?>
							<!-- Ask a Question Form -->
                            <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">               					
                                <form method="post" action="" id="postNewQuestion" name="postNewQuestion">
                                    <label><?php echo $t_ask_form_question_title;?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                    <input type="text" name="question_title" id="question_title" size="30" value="<?php if(isset($ask_text)) {echo $ask_text;} if (isset($_POST['question_title'])) {echo stripslashes($_POST['question_title']);}?>" tabindex="1" autofocus />
                                    <label><?php echo $t_ask_form_question_desc; ?>: <span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                    <textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="question_content" id="question_content" class="question_content" tabindex="2"><?php if (isset($_POST['question_content'])) {echo stripslashes($_POST['question_content']);}?></textarea>
                                     <label><?php echo $t_ask_form_question_tags; ?>: <span class="normal">(<?php echo $t_optional_text_tags;?>)</span></label>
                                    <input type="text" name="question_tags" id="question_tags" size="250" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['question_tags'])) {echo stripslashes($_POST['question_tags']);}?>" tabindex="3" />
                                    <label class="categorySelect"><?php echo $t_ask_form_question_select_cat; ?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
									$cat_id = '';
									if (isset($_POST['cat'])) {
										$cat_id = $_POST['cat'];
									} elseif ( isset($_GET['cat'])) {
										$cat_id = $_GET['cat'];
                                    <?php wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&id=askQuestion&tab_index=4&hide_empty=0&exclude=1&hierarchical=1&selected='.$cat_id.'&show_option_none='.$t_select_category_dd.'') ?><br />
                                    <div class="notifyMe">
                                    	<input type="checkbox" name="notify_new_answers" id="notify_new_answers" tabindex="5"/>
                                   		<label for="notify_new_answers" id="notifyNewAnswers"><?php echo $t_ask_form_notify_emails; ?></label>
                                    <div class="clear"></div>
                                    <?php if (!is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                    <div class="divider"></div>
                                    <!-- Log In Box -->
									<div class="loginBox" id="loginBox">
                                        <label><?php echo $t_login_mini_form_heading;?>:</label><br /><br />
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_username_text;?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                        <div class="loginInput"><input type="text" name="username" value="<?php if (isset($username)) { echo $username;} elseif (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {echo  $_POST['user_login']; }?>" tabindex="6" /></div>
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_password_text;?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                        <div class="loginInput"><input type="password" name="password" id="user_password" class="input" value="" size="20"  maxlength="40" tabindex="7" /></div>
                                        <div class="clear"></div>
                                        <p><?php echo $t_not_member_yet_text; ?> <a id="showSignUpBox"><?php echo $t_signup_text; ?></a></p>
                                    <!-- / Log In Box -->
               						<!-- Sign Up Box -->
                                    <div class="signUpBox" id="signUpBox" style="display:none;">
                                        <label><?php echo $t_new_member_mini_form_heading; ?>:</label><br /><br />
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_choose_username_text; ?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                        <input type="text" name="user_login" id="new_user_login" class="text" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {echo $_POST['user_login'];} ?>" tabindex="8" />
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_choose_password_text; ?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label>
                                        <input type="password" name="password2" id="password1" class="text" value=""  tabindex="9"/>
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_reenter_password_text; ?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label><br />
                                        <input type="password" name="pass_confirm" id="password2" class="text" value="" tabindex="10" />
                                        <label class="loginLabel"><?php echo $t_email_address_text; ?>:<span class="asterixRequired">*</span></label><br />
                                        <input type="text" class="text" name="user_email" id="user_email" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['user_email'])) {echo $_POST['user_email'];} ?>" tabindex="11" />
                                        <div class="clear"></div>
                                        <p><?php echo $t_already_member_text; ?> <a id="showLoginBox"><?php echo $t_login_text; ?></a></p>
                                    <!-- / Sign Up Box -->
                                    <input type="hidden" name="user_type" value="old" id="user_type" />

                                    <?php } else { ?>
                                    <?php } ?>
                                    <input type="hidden" name="question_post" value="1" />
                                    <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                    	<input type="hidden" name="user_type" value="old" id="user_type" />
                                    <?php } ?>
                                    <div class="divider"></div>
                                    <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $t_ask_form_submit_question_btn; ?>" class="left" />

                                    <div class="clear"></div>
               				<!-- Ask a Question Form -->
                            <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

                        <div class="reset"></div>
                <!-- / Left Inner Column -->
            	<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
            <!-- / Center Column -->
        	<div class="clear"></div>
    <div class="mainContentBottom"></div>
    <!-- / Main Section -->

<?php get_footer(); ?>
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Robust Q&A - WPQA

// Do not delete these lines

global $current_user;
$redir = $post->ID;

if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
	die ('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!');

if ( post_password_required() ) {

<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/translations.php'); ?>   

<?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
	<?php foreach ($comments as $comment) :?>
		// Get data for displaying avatar
		$blog_url = get_template_directory_uri();
		$selected_avatar_image = get_user_default_icon($comment->user_id);
		$avatar_image = '/images/default-user-avatar-'.$selected_avatar_image.'.jpg';
		$url = $blog_url . $avatar_image ;
		// Get data for linking to member profile when clicking avatar image
		$main_url = home_url();
		$author_name = get_comment_author();
		$profile_link = '/'. $t_profile_permalink.'/';
		$author_profile_link = $main_url . $profile_link . $author_name;
   			        <!-- Best Answer -->
    				<?php if ( get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'best_answer', true ) == 'yes') { ?>
                        <div class="bestAnswer">
                        	<h5><?php echo $t_best_answer_heading; ?></h5>
                            <div class="questionRow">
                                <div class="questionBox">
									<div class="memberIcon memberIconSm"><a href="<?php echo $author_profile_link ?>">
                                    $member_provided_avatar = get_user_meta($comment->user_id, 'member_provided_avatar', true);
                                    if(isset($member_provided_avatar) && $member_provided_avatar != '') {
                                        $thumb_url = get_custom_user_avatar($comment->user_id);								
                                        <img src="<?php echo $thumb_url; ?>" class="avatar" />
                                    <?php } else {
                                        echo get_avatar($comment->comment_author_email, $size = '32', $url);
                                    <div class="contentText">
                                    	<p class="answer"><?php comment_text() ?></p>
                                        <?php if (get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) != NULL) { ?>
                                        <p class="sourceLink"><span><?php echo $t_link_text;?>: </span><a href="<?php echo get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) ?></a></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <?php $comment_parent_id = $comment->comment_post_ID; 
											$question = get_post($comment_parent_id);
											global $current_user;
                                    <div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="bylineBox otherBylineBox"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink; ?>/<?php echo $comment->comment_author ?>/"><span><?php echo $comment->comment_author ?><?php echo getPointLevel($comment->user_id, 'sm'); ?><?php $expert_user = get_user_meta($comment->user_id, 'expert', true); if($expert_user == 'yes') { ?><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/expert-badge-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_expert_text;?>" class="expertImg" /><?php } ?></span></a></div>

								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                                <!-- Report Answer Modal -->                                
                                <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="reportPopComment<?php echo get_comment_ID();?>">
                                    <form action="" method="post" name="reportContent">
                                        <p><?php echo $t_report_content_message_text;?></p>
                                        <br />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" name="reported_item_id" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="Answer" name="reported_type" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" name="question_id" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="1" name="report_content" />
                                        <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" />
                                    ><div class="clear"></div>
                                <!-- / Report Answer Modal -->
                                <div class="bylineBoxFlag"><a href="#reportPopComment<?php echo get_comment_ID();?>" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" /></span></a></div>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                <div class="bylineBoxFlag"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_report_content_text; ?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" /></span></a></div> 
                                <?php } ?>
                                <span class="adminUrl" id="<?php echo admin_url(); ?>"></span>
                                <span class="templateURL" id="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>"></span>
                                <?php $comment_id = $comment->comment_ID;?>
                                <?php $current_like_count = get_comment_meta($comment_id, 'like_count');?>

                                <?php if ($current_like_count[0] == NULL || $current_like_count[0] == 0){$current_like_count[0] = 0;}?>
                                <span class="likeCount-<?php echo $comment_id ?>" id="likeCountCurrent-<?php echo $current_like_count[0]?>"></span>

								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
									global $wpdb;
									$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
									$user_liked_already = '';
									$get_user_liked_question_value = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "rqa_liked_content WHERE user_id ='". $current_user_id . "' AND like_content_id ='". $comment_id . "'" ;
									$users_liked_question_value = $wpdb->get_results($get_user_liked_question_value);
									foreach ($users_liked_question_value as $user_liked) {
										if ($user_liked->user_id == $current_user_id && $user_liked->like_content_id == $comment_id) {
											$user_liked_already = "yes";
									if ($user_liked_already == 'yes') {
										<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right disabledLike"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text; ?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } else { ?>
                                    	<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink" id="like-this-<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent" id="type-comment"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text; ?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } ?>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                      <div class="likeContent">

                                	 <div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_like; ?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text; ?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
                                <?php } ?>
                            	<div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="commentOnAnswer">
									  	$answer_comments = get_answer_comments($comment->comment_ID);
										$comment_count = count($answer_comments);
                                    <div class="commentHeader">
										<?php if ($comment_count != 0) { ?>
                                        <a class="togglecomments" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/open-comments-icon.png" alt="" /></a>
                                        <a class="togglecomments" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>">
                                            if ($comment_count == 1) {
                                                   echo '1 '.$t_comment_text;
                                            } elseif ($comment_count  > 1) {
                                                   echo $comment_count.' '.$t_comments_text;
                                        <?php } else { ?>
                                        <?php echo $t_no_comments; ?>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <a class="toggleaddcommentform" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><?php echo $t_add_a_comment;?></a>
                                        <?php if ( current_user_can('manage_options')) {?>
                                        <?php edit_comment_link($t_edit_page_link); ?>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                    <div class="commentOnAnswerForm" id="commentForm<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" style="display:none;">
                                	// If logged in show data
                                    if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                    	<h6><?php echo $t_add_a_comment;?>:</h6>
                                    	<form action="" method="post" name="commentSubmitForm" id="commentSubmitForm">
                                        	<textarea name="comment_content"></textarea>
                                            <input type="hidden" name="comment_parent_id" value="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" />
                                            <input type="hidden" name="comment_on_answer_post" value="1" />
                                    		<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $t_add_a_comment; ?>" />
											<div class="clear"></div>
                                         <?php } else { ?>
                                    	<div class="loginNote"><a href="<?php echo home_url();?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_text;?>"><?php echo $t_login_to_comment_on_answer;?></a></div>
                                    <?php }?>
                                    <div class="comments" id="commentSection<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" style="display:none;"> 
                                        foreach ($answer_comments as $answer_comment) :
                                        <!-- Report Comment on Answer Modal -->                                
                                        <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="reportPopComment<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID;?>">
                                            <form action="" method="post" name="reportContent">
                                                <p><?php echo $t_report_content_message_text; ?></p>
                                                <br />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID; ?>" name="reported_item_id" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="Comment" name="reported_type" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" name="question_id" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="report_content" />
                                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" />
                                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                                        <!-- / Report Comment on Answer Modal -->
                                            <div class="comment">
                                            	<?php if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                            	<p class="right"><a href="#reportPopComment<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID;?>" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" /></a></p>
                                                <?php } else { ?>
                                            	<p class="right"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_report_content_text; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" /></a></p>
                                                <?php } ?>
                                                <p><?php echo $answer_comment->comment_content; ?></p>
                                                <p><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink; ?>/<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_author ?>"><?php echo $answer_comment->comment_author;?></a></p>
                                                <div class="clear"></div>
                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                            <?php $answer_count = sizeof($comments);
							if ($answer_count > 1) { ?>
                        		<h5 class="otherAnswers"><?php echo $t_more_answers;?></h5>
                            <?php } ?>
                        <!-- / Best Answer -->
                        <?php } ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>

                        <?php if ( have_comments() ) :
                        <?php $comments_ordered_by_vote_count = get_comments_ordered_by_meta('like_count', 'desc', $post->ID); ?>
						<?php foreach ($comments_ordered_by_vote_count as $comment) :?>
                        <?php $comment_author = get_userdata($comment->user_id);?>
						<?php if ( get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'best_answer', true ) == 'no' || get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'best_answer', false ) == NULL) {?>
                        <!-- Other Answers Besides the Best Answer or All Answers if no best answer -->
                        <div class="answers">
                            <!-- Answer -->
                            <div class="questionRow" id="answer_id_<?php echo $comment->comment_ID ?>">
                                <div class="questionBox">
                                	 <div class="memberIcon memberIconSm"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink; ?>/<?php echo $comment_author->user_nicename; ?>/">
                                    $member_provided_avatar = get_user_meta($comment->user_id, 'member_provided_avatar', true);
                                    if(isset($member_provided_avatar) && $member_provided_avatar != '') {
                                        $thumb_url = get_custom_user_avatar($comment->user_id);								
                                        <img src="<?php echo $thumb_url; ?>" class="avatar" />
                                    <?php } else {
                                        echo get_avatar($comment->comment_author_email, $size = '32', $url);
                                    <div class="contentText">
                                    	<p class="answer"><?php comment_text(); ?></p>
                                        <?php if (get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) != NULL) { ?>
                                        <p class="sourceLink"><span><?php echo $t_link_text;?>: </span><a href="<?php echo get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true) ?></a></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <?php $comment_parent_id = $comment->comment_post_ID; 
											$question = get_post($comment_parent_id);
											global $current_user;
											$answer_source_link = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, 'answer_source_link', true);
                                        <!-- Select Best Answer Modal -->                                
                                        <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="bestAnswerPop<?php echo $comment->comment_ID; ?>">
                                            <form action="" method="post" name="bestAnswer">
                                                <p><?php echo $t_select_as_best_answer_pop_text;?></p>
                                                <br />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $comment->comment_ID; ?>" name="best_answer_id" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $question->ID; ?>" name="best_answer_parent_question" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="best_answer_post" />
                                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_select_as_best_answer;?>" />
                                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                                        <!-- / Select Best Answer Modal -->
										<?php if ($question->post_author == $current_user->ID && $comment->user_id != $current_user->ID) { ?>
                                        	<p class="bylineCategory voteBestAnswer"><a href="#bestAnswerPop<?php echo $comment->comment_ID;?>" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_select_as_best_answer;?>"><?php echo $t_select_as_best_answer;?></a></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                    <div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="bylineBox otherBylineBox"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink; ?>/<?php echo $comment_author->user_nicename; ?>"><span><?php echo $comment->comment_author; ?><?php echo getPointLevel($comment->user_id, 'sm'); ?><?php $expert_user = get_user_meta($comment->user_id, 'expert', true); if($expert_user == 'yes') { ?><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/expert-badge-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_expert_text;?>" class="expertImg" /><?php } ?></span></a></div>

								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                                <!-- Report Answer Modal -->                                
                                <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="reportPopComment<?php echo get_comment_ID();?>">
                                    <form action="" method="post" name="reportContent">
                                        <p><?php echo $t_report_content_message_text; ?></p>
                                        <br />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" name="reported_item_id" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="Answer" name="reported_type" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" name="question_id" />
                                        <input type="hidden" value="1" name="report_content" />
                                        <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" />
                                    ><div class="clear"></div>
                                <!-- / Report Answer Modal -->
                                <div class="bylineBoxFlag"><a href="#reportPopComment<?php echo get_comment_ID();?>" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" /></span></a></div>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                <div class="bylineBoxFlag"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_answer;?>" /></span></a></div> 
                                <?php } ?>
                                <span class="adminURL" id="<?php echo admin_url(); ?>"></span>
                                <span class="templateURL" id="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>"></span>
                                <?php $comment_id = $comment->comment_ID;?>
                                <?php $current_like_count = get_comment_meta($comment_id, 'like_count');?>
                                <?php if ($current_like_count[0] == NULL || $current_like_count[0] == 0){$current_like_count[0] = 0;}?>
                                <span class="likeCount-<?php echo $comment_id ?>" id="likeCountCurrent-<?php echo $current_like_count[0]?>"></span>
								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
									global $wpdb;
									$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
									$get_user_liked_question_value = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "rqa_liked_content WHERE user_id ='". $current_user_id . "' AND like_content_id ='". $comment_id . "'" ;
									$users_liked_question_value = $wpdb->get_results($get_user_liked_question_value);
									if (isset($users_liked_question_value[0]->user_id) == $current_user_id && isset($users_liked_question_value[0]->like_content_id) == $comment_id) { ?>
										<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right disabledLike"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" />
											<?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } else { ?>
										<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink" id="like-this-<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent" id="type-comment"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } ?>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                	<div class="likeContent">
                                	<div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_like;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
                                <?php } ?>
                            	<div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="commentOnAnswer">
									$answer_comments = get_answer_comments($comment->comment_ID);
									$comment_count = count($answer_comments);
                                    <div class="commentHeader">
										<?php if ($comment_count != 0) { ?>
                                        <a class="togglecomments" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/open-comments-icon.png" alt="" /></a>
                                        <a class="togglecomments" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>">
                                             if ($comment_count == 1) {
                                                   echo '1 '.$t_comment_text;
                                            } elseif ($comment_count  > 1) {
                                                   echo $comment_count.' '.$t_comments_text;
                                        <?php } else { ?>
                                        <?php echo $t_no_comments; ?>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <a class="toggleaddcommentform" id="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>"><?php echo $t_add_a_comment;?></a>
                                        <?php if ( current_user_can('manage_options')) {?>
                                        <?php edit_comment_link($t_edit_page_link); ?>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                    <div class="commentOnAnswerForm" id="commentForm<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" style="display:none;">
                                	// If logged in show data
                                    if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                    	<h6><?php echo $t_add_a_comment;?>:</h6>
                                    	<form action="" method="post" name="commentSubmitForm" id="commentSubmitForm">
                                        	<textarea name="comment_content"></textarea>
                                            <input type="hidden" name="comment_parent_id" value="<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" />
                                            <input type="hidden" name="comment_on_answer_post" value="1" />
											<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $t_add_a_comment; ?>" />
											<div class="clear"></div>
                                         <?php } else { ?>
                                    	<div class="loginNote"><a href="<?php echo home_url();?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_text;?>"><?php echo $t_login_to_comment_on_answer;?></a></div>
                                    <?php }?>
                                    <div class="comments" id="commentSection<?php echo get_comment_ID(); ?>" style="display:none;">
                                        foreach ($answer_comments as $answer_comment) :
                                        <!-- Report Comment on Answer Modal -->                                
                                        <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="reportPopComment<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID;?>">
                                            <form action="" method="post" name="reportContent">
                                                <p><?php echo $t_report_content_message_text; ?></p>
                                                <br />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID; ?>" name="reported_item_id" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="Comment" name="reported_type" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" name="question_id" />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="report_content" />
                                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" />
                                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                                        <!-- / Report Comment on Answer Modal -->
                                            <div class="comment">
                                            	<?php if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                                            	<p class="right"><a href="#reportPopComment<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_ID;?>" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" /></a></p>
                                                <?php } else { ?>
                                            	<p class="right"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink; ?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_report_content_text; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_comment;?>" /></a></p>
                                                <?php } ?>
                                                <p><?php echo $answer_comment->comment_content ?></p>
                                                <p class=""><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink; ?>/<?php echo $answer_comment->comment_author ?>"><?php echo $answer_comment->comment_author?></a></p>
                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                            <!-- / Answer -->
                            <?php } ?>
 							<?php endforeach; ?>
                            <?php paginate_comments_links() ;?>

 <?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
	<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
		<!-- If comments are open, but there are no comments. -->
	<?php else : // comments are closed ?>
		<!-- If comments are closed. -->
		<p class="nocomments"></p>
	<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Robust Q&A - WPQA

include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/translations.php');
// Define the Post Redirect
$redir = $post->ID;

//$_COOKIE Checkers       //

// Get Question Reported Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['content_reported_'.$post->ID])) {
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	if(isset($reported_content) && $reported_content != NULL) {
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// Get Answer Posted to Question Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['answer_posted_'.$post->ID])) {
	$new_answer_posted = $_COOKIE['answer_posted_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($new_answer_posted) && $new_answer_posted != NULL) {
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// Get Comment Posted on Answer Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['comment_posted_'.$post->ID])) {
	$new_comment_posted = $_COOKIE['comment_posted_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($new_comment_posted) && $new_comment_posted != NULL) {
		$message = $t_message_sucsess_comment_on_answer;

// Get Question Already Reported Cookie to Display Error Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['already_reported_'.$post->ID])) {
	$already_reported_question = $_COOKIE['already_reported_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($already_reported_question) && $already_reported_question != NULL) {
		$message = new WP_Error('already_reported_question', $t_message_already_reported_content);

// Get Forgot Question Note Cookie to Display Error Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['forgot_add_note_'.$post->ID])) {
	$forgot_question_note = $_COOKIE['forgot_add_note_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($forgot_question_note) && $forgot_question_note != NULL) {
		$message = new WP_Error('forgot_question_note', $t_message_forgot_note_text);

// Get Question Note Added Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['question_note_added_'.$post->ID])) {
	$question_note_added = $_COOKIE['question_note_added_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($question_note_added) && $question_note_added != NULL) {
		$message = $t_message_note_added_to_question;

// Get Best Answer Selected Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['best_answer_selected_'.$post->ID])) {
	$best_answer_selected = $_COOKIE['best_answer_selected_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($best_answer_selected) && $best_answer_selected != NULL) {
		$message = $t_message_best_answer_selected;

// Get Remove Question Email Alerts Cookie to Display Success Message
if (isset($_COOKIE['removed_question_email_alerts_'.$post->ID])) {
	$remove_message_email_alerts = $_COOKIE['removed_question_email_alerts_'.$post->ID];
	if(isset($remove_message_email_alerts) && $remove_message_email_alerts != NULL) {
		$message = $t_message_email_alerts_removed;

if ( isset($_POST['answer_post']) == '1') {
	$answer_content = $_POST['answer_content'];
	$source_link = $_POST['source_link'];
	$message = post_new_answer($answer_content, $source_link);

if ( isset($_POST['comment_on_answer_post']) == '1') {
	$comment_content = $_POST['comment_content'];
	$comment_parent_id = $_POST['comment_parent_id'];
	$message = post_new_comment_to_answer($comment_content, $comment_parent_id);

if ( isset($_POST['best_answer_post']) == '1') {
	$best_answer_id = $_POST['best_answer_id'];
	$best_answer_parent_question = $_POST['best_answer_parent_question'];
	$message = select_best_answer($best_answer_id, $best_answer_parent_question);

if ( isset($_POST['report_content']) == '1') {
	$reported_item_id = $_POST['reported_item_id'];
	$reported_type = $_POST['reported_type'];
	$question_id = $_POST['question_id'];
	$message = report_content_item($reported_item_id, $reported_type, $question_id);

if ( isset($_POST['add_note_to_question']) == '1') {
	$add_note_text = $_POST['add_note_text'];
	$question_id = $_POST['question_id'];
	$message = add_note_to_question($add_note_text, $question_id);

if ( isset($_POST['remove_email_alerts']) == '1') {
	$question_id = $_POST['remove_alerts_question'];
	$message = remove_question_email_alerts($question_id);


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                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_report_question;?>" />
                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                        <!-- / Report Modal -->
                       	<!-- Question -->
                        <div class="questionPageBox">
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									$avatar_image = '/images/default-user-avatar-'.$selected_avatar_image.'.jpg';
									$url = $blog_url . $avatar_image ;
									// Get data for linking to member profile when clicking avatar image
									$main_url = home_url();
									$author_name = get_the_author_meta('nicename');
									$profile_link = '/'. $t_profile_permalink .'/';
									$author_profile_link = $main_url . $profile_link . $author_name;
									$email_question_asker = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'alert_asker_emails', true);
                                <div class="questionBox" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
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                                    	<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                                        <a name="<?php the_ID(); ?>"></a>
                                        <p class="entry"><?php the_content(); ?></p>
                                        <!-- Add Note to Question Modal -->                                
                                        <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="addNotePop">
                                            <form action="" method="post" name="addNoteToQuestion">
                                            	<label><?php echo $t_add_note_popup_heading_text; ?>:</label>
                                                <textarea name="add_note_text"></textarea>
                                                <br /><br />
                                                <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $post->ID ?>" name="question_id">
                                                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="add_note_to_question" />
                                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_add_a_note_link;?>" />
                                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                                        <!-- / Add Note to Question Modal -->
                                        <!-- Remove Question Email Alerts -->                                
                                        <div class="reportPop hiddenContent" id="removeEmailAlerts">
                                            <form action="" method="post" name="removeEmailAlerts">
                                            	<p><?php echo $t_remove_email_alerts_text;?></p>
                                                <br />
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                                                <input type="hidden" value="1" name="remove_email_alerts" />
                                                <input type="submit" class="process" value="<?php echo $t_remove_email_alerts_link;?>" />
                                            ><div class="clear"></div>
                                       	<!-- / Remove Question Email Alerts --> 
                                        <?php // Show Question Note if Set
										$author_note = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'question_note', true);
										if ($author_note != NULL) { ?>
											<p class="questionNote"><span><?php echo $t_author_note_heading_text;?>: </span><br /><?php echo $author_note; ?></p>
										<?php } ?>
                                        <?php // Show Source Link Code if Set
                                        if (isset($source_link) != NULL) { ?>
                                        <p class="sourceLink"><span><?php echo $t_link_text;?>: </span><a href="#"><?php echo $source_link; ?></a></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
										$posttags = get_the_tags();
										if ($posttags) {?>
                                        <p class="tagRow"><?php the_tags($t_tags_text.' ' , ' ', ''); ?></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
                                        <p class="bylineCategory left"><?php echo $t_in_text;?>: <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_category_permalink;?>/"><?php the_category(', ','multiple') ?></a> | <?php the_time(get_option( 'date_format' )); ?></p>
                                        <?php // ADD Question Note
										global $current_user;
										if ($post->post_author == $current_user->ID && $author_note == '') { ?>
                                        	<p class="addNote left"><span>|</span><a href="#addNotePop" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_add_a_note_link;?>"><?php echo $t_add_a_note_link;?></a></p>
                                        <?php } ?>
										$email_question_asker = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'alert_asker_emails',true);

										if ($post->post_author == $current_user->ID && $email_question_asker == 'true') {?>
                                        	<p class="addNote"><span>|</span>
                                            <a href="#removeEmailAlerts" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_remove_email_alerts_link;?>"><?php echo $t_remove_email_alerts_link;?></a></p>
										<?php } ?>
                                    <div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="clear"></div>
                                <div class="bylineBox otherBylineBox"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_profile_permalink;?>/<?php echo $author->user_nicename; ?>/"><span><?php echo $author->display_name; ?><?php echo getPointLevel($author->ID, 'sm'); ?><?php $expert_user = get_user_meta($author->ID, 'expert', true); if($expert_user == 'yes') { ?><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/expert-badge-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_expert_text;?>" class="expertImg" /><?php } ?></span></a></div>
								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                                <div class="bylineBoxShare" id="report<?php echo $post->ID ?>"><a href="#reportPop" onclick="return; false" class="boxy" title="<?php echo $t_report_question;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_question;?>" /></span></a></div>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                <div class="bylineBoxShare"><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink;?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_report_content_text;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/flag-this-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_report_question;?>" /></span></a></div> 

                                <?php } ?>
                                <span class="adminURL" id="<?php echo admin_url();?>"></span>
                                <span class="templateURL" id="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>"></span>
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								if (is_user_logged_in()) {
									global $wpdb;
									$current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
									$get_user_liked_question_value = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "rqa_liked_content WHERE user_id ='". $current_user_id . "' AND like_content_id ='". $post_id . "'" ;
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									if (isset($users_liked_question_value[0]->user_id) == $current_user_id && isset($users_liked_question_value[0]->like_content_id) == $post_id) {
										<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right disabledLike"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } else { ?>
                                    	<div class="likeContent">
											<div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink" id="like-this-<?php echo $post_id; ?>"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="likeThisContent" id="type-post"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
									<?php } ?>
                                <?php } else { ?>
                                <div class="likeContent">
                                	 <div class="bylineBox right likeThisLink"><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl'); ?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink;?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>" title="<?php echo $t_login_signup_like;?>"><span><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/like-icon.png" alt="<?php echo $t_like_text;?>" /><?php if ($current_like_count[0] > 0) { echo $current_like_count[0];} else {echo $t_like_text;} ?></span></a></div>
                                <?php } ?>
                            	<div class="clear"></div>
                        <!-- / Question -->
						<?php endwhile; ?>

                                <?php endif; ?>
                                <?php wp_reset_query();?>

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                        <div class="answerBar" id="comments">
                        	<div class="answerBarInner">
							// List out the number of Answers - Exlcuding Comments on Answers
							$answers_count = c_parent_comment_counter($post->ID);
							// Var to show comments on answers count - not used
							// $comments_on_answers_count = $post->comment_count - $number_of_parents;
							if ($answers_count < 1) {?>
								<h5><?php echo $t_no_answer_yet_answer_now_text;?> </h5>
							<?php }
							if ($answers_count == 1) {?>
								<h5><?php echo $answers_count; ?> <?php echo $t_answer_text;?> </h5>
							<?php }
							if ($answers_count > 1) { ?>
								<h5><?php echo $answers_count; ?> <?php echo $t_answers_text;?> </h5>
							<?php } ?>

                       	<?php comments_template(); ?>
                        // If logged in change nav to My Account and Log Out
                        if ( is_user_logged_in()) { ?>
                           <?php // Users cant post answers ?> 
                           <?php $users_cant_answer = get_option('robust_qa_admin_answer_only');
                            if ($users_cant_answer == true && (!current_user_can('manage_options') && $current_user->expert == 'no')) {?>
                            	<p class="bottomMessageBox footnote2"><b><?php echo $t_admins_answer_questions_only_text; ?> <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_ask_a_question_permalink;?>/"><?php echo $t_admin_answer_link;?></a></b></p>
							<?php } else {?>
                                <div class="addAnswer"><a name="answerQuestionForm"></a>
                                    <h4><?php echo $t_answer_this_question_heading;?></h4>
                                    <div class="answerSubmitForm">
                                        <form action="" method="post" name="answerSubmitForm" id="answerSubmitForm">
                                        	<div class="clear"></div>
                                            <fieldset><textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="answer_content" id="answer_content" ><?php if (isset($_POST['answer_content'])) { echo $_POST['answer_content']; }?></textarea></fieldset>
                                            <label class="sourceLinkLabel"><?php echo $t_source_link_heading;?>: <span>(<?php echo $t_optional_text;?>)</span></label>
                                            <input type="text" name="source_link" class="sourceLinkInput" value="http://" />
                                            <input type="hidden" name="answer_post" value="1">	
                                            <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $t_add_answer_btn;?>" />
                                            <div class="clear"></div>
                            <?php } ?>
                        <?php } else { ?>
                        	<div class="clear"></div>
                            <div class="bottomMessageBox2">
                            	<h4 class="subHeadh4"><?php echo $t_must_be_logged_in_to_answer;?></h4>
                                <h5><?php echo $t_already_a_member_text;?> <a href="<?php echo home_url();?>/<?php echo $t_login_permalink;?>/?redir=<?php echo $redir; ?>"><?php echo $t_login_text;?></a><br /><?php echo $t_not_member_yet_text;?> <a href="<?php echo home_url();?>/<?php echo $t_signup_permalink?>/?redir=<?php echo the_ID(); ?>"><?php echo $t_signup_text;?></a></h5>
                        <?php } ?>                          
                        <div class="relatedQuestions">
                            <div class="relatedHeader">
								$single_cat = get_the_category();
    							$single_parent_cat = get_category($single_cat[0]->category_parent);
								$main_question_id = get_the_ID();
								if ($single_cat[0]->category_parent != 0) { ?>
                                <div class="backBtn"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_category_permalink;?>/<?php echo $single_parent_cat->slug; ?>/<?php echo $single_cat[0]->slug; ?>/"><span><?php echo $t_more_category_questions_heading;?></span></a></div>
								<?php } elseif ($single_cat[0]->category_parent == 0) { ?>
                                <div class="backBtn"><a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/<?php echo $t_category_permalink;?>/<?php echo $single_cat[0]->slug; ?>/"><span><?php echo $t_more_category_questions_heading?></span></a></div>
								<?php } ?>
                                <h5><?php echo $t_related_questions_heading;?>:</h5>
                            <div class="dashedDivider"></div>
								if (have_posts()) : 
							 	$args = array(
									'posts_per_page' => 5,
									'cat' => $single_cat[0]->cat_ID,
									'orderby' => 'date',
                            	<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
                                <?php if ($post->ID != $main_question_id ) { ?>
                                <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
                                <?php } ?>
								<?php endwhile; ?>
							<?php endif; ?>
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