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Cordova + Crosswalk

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criei um projeto cordova normalmente:

cordova create myApp com.myapp myApp

depois entrei na pasta do projeto

cd myApp

adicionei a plataforma:

cordova platform add android

e adicionei o plugin do crosswalk

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

se eu importar o projeto no AndroidStudio ele me da um erro de pacote. Pesquisei e esse erro é porque precisa buildar o projeto para o plugin do crosswalk baixar algumas classes etc... Dei o build:

cordova build android --release

Os erros sumiram, mas ele não compila da vários erros de classes duplicadas...

    Error:(9, 14) java: duplicate class: org.xwalk.core.R
    Error:(10, 14) java: duplicate class: com.teste.R

Se eu pago as classes aparece mais erros...

Error:Android Dex: [android] Unable to execute DX
    Error:Android Dex: [android] Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/cordova/AuthenticationToken;
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at
    Error:Android Dex: [android] at

Eu acredito que esteja faltando alguma coisa, mas como é a primeira vez que trabalho com o crosswalk não sei lidar com esses erros, alguém sabe o que pode ser?

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      Olá a todos.
      Estou desenvolvendo um aplicativo android em cordova e utilizando o sqlite. Ao executar uma consulta sql (ex. SELECT * FROM db_teste) eu recebo os dados (codigo e nome), porém, ao realizar dentro deste "for" de recebimento de dados outra consulta usando os dados recebidos para consulta em outra tabela (Ex. Pego o codigo da tabela db_teste e executo a consulta SELECT * FROM db_teste_teste WHERE cod_teste='" + cod + "' ORDER BY codigo) eu recebo os dados da segunda consulta somente quando toda a primeira é feita. Abaixo segue o que está na minha função listaDadosTabelas. OBS.: Eu vou jogando os resultados dentro uma div com ID="app".
          var html = "";
          var sql = "SELECT * FROM db_teste ORDER BY codigo";
          await tx.executeSql(sql, [], function(tx, result) {
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                  for(var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
                      var row = result.rows.item(i);
                      var cod = row.codigo;
                      var nome = row.nome;
                      document.getElementById("app").innerHTML += "COD.: " + cod + " - NOME: " + nome + "<br>";
                      var sql1 = "SELECT * FROM db_teste_teste WHERE cod_teste='" + cod + "' ORDER BY codigo";
                      tx.executeSql(sql1, [], function(tx, result1) {
                          if(result1.rows != null && result1.rows.length > 0) {
                              for(var c = 0; c < result1.rows.length; c++) {
                                  var row1 = result1.rows.item(c);
                                  var cod1 = row1.codigo;
                                  var nome1 = row1.nome;
                                  document.getElementById("app").innerHTML += "COD.: " + cod1 + " - NOME: " + nome1 + "<br>";  
                              document.getElementById("app").innerHTML += "<br>";
                          } else {
                              document.getElementById("app").innerHTML += "NENHUM DADOS ENCONTRADO TABELA TESTE TESTE...<br>";
                      }, function(error) {
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      main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1 Service worker registration failed with: TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The URL protocol of the current origin ('file://') is not supported. at g._next (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at g.__tryOrUnsub (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at f._next (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at Kl._next (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at Dl._next (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1) at G.notifyNext (main-es2015.7678d805abc29502169b.js:1)  
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    • Por Kellison Ruan
      Olá galera, Boa tarde!
      Estou com um probleminha em Ionic que está quebrando muito minha cabeça por dias.
      Método de pagamento do paypal aparece em meu site, mas não aparece no app ionic, o que será? Já tentei de tudo. Esse app faz comunicação via API do Woocommerce, e lá está habilitado a forma de pagamento com PayPal, porém só não aparece no app, já que na página de checkout no meu site, aparece.
      Segue o código da página de checkout do app:
      import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController, NavParams, AlertController, Loading, LoadingController, ToastController, App } from 'ionic-angular'; import { PlacedPage } from '../placed/placed'; import { PaymentGateway } from "../../models/payment-gateway.models"; import { Constants } from "../../models/constants.models"; import { WordpressClient } from '../../providers/wordpress-client.service'; import { Global } from '../../providers/global'; import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription"; import { CartItem } from "../../models/cart-item.models"; import { OrderRequest } from "../../models/order-request.models"; import { Address } from "../../models/address.models"; import { ShippingLine } from "../../models/shipping-line.models"; import { UserResponse } from "../../models/user-response.models"; import { OrderResponse } from "../../models/order-response.models"; import { Currency } from "../../models/currency.models"; import { InAppBrowser, InAppBrowserOptions } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser'; import { sha512 } from 'js-sha512'; import { APP_CONFIG, AppConfig } from '../../app/app.config'; import { OrderUpdateRequest } from '../../models/order-update-request.models'; import { Coupon } from '../../models/coupon.models'; import { HomePage } from '../home/home'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { Helper } from '../../models/helper.models'; import { ShippingMethod } from '../../models/shipping-method.models'; import { PayPal, PayPalPayment, PayPalConfiguration, PayPalPaymentDetails } from '@ionic-native/paypal'; @Component({ selector: 'page-payment', templateUrl: 'payment.html', providers: [WordpressClient] }) export class PaymentPage { private loading: Loading; private loadingShown: Boolean = false; private placedPagePushed: Boolean = false; private paymentDone: Boolean = false; private paymentFailAlerted: Boolean = false; private subscriptions: Array<Subscription> = []; private paymentGateways = new Array<PaymentGateway>(); private cartItems: Array<CartItem>; private selectedPaymentGateway; private selectedAddress: Address; private orderRequest: OrderRequest; private orderId = -1; private user: UserResponse; private totalItems = 0; private total = 0; private couponApplied = false; private pickupTime = 0; private deliveryTime = 0; private shippingChargeGlobal: number; constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) private config: AppConfig, public translate: TranslateService, private iab: InAppBrowser, private toastCtrl: ToastController, public navCtrl: NavController, private navParams: NavParams, private service: WordpressClient, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private alertCtrl: AlertController, public appCtrl: App) { this.cartItems = this.navParams.get('cart'); this.totalItems = this.navParams.get('totalItems'); = this.navParams.get('total'); this.shippingChargeGlobal = this.navParams.get('shippingChargeGlobal'); let paymentGateways = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.PAYMENT_GATEWAYS)); this.selectedAddress = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_ADDRESS)); if (paymentGateways != null) { for (let pg of paymentGateways) { if (pg.enabled && this.paymentImplemented( { this.paymentGateways.push(pg); } } } } ionViewWillLeave() { this.subscriptions.forEach((subscription: Subscription) => { subscription.unsubscribe(); }); this.dismissLoading(); } paymentImplemented(id) { return id === "pumcp" || id === "payuindia" || id === "cod"; } paymentMethod(paymentGateway) { this.selectedPaymentGateway = paymentGateway; } placedPage() { if (this.selectedPaymentGateway == null) { this.translate.get('field_error_payment_method').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); } else { this.orderRequest = new OrderRequest(); this.orderRequest.payment_method = ? : "cod"; this.orderRequest.payment_method_title = this.selectedPaymentGateway.title ? this.selectedPaymentGateway.title : "cod"; this.orderRequest.set_paid = false; this.orderRequest.billing = this.selectedAddress; this.orderRequest.shipping = this.selectedAddress; this.user = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.USER_KEY)); this.orderRequest.customer_id = String(; let selectedShippingMethod: ShippingMethod = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_SHIPPING_METHOD)); if (selectedShippingMethod) { let shippingTotal = 0; for (let ci of this.cartItems) { if (!ci.product.shipping_cost_use_global && ci.product.shipping_cost != 1) shippingTotal = shippingTotal + ci.product.shipping_cost; } if (this.shippingChargeGlobal != -1) { shippingTotal = shippingTotal + this.shippingChargeGlobal; } this.orderRequest.shipping_lines = new Array<ShippingLine>(); this.orderRequest.shipping_lines.push(new ShippingLine(selectedShippingMethod.method_id, selectedShippingMethod.method_title, String(shippingTotal))); } this.orderRequest.line_items = this.cartItems; for (let item of this.orderRequest.line_items) { item.product = null; } this.translate.get('order_creating').subscribe(value => { this.presentLoading(value); }); let coupon: Coupon = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.SELECTED_COUPON)); let subscription: Subscription = this.service.createOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), this.orderRequest).subscribe(data => { this.orderId =; if (coupon) { this.applyCoupon(coupon); } else { this.orderPlaced(); } }, err => { console.log(err); this.dismissLoading(); let orderId = Helper.extractOrderIdFromError(err); if (orderId != -1) { this.orderId = orderId; if (coupon) { this.applyCoupon(coupon); } else { this.orderPlaced(); } } else { this.translate.get('order_failed').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.appCtrl.getRootNav().setRoot(HomePage); } }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); } } applyCoupon(coupon) { let couponSubs: Subscription = this.service.applyCouponCode(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), coupon.code).subscribe(data => { this.couponApplied = true; window.localStorage.removeItem(Constants.SELECTED_COUPON); this.translate.get('confirm_order_coupon_applied').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.orderPlaced(); }, err => { console.log(err); this.dismissLoading(); }); this.subscriptions.push(couponSubs); } orderPlaced() { this.dismissLoading(); if ( && === "cod") { this.clearCart(); this.navCtrl.setRoot(PlacedPage); } else if ( === "pumcp" || === "payuindia") { this.initPayUMoney(); } else { this.translate.get('order_placed_cod').subscribe(value => { this.showToast(value); }); this.clearCart(); this.navCtrl.setRoot(PlacedPage); } } initPayUMoney() { let name = this.user.first_name && this.user.first_name.length ? this.user.first_name : this.user.username; let mobile = this.user.username; let email =; let bookingId = String(Math.floor(Math.random() * (99 - 10 + 1) + 10)) + this.orderId; let productinfo = this.orderId; let salt = this.config.payuSalt; let key = this.config.payuKey; let amt = this.couponApplied ? : this.totalItems; let string = key + '|' + bookingId + '|' + amt + '|' + productinfo + '|' + name + '|' + email + '|||||||||||' + salt; let encrypttext = sha512(string); //let url = "payumoney/payuBiz.html?amt=" + amt + "&name=" + name + "&mobileNo=" + mobile + "&email=" + email + "&bookingId=" + bookingId + "&productinfo=" + productinfo + "&salt=" + salt + "&key=" + key; let url = "payumoney/payuBiz.html?amt=" + amt + "&name=" + name + "&mobileNo=" + mobile + "&email=" + email + "&bookingId=" + bookingId + "&productinfo=" + productinfo + "&hash=" + encrypttext + "&salt=" + salt + "&key=" + key; let options: InAppBrowserOptions = { location: 'yes', clearcache: 'yes', zoom: 'yes', toolbar: 'no', closebuttoncaption: 'back' }; const browser: any = this.iab.create(url, '_blank', options); browser.on('loadstop').subscribe(event => { browser.executeScript({ file: "payumoney/payumoneyPaymentGateway.js" }); if (event.url == "http://localhost/success.php") { this.paymentSuccess(); browser.close(); } if (event.url == "http://localhost/failure.php") { this.paymentFailure(); browser.close(); } }); browser.on('exit').subscribe(event => { if (!this.paymentDone && !this.paymentFailAlerted) { this.paymentFailure(); } }); browser.on('loaderror').subscribe(event => { this.showToast('something_went_wrong'); }); } paymentFailure() { this.paymentFailAlerted = true; let subscription: Subscription = this.service.updateOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), new OrderUpdateRequest('cancelled')).subscribe(data => { }, err => { console.log(err); }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); this.translate.get(['payment_fail_title', 'payment_fail_message', 'ok']).subscribe(res => { let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: res.payment_fail_title, message: res.payment_fail_message, buttons: [{ text: res.ok, role: 'cancel', handler: () => { this.done(); console.log('Okay clicked'); } }] }); alert.present(); }); } paymentSuccess() { this.paymentDone = true; this.clearCart(); this.translate.get('just_a_moment').subscribe(value => { this.presentLoading(value); }); let subscription: Subscription = this.service.updateOrder(window.localStorage.getItem(Constants.ADMIN_API_KEY), String(this.orderId), { set_paid: true }).subscribe(data => { this.done(); }, err => { this.done(); this.paymentSuccess(); console.log(err); }); this.subscriptions.push(subscription); } done() { if (!this.placedPagePushed) { this.placedPagePushed = true; this.dismissLoading(); this.appCtrl.getRootNav().setRoot(this.paymentFailAlerted ? HomePage : PlacedPage); } } private presentLoading(message: string) { this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: message }); this.loading.onDidDismiss(() => { }); this.loading.present(); this.loadingShown = true; } private dismissLoading() { if (this.loadingShown) { this.loadingShown = false; this.loading.dismiss(); } } private presentErrorAlert(msg: string) { let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'Error', subTitle: msg, buttons: ['OK'] }); alert.present(); } showToast(message: string) { let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({ message: message, duration: 3000, position: 'bottom' }); toast.onDidDismiss(() => { console.log('Dismissed toast'); }); toast.present(); } clearCart() { let cartItems = new Array<CartItem>(); window.localStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify(cartItems)); } }  

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