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Executar função manualmente annyang - deve ser fácil mas não lembro

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Bom dia a todos,

Estou quebrando a cabeça mas faz muito tempo que não mecho com códigos e javascript. Deve se algo fácil mas como faz muito tempo que não mecho ta dificil pra entender.

este script é de comando de voz ai ao invés de chamar um função pela voz queria chamar por comando manual, só que pegando já todos os comandos cadastrados na minha index:

var commands = {

'estou falando': comando,


ai queria chamar esses comandos também dessa forma:

execComando('estou falando');

Código js:

//! annyang
//! version : 2.5.0
//! author  : Tal Ater @TalAter
//! license : MIT
(function (root, factory) {
  "use strict";
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD + global
    define([], function () {
      return (root.annyang = factory(root));
  } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // CommonJS
    module.exports = factory(root);
  } else { // Browser globals
    root.annyang = factory(root);
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (root, undefined) {
  "use strict";

   * # Quick Tutorial, Intro and Demos
   * The quickest way to get started is to visit the [annyang homepage](
   * For a more in-depth look at annyang, read on.
   * # API Reference

  var annyang;

  // Get the SpeechRecognition object, while handling browser prefixes
  var SpeechRecognition = root.SpeechRecognition ||
                          root.webkitSpeechRecognition ||
                          root.mozSpeechRecognition ||
                          root.msSpeechRecognition ||

  // Check browser support
  // This is done as early as possible, to make it as fast as possible for unsupported browsers
  if (!SpeechRecognition) {
    return null;

  var commandsList = [];
  var recognition;
  var callbacks = { start: [], error: [], end: [], result: [], resultMatch: [], resultNoMatch: [], errorNetwork: [], errorPermissionBlocked: [], errorPermissionDenied: [] };
  var autoRestart;
  var lastStartedAt = 0;
  var autoRestartCount = 0;
  var debugState = false;
  var debugStyle = 'font-weight: bold; color: #00f;';
  var pauseListening = false;
  var isListening = false;

  // The command matching code is a modified version of Backbone.Router by Jeremy Ashkenas, under the MIT license.
  var optionalParam = /\s*\((.*?)\)\s*/g;
  var optionalRegex = /(\(\?:[^)]+\))\?/g;
  var namedParam    = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
  var splatParam    = /\*\w+/g;
  var escapeRegExp  = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#]/g;
  var commandToRegExp = function(command) {
    command = command.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
                  .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
                  .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) {
                    return optional ? match : '([^\\s]+)';
                  .replace(splatParam, '(.*?)')
                  .replace(optionalRegex, '\\s*$1?\\s*');
    return new RegExp('^' + command + '$', 'i');

  // This method receives an array of callbacks to iterate over, and invokes each of them
  var invokeCallbacks = function(callbacks) {
    var args =, 1);
    callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
      callback.callback.apply(callback.context, args);

  var isInitialized = function() {
    return recognition !== undefined;

  // method for logging in developer console when debug mode is on
  var logMessage = function(text, extraParameters) {
    if (text.indexOf('%c') === -1 && !extraParameters) {
    } else {
      extraParameters = extraParameters || debugStyle;
      console.log(text, extraParameters);

  var initIfNeeded = function() {
    if (!isInitialized()) {
      annyang.init({}, false);

  var registerCommand = function(command, cb, phrase) {
    commandsList.push({ command: command, callback: cb, originalPhrase: phrase });
    if (debugState) {
      logMessage('Comando inicializado: %c'+phrase, debugStyle); 

  var parseResults = function(results) {
    invokeCallbacks(callbacks.result, results);
    var commandText;
    // go over each of the 5 results and alternative results received (we've set maxAlternatives to 5 above)
    for (var i = 0; i<results.length; i++) {
      // the text recognized
      commandText = results[i].trim();
      if (debugState) {

        logMessage('Speech recognized: %c'+commandText, debugStyle);

      // try and match recognized text to one of the commands on the list
      for (var j = 0, l = commandsList.length; j < l; j++) {
        var currentCommand = commandsList[j];
        var result = currentCommand.command.exec(commandText);
        if (result) {
          var parameters = result.slice(1);
          if (debugState) {
            logMessage('command matched: %c'+currentCommand.originalPhrase, debugStyle);
            if (parameters.length) {
              logMessage('with parameters', parameters);
          // execute the matched command
          currentCommand.callback.apply(this, parameters);
          invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultMatch, commandText, currentCommand.originalPhrase, results);
    invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultNoMatch, results);

  annyang = {

     * Initialize annyang with a list of commands to recognize.
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction};
     * var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction};
     * // initialize annyang, overwriting any previously added commands
     * annyang.init(commands, true);
     * // adds an additional command without removing the previous commands
     * annyang.init(commands2, false);
     * ````
     * As of v1.1.0 it is no longer required to call init(). Just start() listening whenever you want, and addCommands() whenever, and as often as you like.
     * @param {Object} commands - Commands that annyang should listen to
     * @param {boolean} [resetCommands=true] - Remove all commands before initializing?
     * @method init
     * @deprecated
     * @see [Commands Object](#commands-object)
    init: function(commands, resetCommands) {

      // resetCommands defaults to true
      if (resetCommands === undefined) {
        resetCommands = true;
      } else {
        resetCommands = !!resetCommands;

      // Abort previous instances of recognition already running
      if (recognition && recognition.abort) {

      // initiate SpeechRecognition
      recognition = new SpeechRecognition();

      // Set the max number of alternative transcripts to try and match with a command
      recognition.maxAlternatives = 5;

      // In HTTPS, turn off continuous mode for faster results.
      // In HTTP,  turn on  continuous mode for much slower results, but no repeating security notices
      recognition.continuous = root.location.protocol === 'http:';

      // Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. This can be changed with annyang.setLanguage()
      recognition.lang = 'pt-BR';

      recognition.onstart = function() {
        isListening = true;

      recognition.onerror = function(event) {
        invokeCallbacks(callbacks.error, event);
        switch (event.error) {
        case 'network':
          invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorNetwork, event);
        case 'not-allowed':
        case 'service-not-allowed':
          // if permission to use the mic is denied, turn off auto-restart
          autoRestart = false;
          // determine if permission was denied by user or automatically.
          if (new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt < 200) {
            invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionBlocked, event);
          } else {
            invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionDenied, event);

      recognition.onend = function() {
        isListening = false;
        // annyang will auto restart if it is closed automatically and not by user action.
        if (autoRestart) {
          // play nicely with the browser, and never restart annyang automatically more than once per second
          var timeSinceLastStart = new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt;
          autoRestartCount += 1;
          if (autoRestartCount % 10 === 0) {
            if (debugState) {
              logMessage('Speech Recognition is repeatedly stopping and starting. See for tips.');
          if (timeSinceLastStart < 1000) {
            setTimeout(function() {
              annyang.start({ paused: pauseListening });
            }, 1000-timeSinceLastStart);
          } else {
            annyang.start({ paused: pauseListening });

      recognition.onresult = function(event) {
        if(pauseListening) {
          if (debugState) {
            logMessage('Speech heard, but annyang is paused');
          return false;

        // Map the results to an array
        var SpeechRecognitionResult = event.results[event.resultIndex];
        var results = [];
        for (var k = 0; k<SpeechRecognitionResult.length; k++) {
          results[k] = SpeechRecognitionResult[k].transcript;


      // build commands list
      if (resetCommands) {
        commandsList = [];
      if (commands.length) {

     * Start listening.
     * It's a good idea to call this after adding some commands first, but not mandatory.
     * Receives an optional options object which supports the following options:
     * - `autoRestart`  (boolean, default: true) Should annyang restart itself if it is closed indirectly, because of silence or window conflicts?
     * - `continuous`   (boolean) Allow forcing continuous mode on or off. Annyang is pretty smart about this, so only set this if you know what you're doing.
     * - `paused`       (boolean, default: true) Start annyang in paused mode.
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * // Start listening, don't restart automatically
     * annyang.start({ autoRestart: false });
     * // Start listening, don't restart automatically, stop recognition after first phrase recognized
     * annyang.start({ autoRestart: false, continuous: false });
     * ````
     * @param {Object} [options] - Optional options.
     * @method start
    start: function(options) {
      options = options || {};
      if (options.paused !== undefined) {
        pauseListening = !!options.paused;
      } else {
        pauseListening = false;
      if (options.autoRestart !== undefined) {
        autoRestart = !!options.autoRestart;
      } else {
        autoRestart = true;
      if (options.continuous !== undefined) {
        recognition.continuous = !!options.continuous;

      lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime();
      try {
      } catch(e) {
        if (debugState) {

     * Stop listening, and turn off mic.
     * Alternatively, to only temporarily pause annyang responding to commands without stopping the SpeechRecognition engine or closing the mic, use pause() instead.
     * @see [pause()](#pause)
     * @method abort
    abort: function() {
      autoRestart = false;
      autoRestartCount = 0;
      if (isInitialized()) {

     * Pause listening. annyang will stop responding to commands (until the resume or start methods are called), without turning off the browser's SpeechRecognition engine or the mic.
     * Alternatively, to stop the SpeechRecognition engine and close the mic, use abort() instead.
     * @see [abort()](#abort)
     * @method pause
    pause: function() {
      pauseListening = true;

     * Resumes listening and restores command callback execution when a result matches.
     * If SpeechRecognition was aborted (stopped), start it.
     * @method resume
    resume: function() {

     * Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy!
     * @param {boolean} [newState=true] - Turn on/off debug messages
     * @method debug
    debug: function(newState) {
      if (arguments.length > 0) {
        debugState = !!newState;
      } else {
        debugState = true;

     * Set the language the user will speak in. If this method is not called, defaults to 'en-US'.
     * @param {String} language - The language (locale)
     * @method setLanguage
     * @see [Languages](
    setLanguage: function(language) {
      recognition.lang = language;

     * Add commands that annyang will respond to. Similar in syntax to init(), but doesn't remove existing commands.
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction};
     * var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction};
     * annyang.addCommands(commands);
     * annyang.addCommands(commands2);
     * // annyang will now listen to all three commands
     * ````
     * @param {Object} commands - Commands that annyang should listen to
     * @method addCommands
     * @see [Commands Object](#commands-object)
    addCommands: function(commands) {
      var cb;


      for (var phrase in commands) {
        if (commands.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) {
          cb = root[commands[phrase]] || commands[phrase];
          if (typeof cb === 'function') {
            // convert command to regex then register the command
            registerCommand(commandToRegExp(phrase), cb, phrase);
          } else if (typeof cb === 'object' && cb.regexp instanceof RegExp) {
            // register the command
            registerCommand(new RegExp(cb.regexp.source, 'i'), cb.callback, phrase);
          } else {
            if (debugState) {
              logMessage('Can not register command: %c'+phrase, debugStyle);

     * Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase, array of phrases, or methodically. Pass no params to remove all commands.
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * var commands = {'hello': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction, 'hi': helloFunction};
     * // Remove all existing commands
     * annyang.removeCommands();
     * // Add some commands
     * annyang.addCommands(commands);
     * // Don't respond to hello
     * annyang.removeCommands('hello');
     * // Don't respond to howdy or hi
     * annyang.removeCommands(['howdy', 'hi']);
     * ````
     * @param {String|Array|Undefined} [commandsToRemove] - Commands to remove
     * @method removeCommands
    removeCommands: function(commandsToRemove) {
      if (commandsToRemove === undefined) {
        commandsList = [];
      commandsToRemove = Array.isArray(commandsToRemove) ? commandsToRemove : [commandsToRemove];
      commandsList = commandsList.filter(function(command) {
        for (var i = 0; i<commandsToRemove.length; i++) {
          if (commandsToRemove[i] === command.originalPhrase) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Add a callback function to be called in case one of the following events happens:
     * * `start` - Fired as soon as the browser's Speech Recognition engine starts listening
     * * `error` - Fired when the browser's Speech Recogntion engine returns an error, this generic error callback will be followed by more accurate error callbacks (both will fire if both are defined)
     *     Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument
     * * `errorNetwork` - Fired when Speech Recognition fails because of a network error
     *     Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument
     * * `errorPermissionBlocked` - Fired when the browser blocks the permission request to use Speech Recognition.
     *     Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument
     * * `errorPermissionDenied` - Fired when the user blocks the permission request to use Speech Recognition.
     *     Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument
     * * `end` - Fired when the browser's Speech Recognition engine stops
     * * `result` - Fired as soon as some speech was identified. This generic callback will be followed by either the `resultMatch` or `resultNoMatch` callbacks.
     *     Callback functions for to this event will be called with an array of possible phrases the user said as the first argument
     * * `resultMatch` - Fired when annyang was able to match between what the user said and a registered command
     *     Callback functions for this event will be called with three arguments in the following order:
     *       * The phrase the user said that matched a command
     *       * The command that was matched
     *       * An array of possible alternative phrases the user might have said
     * * `resultNoMatch` - Fired when what the user said didn't match any of the registered commands.
     *     Callback functions for this event will be called with an array of possible phrases the user might've said as the first argument
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * annyang.addCallback('error', function() {
     *   $('.myErrorText').text('There was an error!');
     * });
     * annyang.addCallback('resultMatch', function(userSaid, commandText, phrases) {
     *   console.log(userSaid); // sample output: 'hello'
     *   console.log(commandText); // sample output: 'hello (there)'
     *   console.log(phrases); // sample output: ['hello', 'halo', 'yellow', 'polo', 'hello kitty']
     * });
     * // pass local context to a global function called notConnected
     * annyang.addCallback('errorNetwork', notConnected, this);
     * ````
     * @param {String} type - Name of event that will trigger this callback
     * @param {Function} callback - The function to call when event is triggered
     * @param {Object} [context] - Optional context for the callback function
     * @method addCallback
    addCallback: function(type, callback, context) {
      if (callbacks[type]  === undefined) {
      var cb = root[callback] || callback;
      if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
      callbacks[type].push({callback: cb, context: context || this});

     * Remove callbacks from events.
     * - Pass an event name and a callback command to remove that callback command from that event type.
     * - Pass just an event name to remove all callback commands from that event type.
     * - Pass undefined as event name and a callback command to remove that callback command from all event types.
     * - Pass no params to remove all callback commands from all event types.
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * annyang.addCallback('start', myFunction1);
     * annyang.addCallback('start', myFunction2);
     * annyang.addCallback('end', myFunction1);
     * annyang.addCallback('end', myFunction2);
     * // Remove all callbacks from all events:
     * annyang.removeCallback();
     * // Remove all callbacks attached to end event:
     * annyang.removeCallback('end');
     * // Remove myFunction2 from being called on start:
     * annyang.removeCallback('start', myFunction2);
     * // Remove myFunction1 from being called on all events:
     * annyang.removeCallback(undefined, myFunction1);
     * ````
     * @param type Name of event type to remove callback from
     * @param callback The callback function to remove
     * @returns undefined
     * @method removeCallback
    removeCallback: function(type, callback) {
      var compareWithCallbackParameter = function(cb) {
        return cb.callback !== callback;
      // Go over each callback type in callbacks store object
      for (var callbackType in callbacks) {
        if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(callbackType)) {
          // if this is the type user asked to delete, or he asked to delete all, go ahead.
          if (type === undefined || type === callbackType) {
            // If user asked to delete all callbacks in this type or all types
            if (callback === undefined) {
                callbacks[callbackType] = [];
              } else {
                // Remove all matching callbacks
                callbacks[callbackType] = callbacks[callbackType].filter(compareWithCallbackParameter);

     * Returns true if speech recognition is currently on.
     * Returns false if speech recognition is off or annyang is paused.
     * @return boolean true = SpeechRecognition is on and annyang is listening
     * @method isListening
    isListening: function() {
      return isListening && !pauseListening;

     * Returns the instance of the browser's SpeechRecognition object used by annyang.
     * Useful in case you want direct access to the browser's Speech Recognition engine.
     * @returns SpeechRecognition The browser's Speech Recognizer currently used by annyang
     * @method getSpeechRecognizer
    getSpeechRecognizer: function() {
      return recognition;

     * Simulate speech being recognized. This will trigger the same events and behavior as when the Speech Recognition
     * detects speech.
     * Can accept either a string containing a single sentence, or an array containing multiple sentences to be checked
     * in order until one of them matches a command (similar to the way Speech Recognition Alternatives are parsed)
     * #### Examples:
     * ````javascript
     * annyang.trigger('Time for some thrilling heroics');
     * annyang.trigger(
     *     ['Time for some thrilling heroics', 'Time for some thrilling aerobics']
     *   );
     * ````
     * @param string|array sentences A sentence as a string or an array of strings of possible sentences
     * @returns undefined
     * @method trigger
    trigger: function(sentences) {
      if(!annyang.isListening()) {
        if (debugState) {
          if (!isListening) {
            logMessage('Cannot trigger while annyang is aborted');
          } else {
            logMessage('Speech heard, but annyang is paused');

      if (!Array.isArray(sentences)) {
        sentences = [sentences];


  return annyang;


 * # Good to Know
 * ## Commands Object
 * Both the [init()]() and addCommands() methods receive a `commands` object.
 * annyang understands commands with `named variables`, `splats`, and `optional words`.
 * * Use `named variables` for one word arguments in your command.
 * * Use `splats` to capture multi-word text at the end of your command (greedy).
 * * Use `optional words` or phrases to define a part of the command as optional.
 * #### Examples:
 * ````html
 * <script>
 * var commands = {
 *   // annyang will capture anything after a splat (*) and pass it to the function.
 *   // e.g. saying "Show me Batman and Robin" will call showFlickr('Batman and Robin');
 *   'show me *tag': showFlickr,
 *   // A named variable is a one word variable, that can fit anywhere in your command.
 *   // e.g. saying "calculate October stats" will call calculateStats('October');
 *   'calculate :month stats': calculateStats,
 *   // By defining a part of the following command as optional, annyang will respond
 *   // to both: "say hello to my little friend" as well as "say hello friend"
 *   'say hello (to my little) friend': greeting
 * };
 * var showFlickr = function(tag) {
 *   var url = ''+tag;
 *   $.getJSON(url);
 * }
 * var calculateStats = function(month) {
 *   $('#stats').text('Statistics for '+month);
 * }
 * var greeting = function() {
 *   $('#greeting').text('Hello!');
 * }
 * </script>
 * ````
 * ### Using Regular Expressions in commands
 * For advanced commands, you can pass a regular expression object, instead of
 * a simple string command.
 * This is done by passing an object containing two properties: `regexp`, and
 * `callback` instead of the function.
 * #### Examples:
 * ````javascript
 * var calculateFunction = function(month) { console.log(month); }
 * var commands = {
 *   // This example will accept any word as the "month"
 *   'calculate :month stats': calculateFunction,
 *   // This example will only accept months which are at the start of a quarter
 *   'calculate :quarter stats': {'regexp': /^calculate (January|April|July|October) stats$/, 'callback': calculateFunction}
 * }

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      Preciso passar 2 IDs para o Sistema executar a função, estou utilizando desta forma e gostaria de saber como faço via JS para passar os parâmetro que preciso.

      Dentro da TABELA utilizei 2 Forms, para passar os IDS que preciso, funcionou conforme código abaixo.
      <div class="card-body"> <table id="tab_clie" class="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:center; width:10%;">Pedido Nº</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:10%;">Data Pedido</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:32%;">Fornecedor</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:10%;">Status</th> <th style="text-align:center; width:5%;">Ação</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($results as $r) { $dta_ped = date(('d/m/Y'), strtotime($r->dataPedido)); switch ($r->pd_status) { case '1': $status = '&nbsp;&nbsp;Aberto&nbsp;&nbsp;'; $txt = '#FFFFFF'; //Cor: Branco $cor = '#000000'; //Cor: Preta break; case '2': $status = 'Atendido Total'; $txt = '#FFFFFF'; //Cor: Branco $cor = '#086108'; //Cor: Verde break; case '3': $status = 'Atendido Parcial'; $txt = '#000000'; //Cor: Branco $cor = '#FEA118'; //Cor: Amarelo break; default: $status = 'Cancelado'; $txt = '#FFFFFF'; //Cor: Branco $cor = '#D20101'; //Cor: Vermelho break; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="10%" height="10" style="text-align:center;">'.$r->pd_numero.'</td>'; echo '<td width="10%" height="10" style="text-align:center;">'.$dta_ped.'</td>'; echo '<td width="32%" height="10" style="text-align:left;">'.$r->nome.'</td>'; echo '<td width="10%" height="10" style="text-align:left;"><span class="badge" style="color:'.$txt.'; background-color:'.$cor.'; border-color:'.$cor.'">'.$status.'</span></td>'; echo '<td width="5%" style="text-align:center;">'; ?> <div class="row"> <?php if($this->permission->checkPermission($this->session->userdata('permissao'), 'vPedido')){ ?> <form action="<?= base_url() ?>compras/pedidos/visualizar" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="idPedido" value="<?php echo $r->idPedidos; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="nrPedido" value="<?php echo $r->pd_numero; ?>"> <button class="btn btn-warning" title="Visualizar" style="margin-left:50%; padding: 1px 3px;"><i class="fa fa-search icon-white"></i></button> </form> <?php } if($this->permission->checkPermission($this->session->userdata('permissao'), 'ePedido')){ ?> <form action="<?= base_url() ?>compras/pedidos/editar" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="idPedido" value="<?php echo $r->idPedidos; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="nrPedido" value="<?php echo $r->pd_numero; ?>"> <button class="btn btn-primary" title="Editar" style="margin-left:50%; padding: 1px 3px;"><i class="fa fa-edit icon-white"></i></button> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <?php echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div>

    • Por belann
      Estou usando o editor quill em uma página html, sem fazer a instalação com npm, mas usando as api´s via internet com http, no entanto não consigo fazer a tecla enter funcionar para mudança de linha, tentei essa configuração abaixo, mas não funcionou.
      modules: {       syntax: true,       toolbar: '#toolbar-container',       keyboard: {         bindings: {           enter: {             key: 13,             handler: function(range, context) {                       quill.formatLine(range.index, range.length, { 'align': '' });             }           }  
    • Por violin101
      Caros amigos, saudações.
      Gostaria de poder tirar uma dúvida com os amigos.
      Como faço uma função para Comparar a Data Digitada pelo o Usuário com a Data Atual ?

      Data Digitada:  01/09/2024
      25/09/2024 é menor que DATA Atual  ====> mensagem: informe uma data válida.
      25/09/2024 é igual DATA Atual ===> o sistema libera os INPUT's.
      Como faço uma comparação com a Data Atual, para não Deixar Gravar Data retroativa a data Atual.

Informação importante

Ao usar o fórum, você concorda com nossos Termos e condições.