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Wagner Martins - SC

Erro pagseguro

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Estou com um problema em um código para fazer o checkout no pagseguro, quaando clico no botão Pagar do site está retornando esse erro:

Fatal error: Class 'PagSeguroParameter' not found in /home/casamarketingcom/public_html/audio/wp-content/plugins/edd-pagseguro-master/lib/PagSeguroLibrary/domain/PagSeguroPaymentRequest.class.php on line 644

Podem me ajudar nisso, pesquisei e não achei muita coisa

o código do arquivo que está retornando o erro eh esse

 * 2007-2014 [PagSeguro Internet Ltda.]
 *Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *limitations under the License.
 *  @author    PagSeguro Internet Ltda.
 *  @copyright 2007-2014 PagSeguro Internet Ltda.
 *  @license

 * Represents a payment request
class PagSeguroPaymentRequest

     * Party that will be sending the money
     * @var PagSeguroSender
    private $sender;

     * Payment currency
    private $currency;

     * Products/items in this payment request
    private $items;

     * Uri to where the PagSeguro payment page should redirect the user after the payment information is processed.
     * Typically this is a confirmation page on your web site.
     * @var String
    private $redirectURL;

     * Extra amount to be added to the transaction total
     * This value can be used to add an extra charge to the transaction
     * or provide a discount in the case ExtraAmount is a negative value.
     * @var float
    private $extraAmount;

     * Reference code
     * Optional. You can use the reference code to store an identifier so you can
     * associate the PagSeguro transaction to a transaction in your system.
    private $reference;

     * Shipping information associated with this payment request
    private $shipping;

     * How long this payment request will remain valid, in seconds.
     * Optional. After this payment request is submitted, the payment code returned
     * will remain valid for the period specified here.
    private $maxAge;

     * How many times the payment redirect uri returned by the payment web service can be accessed.
     * Optional. After this payment request is submitted, the payment redirect uri returned by
     * the payment web service will remain valid for the number of uses specified here.
    private $maxUses;

     * Determines for which url PagSeguro will send the order related notifications codes.
     * Optional. Any change happens in the transaction status, a new notification request will be send
     * to this url. You can use that for update the related order.
    private $notificationURL;

     * Extra parameters that user can add to a PagSeguro checkout request
     * Optional.
     * @var PagSeguroMetaData
    private $metadata;

     * Extra parameters that user can add to a PagSeguro checkout request
     * Optional.
     * @var $paymentMethodConfig
    private $paymentMethodConfig;

     * Extra parameters that user can add to a PagSeguro checkout request
     * Optional
     * @var PagSeguroParameter
    private $parameter;

     * Class constructor to make sure the library was initialized.
    public function __construct()

     * @return PagSeguroSender the sender
     * Party that will be sending the Uri to where the PagSeguro payment page should redirect the
     * user after the payment information is processed.
    public function getSender()
        return $this->sender;

     * Sets the Sender, party that will be sending the money
     * @param String $name
     * @param String $email
     * @param String $areaCode
     * @param String $number
     * @param String $documentType
     * @param String $documentValue
    public function setSender(
        $email = null,
        $areaCode = null,
        $number = null,
        $documentType = null,
        $documentValue = null
    ) {
        $param = $name;
        if (is_array($param)) {
            $this->sender = new PagSeguroSender($param);
        } elseif ($param instanceof PagSeguroSender) {
            $this->sender = $param;
        } else {
            $sender = new PagSeguroSender();
            $sender->setPhone(new PagSeguroPhone($areaCode, $number));
            $sender->addDocument($documentType, $documentValue);
            $this->sender = $sender;

     * Sets the name of the sender, party that will be sending the money
     * @param String $senderName
    public function setSenderName($senderName)
        if ($this->sender == null) {
            $this->sender = new PagSeguroSender();

     * Sets the name of the sender, party that will be sending the money
     * @param String $senderEmail
    public function setSenderEmail($senderEmail)
        if ($this->sender == null) {
            $this->sender = new PagSeguroSender();

     * Sets the Sender phone number, phone of the party that will be sending the money
     * @param areaCode
     * @param number
    public function setSenderPhone($areaCode, $number = null)
        $param = $areaCode;
        if ($this->sender == null) {
            $this->sender = new PagSeguroSender();
        if ($param instanceof PagSeguroPhone) {
        } else {
            $this->sender->setPhone(new PagSeguroPhone($param, $number));

     * @return String the currency
     * Example: BRL
    public function getCurrency()
        return $this->currency;

     * Sets the currency
     * @param String $currency
    public function setCurrency($currency)
        $this->currency = $currency;

     * @return array the items/products list in this payment request
    public function getItems()
        return $this->items;

     * Sets the items/products list in this payment request
     * @param array $items
    public function setItems(array $items)
        if (is_array($items)) {
            $i = array();
            foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
                if ($item instanceof PagSeguroItem) {
                    $i[$key] = $item;
                } else {
                    if (is_array($item)) {
                        $i[$key] = new PagSeguroItem($item);
            $this->items = $i;

     * Adds a new product/item in this payment request
     * @param String $id
     * @param String $description
     * @param String $quantity
     * @param String $amount
     * @param String $weight
     * @param String $shippingCost
    public function addItem(
        $description = null,
        $quantity = null,
        $amount = null,
        $weight = null,
        $shippingCost = null
    ) {
        $param = $id;
        if ($this->items == null) {
            $this->items = array();
        if (is_array($param)) {
            array_push($this->items, new PagSeguroItem($param));
        } else {
            if ($param instanceof PagSeguroItem) {
                array_push($this->items, $param);
            } else {
                $item = new PagSeguroItem();
                array_push($this->items, $item);

    public function addSenderDocument($type, $value)
        if ($this->getSender() instanceof PagSeguroSender) {
            $this->getSender()->addDocument($type, $value);

     * URI to where the PagSeguro payment page should redirect the user after the payment information is processed.
     * Typically this is a confirmation page on your web site.
     * @return String the redirectURL
    public function getRedirectURL()
        return $this->redirectURL;

     * Sets the redirect URL
     * Uri to where the PagSeguro payment page should redirect the user after the payment information is processed.
     * Typically this is a confirmation page on your web site.
     * @param String $redirectURL
    public function setRedirectURL($redirectURL)
        $this->redirectURL = $this->verifyURLTest($redirectURL);

     * This value can be used to add an extra charge to the transaction
     * or provide a discount in the case ExtraAmount is a negative value.
     * @return float the extra amount
    public function getExtraAmount()
        return $this->extraAmount;

     * Sets the extra amount
     * This value can be used to add an extra charge to the transaction
     * or provide a discount in the case <b>extraAmount</b> is a negative value.
     * @param extraAmount
    public function setExtraAmount($extraAmount)
        $this->extraAmount = $extraAmount;

     * @return mixed the reference of this payment request
    public function getReference()
        return $this->reference;

     * Sets the reference of this payment request
     * @param reference
    public function setReference($reference)
        $this->reference = $reference;

     * @return PagSeguroShipping the shipping information for this payment request
     * @see PagSeguroShipping
    public function getShipping()
        return $this->shipping;

     * Sets the shipping information for this payment request
     * @param PagSeguroShipping $address
     * @param PagSeguroShippingType $type
    public function setShipping($address, $type = null)
        $param = $address;
        if ($param instanceof PagSeguroShipping) {
            $this->shipping = $param;
        } else {
            $shipping = new PagSeguroShipping();
            if (is_array($param)) {
                $shipping->setAddress(new PagSeguroAddress($param));
            } else {
                if ($param instanceof PagSeguroAddress) {
            if ($type) {
                if ($type instanceof PagSeguroShippingType) {
                } else {
                    $shipping->setType(new PagSeguroShippingType($type));
            $this->shipping = $shipping;

     * Sets the shipping address for this payment request
     * @param String $postalCode
     * @param String $street
     * @param String $number
     * @param String $complement
     * @param String $district
     * @param String $city
     * @param String $state
     * @param String $country
    public function setShippingAddress(
        $postalCode = null,
        $street = null,
        $number = null,
        $complement = null,
        $district = null,
        $city = null,
        $state = null,
        $country = null
    ) {
        $param = $postalCode;
        if ($this->shipping == null) {
            $this->shipping = new PagSeguroShipping();
        if (is_array($param)) {
            $this->shipping->setAddress(new PagSeguroAddress($param));
        } elseif ($param instanceof PagSeguroAddress) {
        } else {
            $address = new PagSeguroAddress();

     * Sets the shipping type for this payment request
     * @param PagSeguroShippingType $type
    public function setShippingType($type)
        $param = $type;
        if ($this->shipping == null) {
            $this->shipping = new PagSeguroShipping();
        if ($param instanceof PagSeguroShippingType) {
        } else {
            $this->shipping->setType(new PagSeguroShippingType($param));

     * Sets the shipping cost for this payment request
     * @param float $shippingCost
    public function setShippingCost($shippingCost)
        $param = $shippingCost;
        if ($this->shipping == null) {
            $this->shipping = new PagSeguroShipping();


     * @return integer the max age of this payment request
     * After this payment request is submitted, the payment code returned
     * will remain valid for the period specified.
    public function getMaxAge()
        return $this->maxAge;

     * Sets the max age of this payment request
     * After this payment request is submitted, the payment code returned
     * will remain valid for the period specified here.
     * @param maxAge
    public function setMaxAge($maxAge)
        $this->maxAge = $maxAge;

     * After this payment request is submitted, the payment redirect uri returned by
     * the payment web service will remain valid for the number of uses specified here.
     * @return integer the max uses configured for this payment request
    public function getMaxUses()
        return $this->maxUses;

     * Sets the max uses of this payment request
     * After this payment request is submitted, the payment redirect uri returned by
     * the payment web service will remain valid for the number of uses specified here.
     * @param maxUses
    public function setMaxUses($maxUses)
        $this->maxUses = $maxUses;

     * Get the notification status url
     * @return String
    public function getNotificationURL()
        return $this->notificationURL;

     * Sets the url that PagSeguro will send the new notifications statuses
     * @param String $notificationURL
    public function setNotificationURL($notificationURL)
        $this->notificationURL = $this->verifyURLTest($notificationURL);

     * Sets metadata for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @param PagSeguroMetaData $metaData
    public function setMetaData($metaData)
        $this->metadata = $metaData;

     * Gets metadata for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @return PagSeguroMetaData $metaData
    public function getMetaData()

        if ($this->metadata == null) {
            $this->metadata = new PagSeguroMetaData();
        return $this->metadata;

     * add a parameter for PagSeguro metadata checkout request
     * @param PagSeguroMetaDataItem $itemKey key
     * @param PagSeguroMetaDataItem $itemValue value
     * @param PagSeguroMetaDataItem $itemGroup group
    public function addMetaData($itemKey, $itemValue, $itemGroup = null)
        $this->getMetaData()->addItem(new PagSeguroMetaDataItem($itemKey, $itemValue, $itemGroup));

     * Sets payment method config for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @param PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfig $paymentMethodConfig
    public function setPaymentMethodConfig($paymentMethodConfig)
        $this->paymentMethodConfig = $paymentMethodConfig;

     * Gets payment method config for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @return PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfig $paymentMethodConfig
    public function getPaymentMethodConfig()

        if ($this->paymentMethodConfig == null) {
            $this->paymentMethodConfig = new PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfig();
        return $this->paymentMethodConfig;

     * add a parameter for PagSeguro payment method config checkout request
     * @param PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfig $itemKey key
     * @param PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfig $itemValue value
     * @param PagSeguroPaymentMethodGroups $itemGroup group
    public function addPaymentMethodConfig($itemGroup, $itemValue, $itemKey)
            new PagSeguroPaymentMethodConfigItem($itemGroup,$itemValue,$itemKey)

     * Sets parameter for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @param PagSeguroParameter $parameter
    public function setParameter($parameter)
        $this->parameter = $parameter;

     * Gets parameter for PagSeguro checkout requests
     * @return PagSeguroParameter
    public function getParameter()
        if ($this->parameter == null) {
            $this->parameter = new PagSeguroParameter();
        return $this->parameter;

     * add a parameter for PagSeguro checkout request
     * @param PagSeguroParameterItem $parameterName key
     * @param PagSeguroParameterItem $parameterValue value
    public function addParameter($parameterName, $parameterValue)
        $this->getParameter()->addItem(new PagSeguroParameterItem($parameterName, $parameterValue));

     * add a parameter for PagSeguro checkout request
     * @param PagSeguroParameterItem $parameterName key
     * @param PagSeguroParameterItem $parameterValue value
     * @param PagSeguroParameterItem $parameterIndex group
    public function addIndexedParameter($parameterName, $parameterValue, $parameterIndex)
        $this->getParameter()->addItem(new PagSeguroParameterItem($parameterName, $parameterValue, $parameterIndex));

     * Calls the PagSeguro web service and register this request for payment
     * @param PagSeguroCredentials $credentials, lighbox
     * @return String The URL to where the user needs to be redirected to in order to complete the payment process or
     * the CODE when use lightbox
    public function register(PagSeguroCredentials $credentials, $onlyCheckoutCode = false)
        return PagSeguroPaymentService::createCheckoutRequest($credentials, $this, $onlyCheckoutCode);

     * @return String a string that represents the current object
    public function toString()
        $email = $this->sender ? $this->sender->getEmail() : "null";

        $request = array();
        $request['Reference'] = $this->reference;
        $request['SenderEmail'] = $email;

        return "PagSeguroPaymentRequest: " . var_export($request, true);

     * Verify if the adress of NotificationURL or RedirectURL is for tests and return empty
     * @param type $url
     * @return type
    public function verifyURLTest($url)
        $adress = array(

        foreach ($adress as $item) {
            $find = strpos($url, $item);

            if ($find) {
                $urlReturn = '';
            } else {
                $urlReturn = $url;

        return $urlReturn;

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      d sa dsad sad sadasdas
      dsadas dsa sad asd as dsada
      <pubDate>sadasdasdsa as</pubDate>
      d sad sad sa ad as das
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      $xml = simplexml_load_file($link); 
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           $titulo = $ite -> item->title;
           $urltitulo = $ite -> item->link;
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      2, maçã, macarrão, goiaba, uva;
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