Cenora 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 2, 2003 Olá,Estou estudando um livro, e ele tem um exemplo que usa dsEdit e dsInsert, e o meu delphi que é o 5 me diz que o simbolo não é declarado, fui então no help e não encontrei estes dois comandos, o que devo fazer?O código é este: (É um form de cadastro e este comando é do botão Salvar)//Se o registro está sendo Editado ou Inserido...if dtmDados.Cadastro.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert] then dtmDados.Cadastro.Post; //Salvar os DadosThanks!!! Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
meleca 0 Denunciar post Postado Março 2, 2003 TDataSetState typeIndicates the current operating mode of a dataset component.UnitDbtype TDataSetState = (dsInactive, dsBrowse, dsEdit, dsInsert, dsSetKey, dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue, dsOldValue, dsCurValue, dsBlockRead, dsInternalCalc, dsOpening); DescriptionTDataSetState represents the values that may be in the State property of a dataset component. TDataSetState indicates the current operating mode of that dataset component. The following table lists all possible values in the TDataSetState type and describes what they indicate in the State property:Value MeaningdsInactive Dataset is closed, so its data is unavailable.dsBrowse Data can be viewed, but not changed. This is the default state of an open dataset.dsEdit Active record can be modified.dsInsert The active record is a newly inserted buffer that has not been posted. This record can be modified and then either posted or discarded.dsSetKey TTable and TClientDataSet only. Record searching is enabled, or a SetRange operation is under way. A restricted set of data can be viewed, and no data can be edited or inserted.dsCalcFields An OnCalcFields event is in progress. Noncalculated fields cannot be edited, and new records cannot be inserted.dsFilter An OnFilterRecord event is in progress. A restricted set of data can be viewed. No data can edited or inserted.dsNewValue Temporary state used internally to indicate that a field component’s NewValue property is being accessed.dsOldValue Temporary state used internally to indicate that a field component’s OldValue property is being accessed.dsCurValue Temporary state used internally to indicate that a field component’s CurValue property is being accessed.dsBlockRead Data-aware controls are not updated and events are not triggered when the cursor moves (Next is called).dsInternalCalc Temporary state used internally to indicate that values need to be calculated for a field that has a FieldKind of fkInternalCalc.dsOpening DataSet is in the process of opening but has not finished. This state occurs when the dataset is opened for asynchronous fetching. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites