Pessoal, estou usando o Flipclock para fazer um contador regressivo para um site EM CONSTRUÇÃO. Deu tudo certo, mas ao atualizar a página o contador regressivo reseta.
Base.js, version 1.1a
Copyright 2006-2010, Dean Edwards
*/varBase=function(){// dummy};Base.extend =function(_instance, _static){// subclass"use strict";var extend =Base.prototype.extend;// build the prototypeBase._prototyping =true;var proto =newthis();, _instance);
proto.base =function(){// call this method from any other method to invoke that method's ancestor};deleteBase._prototyping;// create the wrapper for the constructor function//var constructor = proto.constructor.valueOf(); //-deanvar constructor = proto.constructor;var klass = proto.constructor =function(){if(!Base._prototyping){if(this._constructing ||this.constructor == klass){// instantiationthis._constructing =true;
constructor.apply(this, arguments);deletethis._constructing;}elseif(arguments[0]!==null){// castingreturn(arguments[0].extend || extend).call(arguments[0], proto);}}};// build the class interface
klass.ancestor =this;
klass.extend =this.extend;
klass.forEach =this.forEach;
klass.implement =this.implement;
klass.prototype = proto;
klass.toString =this.toString;
klass.valueOf =function(type){//return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor; //-deanreturn(type =="object")? klass : constructor.valueOf();};, _static);// class initialisationif(typeof klass.init =="function") klass.init();return klass;};Base.prototype ={
extend:function(source, value){if(arguments.length >1){// extending with a name/value pairvar ancestor =this[source];if(ancestor &&(typeof value =="function")&&// overriding a method?// the valueOf() comparison is to avoid circular references(!ancestor.valueOf || ancestor.valueOf()!= value.valueOf())&&/\bbase\b/.test(value)){// get the underlying methodvar method = value.valueOf();// override
value =function(){var previous =this.base ||Base.prototype.base;this.base = ancestor;var returnValue = method.apply(this, arguments);this.base = previous;return returnValue;};// point to the underlying method
value.valueOf =function(type){return(type =="object")? value : method;};
value.toString =Base.toString;}this[source]= value;}elseif(source){// extending with an object literalvar extend =Base.prototype.extend;// if this object has a customised extend method then use itif(!Base._prototyping &&typeofthis!="function"){
extend =this.extend || extend;}var proto ={toSource:null};// do the "toString" and other methods manuallyvar hidden =["constructor","toString","valueOf"];// if we are prototyping then include the constructorvar i =Base._prototyping ?0:1;while(key = hidden[i++]){if(source[key]!= proto[key]){, key, source[key]);}}// copy each of the source object's properties to this objectfor(var key in source){if(!proto[key]), key, source[key]);}}returnthis;}};// initialiseBase=Base.extend({
forEach:function(object, block, context){for(var key in object){if(this.prototype[key]===undefined){, object[key], key, object);}}},
implement:function(){for(var i =0; i < arguments.length; i++){if(typeof arguments[i]=="function"){// if it's a function, call it
arguments[i](this.prototype);}else{// add the interface using the extend methodthis.prototype.extend(arguments[i]);}}returnthis;},
toString:function(){returnString(this.valueOf());}});/*jshint smarttabs:true */varFlipClock;/**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* FlipFlock Helper
* @param object A jQuery object or CSS select
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
*/FlipClock=function(obj, digit, options){if(digit instanceof Object&& digit instanceof Date===false){
options = digit;
digit =0;}returnnewFlipClock.Factory(obj, digit, options);};/**
* The global FlipClock.Lang object
* The Base FlipClock class is used to extend all other FlipFlock
* classes. It handles the callbacks and the basic setters/getters
* @param object An object of the default properties
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Build Date
* Version
* Sets the default options
* @param object The default options
* @param object The override options
constructor:function(_default, options){if(typeof _default !=="object"){
_default ={};}if(typeof options !=="object"){
options ={};}this.setOptions($.extend(true,{}, _default, options));},/**
* Delegates the callback to the defined method
* @param object The default options
* @param object The override options
callback:function(method){if(typeof method ==="function"){var args =[];for(var x =1; x <= arguments.length; x++){if(arguments[x]){
method.apply(this, args);}},/**
* Log a string into the console if it exists
* @param string The name of the option
* @return mixed
log:function(str){if(window.console && console.log){
* Get an single option value. Returns false if option does not exist
* @param string The name of the option
* @return mixed
* Get all options
* @return bool
* Set a single option value
* @param string The name of the option
* @param mixed The value of the option
setOption:function(index, value){this[index]= value;},/**
* Set a multiple options by passing a JSON object
* @param object The object with the options
* @param mixed The value of the option
setOptions:function(options){for(var key in options){if(typeof options[key]!=="undefined"){this.setOption(key, options[key]);}}}});}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* The FlipClock Face class is the base class in which to extend
* all other FlockClock.Face classes.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Sets whether or not the clock should start upon instantiation
* An array of jQuery objects used for the dividers (the colons)
* An array of FlipClock.List objects
* An array of FlipClock.List objects
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){this.dividers =[];this.lists =[];this.base(options);this.factory = factory;},/**
* Build the clock face
* Creates a jQuery object used for the digit divider
* @param mixed The divider label text
* @param mixed Set true to exclude the dots in the divider.
* If not set, is false.
createDivider:function(label, css, excludeDots){if(typeof css =="boolean"||!css){
excludeDots = css;
css = label;}var dots =['<span class="'' top"></span>','<span class="'' bottom"></span>'].join('');if(excludeDots){
dots ='';}
label =this.factory.localize(label);var html =['<span class="'+this.factory.classes.divider+' '+(css ? css :'').toLowerCase()+'">','<span class="'+this.factory.classes.label+'">'+(label ? label :'')+'</span>',
dots,'</span>'];var $html = $(html.join(''));this.dividers.push($html);return $html;},/**
* Creates a FlipClock.List object and appends it to the DOM
* @param mixed The digit to select in the list
* @param object An object to override the default properties
createList:function(digit, options){if(typeof digit ==="object"){
options = digit;
digit =0;}var obj =newFlipClock.List(this.factory, digit, options);this.lists.push(obj);return obj;},/**
* Triggers when the clock is reset
reset:function(){this.factory.time =newFlipClock.Time(this.factory,this.factory.original ?Math.round(this.factory.original):0,{
* Append a newly created list to the clock
* Add a digit to the clock face
addDigit:function(digit){var obj =this.createList(digit,{
* Triggers when the clock is started
* Triggers when the time on the clock stops
* Auto increments/decrements the value of the clock face
* Increments the value of the clock face
* Decrements the value of the clock face
* Triggers when the numbers on the clock flip
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){var t =this;
$.each(time,function(i, digit){var list = t.lists[i];if(list){if(!doNotAddPlayClass && digit != list.digit){;};}else{
t.addDigit(digit);}});}});}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* The FlipClock Factory class is used to build the clock and manage
* all the public methods.
* @param object A jQuery object or CSS selector used to fetch
the wrapping DOM nodes
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* The clock's animation rate.
* Note, currently this property doesn't do anything.
* This property is here to be used in the future to
* programmaticaly set the clock's animation speed
* Auto start the clock on page load (True|False)
* The callback methods
* The CSS classes
* The name of the clock face class in use
* The name of the clock face class in use
* The name of the default clock face class to use if the defined
* clockFace variable is not a valid FlipClock.Face object
* The default language
* The jQuery object
* The FlipClock.Face object
* The language object after it has been loaded
* The language being used to display labels (string)
* The minimum digits the clock must have
* The original starting value of the clock. Used for the reset method.
* Is the clock running? (True|False)
* The FlipClock.Time object
* The FlipClock.Timer object
* The jQuery object (depcrecated)
* Constructor
* @param object The wrapping jQuery object
* @param object Number of seconds used to start the clock
* @param object An object override options
constructor:function(obj, digit, options){if(!options){
options ={};}this.lists =[];this.running =false;this.base(options);this.$el = $(obj).addClass(this.classes.wrapper);// Depcrated support of the $wrapper property.this.$wrapper =this.$el;this.original =(digit instanceof Date)? digit :(digit ?Math.round(digit):0);this.time =newFlipClock.Time(this,this.original,{
});this.timer =newFlipClock.Timer(this, options);this.loadLanguage(this.language);this.loadClockFace(this.clockFace, options);if(this.autoStart){this.start();}},/**
* Load the FlipClock.Face object
* @param object The name of the FlickClock.Face class
* @param object An object override options
loadClockFace:function(name, options){var face, suffix ='Face', hasStopped =false;
name = name.ucfirst()+suffix;if(this.face.stop){this.stop();
hasStopped =true;}this.$el.html('');this.time.minimumDigits =this.minimumDigits;if(FlipClock[name]){
face =newFlipClock[name](this, options);}else{
face =newFlipClock[this.defaultClockFace+suffix](this, options);};this.face = face
* Load the FlipClock.Lang object
* @param object The name of the language to load
loadLanguage:function(name){var lang;if(FlipClock.Lang[name.ucfirst()]){
lang =FlipClock.Lang[name.ucfirst()];}elseif(FlipClock.Lang[name]){
lang =FlipClock.Lang[name];}else{
lang =FlipClock.Lang[this.defaultLanguage];}returnthis.lang = lang;},/**
* Localize strings into various languages
* @param string The index of the localized string
* @param object Optionally pass a lang object
localize:function(index, obj){var lang =this.lang;if(!index){returnnull;}var lindex = index.toLowerCase();if(typeof obj =="object"){
lang = obj;}if(lang && lang[lindex]){return lang[lindex];}return index;},/**
* Starts the clock
start:function(callback){var t =this;if(!t.running &&(!t.countdown || t.countdown && t.time.time >0)){
t.flip();if(typeof callback ==="function"){
t.log('Trying to start timer when countdown already at 0');}},/**
* Stops the clock
stop:function(callback){this.face.stop();this.timer.stop(callback);for(var x in this.lists){if(this.lists.hasOwnProperty(x)){this.lists[x].stop();}}},/**
* Reset the clock
* Sets the clock time
setTime:function(time){this.time.time = time;this.flip(true);},/**
* Get the clock time
* @return object Returns a FlipClock.Time object
* Changes the increment of time to up or down (add/sub)
setCountdown:function(value){var running =this.running;this.countdown = value ?true:false;if(running){this.stop();this.start();}},/**
* Flip the digits on the clock
* @param array An array of digits
flip:function(doNotAddPlayClass){this.face.flip(false, doNotAddPlayClass);}});}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* The FlipClock List class is used to build the list used to create
* the card flip effect. This object fascilates selecting the correct
* node by passing a specific digit.
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
* object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* The digit (0-9)
* The CSS classes
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* The jQuery object
* The jQuery object (deprecated)
* The items in the list
* The last digit
* Constructor
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param int An integer use to select the correct digit
* @param object An object to override the default properties
constructor:function(factory, digit, options){this.factory = factory;this.digit = digit;this.lastDigit = digit;this.$el =this.createList();// Depcrated support of the $obj property.this.$obj =this.$el;if(digit >0){;}this.factory.$el.append(this.$el);},/**
* Select the digit in the list
* @param int A digit 0-9
select:function(digit){if(typeof digit ==="undefined"){
digit =this.digit;}else{this.digit = digit;}if(this.digit !=this.lastDigit){var $delete =this.$el.find('.'+this.classes.before).removeClass(this.classes.before);this.$el.find('.';this.appendListItem(,this.digit);
$delete.remove();this.lastDigit =this.digit;}},/**
* Adds the play class to the DOM object
* Removes the play class to the DOM object
stop:function(){var t =this;
* Creates the list item HTML and returns as a string
createListItem:function(css, value){return['<li class="'+(css ? css :'')+'">','<a href="#">','<div class="up">','<div class="shadow"></div>','<div class="inn">'+(value ? value :'')+'</div>','</div>','<div class="down">','<div class="shadow"></div>','<div class="inn">'+(value ? value :'')+'</div>','</div>','</a>','</li>'].join('');},/**
* Append the list item to the parent DOM node
appendListItem:function(css, value){var html =this.createListItem(css, value);this.$el.append(html);},/**
* Create the list of digits and appends it to the DOM object
createList:function(){var lastDigit =this.getPrevDigit()?this.getPrevDigit():this.digit;var html = $(['<ul class="'+this.classes.flip+' '+(this.factory.running ? :'')+'">',this.createListItem(this.classes.before, lastDigit),this.createListItem(,this.digit),'</ul>'].join(''));return html;},
getNextDigit:function(){returnthis.digit ==9?0:this.digit +1;},
getPrevDigit:function(){returnthis.digit ==0?9:this.digit -1;}});}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* Capitalize the first letter in a string
* @return string
*/String.prototype.ucfirst =function(){returnthis.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+this.substr(1);};/**
* jQuery helper method
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
$.fn.FlipClock=function(digit, options){returnnewFlipClock($(this), digit, options);};/**
* jQuery helper method
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
$.fn.flipClock =function(digit, options){return $.fn.FlipClock(digit, options);};}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* The FlipClock Time class is used to manage all the time
* calculations.
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
* object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* The time (in seconds) or a date object
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* The minimum number of digits the clock face must have
* Constructor
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param int An integer use to select the correct digit
* @param object An object to override the default properties
constructor:function(factory, time, options){if(typeof options !="object"){
options ={};}if(!options.minimumDigits){
options.minimumDigits = factory.minimumDigits;}this.base(options);this.factory = factory;if(time){this.time = time;}},/**
* Convert a string or integer to an array of digits
* @param mixed String or Integer of digits
* @return array An array of digits
convertDigitsToArray:function(str){var data =[];
str = str.toString();for(var x =0;x < str.length; x++){if(str[x].match(/^\d*$/g)){
data.push(str[x]);}}return data;},/**
* Get a specific digit from the time integer
* @param int The specific digit to select from the time
* @return mixed Returns FALSE if no digit is found, otherwise
* the method returns the defined digit
digit:function(i){var timeStr =this.toString();var length = timeStr.length;if(timeStr[length - i]){return timeStr[length - i];}returnfalse;},/**
* Formats any array of digits into a valid array of digits
* @param mixed An array of digits
* @return array An array of digits
digitize:function(obj){var data =[];
$.each(obj,function(i, value){
value = value.toString();if(value.length ==1){
value ='0'+value;}for(var x =0; x < value.length; x++){
data.push(value.charAt(x));}});if(data.length >this.minimumDigits){this.minimumDigits = data.length;}if(this.minimumDigits > data.length){for(var x = data.length; x <this.minimumDigits; x++){
data.unshift('0');}}return data;},/**
* Gets a new Date object for the current time
* @return array Returns a Date object
getDateObject:function(){if(this.time instanceof Date){returnthis.time;}returnnewDate((newDate()).getTime()+this.getTimeSeconds()*1000);},/**
* Gets a digitized daily counter
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getDayCounter:function(includeSeconds){var digits =[this.getDays(),this.getHours(true),this.getMinutes(true)];if(includeSeconds){
* Gets number of days
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getDays:function(mod){var days =this.getTimeSeconds()/60/60/24;if(mod){
days = days %7;}returnMath.floor(days);},/**
* Gets an hourly breakdown
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getHourCounter:function(){var obj =this.digitize([this.getHours(),this.getMinutes(true),this.getSeconds(true)]);return obj;},/**
* Gets an hourly breakdown
* @return object Returns a digitized object
* Gets number of hours
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getHours:function(mod){var hours =this.getTimeSeconds()/60/60;if(mod){
hours = hours %24;}returnMath.floor(hours);},/**
* Gets the twenty-four hour time
* @return object returns a digitized object
getMilitaryTime:function(date, showSeconds){if(typeof showSeconds ==="undefined"){
showSeconds =true;}if(!date){
date =this.getDateObject();}var data =[
date.getMinutes()];if(showSeconds ===true){
* Gets number of minutes
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getMinutes:function(mod){var minutes =this.getTimeSeconds()/60;if(mod){
minutes = minutes %60;}returnMath.floor(minutes);},/**
* Gets a minute breakdown
getMinuteCounter:function(){var obj =this.digitize([this.getMinutes(),this.getSeconds(true)]);return obj;},/**
* Gets time count in seconds regardless of if targetting date or not.
* @return int Returns a floored integer
date =newDate();}if(this.time instanceof Date){if(this.factory.countdown){returnMath.max(this.time.getTime()/1000- date.getTime()/1000,0);}else{return date.getTime()/1000-this.time.getTime()/1000;}}else{returnthis.time;}},/**
* Gets the current twelve hour time
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getTime:function(date, showSeconds){if(typeof showSeconds ==="undefined"){
showSeconds =true;}if(!date){
date =this.getDateObject();}
console.log(date);var hours = date.getHours();var merid = hours >12?'PM':'AM';var data =[
hours >12? hours -12:(hours ===0?12: hours),
date.getMinutes()];if(showSeconds ===true){
* Gets number of seconds
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a ceiled integer
getSeconds:function(mod){var seconds =this.getTimeSeconds();if(mod){if(seconds ==60){
seconds =0;}else{
seconds = seconds %60;}}returnMath.ceil(seconds);},/**
* Gets number of weeks
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getWeeks:function(mod){var weeks =this.getTimeSeconds()/60/60/24/7;if(mod){
weeks = weeks %52;}returnMath.floor(weeks);},/**
* Removes a specific number of leading zeros from the array.
* This method prevents you from removing too many digits, even
* if you try.
* @param int Total number of digits to remove
* @return array An array of digits
removeLeadingZeros:function(totalDigits, digits){var total =0;var newArray =[];
$.each(digits,function(i, digit){if(i < totalDigits){
total += parseInt(digits[i],10);}else{
newArray.push(digits[i]);}});if(total ===0){return newArray;}return digits;},/**
* Adds X second to the current time
addSeconds:function(x){if(this.time instanceof Date){this.time.setSeconds(this.time.getSeconds()+ x);}else{this.time += x;}},/**
* Adds 1 second to the current time
* Substracts X seconds from the current time
subSeconds:function(x){if(this.time instanceof Date){this.time.setSeconds(this.time.getSeconds()- x);}else{this.time -= x;}},/**
* Substracts 1 second from the current time
* Converts the object to a human readable string
getYears: function() {
return Math.floor(this.time / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 52);
getDecades: function() {
return Math.floor(this.getWeeks() / 10);
}*/});}(jQuery));/*jshint smarttabs:true *//**
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
*/(function($){"use strict";/**
* The FlipClock.Timer object managers the JS timers
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object Override the default options
* Callbacks
* FlipClock timer count (how many intervals have passed)
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* Timer interval (1 second by default)
* The rate of the animation in milliseconds (not currently in use)
* Constructor
* @return void
constructor:function(factory, options){this.base(options);this.factory = factory;this.callback(this.callbacks.init);this.callback(this.callbacks.create);},/**
* This method gets the elapsed the time as an interger
* @return void
getElapsed:function(){returnthis.count *this.interval;},/**
* This method gets the elapsed the time as a Date object
* @return void
getElapsedTime:function(){returnnewDate(this.time +this.getElapsed());},/**
* This method is resets the timer
* @param callback This method resets the timer back to 0
* @return void
clearInterval(this.timer);this.count =0;this._setInterval(callback);this.callback(this.callbacks.reset);},/**
* This method is starts the timer
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
start:function(callback){this.factory.running =true;this._createTimer(callback);this.callback(this.callbacks.start);},/**
* This method is stops the timer
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
stop:function(callback){this.factory.running =false;this._clearInterval(callback);this.callback(this.callbacks.stop);this.callback(callback);},/**
* Clear the timer interval
* @return void
* Create the timer object
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is created
* @return void
* Destroy the timer object
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
_destroyTimer:function(callback){this._clearInterval();this.timer =false;this.callback(callback);this.callback(this.callbacks.destroy);},/**
* This method is called each time the timer interval is ran
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
* This sets the timer interval
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
_setInterval:function(callback){var t =this;
t.timer = setInterval(function(){
* Twenty-Four Hour Clock Face
* This class will generate a twenty-four our clock for FlipClock.js
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){this.base(factory, options);},/**
* Build the clock face
* @param object Pass the time that should be used to display on the clock.
build:function(time){var t =this;var children =this.factory.$el.find('ul');if(!this.factory.time.time){this.factory.original =newDate();this.factory.time =newFlipClock.Time(this.factory,this.factory.original);}var time = time ? time :this.factory.time.getMilitaryTime(false,this.showSeconds);if(time.length > children.length){
$.each(time,function(i, digit){
$(this.dividers[0]).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -2].$el);
$(this.dividers[1]).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -4].$el);this.base();},/**
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){this.autoIncrement();
time = time ? time :this.factory.time.getMilitaryTime(false,this.showSeconds);this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);}});}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* Counter Clock Face
* This class will generate a generice flip counter. The timer has been
* disabled. clock.increment() and clock.decrement() have been added.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Tells the counter clock face if it should auto-increment
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){if(typeof options !="object"){
options ={};}
factory.autoStart = options.autoStart ?true:false;if(options.autoStart){this.shouldAutoIncrement =true;}
factory.increment =function(){
factory.countdown =false;
factory.decrement =function(){
factory.countdown =true;var time = factory.getTime().getTimeSeconds();if(time >0){
factory.setTime(time -1);}};
factory.setValue =function(digits){
factory.setCounter =function(digits){
factory.setTime(digits);};this.base(factory, options);},/**
* Build the clock face
build:function(){var t =this;var children =this.factory.$el.find('ul');var time =this.factory.getTime().digitize([this.factory.getTime().time]);if(time.length > children.length){
$.each(time,function(i, digit){var list = t.createList(digit);;});}
$.each(this.lists,function(i, list){;});this.base();},/**
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){if(this.shouldAutoIncrement){this.autoIncrement();}if(!time){
time =this.factory.getTime().digitize([this.factory.getTime().time]);}this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);},/**
* Reset the clock face
reset:function(){this.factory.time =newFlipClock.Time(this.factory,this.factory.original ?Math.round(this.factory.original):0);this.flip();}});}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* Daily Counter Clock Face
* This class will generate a daily counter for FlipClock.js. A
* daily counter will track days, hours, minutes, and seconds. If
* the number of available digits is exceeded in the count, a new
* digit will be created.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){this.base(factory, options);},/**
* Build the clock face
build:function(time){var t =this;var children =this.factory.$el.find('ul');var offset =0;
time = time ? time :this.factory.time.getDayCounter(this.showSeconds);if(time.length > children.length){
$.each(time,function(i, digit){
$(this.createDivider('SEGUNDOS')).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -2].$el);}else{
offset =2;}
$(this.createDivider('MINUTOS')).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -4+ offset].$el);
$(this.createDivider('HORAS')).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -6+ offset].$el);
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){if(!time){
time =this.factory.time.getDayCounter(this.showSeconds);}this.autoIncrement();this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);}});}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* Hourly Counter Clock Face
* This class will generate an hourly counter for FlipClock.js. An
* hour counter will track hours, minutes, and seconds. If number of
* available digits is exceeded in the count, a new digit will be
* created.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
*/FlipClock.HourlyCounterFace=FlipClock.Face.extend({// clearExcessDigits: true,/**
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){this.base(factory, options);},/**
* Build the clock face
build:function(excludeHours, time){var t =this;var children =this.factory.$el.find('ul');
time = time ? time :this.factory.time.getHourCounter();if(time.length > children.length){
$.each(time,function(i, digit){
$(this.createDivider('Seconds')).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -2].$el);
$(this.createDivider('Minutes')).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length -4].$el);if(!excludeHours){
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){if(!time){
time =this.factory.time.getHourCounter();}this.autoIncrement();this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);},/**
* Append a newly created list to the clock
* Minute Counter Clock Face
* This class will generate a minute counter for FlipClock.js. A
* minute counter will track minutes and seconds. If an hour is
* reached, the counter will reset back to 0. (4 digits max)
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor:function(factory, options){this.base(factory, options);},/**
* Build the clock face
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){if(!time){
time =this.factory.time.getMinuteCounter();}this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);}});}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* Twelve Hour Clock Face
* This class will generate a twelve hour clock for FlipClock.js
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
* The meridium jQuery DOM object
* The meridium text as string for easy access
* Build the clock face
* @param object Pass the time that should be used to display on the clock.
build:function(){var t =this;var time =this.factory.time.getTime(false,this.showSeconds);this.base(time);this.meridiumText =this.getMeridium();this.meridium = $(['<ul class="flip-clock-meridium">','<li>','<a href="#">'+this.meridiumText+'</a>','</li>','</ul>'].join(''));this.meridium.insertAfter(this.lists[this.lists.length-1].$el);},/**
* Flip the clock face
flip:function(time, doNotAddPlayClass){if(this.meridiumText !=this.getMeridium()){this.meridiumText =this.getMeridium();this.meridium.find('a').html(this.meridiumText);}this.base(this.factory.time.getTime(false,this.showSeconds), doNotAddPlayClass);},/**
* Get the current meridium
* @return string Returns the meridium (AM|PM)
* Is it currently in the post-medirium?
* @return bool Returns true or false
* Is it currently before the post-medirium?
* @return bool Returns true or false
* FlipClock Arabic Language Pack
* This class will be used to translate tokens into the Arabic language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Arabic={'years':'سنوات','months':'شهور','days':'أيام','hours':'ساعات','minutes':'دقائق','seconds':'ثواني'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['ar']=FlipClock.Lang.Arabic;FlipClock.Lang['ar-ar']=FlipClock.Lang.Arabic;FlipClock.Lang['arabic']=FlipClock.Lang.Arabic;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Danish Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Danish language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Danish={'years':'År','months':'Måneder','days':'Dage','hours':'Timer','minutes':'Minutter','seconds':'Sekunder'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['da']=FlipClock.Lang.Danish;FlipClock.Lang['da-dk']=FlipClock.Lang.Danish;FlipClock.Lang['danish']=FlipClock.Lang.Danish;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock German Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the German language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.German={'years':'Jahre','months':'Monate','days':'Tage','hours':'Stunden','minutes':'Minuten','seconds':'Sekunden'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['de']=FlipClock.Lang.German;FlipClock.Lang['de-de']=FlipClock.Lang.German;FlipClock.Lang['german']=FlipClock.Lang.German;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock English Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the English language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.English={'years':'Years','months':'Months','days':'Days','hours':'Hours','minutes':'Minutes','seconds':'Seconds'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['en']=FlipClock.Lang.English;FlipClock.Lang['en-us']=FlipClock.Lang.English;FlipClock.Lang['english']=FlipClock.Lang.English;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Spanish Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Spanish language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Spanish={'years':'Años','months':'Meses','days':'Días','hours':'Horas','minutes':'Minutos','seconds':'Segundos'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['es']=FlipClock.Lang.Spanish;FlipClock.Lang['es-es']=FlipClock.Lang.Spanish;FlipClock.Lang['spanish']=FlipClock.Lang.Spanish;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Finnish Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Finnish language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Finnish={'years':'Vuotta','months':'Kuukautta','days':'Päivää','hours':'Tuntia','minutes':'Minuuttia','seconds':'Sekuntia'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['fi']=FlipClock.Lang.Finnish;FlipClock.Lang['fi-fi']=FlipClock.Lang.Finnish;FlipClock.Lang['finnish']=FlipClock.Lang.Finnish;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Canadian French Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Canadian French language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.French={'years':'Ans','months':'Mois','days':'Jours','hours':'Heures','minutes':'Minutes','seconds':'Secondes'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['fr']=FlipClock.Lang.French;FlipClock.Lang['fr-ca']=FlipClock.Lang.French;FlipClock.Lang['french']=FlipClock.Lang.French;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Italian Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Italian language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Italian={'years':'Anni','months':'Mesi','days':'Giorni','hours':'Ore','minutes':'Minuti','seconds':'Secondi'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['it']=FlipClock.Lang.Italian;FlipClock.Lang['it-it']=FlipClock.Lang.Italian;FlipClock.Lang['italian']=FlipClock.Lang.Italian;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Latvian Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Latvian language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Latvian={'years':'Gadi','months':'Mēneši','days':'Dienas','hours':'Stundas','minutes':'Minūtes','seconds':'Sekundes'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['lv']=FlipClock.Lang.Latvian;FlipClock.Lang['lv-lv']=FlipClock.Lang.Latvian;FlipClock.Lang['latvian']=FlipClock.Lang.Latvian;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Dutch Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Dutch language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Dutch={'years':'Jaren','months':'Maanden','days':'Dagen','hours':'Uren','minutes':'Minuten','seconds':'Seconden'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['nl']=FlipClock.Lang.Dutch;FlipClock.Lang['nl-be']=FlipClock.Lang.Dutch;FlipClock.Lang['dutch']=FlipClock.Lang.Dutch;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Norwegian-Bokmål Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Norwegian language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Norwegian={'years':'År','months':'Måneder','days':'Dager','hours':'Timer','minutes':'Minutter','seconds':'Sekunder'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['no']=FlipClock.Lang.Norwegian;FlipClock.Lang['nb']=FlipClock.Lang.Norwegian;FlipClock.Lang['no-nb']=FlipClock.Lang.Norwegian;FlipClock.Lang['norwegian']=FlipClock.Lang.Norwegian;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Portuguese Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Portuguese language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Portuguese={'years':'Anos','months':'Meses','days':'Dias','hours':'Horas','minutes':'Minutos','seconds':'Segundos'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['pt']=FlipClock.Lang.Portuguese;FlipClock.Lang['pt-br']=FlipClock.Lang.Portuguese;FlipClock.Lang['portuguese']=FlipClock.Lang.Portuguese;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Russian Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Russian language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Russian={'years':'лет','months':'месяцев','days':'дней','hours':'часов','minutes':'минут','seconds':'секунд'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['ru']=FlipClock.Lang.Russian;FlipClock.Lang['ru-ru']=FlipClock.Lang.Russian;FlipClock.Lang['russian']=FlipClock.Lang.Russian;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Swedish Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Swedish language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Swedish={'years':'År','months':'Månader','days':'Dagar','hours':'Timmar','minutes':'Minuter','seconds':'Sekunder'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['sv']=FlipClock.Lang.Swedish;FlipClock.Lang['sv-se']=FlipClock.Lang.Swedish;FlipClock.Lang['swedish']=FlipClock.Lang.Swedish;}(jQuery));(function($){/**
* FlipClock Chinese Language Pack
* This class will used to translate tokens into the Chinese language.
*/FlipClock.Lang.Chinese={'years':'年','months':'月','days':'日','hours':'时','minutes':'分','seconds':'秒'};/* Create various aliases for convenience */FlipClock.Lang['zh']=FlipClock.Lang.Chinese;FlipClock.Lang['zh-cn']=FlipClock.Lang.Chinese;FlipClock.Lang['chinese']=FlipClock.Lang.Chinese;}(jQuery));
Boa tarde à todos.
Pessoal, estou com o seguinte problema: preciso imprimir uma ficha mensal de trabalho, mas quando vou imprimir, a página para impressão sai "cortada".
A imagem acima representa a ficha que preciso imprimir, está tudo ok com essa (tirei o cabeçalho, pois não vinha ao caso)
Vejam como fica na impressão: com aproximadamente 2/3 da largura.
Vou publicar um evento e quero colocar um Cronômetro regressivo que mostre em tempo real os dias, horas e minutos que faltam para determinada data, tipo:.
Faltam 5 dias, 12:30:00 para inauguração.
Qdo chegar no dia, quero que apenas apareça uma mensagem.
Olá pessoal, tenho uma div a qual através de um select categorias eu trago dados de empresas do banco, aí preciso clicar nas listagens das empresas e pegar o ID quando clica no checkbox e gravar pelo ajax novamente na session feita no arquivo php tipo um carrinho de compras, que essa parte já tenho... só não to conseguindo pegar os ids gerados dinamicamente no retorno feito do ajax, eles aparecem com F12 ao inspecionar, mas não aceita eu clicar para pegar o ID, acho que é algo de DOM, mas não to sabendo fazer... alguém aí saberia me ajudar como pegar esses ids ao clicar, já que eles vem dinamicamente?
eu criei uma página da qual tenho diversos checkbox para marcar, se tiver alguma caixinha marcada eu habilito um botão para fazer o envio ao servidor, porém, está acontecendo um problema que não consegui identificar, o que está acontecendo é o seguinte:
Quando eu marco um checkbox apenas, o botão é liberado, eu clico nele e aparece um modal para preencher os dados, e nesse modal tem um combobox com opções criadas em javascript, como tem somente uma caixinha marcada as informações no combobox aparecem perfeitamente, porém, se eu marco 2 checkbox ou mais as opções do combobox se repetem, como se eu tivesse fazendo isso dentro de um looping, o que não é verdade, eis o codigo abaixo:
Pessoal, estou usando o Flipclock para fazer um contador regressivo para um site EM CONSTRUÇÃO. Deu tudo certo, mas ao atualizar a página o contador regressivo reseta.
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