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Erro must take exactly 2 arguments - PHP/Wordpress/visual composer

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                   Olá, estou tentando criar um componente personalizado para visual composer um dropdown, tenho o arquivo php pesquisa.php que cria o componente personalizado,  e tenho o arquivo Receita.php que retorna os dados para serem exibidos no componente, o problema é que quando executo a pagina não aparece o componente e nem os dados do arquivo Receita.php.

                   Pelo DEBUG do Wordpress apresenta a seguinte mensagem abaixo:


[03-Feb-2018 02:33:07 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Method ImmutableValueObject::__set() must take exactly 2 arguments in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/n2go-2014/visual-composer/elements/Receita.php on line 33
                   Por fim segue o conteúdo dos arquivos PHP mencionados : 


include 'Receita.php'; 

class Pesquisa extends WPBakeryShortCode


$atts = Integration::instance()->get_default_shortcode_attrs();
	'name' => __('N2Go Integrations', 'js_composer'),
	'base' => 'n2go_integrations',
	'icon' => 'icon-heart',
	'category' => [__('Content', 'js_composer')],
	'params' => array_map(
		function($key, $default){
			return [
				'type' => 'Dropdown',
				'heading' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)),
				'param_name' => $key,
				'value' => $default,
	'descrição' => 'alguma descrição',





 * Utility base class that makes it easier to fill in readonly value objects.
 * @internal
abstract class ImmutableValueObject
    protected $data = [];

    final public function __construct(array $properties = [])
        $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $properties);

    final public function __get($name)
        if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->data)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Undefined property: %s::%s', __CLASS__, $name));

        return $this->data[$name];

    final public function __set($name)
        throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
            '%s property: %s::%s',
            array_key_exists($name, $this->data) ? 'Readonly' : 'Undefined',

 * @internal This is just a stub.
 * @property string $id Unique ID of the integration
 * @property string $name Full name of integration, eg; 'WordPress'
 * @property string $abbreviation Short code of integration, eg; 'MAG' for Magento or 'WP' for WordPress
 * @property string $imageUrl Logo of the integration, usually in SVG format
 * @property string $helpUrl User guide URL - can be empty, in which case disable or hide help link
 * @property string $type A value from: 'CRM', 'CMS' or 'Webshop'
 * @property IntegrationSystem[] $items List of supported integrations (plugins or connectors bound to one system)
class Integration extends ImmutableValueObject {}

 * @internal This is just a stub.
 * @property string $id Unique ID of the integration system
 * @property string $edition Eg; 'v4.2', 'v3 and older' or 'All Versions' - used in combination with integration
 * @property int $position Used for ordering
 * @property IntegrationPlugin[] $plugins List of plugins that support this edition.
 * @property IntegrationConnector[] $connectors List of connectors that support this edition.
class IntegrationSystem extends ImmutableValueObject {}

 * @internal This is just a stub.
 * @property string $id Unique ID of the plugin
 * @property string $version Eg; '4000' or '' - if it is 4 chars and no dots, then it should be formatted with dots between each char.
 * @property string $url Full URL for download the plugin. This may be a direct download or a page showcasing the plugin in a marketplace.
class IntegrationPlugin extends ImmutableValueObject {}

 * @internal This is just a stub.
 * @property string $id Unique ID of the connector
 * @property string $version Eg; '4000' or '' - if it is 4 chars and no dots, then it should be formatted with dots between each char.
class IntegrationConnector extends ImmutableValueObject {}

/** @var Integration[] $sampleData */
$sampleData = [
    new Integration([
        'id' => '1',
        'name' => 'Amazon',
        'abbreviation' => 'AM',
        'imageUrl' => '//',
        'helpUrl' => '',
        'type' => 'Webshop',
        'items' => [
            new IntegrationSystem([
                'id' => '1',
                'edition' => 'All Versions',
                'position' => 0,
                'plugins' => [],
                'connectors' => [
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '1', 'version' => '3000']),
    new Integration([
        'id' => '2',
        'name' => 'Lightspeed eCom',
        'abbreviation' => 'LS',
        'imageUrl' => '//',
        'helpUrl' => '',
        'type' => 'Webshop',
        'items' => [
            new IntegrationSystem([
                'id' => '2',
                'edition' => 'All Versions',
                'position' => 0,
                'plugins' => [],
                'connectors' => [
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '2', 'version' => '3000']),
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '3', 'version' => '3001']),
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '4', 'version' => '3002']),
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '5', 'version' => '3003']),
    new Integration([
        'id' => '3',
        'name' => 'WordPress',
        'abbreviation' => 'WP',
        'imageUrl' => '//',
        'helpUrl' => '',
        'type' => 'CMS',
        'items' => [
            new IntegrationSystem([
                'id' => '2',
                'edition' => 'All Versions',
                'position' => 0,
                'plugins' => [
                    new IntegrationPlugin(['id' => '1', 'version' => '2100', 'url' => '']),
                    new IntegrationPlugin(['id' => '2', 'version' => '3000', 'url' => '']),
                    new IntegrationPlugin(['id' => '3', 'version' => '3003', 'url' => '']),
                    new IntegrationPlugin(['id' => '4', 'version' => '3005', 'url' => '']),
                    new IntegrationPlugin(['id' => '5', 'version' => '4006', 'url' => '']),
                'connectors' => [
                    new IntegrationConnector(['id' => '6', 'version' => '3000']),

return $sampleData;


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           1       -----   produto_A
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