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    Whatsapp em python

    Estou testando o envio de mensagem para whatsapp via Python, queria testar enviar imagem tambem, porem nao sei qual o codigo usar, alguem sabe como proceder? Segue o codigo utilizado até o momento. from time import sleep from import By from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException from import WebDriverWait import socket client = Client() message_text='Oi, esta é uma mensagem automatica criada.' # message no_of_message=1 # no. of time moblie_no_list=[554899999999] # list of phone number def element_presence(by,xpath,time): element_present = EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, xpath)) WebDriverWait(driver, time).until(element_present) def is_connected(): try: # connect to the host -- tells us if the host is actually # reachable socket.create_connection(("", 80)) return True except : is_connected() driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="chromedriver.exe") driver.get("") sleep(10) #wait time to scan the code in second def send_whatsapp_msg(phone_no,text): driver.get("{}&source=&data=#".format(phone_no)) try: driver.switch_to_alert().accept() except Exception as e: pass try: element_presence(By.XPATH,'//*[@id="main"]/footer/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]',30) txt_box=driver.find_element(By.XPATH , '//*[@id="main"]/footer/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]') global no_of_message for x in range(no_of_message): txt_box.send_keys(text) txt_box.send_keys("\n") except Exception as e: print("invailid phone no :"+str(phone_no)) for moblie_no in moblie_no_list: try: send_whatsapp_msg(moblie_no,message_text) except Exception as e: sleep(10) is_connected()

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