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Erro ao inserir string no banco via formulario (iniciante)

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O campo ID esta com autonumeraçãoNenhum campo da tabela esta como requridoO resultado do response.write(strsql) é:insert into diary (dte, text_field) values (' 19-abril-2007 ', ' texto digitado')Será é por causa dos "-" ? Poxa, como esta dificil!

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Esta data/hora


eu mudei para texto e o script passou e foi parar na página da agenda diary.asp (deveria mostrar o texto digitado)


na linha 101

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.


/diary.asp, line 101


Advinha qual é a linha?



et rs = conn.execute (StrSql)


Uma coisa é certa, ja passamos para a última página.


Vejam o cod.

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %><!--#INCLUDE FILE="dbcon.asp" --><%Session.LCID = 1046'Option Explicit'set my_conn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") my_Conn.Open DBConFunction FormatStr(String)	on Error resume next	String = Replace(String, CHR(13), "")	String = Replace(String, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P>")	String = Replace(String, CHR(10), "<BR>")	FormatStr = StringEnd FunctionDim dtToday dtToday = Date()Dim dtCurViewMonth ' First day of the currently viewed monthDim dtCurViewDay ' Current day of the currently viewed monthDim frmDate ' Date submitted by form' if the GO button was used, build the date from the month and yearIf InStr(1, Request.Form, "subGO", 1) > 0  then	if Request.Form("CURDATE_month") = "" then		tmpMonth = month(now())	else		tmpMonth = Request.Form("CURDATE_month")	End If		if Request.Form("CURDATE_year") = "" then		tmpyear = year(now())	else		tmpyear = Request.Form("CURDATE_year")	End If			tmpDate = "1 " & tmpMonth & " 1999"		mnth = Month(tmpDate)	frmDate = DateSerial(tmpyear, mnth, 1)Else	frmDate = Request.Form("CURDATE")	end ifif Request("view_date") <> "" then 	frmDate= DateSerial(year(Request("view_date")), month(Request("view_date")), 1)end if%><% REM This section defines functions to be used later on. %><% REM This sets the Previous Sunday and the Current Month %><% '--------------------------------------------------   Function DtPrevSunday(ByVal dt)	  Do While WeekDay(dt) > vbSunday		 dt = DateAdd("d", -1, dt)	  Loop   DtPrevSunday = dt   End Function'--------------------------------------------------%><%REM Set current view month from posted CURDATE,  or' the current date as appropriate.' if posted from the form' if prev button was hit on the form   If InStr(1, Request.Form, "subPrev", 1) > 0 Then	  dtCurViewMonth = DateAdd("m", -1, frmDate)' if next button was hit on the form   ElseIf InStr(1, Request.Form, "subNext", 1) > 0 Then	  dtCurViewMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, frmDate)' anyother time	  Else' date add in text box		 If InStr(1, Request.Form, "subGO", 1) > 0 then			dtCurViewMonth = frmDate		 Else			if Request("view_date") <> "" then 				dtCurviewMonth = frmDate			else			dtCurViewMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtToday), Month(dtToday), 1)			End If		 End If   End If%><% REM --------BEGINNING OF DRAW CALENDAR SECTION-------- %><% REM This section executes the event query and draws a matching calendar. %><%   Dim iDay, iWeek, sFontColor, dictDte(31,2), intCount   strSql = "SELECT * FROM diary WHERE month(dte)= " & month(dtCurViewMonth) & " and year(dte) = " & year(dtCurViewMonth) & " order by dte"      set rs = conn.execute (StrSql)      intCount= 0      ' populate array with days of month   on Error resume next        do until rs.EOF     if intCount > 31 then exit do   if Day(rs("dte")) = intCount + 1 then 		dictDte(intCount, 1) = rs("text_field")		rs.Movenext	Else 		dictDte(intCount, 1) = " "	End If	dictDte(intCount, 2) = intCount + 1	intCount = intCount + 1   loop  %><html><head></head><body> <center>   <font FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="5" color="#000080">Agenda Casa do Caminho Frei Luiz </font>	   <form NAME="fmNextPrev" ACTION="diary.asp" METHOD="POST">	   <table CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="95%" BORDER="2" BGCOLOR="#99CCFF" BORDERCOLORDARK="#003399" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFFFFF">		  <tr VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="CENTER">			 <td COLSPAN="7">			 <table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0">				<tr VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="CENTER">				   <td WIDTH="30%" ALIGN="RIGHT">					  <input TYPE="IMAGE" NAME="subPrev" SRC="images/Left.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="20" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">				   </td>				   <td WIDTH="40%">					  <font FACE="Arial" COLOR="#000000">					  <b><%=MonthName(Month(dtCurViewMonth)) & " " & Year(dtCurViewMonth)%></b>					 </font>				   </td>				   <td WIDTH="30%" ALIGN="LEFT">					  <input TYPE="IMAGE" NAME="subNext" SRC="images/Right.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="20" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">				   </td>				</tr>			 </table>			 </td>		  </tr>		  <tr VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#000099">		  <% For iDay = vbSunday To vbSaturday %>			 <th WIDTH="14%"><font FACE="Arial" SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><%=WeekDayName(iDay)%></font></th>		  <%Next %>		 </tr><%   dtCurViewDay = DtPrevSunday(dtCurViewMonth)     For iWeek = 0 To 5	  Response.Write "<tr valign=top>" & vbCrLfDim sBGCOLOR sBGCOLOR = "#99ccff"For iDay = 0 To 6sBGCOLOR = "#99ccff"If Month(dtCurViewDay) = Month(dtCurViewMonth) Then If dtCurViewDay = dtToday Then sBGCOLOR = "#99ccbb"else  sBGCOLOR = "#99ccff" End IfResponse.Write "<TD HEIGHT=50 bgcolor='" & sBGCOLOR & "' >"		 	     If Month(dtCurViewDay) = Month(dtCurViewMonth) Then		If dtCurViewDay = dtToday Then			   sFontColor = "#ff0000"			Else			   sFontColor = "#00000"			End If	  		 '---- Write day of month			Response.Write "<FONT FACE=""Arial"" SIZE=""-2"" COLOR=""" & sFontColor & """><strong>"			Response.Write "<a href=view_day.asp?" & "view_date=" & day(dtCurViewday) & "-" & monthname(month(dtCurViewday)) & "-" & year(dtCurViewday) & ">"  & Day(dtCurViewDay) & "</a></strong><br>" & formatStr(dictDte(Day(dtCurViewDay)- 1, 1)) & "</FONT><BR>"		 '---Else			'---Response.Write " "		 End If		 Response.Write "</TD>" & vbCrLf		 dtCurViewDay = DateAdd("d", 1, dtCurViewDay)	  Next	  Response.Write "</TR>" & vbCrLf   Next%><%REM --------END OF DRAW CALENDAR SECTION-------- my_conn.Closeset my_conn = nothing%></table><select name="CURDATE_month">  <option value="<%=monthName(month(dtCurViewMonth))%>" selected><%=monthName(month(dtCurViewMonth))%>  <option value="January">Janeiro  <option value="February">Fevereiro  <option value="March">março  <option value="April">Abril  <option value="May">Maio  <option value="June">Junho  <option value="July">Julho  <option value="August">Agosto  <option value="September">Setembro  <option value="October">Outubro  <option value="November">Novembro  <option value="December">Dezembro</select><input TYPE="text" NAME="CURDATE_YEAR" VALUE="<%=year(dtCurViewMonth)%>" size="6"><br><input type="hidden" Name="CURDATE" Value="<%=dtCurViewMonth%>"><input type="submit" value=" Visualizar " name="subGO"></form></center></div></font></center></body></html>

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Detalhe importante, escreveu no banco as informações!Acho que esta dando erro na diary.asp porque ele tenta pegar as informações em um campo data e não txt correto?

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