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problema com GraphViz

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Olá pessoal,estou fazendo um sistema que usa gráficos gerados com classes do PEARmeu problema é em um gráfico que teima em não ser gerado que usa o GraphVizo erro é o seguinte:

PHP Warning: fopen(C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\graA00.tmp.png) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\\php\\PEAR\\Image\\GraphViz.php on line 210PHP Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:\\php\\PEAR\\Image\\GraphViz.php on line 217

Eu achei muito estranho esse erro, ele basicamnete diz que não encontra um arquivo que ele mesmo gera.Alguém pode dar uma luz sobre o que pode estar causando isso?

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No site do PEAR eu achei essa resposta de um cara com um problema parecido:

Ok I think I solved this problem. I had two problems

actually, the first must sound painfully obvious but it

wasn't to me.


I needed to download and install GraphViz - http:// I assumed the GraphViz libraries were

installed as part of the PEAR package.


Second and probably of more use to the readers is that in

order for Apache (2 at least) to talk to the "dot" program

it must have permission to interact with the desktop.

(Thanks to tr4nc3 at msn dot com on for that tip...)

To allow this do the following:



Right click on Apache2, select Properties

Click on the LOG ON tab

Check the box "Allow this service to interact with desktop"

Click OK

Restart Apache



Its worth mentioning that this seems like a security

disaster. By default Apache runs as SYSTEM on windows and so

will every process it creates... This gives PHP carte

blanche to do whatever it feels like to your poor windoze

box :-(. However... you will get to see your pretty graphviz

charts :-).



Hope this helps. Perhaps this should be added to a FAQ


mas isso também não resolveu, eu já tinha o GraphViz instalado, então me concentrei em permitir o apache a interagir com o desktop, mas isso também não funcionou.

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