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MP3 Player

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Fala aew, galera.Gente, to com um problemão!Preciso fazer um mp3 player para o meu site, mas n faço idéia de como montar!!!É isso mesmo! Não faço idéia! Tô ferrado!!!!Será que alguem pode me passar um tuto completo, um .fla ou coisa parecida?Eu vi um player bem bacana no site do Dauton Janota. Muito legal mesmo. Nota 10!!!Ele puxa as músicas de fora do swf, através de uma lista (q n faço idéia de como faz isso)...Como ele fez aquilo? Algume pode me ensinar? Por favor????Muito obrigado.

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Olá,Pesquisando no meu micro encontrei este tutorial (em inglês) do FlashKit (não tenho o endereço completo da página!):

make your own mp3 player Author: roozbeh afrasiabi(black_death) | Website: none |    Page 1  1  Make your own MP3 player using Flash MX :Version 2.0 Introduction: One of the best features of Flash MX is its ability to download mp3 files directly into flash player, before the release of flash MX developers had to import mp3 files into their projects and this made handling such files very hard. But now with the loadSound() function you can easily load mp3s and choose the method flash player downloads them. There are basically two methods you can use to load your mp3s into flash player: 1.event 2.streaming According to the method you select flash MX gives youdifferent options for handling the file.Event sounds have to be downloaded before they can be controlled, streaming sounds play while they are being loaded, so flash player gives you full control over event sounds and less options for handling streaming sounds. When you load mp3s as event sounds you can use all commands for handling sound objects that actionscript offers, on the other hand when you load mp3s as streaming sounds you are only given the ability to stop, play or set volume-pan of the music file . How it is done: First of all run flash MX and create an empty project. Choose your desired document size and background color. This mp3 player requires some buttons, you can make your own buttons or Use the buttons flash stores in the common libraries. We will organize our scripting by using functions for the most part of the MP3 player. All functions are placed in the first frame (main scene).Functions: play: function playa() { if (playing!=true) { mysound=new Sound(); if (url!=null) { mysound.loadSound(url+".mp3", false); mysound.start((_root.pos)/1000,1); if (mysound.duration!=0) { playing=true; } } else { } } } Note: You can not use play as the function name, flash already hasA built in function with that name. In general avoid naming yourFunctions with names that are already used by flash.This function will simply load the mp3 file from the path (URL) you have provided if the URL exists. Note: you can use an input text box to get the URL from the user. Note:_root.pos is a variable that stores the file positionIf the URL value is null you can use the else command to force the user into inputting a valid path or file name.Stop: function stopa() { _root.pos=0; mysound.stop(); playing=false; } The _root.pos=0 sets the pos value to zero so if the user calls the playa function the file will be played from the beginning. Pause: function pause() { if (playing) { _root.pos=mysound.position; mysound.stop(); playing=false; } } This function pauses the sound and stores the position value in the pos variable.(The pos value will be used when the user calls the playa function, in this way when the music is played again it startsfrom the position where it was stopped before)Copy/paste all these functions to the first frame (on the main scene) Of your project. Forward/Rewind:Create an empty movie clip and place the following scripts inside thefirst frame of the movie.if ( {if (_root.playing) {pose = int((_root.mysound.position)/1000)-1;_root.mySound.stop();_root.mySound.start(pose, 1);}}if (_root.fw) {if (_root.playing) {pose = int((_root.mysound.position)/1000)+1;_root.mySound.stop();_root.mySound.start(pose, 1);}}Now select the next frame and convert it to a keyframe this will make a loop.Mute:Create a global sound object that can control the overall sound volume:globalvolume = new Sound();Place the above script in the first frame(main scene) we will use a button tocontrol this object.Buttons: play/pause/stop:Just use the buttons you made before to call these functions .Example:on (press) {pause();}forward/rewind/mute:Copy/paste the following scripts to the buttons you have madebefore.Forward:on (press) {fw = 1;}on (release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) {fw = 0;}Rewind:on (press) {rw = 1;}on (release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) {rw = 0;}Mute:on (release) {if (_root.globalvolume.getVolume()>0) {_root.globalvolume.setVolume(0); } else {_root.globalvolume.setVolume(100);}}Counters: Add these to the first frame(main scene) of your movie: playing=false; var pos=0; These will set the default values for playing and pos. Volume&pan: you can use any fader to control the volume-pan of your mp3. Note: If you can not handle making a fader use the faders in the common libraries of flash MX. Commonlibraries>>buttons>>Knobs&faders>>fadergain And that’s it you have made your own MP3 player and it works fine. You can now use your knowledge of action script to make this player as complicated or as simple as you want.


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Olá,Pesquisando no meu micro encontrei este tutorial (em inglês) do FlashKit (não tenho o endereço completo da página!):

make your own mp3 player Author: roozbeh afrasiabi(black_death) | Website: none |    Page 1  1  Make your own MP3 player using Flash MX :Version 2.0 Introduction: One of the best features of Flash MX is its ability to download mp3 files directly into flash player, before the release of flash MX developers had to import mp3 files into their projects and this made handling such files very hard. But now with the loadSound() function you can easily load mp3s and choose the method flash player downloads them. There are basically two methods you can use to load your mp3s into flash player: 1.event 2.streaming According to the method you select flash MX gives youdifferent options for handling the file.Event sounds have to be downloaded before they can be controlled, streaming sounds play while they are being loaded, so flash player gives you full control over event sounds and less options for handling streaming sounds. When you load mp3s as event sounds you can use all commands for handling sound objects that actionscript offers, on the other hand when you load mp3s as streaming sounds you are only given the ability to stop, play or set volume-pan of the music file . How it is done: First of all run flash MX and create an empty project. Choose your desired document size and background color. This mp3 player requires some buttons, you can make your own buttons or Use the buttons flash stores in the common libraries. We will organize our scripting by using functions for the most part of the MP3 player. All functions are placed in the first frame (main scene).Functions: play: function playa() { if (playing!=true) { mysound=new Sound(); if (url!=null) { mysound.loadSound(url+".mp3", false); mysound.start((_root.pos)/1000,1); if (mysound.duration!=0) { playing=true; } } else { } } } Note: You can not use play as the function name, flash already hasA built in function with that name. In general avoid naming yourFunctions with names that are already used by flash.This function will simply load the mp3 file from the path (URL) you have provided if the URL exists. Note: you can use an input text box to get the URL from the user. Note:_root.pos is a variable that stores the file positionIf the URL value is null you can use the else command to force the user into inputting a valid path or file name.Stop: function stopa() { _root.pos=0; mysound.stop(); playing=false; } The _root.pos=0 sets the pos value to zero so if the user calls the playa function the file will be played from the beginning. Pause: function pause() { if (playing) { _root.pos=mysound.position; mysound.stop(); playing=false; } } This function pauses the sound and stores the position value in the pos variable.(The pos value will be used when the user calls the playa function, in this way when the music is played again it startsfrom the position where it was stopped before)Copy/paste all these functions to the first frame (on the main scene) Of your project. Forward/Rewind:Create an empty movie clip and place the following scripts inside thefirst frame of the movie.if ( {if (_root.playing) {pose = int((_root.mysound.position)/1000)-1;_root.mySound.stop();_root.mySound.start(pose, 1);}}if (_root.fw) {if (_root.playing) {pose = int((_root.mysound.position)/1000)+1;_root.mySound.stop();_root.mySound.start(pose, 1);}}Now select the next frame and convert it to a keyframe this will make a loop.Mute:Create a global sound object that can control the overall sound volume:globalvolume = new Sound();Place the above script in the first frame(main scene) we will use a button tocontrol this object.Buttons: play/pause/stop:Just use the buttons you made before to call these functions .Example:on (press) {pause();}forward/rewind/mute:Copy/paste the following scripts to the buttons you have madebefore.Forward:on (press) {fw = 1;}on (release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) {fw = 0;}Rewind:on (press) {rw = 1;}on (release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) {rw = 0;}Mute:on (release) {if (_root.globalvolume.getVolume()>0) {_root.globalvolume.setVolume(0); } else {_root.globalvolume.setVolume(100);}}Counters: Add these to the first frame(main scene) of your movie: playing=false; var pos=0; These will set the default values for playing and pos. Volume&pan: you can use any fader to control the volume-pan of your mp3. Note: If you can not handle making a fader use the faders in the common libraries of flash MX. Commonlibraries>>buttons>>Knobs&faders>>fadergain And that’s it you have made your own MP3 player and it works fine. You can now use your knowledge of action script to make this player as complicated or as simple as you want.

Vleu kra.Vou ver se consigo traduzir, pq o meu inglês é horrorível...Mas muito obrigado de qualquer maneira.Valeu! ;)

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