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Amigos já rodei quase todo o forum atraz de resolver um problema na função que verifica o tamanho da imagem, veja o seguinte erro que acontece quando faço o upload da imagem para meu servidor:


Warning: getimagesize(/public_html/meusite/pasta/admin/upload_imagens/pdil194046.jpg)

[function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

in /home/empresa/public_html/meusite/pasta/admin/thumbnail.php on line 80


Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions

in /home/empresa/public_html/meusite/pasta/admin/thumbnail.php on line 100


I - Gostaria de saber se este erro é porque no php.ini não está habilitado no meu servidor que hospedo o site.


II - Gostaria de saber se isto pode ser um erro no código fonte da pagina, peguei este código na web para aprendizagem... veja o codigo do arquivo "thumbnail.php"





Zenith Picture Gallery


Written by and copyright © Ali Almossawi


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at

your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


General Public License for more details.



class ImageManipulator {





function ImageManipulator() {}



//checkGD(): check for GD2 support


function checkGD() {

$msg = 1;

if (!function_exists("gd_info")) $msg = "Seu servidor nao suporta GD2.";

return $msg;




//decider(): Manage image depending on type


function decider($image_type, $filename, $width, $height, $quality, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode) {

$image_type = strtolower($image_type);

switch($image_type) {

case 'jpg':

$this -> doItJpeg($filename, $width, $height, $quality, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode);


case 'jpeg':

$this -> doItJpeg($filename, $width, $height, $quality, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode);


case 'png':

$this -> doItPng($filename, $width, $height, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode);







//doItJpeg(): resize the image


function doItJpeg($filename, $width, $height, $quality, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode) {


//$this -> checkGD()


$msg = "1"; //initially, assume all is well


//first, create a blank image

$bits = explode(".", $filename);

$thumb_filename = $bits[0] . $suffix . "." . $bits[1];

$path_thumb = $path_server . $thumb_filename;

$path_server .= $filename;


/*$im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path); //attempt to open blank image

//courtesy (vic at zymsys dot com)

if (!$im) { //check if it failed

$im = imagecreate(150, 30); //create blank image

$bgc = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);

$tc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);

imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc);

imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading $filename", $tc); //output error message



$size = GetImageSize($path_server); //get width/height (path support from PHP 4.05)

$image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path_server); //attempt to open original image


//resize only if bigger than than the allowed thumbnail size

if($size[0]>$width || $size[1]>$height) {

//courtesy "User contributed notes" at

if ($size[0]>=$size[1]) { //if width is greater than height or equal




if ($size[1]>$size[0]) { //if height is greater than width





else {





$thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($sizemin[0],$sizemin[1]);

@ImageCopyResampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizemin[0], $sizemin[1], $size[0], $size[1]); //resize and resample image


//chmod original file to 0777 temporarily, then return to 0644


if($config['debug_mode'] == 1) echo "Não foi possível alterar o chamod do diretório: ($path_server)";


@ImageDestroy($image); //free memory

if (!@ImageJPEG($thumbnail, $path_thumb, $quality)) { // try to save thumbnail image

$msg .= "Não foi possível criar o thumbnail";


if(!@chmod($path_server, 0644))

if($config['debug_mode'] == 1) echo "Não foi possível alterar o chamod do diretório: ($path_server)";


return $msg;




//doItPng(): resize the image


function doItPng($filename, $width, $height, $path, $path_server, $suffix, $mode) {

$msg = "1"; //initially, assume all is well

$bits = explode(".", $filename);

$thumb_filename = $bits[0] . $suffix . "." . $bits[1];

$path_thumb = $path_server . $thumb_filename;

$path_server .= $filename;


$size = GetImageSize($path_server); //get width/height (path support from PHP 4.05)

$image = @imagecreatefrompng($path_server); //attempt to open original image


//resize only if bigger than than the allowed thumbnail size

if($size[0]>$width || $size[1]>$height) {

//courtesy "User contributed notes" at

if ($size[0]>=$size[1]) { //if width is greater than height or equal




if ($size[1]>$size[0]) { //if height is greater than width





else {





$thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($sizemin[0],$sizemin[1]);

@ImageCopyResampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizemin[0], $sizemin[1], $size[0], $size[1]); //resize and resample image


//chmod original file to 0777 temporarily, then return to 0644


if($config['debug_mode'] == 1) echo "Não foi possível alterar o chamod do diretório: ($path_server)";


@ImageDestroy($image); //free memory

if (!@ImagePNG($thumbnail, $path_thumb)) { // try to save thumbnail image

$msg .= "Não foi possível criar o thumbnail";


if(!@chmod($path_server, 0644))

if($config['debug_mode'] == 1) echo "Não foi possível alterar o chamod do diretório: ($path_server)";


return $msg;






function doItToBrowser($pic, $path, $width, $height, $quality, $smart_resize) {


//strip extension from value

//$bits = explode(".", substr($pic,-6,6)); $extension = $bits[1]; //get the extension

$bits = $this -> splitFilenameAndExtensionMirror($pic);

$type = $bits[1];


//first create a blank image

$size = getimagesize($path); //get width/height (path support from PHP 4.05)


if(strcasecmp($type, "jpeg") == 0 || strcasecmp($type, "jpg") == 0)

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); //attempt to open original image

elseif(strcasecmp($type, "gif") == 0)

$image = imagecreatefromgif($path); //attempt to open original image


$image = imagecreatefrompng($path); //attempt to open original image


if($smart_resize == 1) {

//resize only if bigger than than the allowed thumbnail size

if($size[0]>$width || $size[1]>$height) {

if ($size[0]>=$size[1]) { //if width is greater than height or equal




if ($size[1]>$size[0]) { //if height is greater than width





else {





else {





$thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($sizemin[0],$sizemin[1]);

imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizemin[0], $sizemin[1], $size[0], $size[1]); //resize and resample image


header("Content-type: image/jpeg");








function splitFilenameAndExtensionMirror($filename) {

$str = strrev($filename);

$bits = explode(".",$str);

$extension = strrev($bits[0]);

$name = substr($filename,0,strlen($filename)-strlen($extension)-1);


$arrBits[0] = $name; $arrBits[1] = $extension;


return $arrBits;



}//end class




III - Fico grato desde já, espero com a ajuda de vocês aprender mais e mais, flw


IV - Mil desculpas não sei proque meu poste ficou assim desconfigurado =D

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permite que voce de permissão para a pasta


Mais dependendo do servidor de hospedagem essa função não funciona


então voce pode ir ate a pasta no seu FTP, botão direito, PROPRIEDADES


e la voce permite TUDO.



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