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estou tendo um problema nessa linha , mas não encontro solução:

\index.php on line 44 que se refere a isso:

44 ---> $ins_fotos->setTable("fotos");

$ins_fotos->addColumn("fotos", "FILE_TYPE", "FILES", "fotos");

$ins_fotos->addColumn("id", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "POST", "id");

$ins_fotos->setPrimaryKey("id", "NUMERIC_TYPE");



ajuda -me por favor

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estou tendo um problema nessa linha , mas não encontro solução:

\index.php on line 44 que se refere a isso:

44 ---> $ins_fotos->setTable("fotos");

$ins_fotos->addColumn("fotos", "FILE_TYPE", "FILES", "fotos");

$ins_fotos->addColumn("id", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "POST", "id");

$ins_fotos->setPrimaryKey("id", "NUMERIC_TYPE");



ajuda -me por favor


Poste o código completo para melhor visualização, e também utilize as tag


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Que problema?


aparece erro? qual ?

não duplique tópicos.

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boa noite!

então as nessa form eu consigo pegar a foto redimencionar registra no servidor e vejo numa pagina.

tudo acontece mas aparecem esses erros logo de cara:

Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG.class.php on line 179


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG.class.php on line 226


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG.class.php on line 240


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG.class.php on line 195


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG_fields.class.php on line 333


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG_insert.class.php on line 111


Strict Standards: Non-static method tNG_log::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\Arquivos de programas\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\includes\tng\tNG_fields.class.php on line 312



o codigo e esse:

<?php require_once('Connections/novas.php'); ?>
// Load the common classes

// Load the tNG classes

// Make a transaction dispatcher instance
$tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher("");

// Make unified connection variable
$conn_novas = new KT_connection($novas, $database_novas);

// Start trigger
$formValidation = new tNG_FormValidation();
// End trigger

//start Trigger_ImageUpload trigger
//remove this line if you want to edit the code by hand 
function Trigger_ImageUpload(&$tNG) {
$uploadObj = new tNG_ImageUpload($tNG);
$uploadObj->setResize("true", 600, 0);
$uploadObj->setAllowedExtensions("jpg, jpeg, png, bmp");
return $uploadObj->Execute();
//end Trigger_ImageUpload trigger

// Make an insert transaction instance
$ins_jpgs = new tNG_insert($conn_novas);
// Register triggers
$ins_jpgs->registerTrigger("STARTER", "Trigger_Default_Starter", 1, "POST", "KT_Insert1");
$ins_jpgs->registerTrigger("BEFORE", "Trigger_Default_FormValidation", 10, $formValidation);
$ins_jpgs->registerTrigger("END", "Trigger_Default_Redirect", 99, "index.php");
$ins_jpgs->registerTrigger("AFTER", "Trigger_ImageUpload", 97);
// Add columns
$ins_jpgs->addColumn("novas", "FILE_TYPE", "FILES", "novas");
$ins_jpgs->setPrimaryKey("id", "NUMERIC_TYPE");

// Execute all the registered transactions

// Get the transaction recordset
$rsjpgs = $tNGs->getRecordset("jpgs");
$row_rsjpgs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsjpgs);
$totalRows_rsjpgs = mysql_num_rows($rsjpgs);
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>..Novas Fotos..</title>
<link href="includes/skins/mxkollection3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="includes/common/js/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="includes/common/js/utility.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="includes/skins/style.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<?php echo $tNGs->displayValidationRules();?>

echo $tNGs->getErrorMsg();
<form action="<?php echo KT_escapeAttribute(KT_getFullUri()); ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
<table align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="KT_tngtable">
<td class="KT_th"><label for="novas">
<div align="center">Novas:</div>
<td><div align="center">
<input type="file" name="novas" id="novas" size="32" />
<?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("jpgs", "novas"); ?> </div></td>
<tr class="KT_buttons">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center">
<input type="submit" name="KT_Insert1" id="KT_Insert1" value="colocar" /> 
<div align="center"></div>
<div align="center"></div>
<p> </p>


obrigado pela ajuda.

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Esses endereços de "includes" e "require_once" estão corretos? verifique se os arquivos solicitados estão nos endereços correspondentes...


Depois poste as linhas onde aparecem os erros (para facilitar poste dentro das tags



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179 [ tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'begin')]essa é uma das linhas


function executeTransaction() {

tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'begin');

if ($this->started) {

tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'end');

return false;


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