LuhDesign 0 Denunciar post Postado Julho 23, 2010 Olá, estou fazendo a integração do sistema de cadastro entre o SugarCrm e um sistema aqui da empresa, e um campo nao entra no mysql em um servidor, mas aqui no nosso, entra... =/ PS.: Peguei o sistema para mexer agora, nao sei quem fez ¬¬ "candidato.php" //error_reporting(E_ALL); include_once ('variavelglobal.php'); require_once ($DiretorioClasses . 'clscandidato.php'); require_once ($DiretorioClasses . 'clscandidato_documents.php'); require_once ($DiretorioClasses . 'clsdocuments.php'); require_once ($DiretorioClasses . 'clsdocuments_revision.php'); require_once ($DiretorioInclude . 'FuncoesGenericas.php'); require_once ($DiretorioLanguageCrm . 'pt_br.lang.php'); //require_once($DiretorioIncludeCrm . 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// } if (!ValidaCampo('Nível Acadêmico', document.form1.nivelacademico.value, 1, 0, 100)){ document.form1.nivelacademico.focus(); return false; } document.form1.Acao.value = 'salvar'; document.form1.submit(); } --> </script> <style type="text/css"> #tudo{width:600px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:auto;} #barra{background-image:url(img/bg_titulo.png); height:30px; background-repeat:repeat-x; font-size:16px; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; padding-top:5px; padding-left:10px;} #linklogin a {color:#002748; text-decoration:none;} #lonklogin a:hover{color:#666666; text-decoration:underline;} .input {border:1px solid #1E405D; color:#1E405D; padding:0px; margin-left:5px;} .input:hover {border:1px solid #666;} .input:focus {border:1px solid #1E405D; background-color:#FFFF99;} </style> <form name="form1" action="candidato.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_SESSION ['id']?>"> <table width="600" align="center" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td height="20"> <div id="tudo"> <p align="right" id="linklogin"><a href="login.php?acao=logout">Sair</a></p> <center><span style="font-size:13px;"><span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span> Campos obrigatórios</span></center> <div id="barra">LOGIN</div> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <div align="right"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"> <small> <strong> E-mail:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span> </strong> </small> </font> </div> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <input type="text" name="email_c" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->email_c?>" class="input"> </td> </tr> <tr> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" > <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" align="right"> <small> <font face="Verdana"> <strong> Senha:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span> </strong> </font> </small> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <input type=PASSWORD name="senha_c" size="20" value="<?php echo $Objcandidatos->senha_c?>" class="input"> <small> <font face="verdana" size="1"> </font></small></td> </tr> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" > <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" align="right"> <small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Confirme sua Senha:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type=PASSWORD name="novasenha" size="20" value="<?php echo $Objcandidatos->senha_c?>" class="input"></td> </tr> </table> <div id="barra">Dados Pessoais</div> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" > <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Nome:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></small></font> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" name="nome" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->first_name?>" class="input"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" align="right"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Sobrenome:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></small></font> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" name="sobrenome" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->last_name?>" class="input"></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" > <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" align="right"> <small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Data de Nascimento:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" name="datanasc" size="10" value="<?= FormataDataPagina ($Objcandidatos->datanasc)?>" class="input"> <small><font face="verdana" size="1">(dd/mm/aaaa)</font></small></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="right" bgcolor="ECECEC"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Sexo:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="sexo" size="1" class="input"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['sexo_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['sexo_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->sexo) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" align="right"> <small><font face="Verdana"><strong>CPF:</strong></font></small> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" name="cpf2_c" size="16" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->cpf2_c?>" class="input"><font face="Verdana" size="1"><small> Exemplo: 40684569565 </small></font></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" > <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Contatos</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="right" bgcolor="ECECEC"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Telefone Comercial:</strong></font></small> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="telefonecomercial" size="15" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->phone_work?>"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><small> Seguir padrão: 55 (11) 3077-5400 </small></font></td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="right" bgcolor="ECECEC" style="font-weight: bold;"><small><font face="Verdana">Telefone Residencial:</font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="telefoneresidencial" size="15" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->phone_home?>"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><small> Seguir padrão: 55 (11) 3077-5400 </small></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="right" bgcolor="ECECEC" style="font-weight: bold;"><small><font face="Verdana">Celular:</font></small> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="celular" size="15" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->phone_mobile?>"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><small> Seguir padrão: 55 (11) 3077-5400 </small></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><font face="Verdana"><strong>E-mail Pessoal:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <script language="javascript"> function validaemail(){ if(document.form1.emailpessoal.value == ''){ alert("Campo E-mail pessoal obrigatório"); return false; } } </script> <input type="text" class="input" name="emailpessoal" size="35" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->emailpessoal?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><font face="Verdana"><strong>E-mail Comercial:</strong></font></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="emailcomercial" size="35" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->emailcomercial?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <div id="barra">Endereço Residencial:</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Endereço:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></small></font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="endereco" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->primary_address_street?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Número:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></small></font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="numero_c" size="15" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->numero_c?>"> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Complemento:</strong></small></font> <input type="text" class="input" name="complemento" size="15"value="<?=$Objcandidatos->complemento?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><strong><font face="Verdana">Bairro:</font></strong></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="bairro_c" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->bairro_c?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><strong><font face="Verdana">CEP:</font></strong></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" name="cep" class="input" size="10" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->primary_address_postalcode?>"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><small> Exemplo: 11350100 </small></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><strong><font face="Verdana">País:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></font></strong></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="pais" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->primary_address_country?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><strong><font face="Verdana">Estado:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></font></strong></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="estado_c" class="input" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['estado_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['estado_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if ($Objcandidatos->estado_c == utf8_decode ( $key )) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="center" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%"> <div align="right"> <small><strong><font face="Verdana">Cidade:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></font></strong></small> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="cidade_c" class="input" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['cidade_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['cidade_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if ($Objcandidatos->cidade_c == utf8_decode ( $key )) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <div id="barra">Necessidade Especial</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" align="right" bgcolor="ECECEC"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Tipo de Necessidade:</strong></font></small> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select class="input" name="tiponecessidade" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['tipo_necessidade_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['tipo_necessidade_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->tiponecessidade) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select> <font face="Verdana" color="000000"><small><strong>Outra:</strong></small></font> <input type="text" class="input" name="descri_necessidade_c" size="33" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->descri_necessidade_c?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5" bgcolor="ECECEC"> <div id="barra">Idiomas</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Inglês:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="ingles" class="input" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->ingles) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Espanhol:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="espanhol" class="input" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->espanhol) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Outro Idioma:</strong></font></small> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="outroidioma" size="15" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->outro?>"> <select name="nivel_outro_idioma_c" class="input"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['idiomas_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->nivel_outro_idioma_c) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </td> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Nível Acadêmico</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Nivel Acadêmico:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small> </td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select class="input" name="nivelacademico" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['nivel_academico_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['nivel_academico_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $value ) == $Objcandidatos->nivelacademico) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Experiência Profissional (Atual / Recente)</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Empresa:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="empresa" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->empresa?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Setor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="setor" class="input" size="1" onchange="MudaSubTipo('subsetor',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->setor) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Subsetor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="subsetor" class="input" size="1" id="subsetor"> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Cargo:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="cargo" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->cargo?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Unidade de Negócio / Divisão:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="unidadenegocio" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->unidadenegocio?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Data de Início:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><!--<select name="datainicio" size="1"> <option value="" selected>Mês</option> <option value="01" >Jan</option> <option value="02" >Fev</option> <option value="03" >Mar</option> <option value="04" >Abr</option> <option value="05" >Mai</option> <option value="06" >Jun</option> <option value="07" >Jul</option> <option value="08" >Ago</option> <option value="09" >Set</option> <option value="10" >Out</option> <option value="11" >Nov</option> <option value="12" >Dez</option> </select> / <strong> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> --> <input type="text" name="datainicio" size="10" value="<?=FormataDataPagina ( $Objcandidatos->datainicio )?>" class="input"> </font></strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><small><font face="verdana" size="1">(dd/mm/aaaa)</font></small> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Atual:</td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="checkbox" name="atual_c" class="input" value="1" <?php if($Objcandidatos->atual_c) echo ' checked'; ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Data de Desligamento:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><!-- <select name="datadesligamento" size="1"> <option value="" selected>Mês</option> <option value="01" >Jan</option> <option value="02" >Fev</option> <option value="03" >Mar</option> <option value="04" >Abr</option> <option value="05" >Mai</option> <option value="06" >Jun</option> <option value="07" >Jul</option> <option value="08" >Ago</option> <option value="09" >Set</option> <option value="10" >Out</option> <option value="11" >Nov</option> <option value="12" >Dez</option> </select> / <strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> --> <input class="input" type="text" name="datadesligamento" size="10" value="<?=FormataDataPagina ( $Objcandidatos->datadesligamento )?>"> </font></strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><small><font face="verdana" size="1">(dd/mm/aaaa)</font></small></font><strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></strong></td> </tr> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Salário:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="salario_c" size="1" class="input"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['salario_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['salario_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->salario_c) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Relação com a Empresa:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="relacaoempresa" size="1" class="input"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['Candidatos_relacao_empresa_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['Candidatos_relacao_empresa_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $value ) == $Objcandidatos->relacaoempresa) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Experiência Profissional (Atual 2 / Anterior)</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Empresa:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="empresab" size="60" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->empresab?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Setor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="setorb" class="input" size="1" onchange="MudaSubTipo('subsetorb',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->setorb) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Subsetor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="subsetorb" class="input" id="subsetorb" size="1"> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Cargo:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="cargob" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->cargob?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Unidade de Negócio / Divisão:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="unidadenegociob" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->unidadenegociob?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Data de Início:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><!--<select name="select6" size="1"> <option value="" selected>Mês</option> <option value="01" >Jan</option> <option value="02" >Fev</option> <option value="03" >Mar</option> <option value="04" >Abr</option> <option value="05" >Mai</option> <option value="06" >Jun</option> <option value="07" >Jul</option> <option value="08" >Ago</option> <option value="09" >Set</option> <option value="10" >Out</option> <option value="11" >Nov</option> <option value="12" >Dez</option> </select> / <strong> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> --> <input type="text" name="datainiciob" size="10" class="input" value="<?=FormataDataPagina ( $Objcandidatos->datainiciob )?>"> </font></strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><small><font face="verdana" size="1">(dd/mm/aaaa)</font></small> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Atual:</td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="checkbox" class="input" name="atual2_c" value="1" <?php if($Objcandidatos->atual2_c) echo ' checked'; ?> > </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Data de Desligamento:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="datadesligamentob" size="10" value="<?=FormataDataPagina ( $Objcandidatos->datadesligamentob )?>"> </font></strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><small><font face="verdana" size="1">(dd/mm/aaaa)</font></small></font><strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></strong></td> </tr> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Salário:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="salario2_c" class="input" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['salario_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['salario_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->salario2_c) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Relação com a Empresa:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select class="input" name="relacaoempresab" size="1"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['Candidatos_relacao_empresa_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['Candidatos_relacao_empresa_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->relacaoempresab) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Objetivo 1</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Setor:<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:lighter;">*</span></strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="setorc" class="input" size="1" onchange="MudaSubTipo('subsetorc',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->setorc) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Subsetor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="subsetorc" class="input" id="subsetorc" size="1"> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Cargo:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="cargoc" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->cargoc?>"> <small><font face="verdana" size="1">(Sem abreviação) </font></small></td> </tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Objetivo 2</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Setor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="setor_c" class="input" size="1" onchange="MudaSubTipo('subsetor_c',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)"> <?php if ($GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list']) { foreach ( $GLOBALS ['app_list_strings'] ['setor_list'] as $key => $value ) { $selected = ''; if (utf8_decode ( $key ) == $Objcandidatos->setor_c) $selected = 'selected'; echo '<option value="' . utf8_decode ( $key ) . '" ' . $selected . '>' . utf8_decode ( $value ) . '</option>'; } } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Subsetor:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><select name="subsetor_c" class="input" id="subsetor_c" size="1"> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="32%" bgcolor="ECECEC" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Cargo:</strong></font></small></td> <td height="20" width="68%" bgcolor="ECECEC"><input type="text" class="input" name="cargo_c" size="30" value="<?=$Objcandidatos->cargo_c?>"> <small><font face="verdana" size="1">(Sem abreviação) </font></small></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" width="100%" colspan="5"> <div id="barra">Currículo</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="ECECEC" colspan="2"> <?php // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== if(!empty($Objcandidatos->id)): $candidato = $Objcandidatos->id; $candidato_docs = new candidato_documents; $condicao = 'sab_candid200fndidato_ida="' . $candidato . '" order by date_modified'; $documents = $candidato_docs->Lista(0, 0, $condicao); //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($documents); echo '</pre>'; if($documents): ?> <table bordercolor="#FFFFFF"> <thead> <tr bgcolor="DBDBDB"> <th width="100%" align="left">Nome</th> <th nowrap>Data da inclusão</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($documents as $document): ?> <tr> <?php $doc_rev = new document_revisions; $doc_rev->id = $document['document_revision_id']; $doc_rev->Seleciona(); $doc = new documents; $doc->id = $doc_rev->document_id; $doc->Seleciona(); //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($doc_rev); echo '</pre>'; //echo '<pre>'; var_dump($doc); echo '</pre>'; $download = 'download.php?id=' . $doc_rev->id . '&mime=' . $doc_rev->file_mime_type . '&file=' . urlencode($doc_rev->filename); ?> <td height="20"><a href="<?php echo $download; ?>"><?php echo $doc_rev->filename; ?></a></td> <td height="20" nowrap><?php echo FormataDataHoraPagina($doc_rev->date_entered); ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php endif; endif; // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== // ====================================================================================================== ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Foto:</strong></font></td> <td> <label><input type="file" name="file[]" class="input"></label> <span style="font-size:12px; line-height:15px;"><strong>*</strong>Máximo 5 Mb.</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" align="right"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>Arquivo:</strong></font></small> </td> <td height="20"> <input type="file" name="arquivo" class="input"> <span style="font-size:12px; line-height:15px;"><strong>*</strong>Máximo 5 Mb.</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" align="center" colspan="2"><small><font face="verdana" size="1">(Copie e cole aqui seu currículo detalhado em formato de texto. Não se preocupe com a formatação. O que interessa é o conteúdo. Inclua também neste campo seu CV em outro idioma).</font></small></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" colspan="2"><textarea style="width: 100%; height: 250px;" name="cv_c" class="input"><?php echo $Objcandidatos->cv_c?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td height="20" id="barra" colspan="2"> <input type="button" onClick="Validar(); verificaemail();" value="Cadastrar" style="height:28px;"> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> <div align="center"> <center> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" colspan="2" class=""> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td height="20" width="15" valign="top"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="Acao"> </form> </div> </td></tr></table> </body> </html> ?> "clscandidato.php" <? require_once('variavelglobal.php'); require_once($DiretorioClasses . 'clsbanco.php'); require_once($DiretorioInclude . 'FuncoesGenericas.php'); require_once($DiretorioClasses . 'clsemail.php'); class candidato { var $id; var $date_entered; var $date_modified; var $modified_user_id; var $created_by; var $description; var $deleted; var $assigned_user_id; var $salutation; var $first_name; var $last_name; var $title; var $department; var $do_not_call; var $phone_home; var $phone_mobile; var $phone_work; var $phone_other; var $phone_fax; var $primary_address_street; var $primary_address_city; var $primary_address_state; var $primary_address_postalcode; var $primary_address_country; var $alt_address_street; var $alt_address_city; var $alt_address_state; var $alt_address_postalcode; var $alt_address_country; var $assistant; var $assistant_phone; var $datanasc; var $sexo; var $emailpessoal; var $emailcomercial; var $complemento; var $empresa; var $setor; var $subsetor; var $cargo; var $unidadenegocio; var $datainicio; var $datadesligamento; var $salario; var $relacaoempresa; var $empresab; var $setorb; var $subsetorb; var $cargob; var $unidadenegociob; var $datainiciob; var $salariob; var $relacaoempresab; var $setorc; var $subsetorc; var $cargoc; var $ingles; var $espanhol; var $outro; var $cpf; var $datadesligamentob; var $nivelacademico; var $tiponecessidade; var $salario_c; var $cpf2_c; var $bairro_c; var $salario2_c; var $cidade_c; var $estado_c; var $senha_c; var $numero_c; var $atual_c; var $email_c; var $setorf_c; var $setor_c; var $subsetor_c; var $cargo_c; var $cv_c; var $atual2_c; var $nivel_outro_idioma_c; var $descri_necessidade_c; //alterar campos function Insere() { if($_FILES['file'] != ''){ //Diretório aonde ficará os arquivos $dir = '../custom/SynoFieldPhoto/phpThumb/images/'; //Extensões permitidas $ext = array("gif","jpg","png", "bmp"); //Quant. de campos do tipo FILE $campos = 6; //Se for enviado if ($_FILES['file']['name'] != '') { //Obtendo info. dos arquivos $f_name = $_FILES['file']['name']; $f_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $f_type = $_FILES['file']['type']; //Contar arquivos enviados $cont=0; //Repetindo de acordo com a quantidade de campos FILE for($i=0;$i<$campos;$i++){ //Pegando o nome $name = $f_name[$i]; //Verificando se o campo contem arquivo if ( ($name!="") and (is_file($f_tmp[$i])) and (in_array(substr($name, -3),$ext)) ) { if ($cont==0) { // echo "<b>Arquivo(s) enviados: //</b>"; } // echo $name." - "; //Movendo arquivo's do upload $up = move_uploaded_file($f_tmp[$i], $dir.$name); //Status if ($up==true): // echo "<i>Enviado!</i>"; $cont++; else: // echo "<i>Falhou!</i>"; endif; echo " "; } if($f_name[0] <> ''){ $caminho_paths = $dir . $f_name[0]; //echo $caminho_paths; $largura_alvo = 84; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($caminho_paths); $largura_original = imagesX($img); $altura_original = imagesY($img); $altura_nova = (int) ($altura_original * $largura_alvo)/$largura_original; $nova = ImageCreateTrueColor($largura_alvo,$altura_nova); imagecopyresampled($nova, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $largura_alvo, $altura_nova, $largura_original, $altura_original); $foto_c = 'sab_Candidato_foto_c' . md5 ( $f_name[0] ). '.jpg'; header("Content-type: image/jpg"); imagejpeg($nova,$dir . $foto_c); } } //echo ($cont!=0) ? "<i>Total de arquivos enviados: </i>".$cont : "Nenhum arquivo foi enviado!"; } header("Content-Type: text/html"); } //$idescolhido = rand(00000000,99999999); $Sql = 'insert into sab_candidato '; $Sql .= '( id, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, description, deleted, assigned_user_id, salutation, first_name, last_name, title, department, do_not_call, phone_home, phone_mobile, phone_work, phone_other, phone_fax, primary_address_street, primary_address_city, primary_address_state, primary_address_postalcode, primary_address_country, alt_address_street, alt_address_city, alt_address_state, alt_address_postalcode, alt_address_country, assistant, datanasc, sexo, emailpessoal, emailcomercial, complemento, empresa, setor, subsetor, cargo, unidadenegocio, datainicio, datadesligamento, salario, relacaoempresa, empresab, setorb, subsetorb, cargob, unidadenegociob, datainiciob, datadesligamentob, salariob, relacaoempresab, setorc, subsetorc, cargoc, ingles, espanhol, outro, cpf, nivelacademico, tiponecessidade ) values ('; //$Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($idescolhido, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->id, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->date_entered, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->date_modified, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->modified_user_id, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->created_by, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->description, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->deleted, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->assigned_user_id, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->salutation, 1, 1). ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->first_name, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->last_name, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->title, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->department, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->do_not_call, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_home, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_mobile, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_work, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_other, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_fax, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_street, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_city, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_state, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_postalcode, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_country, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_street, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_city, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_state, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_postalcode, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_country, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->assistant, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->datanasc, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->sexo, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->emailpessoal, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->emailcomercial, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->complemento, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->empresa, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->setor, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetor, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cargo, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->unidadenegocio, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->datainicio, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->datadesligamento, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->salario, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->relacaoempresa, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->empresab, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->setorb, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetorb, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cargob, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->unidadenegociob, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->datainiciob, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->datadesligamentob, 3, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->salariob, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->relacaoempresab, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->setorc, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetorc, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cargoc, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->ingles, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->espanhol, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->outro, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cpf, 2, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->nivelacademico, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql .= FormataCampoBanco($this->tiponecessidade, 1, 1); $Sql .= '); '; $Sql2 = ' insert into sab_candidato_cstm '; $Sql2 .= '( id_c, salario_c, cpf2_c, bairro_c, salario2_c, cidade_c, estado_c, status_c, senha_c, numero_c, atual_c, email_c, setorf_c, setor_c, subsetor_c, cargo_c, cv_c, atual2_c, foto_c, descri_necessidade_c, nivel_outro_idioma_c ) values ('; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->id , 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->salario_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cpf2_c, 2, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->bairro_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->salario2_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cidade_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->estado_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco('Internet', 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->senha_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->numero_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->atual_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->email_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->setorf_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->setor_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetor_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cargo_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->cv_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->atual2_c, 1, 1) . ', '; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco("$foto_c", 1 ,1) . ','; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->descri_necessidade_c, 1 ,1) . ','; $Sql2 .= FormataCampoBanco($this->nivel_outro_idioma_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= '); '; //echo $Sql . '<br><br>' . $Sql2 . '<br><br>'; //exit; InsereBanco($Sql); InsereBanco($Sql2); } function Altera() { //Diretório aonde ficará os arquivos $dir = '../custom/SynoFieldPhoto/phpThumb/images/'; //Extensões permitidas $ext = array("gif","jpg","png", "bmp"); //Quant. de campos do tipo FILE $campos = 6; //Se for enviado if ($_FILES['file']['name'] != '') { //Obtendo info. dos arquivos $f_name = $_FILES['file']['name']; $f_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $f_type = $_FILES['file']['type']; //Contar arquivos enviados $cont=0; //Repetindo de acordo com a quantidade de campos FILE for($i=0;$i<$campos;$i++){ //Pegando o nome $name = $f_name[$i]; //Verificando se o campo contem arquivo if ( ($name!="") and (is_file($f_tmp[$i])) and (in_array(substr($name, -3),$ext)) ) { if ($cont==0) { //echo "<b>Arquivo(s) enviados: //</b>"; } // echo $name." - "; //Movendo arquivo's do upload $up = move_uploaded_file($f_tmp[$i], $dir.$name); //Status if ($up==true): // echo "<i>Enviado!</i>"; $cont++; else: //echo "<i>Falhou!</i>"; endif; echo " "; } if($f_name[0] <> ''){ $caminho_paths = $dir . $f_name[0]; //echo $caminho_paths; $largura_alvo = 84; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($caminho_paths); $largura_original = imagesX($img); $altura_original = imagesY($img); $altura_nova = (int) ($altura_original * $largura_alvo)/$largura_original; $nova = ImageCreateTrueColor($largura_alvo,$altura_nova); imagecopyresampled($nova, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $largura_alvo, $altura_nova, $largura_original, $altura_original); $foto_c = 'sab_Candidato_foto_c' . md5 ( $f_name[0] ). '.jpg'; header("Content-type: image/jpg"); imagejpeg($nova,$dir . $foto_c); } } //echo ($cont!=0) ? "<i>Total de arquivos enviados: </i>".$cont : "Nenhum arquivo foi enviado!"; } header("Content-Type: text/html"); $Sql = 'Update sab_candidato'; $Complemento = ' Set '; $Sql .= $Complemento . 'date_entered = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->date_entered, 3, 1); $Complemento = ', '; $Sql .= $Complemento . 'date_modified = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->date_modified, 3, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'modified_user_id = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->modified_user_id, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'created_by = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->created_by, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'description = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->description, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'deleted = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->deleted, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'assigned_user_id = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->assigned_user_id, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento . 'salutation= ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->salutation, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' first_name = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->first_name, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' last_name = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->last_name, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' title = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->title, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' department = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->department, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' do_not_call = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->do_not_call, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' phone_home = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_home, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' phone_mobile = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_mobile, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' phone_work = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_work, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' phone_other = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_other, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' phone_fax = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->phone_fax, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' primary_address_street = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_street, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' primary_address_city = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_city, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' primary_address_state = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_state, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' primary_address_postalcode = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_postalcode, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' primary_address_country = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->primary_address_country, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' alt_address_street = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_street, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' alt_address_city = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_city, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' alt_address_postalcode = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_postalcode, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' alt_address_country = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->alt_address_country, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' assistant = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->assistant, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' datanasc = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->datanasc, 3, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' sexo = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->sexo, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' emailpessoal = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->emailpessoal, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' emailcomercial = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->emailcomercial, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' complemento = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->complemento, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' empresa = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->empresa, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' setor = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->setor, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' subsetor = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetor, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' cargo = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cargo, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' unidadenegocio = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->unidadenegocio, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' datainicio = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->datainicio, 3, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' datadesligamento = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->datadesligamento, 3, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' salario = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->salario, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' relacaoempresa = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->relacaoempresa, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' empresab = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->empresab, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' setorb = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->setorb, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' subsetorb = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetorb, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' cargob = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cargob, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' unidadenegociob = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->unidadenegociob, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' salariob = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->salariob, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' relacaoempresab = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->relacaoempresab, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' setorc = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->setorc, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' subsetorc = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetorc, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' cargoc = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cargoc, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' ingles = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->ingles, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' espanhol = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->espanhol, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' outro = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->outro, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' cpf = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cpf, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' datadesligamentob = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->datadesligamentob, 3, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' nivelacademico = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->nivelacademico, 1, 1); $Sql .= $Complemento .' tiponecessidade = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->tiponecessidade, 1, 1); $Sql2 = 'Update sab_candidato_cstm'; $Complemento = ' Set '; $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' salario_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->salario_c, 1, 1); $Complemento = ', '; $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' cpf2_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cpf2_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' bairro_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->bairro_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' salario2_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->salario2_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' cidade_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cidade_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' estado_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->estado_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' numero_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->numero_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' atual_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->atual_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' email_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->email_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' setorf_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->setorf_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' setor_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->setor_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' subsetor_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->subsetor_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' cargo_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cargo_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' senha_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->senha_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' cv_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->cv_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' atual2_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->atual2_c, 1, 1); if($foto_c != ''){$Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' foto_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco("$foto_c", 1, 1);} $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' descri_necessidade_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->descri_necessidade_c, 1, 1); $Sql2 .= $Complemento . ' nivel_outro_idioma_c = ' .FormataCampoBanco($this->nivel_outro_idioma_c, 1, 1); $Sql .= ' Where id = ' . FormataCampoBanco($this->id, 1, 0); $Sql2 .= ' Where id_c = ' . FormataCampoBanco($this->id, 1, 0); AlteraBanco($Sql); AlteraBanco($Sql2); //echo $Sql; } function Seleciona() { $Sql = 'Select * from sab_candidato where id = "' . trim($this->id) . '"'; $ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($Sql); if ($ArrSql){ $this->date_entered = $ArrSql[0]['date_entered']; $this->date_modified = $ArrSql[0]['date_modified']; $this->modified_user_id = $ArrSql[0]['modified_user_id']; $this->created_by = $ArrSql[0]['created_by']; $this->description = $ArrSql[0]['description']; $this->deleted = $ArrSql[0]['deleted']; $this->assigned_user_id = $ArrSql[0]['assigned_user_id']; $this->salutation = $ArrSql[0]['salutation']; $this->first_name = $ArrSql[0]['first_name']; $this->last_name = $ArrSql[0]['last_name']; $this->title = $ArrSql[0]['title']; $this->department = $ArrSql[0]['department']; $this->do_not_call = $ArrSql[0]['do_not_call']; $this->phone_home = $ArrSql[0]['phone_home']; $this->phone_mobile = $ArrSql[0]['phone_mobile']; $this->phone_work = $ArrSql[0]['phone_work']; $this->phone_other = $ArrSql[0]['phone_other']; $this->phone_fax = $ArrSql[0]['phone_fax']; $this->primary_address_street = $ArrSql[0]['primary_address_street']; $this->primary_address_city = $ArrSql[0]['primary_address_city']; $this->primary_address_state = $ArrSql[0]['primary_address_state']; $this->primary_address_postalcode = $ArrSql[0]['primary_address_postalcode']; $this->primary_address_country = $ArrSql[0]['primary_address_country']; $this->alt_address_street = $ArrSql[0]['alt_address_street']; $this->alt_address_city = $ArrSql[0]['alt_address_city']; $this->alt_address_postalcode = $ArrSql[0]['alt_address_postalcode']; $this->alt_address_country = $ArrSql[0]['alt_address_country']; $this->assistant = $ArrSql[0]['assistant']; $this->assistant_phone = $ArrSql[0]['assistant_phone']; $this->alt_address_city = $ArrSql[0]['alt_address_city']; $this->datanasc = $ArrSql[0]['datanasc']; $this->sexo = $ArrSql[0]['sexo']; $this->emailpessoal = $ArrSql[0]['emailpessoal']; $this->emailcomercial = $ArrSql[0]['emailcomercial']; $this->complemento = $ArrSql[0]['complemento']; $this->empresa = $ArrSql[0]['empresa']; $this->setor = $ArrSql[0]['setor']; $this->subsetor = $ArrSql[0]['subsetor']; $this->cargo = $ArrSql[0]['cargo']; $this->unidadenegocio = $ArrSql[0]['unidadenegocio']; $this->datainicio = $ArrSql[0]['datainicio']; $this->datadesligamento = $ArrSql[0]['datadesligamento']; $this->salario = $ArrSql[0]['salario']; $this->relacaoempresa = $ArrSql[0]['relacaoempresa']; $this->empresab = $ArrSql[0]['empresab']; $this->setorb = $ArrSql[0]['setorb']; $this->subsetorb = $ArrSql[0]['subsetorb']; $this->cargob = $ArrSql[0]['cargob']; $this->unidadenegociob = $ArrSql[0]['unidadenegociob']; $this->salariob = $ArrSql[0]['salariob']; $this->relacaoempresab = $ArrSql[0]['relacaoempresab']; $this->setorc = $ArrSql[0]['setorc']; $this->subsetorc = $ArrSql[0]['subsetorc']; $this->cargoc = $ArrSql[0]['cargoc']; $this->ingles = $ArrSql[0]['ingles']; $this->espanhol = $ArrSql[0]['espanhol']; $this->outro = $ArrSql[0]['outro']; $this->cpf = $ArrSql[0]['cpf']; $this->datainiciob = $ArrSql[0]['datainiciob']; $this->datadesligamentob = $ArrSql[0]['datadesligamentob']; $this->nivelacademico = $ArrSql[0]['nivelacademico']; $this->tiponecessidade = $ArrSql[0]['tiponecessidade']; } $Sql = 'Select * from sab_candidato_cstm where id_c = "' . trim($this->id) . '"'; $ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($Sql); //echo '<pre>' ; var_dump($ArrSql); echo '</pre>'; if ($ArrSql){ $this->salario_c = $ArrSql[0]['salario_c']; $this->cpf2_c = $ArrSql[0]['cpf2_c']; $this->bairro_c = $ArrSql[0]['bairro_c']; $this->salario2_c = $ArrSql[0]['salario2_c']; $this->cidade_c = $ArrSql[0]['cidade_c']; $this->estado_c = $ArrSql[0]['estado_c']; $this->senha_c = $ArrSql[0]['senha_c']; $this->numero_c = $ArrSql[0]['numero_c']; $this->atual_c = $ArrSql[0]['atual_c']; $this->email_c = $ArrSql[0]['email_c']; $this->setorf_c = $ArrSql[0]['setorf_c']; $this->setor_c = $ArrSql[0]['setor_c']; $this->subsetor_c = $ArrSql[0]['subsetor_c']; $this->cargo_c = $ArrSql[0]['cargo_c']; $this->status_c = $ArrSql[0]['status_c']; $this->cv_c = $ArrSql[0]['cv_c']; $this->atual2_c = $ArrSql[0]['atual2_c']; $this->foto_c = $ArrSql[0]['foto_c']; $this->descri_necessidade_c = $ArrSql[0]['descri_necessidade_c']; $this->nivel_outro_idioma_c = $ArrSql[0]['nivel_outro_idioma_c']; } } function Exclui() { $Sql = 'update sab_candidato set deleted = 0 where id = ' . $this->id; DeletaBanco($Sql); } function Lista($numeroregistros = 0, $numeropagina = 0) { $Sql = 'Select * from sab_candidato'; if ($numeroregistros != 0) $Sql .= ' limit ' . $numeropagina . ', ' . $numeroregistros; $ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($Sql); if ($ArrSql) return $ArrSql; else return 0; } function Login($Email = '', $Senha = '') { if((!empty($Email)) && (!empty($Senha))){ //$Sql = 'Select * from sab_candidato where emailpessoal = "'.trim($Email).'" order by date_entered desc'; //$ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($Sql); $SqlSenha = 'Select * from sab_candidato_cstm as scc inner join sab_candidato as sc on scc.id_c = where scc.email_c = "'. $Email .'" and scc.senha_c = "' . $Senha . '" and sc.deleted <> 1'; $ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($SqlSenha); if ($ArrSql){ return $ArrSql; } else return 0; } else return 0; } // Retorna Registro com Operador se existir function VerificaEmail($Pemail) { $Sql = 'Select * from sab_candidato as tb1 inner join sab_candidato_cstm as tb2 on = tb2.id_c where emailpessoal = \'' . $Pemail . '\''; $ArrSql = SelecionaBanco($Sql); if (!$ArrSql) return 0; else return $ArrSql; } function EsqueciSenha($nome) { $Objemail = New email; $ArrEmail = $this->VerificaEmail($nome); if ($ArrEmail){ $Objemail->De = SMTP_USUARIO; $Objemail->Para = $ArrEmail[0]['emailpessoal']; $Objemail->Assunto = "Esqueci Minha Senha"; $Objemail->Tipo = 1; $Objemail->MensagemTEXTO = " Prezado " . $ArrEmail[0]['first_name'] . ", Conforme solicitação estamos enviando sua senha. Usuário : " . $ArrEmail[0]['emailpessoal'] . " Senha : " . $ArrEmail[0]['senha_c'] . " Atenção! Tome cuidado com sua senha, não revele a ninguém. Troque-a com frequência."; $Objemail->Enviar(); //return $Objemail->Enviar(); return 3; } else return 1; } } ?> Aguardo ajuda, Luciano Filho Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
William Bruno 1501 Denunciar post Postado Julho 23, 2010 Cara, ai fica dificil.. oque 'significa' não entra ? e que código absurdo! faça assim: var_dump( $_POST ); compare oque você tá recebendo de verdade, com oque você 'acha' que tá recebendo. Ai depois verifique o banco de dados, se a coluna existe e tem o tipo certo lá. Depois disso, habilite as mensagens de erro. Depois exiba na tela, com um echo, a consulta SQL, antes de mandar executá-la, e veja se a string de INSERT/UPDATE está sendo formada corretamente. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
LuhDesign 0 Denunciar post Postado Julho 23, 2010 Cara, ai fica dificil.. oque 'significa' não entra ? nao é gravado no banco de dados... e que código absurdo! nao é culpa minha peguei o sistema desse jeito... faça assim: var_dump( $_POST ); compare oque você tá recebendo de verdade, com oque você 'acha' que tá recebendo. Ai depois verifique o banco de dados, se a coluna existe e tem o tipo certo lá. Depois disso, habilite as mensagens de erro. Depois exiba na tela, com um echo, a consulta SQL, antes de mandar executá-la, e veja se a string de INSERT/UPDATE está sendo formada corretamente. como pode em um servidor funcionar e em outro servidor não??? sendo o mesmo banco de dados e o mesmo codigo fonte a tabela existe, a coluna existe, o post existe, mas não é inseriodo no mysql Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
William Bruno 1501 Denunciar post Postado Julho 23, 2010 simples: -> versões diferentes de php, mysql, apache, so -> e configurações diferentes de arquivos .ini siga as minhas instruções de debug em #2 agora por exemplo: tem várias datas no teu código. A qual delas você se refere? você poderia ter postado apenas o trecho do insert com problemas. E não 'tudo'. Ficaria bem mais fácil de lhe ajudarmos. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites