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Formulário - Campo não pode ser preenchido

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Tenho sofrido com invasão de spammers nos formulários de meu site. Ouvi falar numa idéia interessante que é o CAPTCHA INVERTIDO e gostaria de implementar.

Seria criar no formulário um campo invísivel ao internauta através de CSS. Este campo deve permanecer em branco e como o usuário não o vê, não tem como preencher. Desta forma, como os robôs costumam preencher todos os campos para garantir que o formulário seja validado, o formulário seria anulado.

Preciso portanto de um script que valide o formulário somente se o campo invisível não for preenchido.

Será que isso existe?

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qq captcha que você faça, é melhor que não dependa de javascript...


veja com a tua linguagem de programação... para validar

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Ok, obrigado pelo resposta. Mas gostaria de tentar essa solução, pois me disseram que dá certo.


Preciso de um script que invalide um formulário, caso um determinado campo seja preenchido.

Alguém pode me ajudar?

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E qual linguagem server-side você vai usar ? php, asp, java..

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Melhor método para prevenir Spam




Imagem de segurança v1.0




CAPTCHA aritmético



'Gerar imagens para fazer um teste CAPTCHA 

FontMap = Array(_
split("13,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9",",") ,_
split("14,*5#4*5,*4#6*4,&2,&2,*3#3*2#3*3,&5,*2#4*2#4*2,*2#3*4#3*2,*2#10*2,*1#12*1,*1#3*6#3*1,&11,#3*8#3",",") ,_
split("11,#8*3,#10*1,#3*4#3*1,&3,&3,&1,&2,#3*4#4,#3*5#3,&9,&8,&2,#9*2",",") ,_
split("11,*4#6*1,*2#9,*1#4*4#2,*1#3*6#1,#3*8,&5,&5,&5,&5,&4,&3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("12,#8*4,#10*2,#3*4#4*1,#3*5#3*1,#3*6#3,&5,&5,&5,&5,&4,&3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("9,#9,&1,#3*6,&3,&3,#8*1,&6,&3,&3,&3,&3,&1,&1",",") ,_
split("9,#9,&1,#3*6,&3,&3,&1,&1,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3",",") ,_
split("13,*4#7,*2#11,*1#4*5#3,*1#3*8#1,#3,#3,#3*4#6,&7,#3*7#3,*1#3*6#3,*1#5*4#3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("11,#3*5#3,&1,&1,&1,&1,#11,&6,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1",",") ,_
split("7,#7,#7,*2#3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&1,&1",",") ,_
split("8,*2#6,&1,*5#3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,*4#4,#7,#6",",") ,_
split("12,#3*5#4,#3*4#4,#3*3#4,#3*2#4,#3*2#3,#3*1#3,#7,#8,&5,#3*3#3,#3*4#3,#3*5#3,&1",",") ,_
split("9,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#3,#9,#9",",") ,_
split("13,#3*7#3,#4*5#4,&2,#5*3#5,&4,#6*1#6,#3*1#2*1#2*1#3,#3*1#5*1#3,#3*2#3*2#3,&9,#3*7#3,&11,&11",",") ,_
split("11,#4*4#3,#5*3#3,&2,#6*2#3,&4,#3*1#3*1#3,&6,#3*2#6,&8,#3*3#5,&10,#3*4#4,#3*5#3",",") ,_
split("13,*4#5,*2#9,*1#4*3#4,*1#3*5#3,#3*7#3,&5,&5,&5,&5,&4,&3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("10,#8,#9,#3*3#4,#3*4#3,&4,&4,&3,&2,#7,#3,#3,#3,#3",",") ,_
split("13,*3#6,*2#8,*1#3*4#3,*1#2*6#2,#2*8#2,&5,&5,#2*4#1*3#2,#2*4#2*2#2,*1#2*4#4,&3,*2#10,*3#6*2#2",",") ,_
split("12,#8,#9,#3*4#3,&3,&3,#3*3#4,&2,&1,#3*2#4,#3*3#3,&3,#3*4#4,#3*5#4",",") ,_
split("11,*3#6,*1#9,#4*4#2,#3*6#1,#4,#8,&2,*3#8,*7#4,#1*7#3,#3*4#4,#10,*1#7",",") ,_
split("11,#11,&1,*4#3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3,&3",",") ,_
split("11,#3*5#3,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,&1,#4*3#4,*1#9,*3#5",",") ,_
split("14,#3*8#3,*1#3*6#3,&2,*1#3*5#4,*2#3*4#3,&5,*3#3*2#3,&7,&7,*4#6,&10,&10,*5#4",",") ,_
split("17,#3*4#3*4#3,&1,#3*3#5*3#3,*1#3*2#2*1#2*2#3,&4,*1#3*1#3*1#3*1#3,&6,*1#3*1#2*3#2*1#3,&8,*2#5*3#5,&10,*2#4*5#4,&12",",") ,_
split("14,#4*6#4,*1#4*4#4,*2#4*2#4,*3#3*2#3,*3#8,*4#6,*5#4,&6,&5,&4,&3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("13,#4*5#4,*1#3*5#3,*2#3*3#3,*2#4*1#4,*3#3*1#3,*3#7,*4#5,*5#3,&8,&8,&8,&8,&8",",") ,_
split("10,#10,&1,*6#4,*5#4,*5#3,*4#3,*3#4,*3#3,*2#3,*1#4,#4,&1,&1",",") ,_
split("10,*3#4*3,*1#8*1,*1#3*2#3*1,#3*4#3,&4,&4,&4,&4,&4,&4,&3,&2,&1",",") ,_
split("9,*3#3*3,&1,#6*3,&3,*3#3*3,&5,&5,&5,&5,&5,&5,#9,&12",",") ,_
split("10,*1#6*3,#8*2,#2*3#4*1,#1*5#3*1,*6#3*1,&5,*5#3*2,*4#4*2,*3#4*3,*2#4*4,*1#4*5,#10,&12",",") ,_
split("11,*1#8*2,#10*1,#3*5#3,#1*7#3,*7#3*1,*3#6*2,*3#7*1,*7#4,*8#3,&4,#3*4#4,&2,*1#7*3",",") ,_
split("12,*6#4*2,*5#5*2,&2,*4#2*1#3*2,*3#3*1#3*2,*2#3*2#3*2,*1#3*3#3*2,#3*4#3*2,#12,&9,*7#3*2,&11,&11",",") ,_
split("11,*1#10,&1,*1#3*7,&3,*1#8*2,*1#9*1,*7#4,*8#3,&8,#1*7#3,#3*4#3*1,#10*1,*1#7*3",",") ,_
split("11,*4#6*1,*2#8*1,*1#4*6,*1#3*7,#3*1#5*2,#10*1,#3*4#4,#3*5#3,&8,&8,*1#3*3#3*1,*1#9*1,*3#5*3",",") ,_
split("11,#11,&1,*7#4,*7#3*1,*6#4*1,*6#3*2,*5#3*3,*4#4*3,*4#3*4,*3#4*4,*3#3*5,*2#3*6,*1#4*6",",") ,_
split("11,*2#7*2,*1#9*1,#3*4#4,#3*5#3,#4*3#3*1,*1#8*2,&1,*1#3*1#5*1,&4,&4,#4*3#4,&2,*2#6*3",",") ,_
split("11,*3#5*3,*1#9*1,*1#3*3#3*1,#3*5#3,&4,&4,#4*4#3,*1#10,*2#5*1#3,*7#3*1,*6#4*1,*1#8*2,*1#6*4",",") _
)'linha deve terminar com _ 

'# inicio ColorMap
const BmpColorMap = "dffeff000c851700eceeee006c363600da644a00"

ColorMap = Array(_
split("00,01,01",",") ,_
split("02,03,03",",") ,_
split("00,04,04",",") _
)'fim ColorMap

'#Auto calculado variáveis
dim ImageWidth, ImageHeight, arrTextWidth(), TextHeight, LeftMargin, arrTopMargin(), CursorPos
dim BmpEndLine, BColor, TColor, NColor
dim i, j, k, x, y

'#Editável consts e variáveis
dim Bitmap(25,130) '[Height,Width]
const CodeLength = 6 'código comprimento(Max:8)
const CodeType = 1 '0[Random números], 1 [Random chars e números], 2 [Fake palavra]
const CharTracking = 2 'Configure o monitoramento entre dois personagens
const RndTopMargin = true'Aleatório margem superior cada caracter
const NoiseEffect = 2 '0 [nenhum], 1 [esquema], 2 [aleatória conhecimentos linhas], 3 [aleatória fundo linhas], 4 [1 e 3 (Recommed máximo NoiseLine = 4)]
const NoiseLine = 7 'Baixos valores tornam fácil OCR, altos valores diminuem legibilidade
const MinLineLength = 6 'Mínimo ruído linha comprimento
const SessionName = "ASPCAPTCHA" 'Onde armazenar o seu código seguro

'#Subroutinas e functions
function CreateGUID(valLength)
	if CodeType = 1 then
		strValid = "A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9K8L7M6N5O4P3Q2R1S0T1U2V3W4X5Y6Z7"
		strValid = "0516273849"
	end if
	tmpGUID = vbNullString
	tmpChr = vbNullString
	for cGUID=1 to valLength
			tmpChr = Mid(strValid, Int(Rnd(1) * Len(strValid)) + 1, 1)
		loop while CStr(tmpChr) = CStr(Right(tmpGUID,1))
		tmpGUID = tmpGUID & tmpChr
	CreateGUID = tmpGUID
end function

function FakeWord(valLength)
	cVowel = 0
	cConsonant = 0
	tmpWord = vbNullString
	for cWord=1 to valLength
		if (cWord=2) or ((valLength > 1) and (cWord = valLength)) then
			ixChars = 1-ixChars
		elseif (cVowel < 2) and (cConsonant < 2) then
			ixChars = Int(Rnd(1) * 2)
		elseif (cVowel < 2) then
			ixChars = 0
		elseif (cConsonant < 2) then
			ixChars = 1
		end if
		Pattern = arrChars(ixChars)
		tmpWord = tmpWord & Mid(Pattern, Int(Rnd(1) * Len(Pattern)) + 1, 1)
		if ixChars = 0 then
			cVowel = cVowel + 1
			cConsonant = 0
			cVowel = 0
			cConsonant = cConsonant + 1
		end if
	FakeWord = tmpWord
end function

function RndInterval(valMin,valMax)
	RndInterval = Int(((valMax - valMin + 1) * Rnd()) + valMin)
end function

function GetCharMap(valChr)
	dim i, j
	j = 0
	for i=1 to UBound(FontMap(0))
		if CStr(FontMap(0)(i)) = CStr(valChr) then
			j = i
			exit for
		end if

	if j > 0 then
		GetCharMap = FontMap(j)
		GetCharMap = Array(0)
	end if
end function

sub WriteCanvas(byval valChr, byval valTopMargin)
	dim i, j, k, curPos, tmpChr, arrChrMap, strPixMap, drawPixel, pixRepeat

	'encontrar char mapa
	arrChrMap = GetCharMap(valChr)
	if UBound(arrChrMap) < 1 then
		exit sub
	end if

	'write char
	for i=1 to UBound(arrChrMap)
		'obter mapa pixel linha ativa
		strPixMap = arrChrMap(i)
		if Left(strPixMap,1) = "&" then
			j = Mid(strPixMap,2)
			if (IsNumeric(j) = true) then
				strPixMap = arrChrMap(CInt(j))
				strPixMap = vbNullString
			end if
		end if
		strPixMap = Trim(strPixMap)

		'desenhar pixel
		curPos = CursorPos
		drawPixel = false
		pixRepeat = vbNullString
		for j=1 to Len(strPixMap)
			tmpChr = Mid(strPixMap,j,1)
			if (IsNumeric(tmpChr) = true) and (j < Len(strPixMap)) then
				pixRepeat = pixRepeat & tmpChr
				if IsNumeric(tmpChr) = true then
					pixRepeat = pixRepeat & tmpChr
				end if

		'desenhar pixel
				if (drawPixel = true) and (IsNumeric(pixRepeat) = true) then
					for k=1 to CInt(pixRepeat)
						curPos = curPos + 1
						Bitmap((valTopMargin + i),curPos) = TColor
				elseif IsNumeric(pixRepeat) = true then
					curPos = curPos + CInt(pixRepeat)
				end if

				if tmpChr = "#" then
					drawPixel = true
					drawPixel = false
				end if
				pixRepeat = vbNullString
			end if
end sub

sub PrepareBitmap(valSecureCode)
	dim i, j
	'imagem dimensoes
	ImageWidth = UBound(Bitmap,2)
	ImageHeight = UBound(Bitmap,1)

	'char e text largura
	redim arrTextWidth(CodeLength)
	arrTextWidth(0) = 0
	for i=1 to CodeLength
		arrTextWidth(i) = CInt(GetCharMap(Mid(secureCode,i,1))(0))
		arrTextWidth(0) = arrTextWidth(0) + arrTextWidth(i)
	arrTextWidth(0) = arrTextWidth(0) + ((CodeLength - 1) * CharTracking)

	'text altura
	TextHeight = CInt(FontMap(0)(0))

	'left margin
	LeftMargin = Round((ImageWidth - arrTextWidth(0)) / 2)

	'top margin
	redim arrTopMargin(CodeLength)
	arrTopMargin(0) = Round((ImageHeight - TextHeight) / 2)
	if RndTopMargin = true then
		for i=1 to CodeLength
			arrTopMargin(i) = RndInterval(Int(arrTopMargin(0) / 2),(arrTopMargin(0) + Round(arrTopMargin(0) / 2)))
		for i=1 to CodeLength
			arrTopMargin(i) = arrTopMargin(0)
	end if

'cor selecção
	i = RndInterval(0,UBound(ColorMap))
	BColor = ColorMap(i)(0)
	NColor = ColorMap(i)(1)
	TColor = ColorMap(i)(2)

'Aplicar fundo efeito
	if NoiseEffect = 3 then
	end if

	'escreve texto
	for i=1 to CodeLength
		'calcular cursor pos
		CursorPos = 0
		for j=(i-1) to 1 step -1
			CursorPos = CursorPos + arrTextWidth(j) + CharTracking
		CursorPos = LeftMargin + CursorPos

		'escrever activa char
		WriteCanvas Mid(secureCode,i,1),arrTopMargin(i)
end sub

sub DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, valClr)
	dim m, b, dx, dy

	if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(y0,x0) = TColor) then
		clrNoise = vbNullString
		clrNoise = valClr
	end if
	Bitmap(y0,x0) = clrNoise

	dx = x1 - x0
	dy = y1 - y0
	if Abs(dx) > Abs(dy) then
		m = (dy / dx)
		b = y0 - (m * x0)

		if dx < 0 then
			dx = -1
			dx = 1
		end if

		do while x0 <> x1
			x0 = x0 + dx

			if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(Round((m * x0) + B),x0) = TColor) then
				clrNoise = vbNullString
				clrNoise = valClr
			end if
			Bitmap(Round((m * x0) + B),x0) = clrNoise
	elseif dy <> 0 then
		m = (dx / dy)
		b = x0 - (m * y0)

		if dy < 0 then
			dy = -1
			dy = 1
		end if

		do while y0 <> y1
			y0 = y0 + dy

			if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(y0,Round((m * y0) + B)) = TColor) then
				clrNoise = vbNullString
				clrNoise = valClr
			end if
			Bitmap(y0,Round((m * y0) + B)) = clrNoise
	end if
end sub

sub AddNoise()
	dim median, i, j, x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy, dxy

	if NoiseEffect = 1 then
		clrNoise = vbNullString
		clrNoise = NColor
	end if

	for i=1 to NoiseLine
		x0 = RndInterval(1,ImageWidth)
		y0 = RndInterval(1,ImageHeight)
		x1 = RndInterval(1,ImageWidth)
		y1 = RndInterval(1,ImageHeight)

		'Verificar linha comprimento mínimo
		dx = Abs(x1 - x0)
		dy = Abs(y1 - y0)
		median = Round(Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))/2)
		if median < MinLineLength then
			dxy = MinLineLength - median

			if x1 < x0 then
				dx = -1
				dx = 1
			end if

			if y1 < y0 then
				dy = -1
				dy = 1
			end if

			for j=1 to dxy
				if ((x1 + dx) < 1) or ((x1 + dx) > ImageWidth) or ((y1 + dy) < 1) or ((y1 + dy) > ImageHeight) then
					exit for
				end if
				x1 = x1 + dx
				y1 = y1 + dy
		end if

		'Draw linha noise
		DrawLine x0,y0,x1,y1,clrNoise
end sub

function FormatHex(byval valHex,byval fixByte,fixDrctn,valReverse)
	fixByte = fixByte * 2
	tmpLen = Len(valHex)
	if fixByte > tmpLen then
		tmpFixHex = String((fixByte - tmpLen),"0")
		if fixDrctn = 1 then
			valHex = valHex & tmpFixHex
			valHex = tmpFixHex & valHex
		end if
	end if

	if valReverse = true then
		tmpHex = vbNullString
		for cFrmtHex=1 to Len(valHex) step 2
			tmpHex = Mid(valHex,cFrmtHex,2) & tmpHex
		FormatHex = tmpHex
		FormatHex = CStr(valHex)
	end if
end function

sub SendHex(valHex)
	for cHex = 1 to Len(valHex) step 2
		Response.BinaryWrite ChrB(CByte("&H" & Mid(valHex,cHex,2)))
end sub

sub SendBitmap()
	if (ImageWidth mod 4) <> 0 then
		BmpEndLine = String((4-(ImageWidth mod 4))*2,"0")
		BmpEndLine = vbNullString
	end if
	BmpInfoHeader = Array("28000000","00000000","00000000","0100","0800","00000000","00000000","120B0000","120B0000","00000000","00000000")
	BmpInfoHeader(1) = FormatHex(Hex(ImageWidth),4,0,true)
	BmpInfoHeader(2) = FormatHex(Hex(ImageHeight),4,0,true)
	BmpInfoHeader(6) = FormatHex(Hex((ImageHeight * ImageWidth) + (ImageHeight * (Len(BmpEndLine) / 2))),4,0,true)
	BmpInfoHeader(9) = FormatHex(Hex(Len(BmpColorMap)/8),4,0,true)
	BmpInfoHeader(10) = BmpInfoHeader(9)
	BmpHeader = Array("424D","00000000","0000","0000","00000000")
	BmpHeader(1) = FormatHex(Hex((Len(Join(BmpHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(Join(BmpInfoHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(BmpColorMap) / 2) + (ImageHeight * ImageWidth) + (ImageHeight * (Len(BmpEndLine) / 2))),4,0,true)
	BmpHeader(4) = FormatHex(Hex((Len(Join(BmpHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(Join(BmpInfoHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(BmpColorMap) / 2)),4,0,true)

	Response.Buffer = True
	Response.ContentType = "image/bmp"
	Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=captcha.bmp"
	Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
	Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
	Response.Expires = -1

	for y=ImageHeight to 1 step -1
		for x=1 to ImageWidth
			tmpHex = Bitmap(y,x)
			if tmpHex = vbNullString then
			end if
end sub

'#Gerar captcha
if CodeType < 2 then
	secureCode = CreateGUID(CodeLength)
	secureCode = FakeWord(CodeLength)
end if
Session(SessionName) = secureCode
if (NoiseEffect > 0) and (NoiseEffect <> 3) then
end if


function TestCaptcha(byval valSession, byval valCaptcha)
	dim tmpSession
	valSession = Trim(valSession)
	valCaptcha = Trim(valCaptcha)
	if (valSession = vbNullString) or (valCaptcha = vbNullString) then
		TestCaptcha = false
		tmpSession = valSession
		valSession = Trim(Session(valSession))
		Session(tmpSession) = vbNullString
		if valSession = vbNullString then
			TestCaptcha = false
			valCaptcha = Replace(valCaptcha,"i","I")
			if StrComp(valSession,valCaptcha,1) = 0 then
				TestCaptcha = true
				TestCaptcha = false
			end if
		end if		
	end if
end function

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-9" />
<title>CAPTCHA Exemplo</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
	font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
<script language="javascript">
function RefreshImage(valImageId) {
	var objImage = document.images[valImageId];
	if (objImage == undefined) {
	var now = new Date();
	objImage.src = objImage.src.split('?')[0] + '?x=' + now.toUTCString();
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
  <table width="400" border="1" align="center">
	  <td colspan="2" align="center"><strong>CAPTCHA Exemplo</strong></td>
	  <td width="261">CAPTCHA Imagem</td>
	  <td width="123"><img id="imgCaptcha" src="captcha.asp" /><br /><a href="java script:void(0)" onclick="RefreshImage('imgCaptcha')">Mudar Imagem</a></td>
	  <td>Escreva os caracteres da imagem acima</td>
	  <td><input name="captchacode" type="text" id="captchacode" size="10" /></td>
	  <td> </td>
	  <td><input type="submit" name="btnTest" id="btnTest" value="Test Input" /></td>
	if not IsEmpty(Request.Form("btnTest")) then
		Response.Write("<tr><td colspan=""2"" align=""center"">")
		if TestCaptcha("ASPCAPTCHA", Request.Form("captchacode")) then
			Response.Write("<b style=""color:#00CC33"">O código que você digita verificada.</b>")
			Response.Write("<b style=""color:#FF0000"">Você digitou o código errado.</b>")
		end if
		Response.Write("</td></tr>" & vbCrLf)
	end if

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