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Registro no MySQL e no SQL Server

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Olá Pessoal , eu gostaria de que o joomla cadastrasse no mysql e no sql server , porque teria de fazer uma conta no "forum" e uma conta no servidor do jogo , porem eu abri a pasta de registro , mais não entendi nada teria como alguem me ajudar?

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Para fazer isto provavelmente você terá de altera o codigo do joomla para que no momento que ele grave um registro de usuário no mysql também faça o mesmo neste teu sqlserver.


Então você precisa pesquisar nos codigos joomla onde fazer isto e não no sistema.


Este tópico fala sobre como criar novos campos e colocá-los no codigo joomla, imagino que se ele faz isto deve ter algum lugar onde você vai conseguir descobrir como salvar, logo, depois de salvar no mysql você precisa só conectar ao servidor sqlserver e gravar o registro nele também.

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mais o ruim que é PHP orientando a objetos , o codigo que eu faria no php "normal" seria simplismente a conexão


essa é a conexão com o mssql

$host = "------"; //Servidor do mssql
$usuario = "------"; //Usuario do banco de dados
$senha = "------"; //senha do banco de dados
$db = "-------"; //banco de dados
$conexao = mssql_connect($host, $usuario, $senha) or die ("Erro ao conectar no Banco de Dados");
mssql_select_db($db) or die ("Não foi possivel selecionar o banco de dados");


o registro eu faria assim se fosse "normal"


$register = odbc_exec($connect, "INSERT INTO TB_User(StrUserID, password, Name, Email, sex, postcode, phone, reg_ip, sec_primary, sec_content) VALUES ('$user', '.md5($password).', '$name', '$email', '$sex', '$ps', '$rs', '$ip', '3', '3')");


alguem poderia me ajudar a fazer isso?

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Ok, mas mesmo sendo orientado a objetos você pode colocar este codigo após salvar o registro no mysql !!!


Procure qual script faz a gravação do registro no mysql, daí a gente vai tentando ver por aqui.

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Os servidores são seus? Digo, você pode instalar o que precisar?

Pq se você tiver os privilégios necessários, pode resolver com Linked Server no SQL Server.

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Os servidores são seus? Digo, você pode instalar o que precisar?

Pq se você tiver os privilégios necessários, pode resolver com Linked Server no SQL Server.


sim sim , os servidores são meus , estão hospedados aqui em casa, desculpa se estou enchendo o saco , mais a unica ajuda sempre é aqui mesmo


o com_user\views\register\tmpl\default.php


<?php // no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
	document.formvalidator.setHandler('passverify', function (value) { return ($('password').value == value); }	);
// -->


<form action="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user' ); ?>" method="post" id="josForm" name="josForm" class="form-validate">

<?php if ( $this->params->def( 'show_page_title', 1 ) ) : ?>
<div class="componentheading<?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('pageclass_sfx')); ?>"><?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('page_title')); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="contentpane">
<td width="30%" height="40">
	<label id="namemsg" for="name">
		<?php echo JText::_( 'Name' ); ?>:
 		<input type="text" name="name" id="name" size="40" value="<?php echo $this->escape($this->user->get( 'name' ));?>" class="inputbox required" maxlength="50" /> *
<td height="40">
	<label id="usernamemsg" for="username">
		<?php echo JText::_( 'User name' ); ?>:
	<input type="text" id="username" name="username" size="40" value="<?php echo $this->escape($this->user->get( 'username' ));?>" class="inputbox required validate-username" maxlength="25" /> *
<td height="40">
	<label id="emailmsg" for="email">
		<?php echo JText::_( 'Email' ); ?>:
	<input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="40" value="<?php echo $this->escape($this->user->get( 'email' ));?>" class="inputbox required validate-email" maxlength="100" /> *
<td height="40">
	<label id="pwmsg" for="password">
		<?php echo JText::_( 'Password' ); ?>:
 		<input class="inputbox required validate-password" type="password" id="password" name="password" size="40" value="" /> *
<td height="40">
	<label id="pw2msg" for="password2">
		<?php echo JText::_( 'Verify Password' ); ?>:
	<input class="inputbox required validate-passverify" type="password" id="password2" name="password2" size="40" value="" /> *
<td colspan="2" height="40">
	<?php echo JText::_( 'REGISTER_REQUIRED' ); ?>
<button class="button validate" type="submit"><?php echo JText::_('Register'); ?></button>
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="register_save" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="gid" value="0" />
<?php echo JHTML::_( 'form.token' ); ?>




* @version		$Id: user.php 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $
* @package		Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage	User
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the
* GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative
* of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open
* source software licenses. See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and
* details.

// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();

jimport( 'joomla.html.parameter');

* User class.  Handles all application interaction with a user
* @package 	Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage	User
* @since		1.5
class JUser extends JObject
 * Unique id
 * @var int
var $id				= null;

 * The users real name (or nickname)
 * @var string
var $name			= null;

 * The login name
 * @var string
var $username		= null;

 * The email
 * @var string
var $email			= null;

 * MD5 encrypted password
 * @var string
var $password		= null;

 * Clear password, only available when a new password is set for a user
 * @var string
var $password_clear	= '';

 * Description
 * @var string
var $usertype		= null;

 * Description
 * @var int
var $block			= null;

 * Description
 * @var int
var $sendEmail		= null;

 * The group id number
 * @var int
var $gid			= null;

 * Description
 * @var datetime
var $registerDate	= null;

 * Description
 * @var datetime
var $lastvisitDate	= null;

 * Description
 * @var string activation hash
var $activation		= null;

 * Description
 * @var string
var $params			= null;

 * Description
 * @var string integer
var $aid 		= null;

 * Description
 * @var boolean
var $guest     = null;

 * User parameters
 * @var object
var $_params 	= null;

 * Error message
 * @var string
var $_errorMsg	= null;

* Constructor activating the default information of the language
* @access 	protected
function __construct($identifier = 0)
	// Create the user parameters object
	$this->_params = new JParameter( '' );

	// Load the user if it exists
	if (!empty($identifier)) {
		$this->id        = 0;
		$this->gid       = 0;
		$this->sendEmail = 0;
		$this->aid       = 0;
		$this->guest     = 1;

 * Returns a reference to the global User object, only creating it if it
 * doesn't already exist.
 * This method must be invoked as:
 * 		<pre>  $user =& JUser::getInstance($id);</pre>
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	int 	$id 	The user to load - Can be an integer or string - If string, it is converted to ID automatically.
 * @return 	JUser  			The User object.
 * @since 	1.5
function &getInstance($id = 0)
	static $instances;

	if (!isset ($instances)) {
		$instances = array ();

	// Find the user id
		if (!$id = JUserHelper::getUserId($id)) {
			JError::raiseWarning( 'SOME_ERROR_CODE', 'JUser::_load: User '.$id.' does not exist' );
			$retval = false;
			return $retval;

	if (empty($instances[$id])) {
		$user = new JUser($id);
		$instances[$id] = $user;

	return $instances[$id];

 * Method to get a parameter value
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	string 	$key 		Parameter key
 * @param 	mixed	$default	Parameter default value
 * @return	mixed				The value or the default if it did not exist
 * @since	1.5
function getParam( $key, $default = null )
	return $this->_params->get( $key, $default );

 * Method to set a parameter
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	string 	$key 	Parameter key
 * @param 	mixed	$value	Parameter value
 * @return	mixed			Set parameter value
 * @since	1.5
function setParam( $key, $value )
	return $this->_params->set( $key, $value );

 * Method to set a default parameter if it does not exist
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	string 	$key 	Parameter key
 * @param 	mixed	$value	Parameter value
 * @return	mixed			Set parameter value
 * @since	1.5
function defParam( $key, $value )
	return $this->_params->def( $key, $value );

 * Method to check JUser object authorization against an access control
 * object and optionally an access extension object
 * @access 	public
 * @param	string	$acoSection	The ACO section value
 * @param	string	$aco		The ACO value
 * @param	string	$axoSection	The AXO section value	[optional]
 * @param	string	$axo		The AXO value			[optional]
 * @return	boolean	True if authorized
 * @since	1.5
function authorize( $acoSection, $aco, $axoSection = null, $axo = null )
	// the native calls (Check Mode 1) work on the user id, not the user type
	$acl	= & JFactory::getACL();
	$value	= $acl->getCheckMode() == 1 ? $this->id : $this->usertype;

	return $acl->acl_check( $acoSection, $aco,	'users', $value, $axoSection, $axo );

 * Pass through method to the table for setting the last visit date
 * @access 	public
 * @param	int		$timestamp	The timestamp, defaults to 'now'
 * @return	boolean	True on success
 * @since	1.5
function setLastVisit($timestamp=null)
	// Create the user table object
	$table 	=& $this->getTable();

	return $table->setLastVisit($timestamp);

 * Method to get the user parameters
 * This function tries to load an xml file based on the users usertype. The filename of the xml
 * file is the same as the usertype. The functionals has a static variable to store the parameters
 * setup file base path. You can call this function statically to set the base path if needed.
 * @access 	public
 * @param	boolean	If true, loads the parameters setup file. Default is false.
 * @param	path	Set the parameters setup file base path to be used to load the user parameters.
 * @return	object	The user parameters object
 * @since	1.5
function &getParameters($loadsetupfile = false, $path = null)
	static $parampath;

	// Set a custom parampath if defined
	if( isset($path) ) {
		$parampath = $path;

	// Set the default parampath if not set already
	if( !isset($parampath) ) {
		$parampath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_users'.DS.'models';

		$type = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($this->usertype));

		$file = $parampath.DS.$type.'.xml';
		if(!file_exists($file)) {
			$file = $parampath.DS.'user.xml';

	return $this->_params;

 * Method to get the user parameters
 * @access 	public
 * @param	object	The user parameters object
 * @since	1.5
function setParameters($params )
	$this->_params = $params;

 * Method to get the user table object
 * This function uses a static variable to store the table name of the user table to
 * it instantiates. You can call this function statically to set the table name if
 * needed.
 * @access 	public
 * @param	string	The user table name to be used
 * @param	string	The user table prefix to be used
 * @return	object	The user table object
 * @since	1.5
function &getTable( $type = null, $prefix = 'JTable' )
	static $tabletype;

	//Set the default tabletype;
	if(!isset($tabletype)) {
		$tabletype['name'] 		= 'user';
		$tabletype['prefix']	= 'JTable';

	//Set a custom table type is defined
	if(isset($type)) {
		$tabletype['name'] 		= $type;
		$tabletype['prefix']	= $prefix;

	// Create the user table object
	$table 	=& JTable::getInstance( $tabletype['name'], $tabletype['prefix'] );
	return $table;

 * Method to bind an associative array of data to a user object
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	array 	$array 	The associative array to bind to the object
 * @return 	boolean 		True on success
 * @since 1.5
function bind(& $array)

	// Lets check to see if the user is new or not
	if (empty($this->id))
		// Check the password and create the crypted password
		if (empty($array['password'])) {
			$array['password']  = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword();
			$array['password2'] = $array['password'];

		if ($array['password'] != $array['password2']) {
				$this->setError( JText::_( 'PASSWORD DO NOT MATCH.' ) );
				return false;

		$this->password_clear = JArrayHelper::getValue( $array, 'password', '', 'string' );

		$salt  = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
		$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($array['password'], $salt);
		$array['password'] = $crypt.':'.$salt;

		// Set the registration timestamp

		$now =& JFactory::getDate();
		$this->set( 'registerDate', $now->toMySQL() );

		// Check that username is not greater than 150 characters
		$username = $this->get( 'username' );
		if ( strlen($username) > 150 )
			$username = substr( $username, 0, 150 );
			$this->set( 'username', $username );

		// Check that password is not greater than 100 characters
		$password = $this->get( 'password' );
		if ( strlen($password) > 100 )
			$password = substr( $password, 0, 100 );
			$this->set( 'password', $password );
		// Updating an existing user
		if (!empty($array['password']))
			if ( $array['password'] != $array['password2'] ) {
				$this->setError( JText::_( 'PASSWORD DO NOT MATCH.' ) );
				return false;

			$this->password_clear = JArrayHelper::getValue( $array, 'password', '', 'string' );

			$salt = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
			$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($array['password'], $salt);
			$array['password'] = $crypt.':'.$salt;
			$array['password'] = $this->password;

	// TODO: this will be deprecated as of the ACL implementation
	$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

	$gid = array_key_exists('gid', $array ) ? $array['gid'] : $this->get('gid');

	$query = 'SELECT name'
	. ' FROM #__core_acl_aro_groups'
	. ' WHERE id = ' . (int) $gid
	$db->setQuery( $query );
	$this->set( 'usertype', $db->loadResult());

	if ( array_key_exists('params', $array) )
		$params	= '';
		if ( is_array($array['params']) ) {
			$params	= $this->_params->toString();
		} else {
			$params = $array['params'];

		$this->params = $params;

	// Bind the array
	if (!$this->setProperties($array)) {
		$this->setError("Unable to bind array to user object");
		return false;

	// Make sure its an integer
	$this->id = (int) $this->id;

	return true;

 * Method to save the JUser object to the database
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	boolean $updateOnly Save the object only if not a new user
 * @return 	boolean 			True on success
 * @since 1.5
function save( $updateOnly = false )
	// Create the user table object
	$table 	=& $this->getTable();
	$this->params = $this->_params->toString();

	// Check and store the object.
	if (!$table->check()) {
		return false;

	// If user is made a Super Admin group and user is NOT a Super Admin
	$my =& JFactory::getUser();
	if ( $this->get('gid') == 25 && $my->get('gid') != 25 )
		// disallow creation of Super Admin by non Super Admin users
		$this->setError(JText::_( 'WARNSUPERADMINCREATE' ));
		return false;

	// If user is made an Admin group and user is NOT a Super Admin
	if ($this->get('gid') == 24 && !($my->get('gid') == 25 || ($this->get('id') == $my->id && $my->get('gid') == 24)))
		// disallow creation of Admin by non Super Admin users
		$this->setError(JText::_( 'WARNSUPERADMINCREATE' ));
		return false;

	//are we creating a new user
	$isnew = !$this->id;

	// If we aren't allowed to create new users return
	if ($isnew && $updateOnly) {
		return true;

	// Get the old user
	$old = new JUser($this->id);

	// Fire the onBeforeStoreUser event.
	JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'user' );
	$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
	$dispatcher->trigger( 'onBeforeStoreUser', array( $old->getProperties(), $isnew ) );

	//Store the user data in the database
	if (!$result = $table->store()) {

	// Set the id for the JUser object in case we created a new user.
	if (empty($this->id)) {
		$this->id = $table->get( 'id' );

	// Fire the onAftereStoreUser event
	$dispatcher->trigger( 'onAfterStoreUser', array( $this->getProperties(), $isnew, $result, $this->getError() ) );

	return $result;

 * Method to delete the JUser object from the database
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	boolean $updateOnly Save the object only if not a new user
 * @return 	boolean 			True on success
 * @since 1.5
function delete( )
	JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'user' );

	//trigger the onBeforeDeleteUser event
	$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
	$dispatcher->trigger( 'onBeforeDeleteUser', array( $this->getProperties() ) );

	// Create the user table object
	$table 	=& $this->getTable();

	$result = false;
	if (!$result = $table->delete($this->id)) {

	//trigger the onAfterDeleteUser event
	$dispatcher->trigger( 'onAfterDeleteUser', array( $this->getProperties(), $result, $this->getError()) );
	return $result;


 * Method to load a JUser object by user id number
 * @access 	public
 * @param 	mixed 	$identifier The user id of the user to load
 * @param 	string 	$path 		Path to a parameters xml file
 * @return 	boolean 			True on success
 * @since 1.5
function load($id)
	// Create the user table object
	$table 	=& $this->getTable();

	 // Load the JUserModel object based on the user id or throw a warning.
	 if(!$table->load($id)) {
		JError::raiseWarning( 'SOME_ERROR_CODE', 'JUser::_load: Unable to load user with id: '.$id );
		return false;

	 * Set the user parameters using the default xml file.  We might want to
	 * extend this in the future to allow for the ability to have custom
	 * user parameters, but for right now we'll leave it how it is.

	// Assuming all is well at this point lets bind the data

	return true;


onde eu teria que colocar para ele adicionar ao sql e ao my sql

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Na Internet tem algum material sobre Linked Server que pode ajudar, você pode procurar por "Linked Server MySQL MSSQL". Em caso de dúvida, volte e questione.

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amigo eu não consegui compreender porque oque eu queria seria só nessa pagina mesmo, porque eu gostaria que ao mesmo tempo que cadastrasse no fórum e no jogo , porem o forum é MySQL e o data base do servidor é SQL

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me ocorreu aki fazer uma gambiarra,


logo ali no metodo save, antes do return $result, você fazer um select nos usuarios do joomla, conectar ao mssql, limpar a tabela de usuarios do mssql, e colocar todos la novamente...ou ao inserir no mysql, você pega o ultimo id, seleciona ele no users do joomla, e depois insere no mssql, sao so ideias...

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