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Delegates e eventos entre Form()

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Caros forenses,


Estou encravado num problema e gostaria de ter a vossa ajuda. Tenho uma classe "public class NmeaInterpreter", aonde passo e recebo os eventos através de delegates/eventos:



public delegate void PositionReceivedEventHandler(string latitude, string longitude);



public event PositionReceivedEventHandler PositionReceived;





Tenho mais dois Forms:


Form 2() - aonde ajusto a porta serial e faço o envios dos strings recebidos pelo GPS.

Form 1() - geral aonde analiso e recebo os valores e passo formatado para um TextBox.


Apesar de no Form1() tratar os eventos:


NmeaInterpreter GPS = new NmeaInterpreter();


public Form1()
GPS.PositionReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.PositionReceivedEventHandler(GPS_PositionReceived);




private void GPS_PositionReceived(string latitude, string longitude)
TestBox.Text = latitude.ToString();



- Eu não consigo ler nenhum valor nos TextBoxes! Alguma ideia?


Quando fasso o debug passo a passo, simplesmente reparo que ele ignora os metodos criados...


Outra coisa é, que se eu tiver apenas um Form() aonde trato os eventos e faço os ajustes das portas seriais, ele funciona... mas se quiser passar os dados/strings para outro Form(), não funciona! Aonde está o erro?


Obrigado pelo apoio








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Bom dia Roberto,


Aqui vai o codigo da classe que faz o tratamento dos dados:


//**  A high-precision NMEA interpreter
//**  Written by Jon Person, author of "GPS.NET" (
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class NmeaInterpreter
    // Represents the EN-US culture, used for numers in NMEA sentences
    public static CultureInfo NmeaCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");
    // Used to convert knots into miles per hour
    public static double MPHPerKnot = double.Parse("1.150779", NmeaCultureInfo);

    #region Delegates
    public delegate void PositionReceivedEventHandler(string latitude, string longitude);
    public delegate void DateTimeChangedEventHandler(System.DateTime dateTime);
    public delegate void BearingReceivedEventHandler(double bearing);
    public delegate void SpeedReceivedEventHandler(double speed);
    public delegate void SpeedLimitReachedEventHandler();
    public delegate void FixObtainedEventHandler();
    public delegate void FixLostEventHandler();
    public delegate void SatelliteReceivedEventHandler(int pseudoRandomCode, int azimuth, int elevation, int signalToNoiseRatio);
    public delegate void HDOPReceivedEventHandler(double value);
    public delegate void VDOPReceivedEventHandler(double value);
    public delegate void PDOPReceivedEventHandler(double value);
    public delegate void SatellitesInViewReceivedEventHandler(int value);
    public delegate void SatellitesUsedReceivedEventHandler(int value);
    public delegate void EllipsoidHeightReceivedEventHandler(double value);

    #region Events
    public event PositionReceivedEventHandler PositionReceived;
    public event DateTimeChangedEventHandler DateTimeChanged;
    public event BearingReceivedEventHandler BearingReceived;
    public event SpeedReceivedEventHandler SpeedReceived;
    public event SpeedLimitReachedEventHandler SpeedLimitReached;
    public event FixObtainedEventHandler FixObtained;
    public event FixLostEventHandler FixLost;
    public event SatelliteReceivedEventHandler SatelliteReceived;
    public event HDOPReceivedEventHandler HDOPReceived;
    public event VDOPReceivedEventHandler VDOPReceived;
    public event PDOPReceivedEventHandler PDOPReceived;
    public event SatellitesInViewReceivedEventHandler SatellitesInViewReceived;
    public event SatellitesUsedReceivedEventHandler SatellitesUsed;
    public event EllipsoidHeightReceivedEventHandler EllipsoidHeightReceived;

    // Processa a informação do Receptor GPS
    public bool Parse(string sentence)
        // Discard the sentence if its checksum does not match our
        // calculated checksum
        if (!IsValid(sentence)) return false;
        // Look at the first word to decide where to go next
        switch (GetWords(sentence)[0])
            case "$GPRMC":
                // A "Recommended Minimum" sentence was found!
                return ParseGPRMC(sentence);
            case "$GPGSV":
                // A "Satellites in View" sentence was recieved
                return ParseGPGSV(sentence);
            case "$GPGSA":
                return ParseGPGSA(sentence);
            case "$GPGGA":
                return ParseGPGGA(sentence);
                // Indicate that the sentence was not recognized
                return false;
    // Divide os dados em words individuais
    public string[] GetWords(string sentence)
        //strip off the final * + checksum
        sentence = sentence.Substring(0, sentence.IndexOf("*"));
        //now split it up
        return sentence.Split(',');
    // Interprets a $GPRMC message
    public bool ParseGPRMC(string sentence)
        // Divide the sentence into words
        string[] Words = GetWords(sentence);
        // Do we have enough values to describe our location?
        if (Words[3] != "" & Words[4] != "" &
          Words[5] != "" & Words[6] != "")
            // Yes. Extract latitude and longitude
            // Append hours
            string Latitude = Words[3].Substring(0, 2) + "°";
            // Append minutes
            Latitude = Latitude + Words[3].Substring(2) + "\"";
            // Append hours
            Latitude = Latitude + Words[4]; // Append the hemisphere
            string Longitude = Words[5].Substring(0, 3) + "°";
            // Append minutes
            Longitude = Longitude + Words[5].Substring(3) + "\"";
            // Append the hemisphere
            Longitude = Longitude + Words[6];
            // Notify the calling application of the change
            if (PositionReceived != null)
                PositionReceived(Latitude, Longitude);
        // Do we have enough values to parse satellite-derived time?
        if (Words[1] != "")
            // Yes. Extract hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds
            int UtcHours = Convert.ToInt32(Words[1].Substring(0, 2));
            int UtcMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(Words[1].Substring(2, 2));
            int UtcSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(Words[1].Substring(4, 2));
            int UtcMilliseconds = 0;
            // Extract milliseconds if it is available
            if (Words[1].Length > 7)
                UtcMilliseconds = Convert.ToInt32(Words[1].Substring(7));
            // Now build a DateTime object with all values
            System.DateTime Today = System.DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            System.DateTime SatelliteTime = new System.DateTime(Today.Year,
              Today.Month, Today.Day, UtcHours, UtcMinutes, UtcSeconds,
            // Notify of the new time, adjusted to the local time zone
            if (DateTimeChanged != null)
        // Do we have enough information to extract the current speed?
        if (Words[7] != "")
            // Yes.  Parse the speed and convert it to MPH
            double Speed = double.Parse(Words[7], NmeaCultureInfo) *
            // Notify of the new speed
            if (SpeedReceived != null)
            // Are we over the highway speed limit?
            if (Speed > 55)
                if (SpeedLimitReached != null)
        // Do we have enough information to extract bearing?
        if (Words[8] != "")
            // Indicate that the sentence was recognized
            double Bearing = double.Parse(Words[8], NmeaCultureInfo);
            if (BearingReceived != null)
        // Does the device currently have a satellite fix?
        if (Words[2] != "")
            switch (Words[2])
                case "A":
                    if (FixObtained != null)
                case "V":
                    if (FixLost != null)
        // Indicate that the sentence was recognized
        return true;
    // Interprets a "Satellites in View" NMEA sentence
    public bool ParseGPGSV(string sentence)
        int PseudoRandomCode = 0;
        int Azimuth = 0;
        int Elevation = 0;
        int SignalToNoiseRatio = 0;
        // Divide the sentence into words
        string[] Words = GetWords(sentence);
        // Each sentence contains four blocks of satellite information.
        // Read each block and report each satellite's information
        int Count = 0;
        for (Count = 1; Count <= 4; Count++)
             // Do we have enough values to parse satellitesIinView?
            if (Words[3] != "")
                if (SatellitesInViewReceived != null)
            // Does the sentence have enough words to analyze?
            if ((Words.Length - 1) >= (Count * 4 + 3))
                // Yes.  Proceed with analyzing the block.
                // Does it contain any information?
                if (Words[Count * 4] != "" & Words[Count * 4 + 1] != ""
                  & Words[Count * 4 + 2] != "" & Words[Count * 4 + 3] != "")
                    // Yes. Extract satellite information and report it
                    PseudoRandomCode = System.Convert.ToInt32(Words[Count * 4]);
                    Elevation = Convert.ToInt32(Words[Count * 4 + 1]);
                    Azimuth = Convert.ToInt32(Words[Count * 4 + 2]);
                    SignalToNoiseRatio = Convert.ToInt32(Words[Count * 4 + 3]);
                    // Notify of this satellite's information
                    if (SatelliteReceived != null)
                        SatelliteReceived(PseudoRandomCode, Azimuth,
                        Elevation, SignalToNoiseRatio);
        // Indicate that the sentence was recognized
        return true;
    // Interprets a "Fixed Satellites and DOP" NMEA sentence
    public bool ParseGPGSA(string sentence)
        // Divide the sentence into words
        string[] Words = GetWords(sentence);
        // Update the DOP values
        if (Words[15] != "")
            if (PDOPReceived != null)
                PDOPReceived(double.Parse(Words[15], NmeaCultureInfo));
        if (Words[16] != "")
            if (HDOPReceived != null)
                HDOPReceived(double.Parse(Words[16], NmeaCultureInfo));
        if (Words[17] != "")
            if (VDOPReceived != null)
                VDOPReceived(double.Parse(Words[17], NmeaCultureInfo));
        return true;
    // Returns True if a sentence's checksum matches the

    //  Interprets a $GPGGA message
    public bool ParseGPGGA(string sentence)
        // Divide the sentence into words
        string[] Words = GetWords(sentence);
        // Satellites Used
        if (Words[7] != "")
            if (SatellitesUsed != null)
        if (Words[8] != "")
            if (HDOPReceived != null)
                HDOPReceived(double.Parse(Words[8], NmeaCultureInfo));

        if (Words[9] != "")
            if (EllipsoidHeightReceived != null)

       return true;
    // Returns True if a sentence's checksum matches the

    // calculated checksum
    public bool IsValid(string sentence)
        // Compare the characters after the asterisk to the calculation
        return sentence.Substring(sentence.IndexOf("*") + 1) ==
    // Calculates the checksum for a sentence
    public string GetChecksum(string sentence)
        // Loop through all chars to get a checksum
        int Checksum = 0;
        foreach (char Character in sentence)
            if (Character == '$')
                // Ignore the dollar sign
            else if (Character == '*')
                // Stop processing before the asterisk
                // Is this the first value for the checksum?
                if (Checksum == 0)
                    // Yes. Set the checksum to the value
                    Checksum = Convert.ToByte(Character);
                    // No. XOR the checksum with this character's value
                    Checksum = Checksum ^ Convert.ToByte(Character);
        // Return the checksum formatted as a two-character hexadecimal
        return Checksum.ToString("X2");





//*******Aqui vai o Form 1 que funciona. Faz tratamento de dados, serial port, e recebe nos TextBox ***********




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO.Ports;
using NMEA2OSGdemo.Properties;

namespace NMEA2OSGdemo
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        #region declarations
        // NMEA interpreter
        NmeaInterpreter GPS = new NmeaInterpreter();
        // OSGridConverter
        NMEA2OSG OSGconv = new NMEA2OSG();
        // The main control for communicating through the RS-232 port
        private SerialPort comport = new SerialPort("COM1", 4800, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
        public string[] gpsString;
        public string instring;
        public string[] nrthest;
        public double ellipHeight;


        public Form1()
            // Build the form
            // Restore the users settings

            comport.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(port_DataReceived);

            GPS.PositionReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.PositionReceivedEventHandler(GPS_PositionReceived);
            GPS.SatellitesInViewReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.SatellitesInViewReceivedEventHandler(GPS_SatellitesInViewReceived);
            GPS.SatellitesUsed += new NmeaInterpreter.SatellitesUsedReceivedEventHandler(GPS_SatellitesUsed);
            GPS.SpeedReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.SpeedReceivedEventHandler(GPS_SpeedReceived);
            GPS.BearingReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.BearingReceivedEventHandler(GPS_BearingReceived);
            GPS.FixLost += new NmeaInterpreter.FixLostEventHandler(GPS_FixLost);
            GPS.FixObtained += new NmeaInterpreter.FixObtainedEventHandler(GPS_FixObtained);
            GPS.HDOPReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.HDOPReceivedEventHandler(GPS_HDOPReceived);
            GPS.EllipsoidHeightReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.EllipsoidHeightReceivedEventHandler(GPS_EllipsoidHeightReceived);
            GPS.SatelliteReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.SatelliteReceivedEventHandler(GPS_SatReceiveDados);
            OSGconv.NorthingEastingReceived += new NMEA2OSG.NorthingEastingReceivedEventHandler(OSGconv_NorthingEastingReceived);
            OSGconv.NatGridRefReceived += new NMEA2OSG.NatGridRefReceivedEventHandler(OSGconv_NatGridRefReceived);

        #region serialport
        private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
           // This method will be called when there is data waiting in the port's buffer
           // Read all the data waiting in the buffer and pasrse it

             * You would need to use Control.Invoke() to update the GUI controls
             * because unlike Windows Forms events like Button.Click which are processed
             * in the GUI thread, SerialPort events are processed in a non-GUI thread
             * (more precisely a ThreadPool thread).
            this.Invoke(new EventHandler(HandleGPSstring));
        private void HandleGPSstring(object s, EventArgs e)
            string inbuff;
            inbuff = comport.ReadExisting();
            if (inbuff != null)
                if (inbuff.StartsWith("$"))
                    instring = inbuff;
                    instring += inbuff;
                gpsString = instring.Split();
                foreach (string item in gpsString) GPS.Parse(item);/////envia GPS sentence a classe NmeaInterpreter**********
        private void InitialiseControlValues()
            cmbParity.Items.Clear(); cmbParity.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Parity)));
            cmbStopBits.Items.Clear(); cmbStopBits.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(StopBits)));

            cmbParity.Text = Settings.Default.Parity.ToString();
            cmbStopBits.Text = Settings.Default.StopBits.ToString();
            cmbDataBits.Text = Settings.Default.DataBits.ToString();
            cmbParity.Text = Settings.Default.Parity.ToString();
            cmbBaudRate.Text = Settings.Default.BaudRate.ToString();
            foreach (string s in SerialPort.GetPortNames())

            if (cmbPortName.Items.Count > 0) cmbPortName.SelectedIndex = 0;
                MessageBox.Show(this, "There are no COM Ports detected on this computer.\nPlease install a COM Port and restart this app.", "No COM Ports Installed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (comport.IsOpen)
                button1.Text = "Open Port";
                // Set the port's settings
                comport.BaudRate = int.Parse(cmbBaudRate.Text);
                comport.DataBits = int.Parse(cmbDataBits.Text);
                comport.StopBits = (StopBits)Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), cmbStopBits.Text);
                comport.Parity = (Parity)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), cmbParity.Text);
                comport.PortName = cmbPortName.Text;

                // Open the port
                button1.Text = "Close Port";
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
        private void ExitProg()
            if (comport.IsOpen) comport.Close();

        #region GPS data recebido e tratado na public class NmeaInterpreter

        private void GPS_SatReceiveDados(int pseudoRandomCode, int azimuth, int elevation, int signalToNoiseRatio)
            textBox3.Text = azimuth.ToString();

        private void GPS_PositionReceived(string Lat, string Lon)
            textBoxLat.Text = Lat;
            textBoxLon.Text = Lon;
            //convert to OS grid
            if (OSGconv.ParseNMEA(Lat, Lon, ellipHeight))
                //display decimal values of lat and lon
                textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(OSGconv.deciLat);
                textBox2.Text = Convert.ToString(OSGconv.deciLon);

        private void GPS_SatellitesInViewReceived(int SatInView)
            textBoxSatInView.Text = Convert.ToString(SatInView);

        private void GPS_SatellitesUsed(int SatInUse)
            textBoxSatInUse.Text = Convert.ToString(SatInUse);

        private void GPS_SpeedReceived(double Speed)
            textBoxSpeed.Text = Convert.ToString(Speed);

        private void GPS_BearingReceived(double Bearing)
            textBoxBearing.Text = Convert.ToString(Bearing);
        void GPS_FixLost()
            textBoxFix.Text = "Lost";

        void GPS_FixObtained()
            textBoxFix.Text = "Obtained";

        void GPS_HDOPReceived(double value)
            textBoxHDOP.Text = Convert.ToString(value);

        void GPS_EllipsoidHeightReceived(double value)
            ellipHeight = value;
            textBoxEllipsoidHeight.Text = Convert.ToString(ellipHeight);

        #region OSGconv data

        void OSGconv_NatGridRefReceived(string ngr)
            textBoxGridRef.Text = ngr;

        void OSGconv_NorthingEastingReceived(double northing, double easting)
            textBoxNorthing.Text = Convert.ToString(northing);
            textBoxEasting.Text = Convert.ToString(easting);


        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form2 form2 =new Form2();






//************* Aqui vai o 2º Form que deveria receber os dados mas que não funciona ******************




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO.Ports;
using NMEA2OSGdemo.Properties;

namespace NMEA2OSGdemo
    public partial class Form2 : Form

        NmeaInterpreter GPS = new NmeaInterpreter();
        NMEA2OSG OSGconv = new NMEA2OSG();

        public Form2()
            this.GPS.SatelliteReceived += new NmeaInterpreter.SatelliteReceivedEventHandler(GPS_SatReceiveDados);

  //**********************Não funciona! ****************

        private void GPS_SatReceiveDados(int pseudoRandomCode, int azimuth, int elevation, int signalToNoiseRatio)
          this.textBox1.Text = pseudoRandomCode.ToString();
           textBox2.Text = azimuth.ToString();



Existe uma terceira classe mas que não faz falta para a analise que pretendemos.






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Bom dia,


No Form2() eu quero instanciar e criar os métodos que recebam valores dos eventos gerados na Class:


public class NmeaInterpreter



Acontece que eu só consigo receber se fizer no Form() aonde está o tratamento das Portas Seriais. Fora daí fica complicado.


Gostaria de entender o porquê e se existe uma forma de contornar.





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Então, existem algumas restrições quanto a passagem de dados de um objeto para o outro, verifique se suas variáveis estão com o modificador public ou static, pois só assim elas serão acessíveis entre objetos.

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