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Açaõ via $_GET = página undefined! oO

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Glaera, boa tarde. Do nada, o servidor em que estou testando parou de receber as instruções via $_GET. Aparece assim pra mim o erro:




Not Found

The requested URL /domesticas/undefined was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

O que pode ser?

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Galera, já descobri. Uso uma JS para o bootstrap não abrir em outra página via Tela de Início (iOS).


Mas alguém sabe me informar o porque começou esse erro HOJE??

// Listen for ALL links at the top level of the document. For
// testing purposes, we're not going to worry about LOCAL vs.
// EXTERNAL links - we'll just demonstrate the feature.
$( document ).on(
    function( event ){

        // Stop the default behavior of the browser, which
        // is to change the URL of the page.

        // Manually change the location of the page to stay in
        // "Standalone" mode and change the URL at the same time.
        location.href = $( ).attr( "href" );


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Já consegui resolver... encontrei outro código na internet!


Se alguém precisar:

var a=document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++)
        return false

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